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《2019年中考浙江省英语真题汇编:阅读理解.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年中考浙江省英语真题汇编:阅读理解.pdf(48页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2019年浙江省中考英语真题(阅读理解)1.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。STUDY HELPFor many tests and exams,you are tested on your abilities to communicate successfully.In order to speakEnglish fluently,you need to think in English.If you dont,your speech will be slow and it wont sound natural.H ere are some things

2、you can do to.Look at objects around your home and school,and think of what they are called in English.Try to make adirect connection between the object and the English word.When you are out in a public place,practice describing the things and people you see in your mind.Forexample,think,There is a

3、man walking down the street.H es wearing a suit.I think he is going to work.Try tothink in English first,not in your first language.When you have to say something in English,think first and ask yourself What words and phases do I knowin English that I can use in this situation?Try not to think in yo

4、ur first language and translate your ideas intoEnglish.If you do,you will get frustrated very quickly.Try these tips and youll soon find that you are thinking in English.(1)The passage is most probably written to.A.students B.teachers C.parents D.reporters(2)The writer gives some advice on how to.A.

5、greet people in EnglishB.practice thinking in EnglishC.write an article in EnglishD.improve English listening skills(3)The passage above might be from the column(栏目)in a magazine.A.News Corner B.Story G arden C.Language World D.Technology Square【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)C【考点】教育类【解析】【分析】主要讲了为了流利地说英语,你需要用英语思考,你可

6、以做的一些事情。(1)细节题。根据For many tests and exams对于许多考试来说,可知是给学生写的,故选A。(2)细节题。根据 In order to speak English fluently,you need to think in English.可知是练习用英语思考,故选Bo(3)细节题。根据全文可知与说英语有关,即语言,故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。2.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I am going to the store,Uncle Moti,Mina said.Do you w

7、ant to come along?You have not seen much ofthe neighborhood yet.Uncle shook his head.No,thank you,he said.Hlt is just too loud and crowded for me.Everyone is always onthe go,while I am used to the peace and quiet of our village.I feel afraid out there,like a frightened(害怕的)child.Mina sat on the sofa

8、 next to her uncle.Tell me about the village,Uncle Moti,she said.Would I like itthere?Uncle laughed.HWithout a doubt,you would find it dull at first-the loudest sound is usually birdsong.Thepeople I meet on the street are all people I know,and we stop and talk or go to the tea shop and have tea.Ther

9、eare not many shops,but the shopkeepers know all their customers.Everyone is friendly and has a smile foreveryone else.Sounds really nice,Mina said.But I think maybe it is not different in every way.I really wish you wouldcome with me,and I could show you why I say that.Uncle sighed and got up,sayin

10、g,All right,Mina,I will go.,O ut on the street,cars zoomed by,some of them honking.Uncle looked very nervous at all the noise andactivities,and Mina took his hand.Look,she said,there is my friend Nate,and coming down the street is my teacher,Ms.Sanchez.Minawaved to Nate,who waved back,and called hel

11、lo to her teacher.Then she led her uncle down the street to thestore,where she greeted the shopkeeper.H i,Ms.Franklin,this is my uncle Moti,who has come here to live.“O ver here,“Mina took her uncles erm and led him across the street.A sign over a door read Navids TeaShop.Uncle smiled.They went in a

12、nd sat at a table.They ordered tea,and Uncle sighed happily.“Well,I see what you were trying to show me,he said.This neighborhood is your village.Now it will bemine to.It has friends,kind shopkeepers,birds,and even a tea shop.(1)At first,Uncle Moti didnt want to go out with Mina b e c a u s e.A.he m

13、issed his family in the villageB.he felt very tired after a long journeyC.he didnt get used to the life in Minas neighborhoodD.people in Minas neighborhood were unfriendly to him(2)From the underlined sentences in the passage,we can infer(推断)that Mina is a girl.A.brave B.caring C.creative D.humorous

14、(3)The sentence in the passage shows that Minas neighborhood and Uncles village are similar.A.I feel afraid out there,like a frightened child.B.You would find it dull at first-the loudest sound is usually birdsong.C.O ut on the street,cars zoomed by,some of them honking.D.It has friends,kind shopkee

15、pers,birds,and even a tea shop.(4)The story suggests that Uncle Moti will probably later on.A.still feel frightened as beforeB.start to look for a job in a tea shopC.be willing to go out in Minas neighborhoodD.tell people why he came to Minas neighborhood【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)D(4)C【考点】人物传记/故事阅读类【解析】【分析】主要讲

16、了 Mina怎样劝说让Moti叔叔去自己的街区的,并且Mina的街区最终也成了叔叔的街区。(1)细节题。根据It is just too loud and crowded for me.Everyone is always on the go,while I am used to thepeace and quiet of our village.可 知 Moti叔叔习惯了自己的乡 村,不锈钢Mina的街区,故选Co(2)细节题。根据句子可知叔叔看起来是紧张的,Mina拉着叔叔的手,所以看出Mina是关心他人的,即 caring,故选B。(3)细节题。根据 Now it will be min

