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《2022年中考英语阅读理解真题汇编(70题含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年中考英语阅读理解真题汇编(70题含答案).pdf(66页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年 申 卷 英 语 阅 读 理 解 真 题 精 选(70+题)档 1(难 度 值).-;-01We know many musical instruments well,such as pianos,violins,drums and so on.What about the erhul Theerhu is a traditional Chinese instrument.It is the most popular of the huqin family,and it has a long history.The modern erhu developed from the xiq

2、in,which was played by many ethnic minorities(少 数 民 族)duringthe Tang Dynasty.In the Song Dynasty,musicians began to use the erhu to perform different kinds of music,and itbecame quite a popular instrument.With the rise of some forms of folk art,the art of the erhu developed quicklyduring the Ming an

3、d Qing Dynasties.It became an important accompanying(伴 奏)instrument in different folkmusic.At present,it is used in both traditional and modern music,such as in pop,rock and jazz.It has even becomea solo(独 奏)instrument.One of the most famous musical pieces played on the erhu is Erquan Yingyue.As the

4、 erhu was mainly played by common people and the playing skills were passed down orally(口 头 的),there are few written records about the erhu that can be found.To study the history and the development of the erhu,historians(历 史 学 者)usually turn to ancient paintings.The earliest pictures of this instru

5、ment were found in YulinCaves and Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves in Gansu Province,where five erhu pictures were discovered on murals(壁 画).1.When did the erhu become a popular instrument?A.In the Tang Dynasty.B.In the Song Dynasty.C.In the Ming Dynasty.D.In recent years.2.To study the history of the

6、erhu,historians u s u a l l y.A.play the most famous erhu pieces B.listen to different kinds of folk musicC.gel help from ancient paintings D.read some books about ethnic minorities3.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.The hum belongs to the erhu family.B.Folk art stops the development of the e

7、rhu.C.People can find plenty of written records about the erhu.D.The erhu is used in both traditional and modern music now.4.You may read the passage in the section of a newspaper.A.culture B.business C.health D.nature5.The passage mainly talks a b o u t.A.the forms of folk music B.the history of th

8、e erhuC.the rise of different dynasties D.the development of Chinese instruments02C h ild c a r e S e r v i c e s j o r B a r e n t s on c H o l i d a pONLY FOR GUESTS STAYING AT THE HAPPY HOLIDAYS HOTELPARENTS who wish to leave their children at the hotel when they go out on their own can use ourch

9、ildcare service.Just call the service desk at the hotel or call us at 1600 123 5777(this call is free).One of our child caretakers will conlact you in your room.Here are the activities your children may enjoy doing:playing board games listening to stories reading books playing computer games singing

10、 songs and dancing painting pictures making craft modelsYour children will be in safe hands!Our childcare service is for children of all ages.PLEASE CALL THE TOLL FREE NUMBER TO FIND OUT MORE A BOUT THE COST OF HIRING A CHILD CARETAKER.1.What kind of writing is the text?A.News.B.Story.C.Ad.D.Email2.

11、How many activities are listed here for the children to enjoy?A.Six.B.Seven.C.Eight.D.Nine.3.The underlined word“contact“probably means _A.learn fromC.write to_in the text.B.agree withD.communicate with4.Who is the text written for?A.Parents who are very busy with their work.B.Parents who stay at th

12、e Happy Holidays Hotel.C.Children who pass by the Happy Holidays Hotel.D.Children who want to enjoy the hotel activities.03Wetlands are any land that is flooded with shallow water all or most of the time.They are a natural waterholding system.There are many types of wetlands.Among them,bogs,marshes

13、and swamps are the three main types.Thedifferent types of wetlands have different kinds of plants.Only mosses(苔 辞)and a few other kinds of plants cangrow in bogs.Grassy plants like cattails(香 蒲)and reeds(芦 苇)are the most common plants in a marsh.A swampis a forest whose ground is underwater all or m

14、ost of the time.Unlike bogs or marshes,a swamp is full of trees andbushes.Ifs not a good idea to go exploring a swamp without a guide.There are hidden pools of water,thick mud,and sometimes big crocodiles(鳄 鱼)looking for their next meal.Hungry crocodiles arent the only animals that make the wetlands

15、 their home.Otters,turtles,frogs,snakes andmany other animals do too.The water is home to many kinds of fish and crabs.Birds,including ducks,geese andcranes,use wetlands seasonally during their long migrations.Wetlands are important because they provide habitats for plants and animals.A wetland syst

16、em can also protectshorelines,make polluted waters clean,prevent floods,and restore underground water supplies.According to WWF,more than half of the worlds wetlands have disappeared since the beginning of the 20thcentury.If this continues,countless plant and animal species will surely die out.Witho

17、ut wetlands,cities have tospend more money to treat water.Dont feel helpless.Try to do your part to protect them right now.Here are someideas.1.According to Paragraph 2,what can you see in a swamp?A.Mosses.B.Cattails.C.Reeds.D.Trees.2.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.Wetland