17、e to.It has friends,kind shopkeepers,birds,and even a tea shop.可知它有朋友、友好的店主、鸟、茶店,故选D。(4)细节题。根据 This neighborhood is your village.Now it will be mine to.可知这个街区既是 Mina 的街区,也是叔叔的街区,即叔叔愿意去Mina的街道,故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。3.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Brooke wanted a dollhouse and some su

18、gar cookies.So the 6-year-old asked Alexa to get them.Alexa wasnther mom or babysitter.It was a voice-activated home assistant powered by Al(人工智能).And it made Brookeswishes come true.A few days later,much to her parents surprise,a$170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookiesshowed up.They ate the cookie

19、s and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital.And thats not the end of thestory.When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV,Alexa devices(设备)in many listenershomes woke up and tried to order dollhouses!Alexa isnt the only Al willing to serve you.Apple H ome Pod has Siri,G oogle H

20、ome has its Assistant,and theupcoming G alaxy H ome device will have Bixby.People who have these devices use them mainly for listening tomusic,checking the weather,and setting timers.According to a report from The Information,nowadays voiceshopping is rare.But many scientists predict a boom(增长)in vo

21、ice shopping in the near future.Is that a goodthing?You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it,even if you are cooking,cleaning,or driving.Inaddition,people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help.But voice shopping has its disadvantages.Unwan

22、ted dollhouses arent the biggest problem.Its usually veryeasy to cancel an order or return products.The thing that worries some people is that these assistants arealways listening.They have to be able to respond when you want them.So they listen for Alexa or O K G oogleor another order.When they hea

23、r it,they start recording the conversation.Some have worried about whathappens shopping habits?And what if someone hacks(入侵)the device?The CIA found a way to hack smart TVsto turn them into spies that listen all the time.O thers could do the same with any smart device.What do you think?Are you ready

24、 to start voice shopping?(1)From the passage,we know that Al exa.A.can look after the babyB.can cook delicious foodC.is a toy doll sold onlineD.is one kind of Al device(2)The underlined word rare in Paragraph 2 probably means.A.unusual B.expensive C.harmful D.impossible(3)Which of the following is t

25、he best to fill in the A in Paragraph 3?A.Convenience is the main advantage of voice shoppingB.The cost of voice shopping is lower than other waysC.The popularity of voice shopping is increasingD.The technology of voice shopping needs improving(4)Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that when people try voic

26、e s h o p p i n g,.A.Al sometimes forgets peoples ordersB.personal information might be hackedC.its difficult to cancel or return productsD.the needs for products cant be satisfied【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)A(4)B【考点】科普环保类【解析】【分析】主要讲了通过介绍Brooke通过声音购物买到了玩具屋和一些糖曲奇饼,讲了声音购物的优缺点。(1)细节题。根据 It was a voice-activated hom

27、e assistant powered by AI(人工智能).可知它是一种人工智能,故 选 D。(2)细节题。根据后句 But many scientists predict a boom(增长)in voice shopping in the near future.可知但是科学家预测声音购物在将来会增长,所以现在是稀有的,即不同寻常的,故选A。(3)细节题。根据后句You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it主要你一想到它你就可以喊出订单,可知是声音购物的便利,故选A。(4)细节题。根据 And what if someone

28、 hacks(入侵)the device?The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs toturn them into spies that listen all the time.O thers could do the same with any smart device.可知私人信息可能被入侵,故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。4.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Tourism(旅游业)is one of the worlds largest industries.Many count

29、ries depend heavily on tourism as animportant part of their economy(经济),while other countries-such as some of the smaller Caribbean islandnations-are almost completely dependent on tourism.Despite its economic advantages,tourism has disadvantages,too.While countries spend millions attractingtourists

30、,they are also under the pressure that tourism brings.O ne of the biggest problems is environmental.The building of roads and hotels can quickly destroy those verybeautiful places.Development on wetlands,for example,influences wildlife;forests disappear as they arecleared to make way for buildings a

31、nd to provide fuel(燃料).In addition,the tourist industry also puts a hugepressure on water people need.In dry Mediterranean areas,tourists use almost twice as much water as localpeople when swimming in the pool.Tourism is also responsible for producing plenty of waste.Cruise ships in the Caribbean pr

32、oduce a lot ofrubbish-more than 70,000 tons each year.It even has an influence on places far away like the H imalayas,thewords highest mountain,which has more than 100 tons of rubbish sitting on it.In spite of these problems,tourism can be good for communities and the environment.The park-entrancefe

33、es(费用)are paid for the protection of places of interest or the animals.Whats more,tourism brings peoplecloser to nature,and can give them a better understanding of the environment and the result of destroying it.This leads to pressure on local governments to protect these beautiful areas,and can res

34、ult in the protection ofendangered plants and animals.Also,it can provide people with more opportunities to find jobs in the touristindustry.Although tourism has many advantages,it clearly has a bad influence as well.The challenge for local andnational governments is to manage tourism so that commun

35、ities can benefit economically,and yet at the sametime,make sure that the tourist areas are kept for all to enjoy.(1)Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 mainly talk about the of tourism.A.disadvantages B.development C.importance D.survey(2)The writer shows the waste problem is serious by.A.telling stories B

36、.listing facts C.asking questions D.making comparisons(3)According to Paragraph 5,which of the following are the advantages of tourism?The money from tourism is used to protect the environment.Tourism can help people better understand the local culture.People can get more chances to find jobs relate

37、d to tourism.H umans and nature are becoming closer with the help of tourism.A.B.C.D.(4)The writer advises the government to at the end of the passage.A.attract more touristsB.care about the economyC.develop the tourist industryD.manage tourism well【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)C(4)D【考点】说明文【解析】【分析】主要讲了旅游业的优缺点。(1)细

38、节题。根据第二段 Despite its economic advantages,tourism has disadvantages,too.尽管旅游业有优点,但是也有缺点,3 到 4 自然段讲的是旅游业的缺点,故选A。(2)细节题。根据 Cruise ships in the Caribbean produce a lot of rubbish-more than 70,000 tons each year.Iteven has an influence on places far away like the H imalayas,the words highest mountain,whi

39、ch has more than100 tons of rubbish sitting on it.可知游轮每年产生70000多吨垃圾,喜马拉雅山有100吨垃圾,举了两个事实例子说明废弃物问题,故选B。(3)细节题。根据 The park-entrance fees(费用)are paid for the protection of places of interest or the animals.可知是正确的;Whats more,tourism brings people closer to nature,and can give them a betterunderstanding o

40、f the environment and the result of destroying it 可知是正确的;根据 Also,it can providepeople with more opportunities to find jobs in the tourist industry.可知是正确的,故选 C。(4)细节题。根据 The challenge for local and national governments is to manage tourism so that communitiescan benefit economically,and yet at the sa

41、me time,make sure that the tourist areas are kept for all to enjoy.可知作者希望当地政府可以良好的管理旅游业,使得旅客能很好地享受他们的旅行,故选D。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。5.阅读理解H ot Dog is popular.Its not a dog,but a cooked sausage in a long piece of bread.H ere are some stories andfacts about it from English websites.H ISTO RY of

42、 H ot DogH O T DO G FUN FACTSThe 1600sA G erman called Johann G eorghehner created the dachshund sausage.Dachshund is a G erman small long thin dog.The 1860sWorld record for eating hotdogs:73 in ten minutes.Hot dogs were one of the firstThe very first hot dog the dachshund sausage in a roll was sold

43、by G ermans in New York.It became popular in the US later.1871Charles Feltman,a G erman,started the first Coney Island hot dog stand.Itmade hot dogs known to more people.1893Chris Von Der Ahe started the American tradition of eating hot dogs atbaseball parks,making hot dogs more popular.1901A New Yo

44、rk cartoonist.Tad Dorgan,saw the red hot dachshund sausagessold on streets.H e wanted to draw a picture of it,but he wasnt sure how tospell dachshund,so he simply wrote H ot Dog.It is widely believed howH ot Dog had its name.1949The first vegetarian hot dogs came out.foods eaten on the moon/aAbout 1

45、50 million hot dogsare eaten by Americans eachJuly 4th.About 21 million hot dogswere sold at American baseballparksin 2010.New Yorkers eat more hotdogs than anyother city population in theUS.(1)Americans started the tradition of eating hot dogs at baseball parks in.A.1871 B.1893 C.1901 D.1949(2)Its

46、believed that the name H ot Dog was created by.A.Tad Dorgan B.Charles Feltman C.Chris Von Der Ahe D.Johann G eorghehner(3)What can we know about hot dogs from the passage?A.New Yorkers like eating hot dogs most in the world.B.G ermans eat about 150 million hot dogs each July 4th.C.A world record say

47、s someone ate 73 hot dogs in 10 minutes.D.About 21 million hot dogs were sold in America in the 1860s.【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)C【考点】人物传记/故事阅读类【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是热狗的来历和在英国网上的一些故事和事实。(1)细节理解题。根据 1893,Chris Von Der Ahe started the American tradition of eatinghot dogs at baseball parks,making hot dogs more popul

48、ar.可 知 热 狗 在 美 国 流 行 起 来 是在1893年,故 选B。(2)细节理解题。根 据1901A New York cartoonist.Tad Dorgan,saw the red hotdachshund sausages sold on streets.He wanted to draw a picture of it,but he wasntsure how to spell dachshund,so he simply wrote Hot Dog.It is widely believed howHot Dog had its name.可知热狗的名字是Tad Dorg

49、an给起的,故选A。(3)细节理解题。根据 World record for eating hot dogs:73 in ten minutes.可知选项 c 的叙述和事实相符,故选c。【点评】此题考查阅读理解。对于细节理解题,可带着问题仔细阅读短文,直接找出问题答案。6.阅读理解H ave you ever jumped on a trampoline?Today many people use it for exercise.Back in the 1980s,researchers found that jumping on a trampoline was a good way to

50、help astronauts regaintheir strength.Actually,trampolining has many advantages.It helps bones and muscles grow and improves yourbalance by stimulating the inner ear.It is especially useful for increasing flow of the lymphatic system.Whichhelps your body get rid of harmful toxins.Trampolining has ben


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