18、s are a man-made water holding system.B.There are three types of wetlands in the world.C.People cannot meet with big crocodiles in wetlands.D.Wetlands can protect shorelines and prevent floods.3.What is the writer probably going to talk about after Paragraph 5?A.What are the different types of wetla

19、nds?B.What will happen if wetlands disappear?C.What actions can people take to protect wetlands?D.What other kinds of plants and animals live in wetlands?04Tony is reading an advertisement in a magazine.It?s about weekend classes.The Learning Centre,Garden City Weekend Classes for this month:Class 1

20、.Get good grades!Forget information and do poorly on tests?In this class learn to.remember more.think quickly and read fast.get high scores.Class 2.Find true love.today!Are you shy and lonely?In this class,learn to.talk to people:start a conversation with a stranger.be more friendly and outgoing.und

21、erstand a persons body language.Class 3.You are on TV!Many actors get their start in television.You can too!In this class,learn to.act in TV ads.use your voice on the radio.get TV and radio jobs.Class 4.See the world for free!Travelling is expensive.But you can see the world for very little money!In

22、 this class,learn to.get discount(50%80%)on plane tickets.travel with your friends fbr free.see the world by ship.$1 per day!This course is also online at www.ASRLC.1.Whafs the advertisement about?A.Study plan.B.Weekend classes.C.Summer camp.D.Sports meeting.2.How many classes are mentioned in this

23、advertisement?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.3.In Class 2,what will you learn to do?A.Get good grades.C.Be more friendly and outgoing.B.Get TV and radio jobs.D.Travel with your friends fbr free.4.In which class can you take online courses?A.Class 1.B.Class 2.C.Class 3.D.Class 4.5.What does the underlin

24、ed word“discount“in Class 4 mean?A.折 扣 B.免 费 C.礼 品 D.退 款 05Here is a timetable of courses in Childrens Palace.MondaySpace Course19:00-20:00(once a week for two months)Dr.Li Hua(the teacher from Red Star School)More knowledge about the outer space.Place:Room 105ThursdayChinese Clay Art Course19:00-21

25、:00(once a week for three months)Chinese Clay Art.Join us to learn it.Call Ms.Huang Li at8820231.Place:Room 109TuesdayPhotography Course18:30-19:30(once a week for two months)Mr.Chen Yi,from Evening Paper,will show you how totake good pictures.Bring your own camera.Place:Room 218SaturdayCooking Cour

26、se14:00-16:00(once a week for two months)Ms.Qian Hong(a famous cook)Learn some common dishes,like scrambled eggs withtomato(番 茄 炒 蛋).Place:Room 305WednesdayBiology Course18:00-19:00(once a week for one month)Learn about earthworms(蚯 蚓)in a field.Place:In the yard of Childrens PalaceSundayChinese Sha

27、dow Puppetry(皮 影 戏)Course15:00-17:30(once a week for three months)Tell the story of Journey to the West by Mr.LangPlace:Room 3081.When can you learn more about the outer space in Childrens Palace?A.On Sunday.B.On Saturday.C.On Tuesday.D.On Monday.2.Who can you learn from if you want to know more abo

28、ut the Chinese Clay Art?A.From Dr.Li Hua.B.From Ms.Huang Li.C.From Mr.Chen Yi.D.From Mr.Liang3.Where can we have the Biology Course?A.In Room 109.C.In the yard of Childrens Palace.4.What can you learn in the Cooking Course?A.How to cook.C.How to take photos.5.Which course will last for the longest t

29、ime?A.Photography Course.C.Cooking Course.B.In Room 305.D.In Room 218.B.How to tell a story.D.How to make clay pieces.B.Chinese Shadow Puppetry Course.D.Biology Course.06One Monday morning,the students were talking about their homework in the classroom.Last weekend,theirhomework was to sell somethin

30、g.They would use the money they made to buy school things for the children inpoor areas.Now it was time for them to show how successful they were.Liu Ling was the first one to speak.Imade some cakes and sold them.I made 40 yuan J she said happily.t4My friendly words and smiles helped me.Atthe same t

31、ime,the cakes were really delicious.“Good,“said the teacher.Yang Mei said,UI sold newspapers.I made 55 yuan and I told everyone that newspapers can tell us what ishappening around the world.“Very good,Yang Mei,“said the teacher.Li Hang said,“I sold my toys and I made 62 yuan.I told everyone they wer

32、e much cheaper than new toys.”“Great!”said the teacher.Then it was Zhou Yis turn.Everyone looked at him.Zhou Yi walked to the front of the classroom and put abox of money on the teacher desk.“1,242 yuan,he said.“1,242 yuan!”said the teacher.4 4What did you sell?“Toothbrushes,“said Zhou Yi.“Toothbrus

33、hes?the teacher asked.u How did you do it?How many toothbrushes did you sell to make thatmuch money?”“I found the busiest street in town,“said Zhou Yi,“set up a chocolate stand(货 摊)and invited everybody whowalked by to taste my chocolate for free.They all said,4Your chocolate tastes good but it make

34、s my teeth black!Then I said,It is.Do you want to buy a toothbrush?1.Why did the students sell things?A.To help their classmates.B.To make money for themselves.C.To make a survey about selling.D.To help the children in poor areas.2.What did Yang Mei sell?A.Cakes.B.Newspapers.C.Toys.D.Toothbrushes.3.

35、Who made the most money?A.Liu Ling.B.Yang Mei.C.Li Hang.D.Zhou Yi.4.What can we learn from the text?A.The teacher made a lot of money.B.Li Hang and Liu Ling made 102 yuan.C.Zhou Yis chocolate tasted really awful.D.Yang Mei and Zhou Yi made 1287 yuan.07Celebrating the Daily MileOn 28 April,the Daily

36、Mile had its 10th birthday.Ifs a global(全 球 的)movement designed to get children exercising every day.To mark the event,morethan 320,000 students from 1,340 schools around the world completed a mile.Onekid said,“Running a mile every day with my friends builds up my fitness.”Big Issue Produced by Pupi

37、lsBig Issue has launched(发 行)a special 24-page edition(版 本)created byschool children recently.Big Issue is a weekly magazine launched in 1991 to helphomeless people.Pupils in 13 schools across the country have started selling thespecial edition and will give the money they raise to charities.m i4&Th

38、e Richardson Primary School has created a classroom in a train carriage(车 厢),marking 300 years since it was opened.The carriage,which is no longermoving,includes a library,a place to eat,and another learning space.The carriagewill help the school to teach STEM subjects(science,technology,engineering

39、 andmath).Students describe it as“magical”.1.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?A.PICTURE THIS!B.SPORTS DESK.C.HI!KIDS!D.MOVIE MAGIC.2.Its clear that the special edition of Big I s s u e.A.is over 30 years old B.is created by children from 13 schoolsC.is launched monthly D.is sol

40、d to raise money by pupils3.What would be the best heading for the second piece of news?A.Here Comes a“Classroom B.The Magical RichardsonC.STEM Subjects Count D.The 300th Birthday Celebration4.The students describe the train carriage as“magical”mainly b e c a u s e.A.the carriage isnt moving B.there

41、 are three classrooms in itC.they like STEM class D.they can read,eat and learn there5.To celebrate the 10th Daily M i l e,.A.a global competition was held B.320,000 students got togetherC.many kids ran a mile that day D.1,340 schools stopped lessons08Steve is James and Johns big brother.One day,whe

42、n their mum left for work,James and John started crying.They didnt want her to leave.Steve tried to stop them crying and said,Lets play hide-and-seek(捉 迷 藏).Youhide and Fil count to ten.Then Ill try to find you.Steve found James under a chair and John behind a door.Theyplayed over and over again.Eac

43、h time,the two boys hid in the same places.Finally,Steve felt too bored with thegame.Lets take the dog fbr a walk,“he said.When Steve walked the dog,he found James and John were running in the street.He thought it was sodangerous.Then he had an idea.4tAnyone who walks back to the house with me can h

44、ave some snacks!”Steveshouted.At home,the boys ate some cookies and got ready for a sleep.James and John wanted a story.Steve told themthe story about the little red hen.When their mum returned home,she was pleased to find the three sleeping boys.1.James and John started when their mum left home.A.c

45、rying B.running C.reading D.sleeping2.Where did James hide during the game?A.Under a table.B.Under a chair.C.Behind a door.D.Behind a box.3.Why did Steve feel bored with the game?A.Because he was not good at it.B.Because he didnt know where to hide.C.Because his brothers made the room dirty.D.Becaus

46、e his brothers always hid in the same places.4.What were James and John doing when Steve walked the dog?A.Staying in the house.B.Shouting at Steve.C.Running in the street.D.Eating some snacks.5.How did their mum feel when she found the sleeping boys?A.Angry.B.Pleased.C.Afraid.D.Sad.09The Sunshine Pa

47、rk has something for all of you in the coming days.You can have a good time riding rollercoasters here.There is also a water park,a monkey,island and of course delicious foods such as chocolate,ice cream and hamburgers.Now the Candy House is coming and you will have a sweet memory there!Opening hour

48、s for this week:June 27-30,Monday-Thursday,closedJuly 2.Saturday,2 pm-9 pmJuly 1,Friday,5 pm-9 pmJuly 3,Sunday,1 pm-4 pmTickets:Buy tickets at One-Day trip:30 yuan(Ages 5+)Two-Day trip:25 yuan a day(Ages 5+)Free(Children ages 5 or younger)Free(Children ages 5 or younger)Tips:1.Visit for your tickets

49、.2.The sunshine park app can save you much trouble.3.You can also buy tickets at the Ticket Office,working hours.Notes:1.All visitors over the age of 2 must wear face masks(口 罩).2.All visitors should have their temperatures taken before entering.3.Follow directions from the workers in the park.Conta

50、ct:400-99021231.Which of the following is new in the Sunshine Park?A.The roller coasters.B.The Candy House.C.The water park.D.The monkey island.2.When can visitors enter the park?A.June 30,2 pm.B.July 1,3 pm.C.July 2,4 pm.3.How much will Li Lei(aged 8)have to pay for a Two-Day trip?A.60 yuan.B.50 yu


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