高雄市立寿山国民中学八十八学年度第一学期三年级第三次段... .doc

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1、高雄市立壽山國民中學八十八學年度第一學期三年級第三次段考英語科試題一、整段式填充(寫出空格中的翻譯):20 (一) Many big cities of the world have traffic problems. Heavy traffic not only wastes peoples time but also (1) (產生嚴重的空氣污染). MRT systems (2) (被建造以解決) these problems. (3) (地下鐵旅客的最大數目) is in Moscow. We have MRT systems in Taiwan now. In Taipei, it

2、is almost impossible for people (4) (找一個停車位). Many people often waste time in (5) (交通擁塞). I believe this conditoion will be getting better in the future. (二) Allen has been interested in music since he was a child. He was not good in some subjects like math and English. After tests, he was usually (

3、6) (對他差的分數感到困窘). He didnt want to spend his time(7) (做他不喜歡的事). He liked (8) (彈吉他) for his classmates. When he did this, he (9) (以他自己為榮). And all his classmates (10) (感到印象深刻). 二、對話與釋義:10 ( )1.Jane:Chinese New Year is coming. Lily: Thats all right. Have a nice day.I cant wait for the day to come. Ill

4、stay in touch. How about you? ( )2.Man:Would you mind my somking here? Woman: Man:Sorry, Ill go outside.Of course not. Of course. I cant wait. I cant hear you. ( )3.Mr. Lin bought a second-hand car last month.Mr. Lin bought a new car. Mr. Lin wanted to buy an old car.Mr. Lin wanted a wonderful car.

5、Mr. Lin bought a used car. ( )4.Its hard to make people understand me.I cant make myself understood. Its hard to understand people.People can understand what I say. Understanding others is hard. ( )5.Imagining life without the MRT system in New York is difficult.The MRT system is so important in lif

6、e in New York.Its hard to build the MRT system in New York.I cant imagine they have the MRT system in New York.People can still have convenient lives if there is no MRT system in New York. 三、詞類變化(於表中選適當的字,做必要的變化填入空格,不可重複):10三年 班座號 姓名請將試題紙和答案卷一起交回bore get control wash decorate excitegain lose interes

7、t laugh somke think of1.John is very funny. He often makes us .2.The Wangs spent lots time the Christmas tree last month.3.Since cigarettes (香菸) will do you harm, why not quit ?4.The soccer game attracted (吸引) millions of people to watch.5.Sue is too thin. Her mother always asks her weight.6.The whi

8、te shoes need . They became very dirty after the rainy days.7.Study harder, and you will find out English is an subject.8. yourselves, or (否則) you will be blamed (責怪) by Mr. Su.9.Pete is in America alone (獨自). I saw him his family in the room last night again.10.Allen becomes thinner now because his

9、 mother has him more exercise all the time. 四、依提示作答:24 (一)改寫 1.Taking the subway is convenient for people in big cities.(用 It 當主詞改寫) 2.It usually takes me half an hour to go to the beach.(造原問句)(二)看圖造句: 例:When Joe listend to a difficult lesson, he felt bored. 例: 3. 4. 5. 6.(三)看圖回答問題: 5.Where did the

10、man park his car? 6.What happened to his car? 7.Tony is sick. What should he do? 8.It is hot today. What should Jenny do? 五、閱讀測驗:16 (一) Visiting New York City Mike:Sue, what do you want to do in New York?7. 8.背面有題Sue:Theres so much to do that I cant choose! I would like to go shopping.Theres also a

11、giant (大的) toy store called FAO Schwarzwe should go there, too. Mike:That sounds like fun. But first, lets take the subway to Chinatown and eat lunch there. Sue:Yes, the food there is good. They make good dumplings(水餃) and noodles. Mike:Next, well go shopping on Fifth Avenue and well stop by FAO Sch

12、warz.Afterwards(之後), we can go to the Museum of Modem Art and Central Park. Sue:And after all that walking we will probably be tired.Lets try to find a movie theater and see a movie then. Mike:Okay. Lets go to the nearest subway station! ( )1.What does Sue want to do in New York City?She wants to ea

13、t American food. She wants to take the subway.She wants to go shopping. She wants to go to the museum. ( )2.Where will they go to eat lunch?Downtown. In Chinatown. Uptown. At FAO Schwarz. ( )3.What will happen first?Theyll go to FAO Schwarz. Theyll see a movie.Theyll go to the Museum of Modem Art. T

14、heyll go to Central Park. ( )4.Why do they plan to see a movie?Because they dont have anything to do. Because they cant find the shopping mall.(購物中心)Because they will be tired after all that walking. Because they dont want to go home. (二) When you play sports or do exercise in a summer afternoon, wi

15、ll you feel like some ice cream? If so, you may be interested to know how ice cream has become a friend to many. Ice cream came from the East (東方) at the time when Marco Polo (馬可波羅) saw people eating it there. He brought the idea later to his country, Italy. From Italy the idea was carried to France

16、. People in France liked ice cream so much that they did not want other people to know about it. However, it didnt take the other countries a long time to love the taste of ice cream. The first whole sale (批發) ice cream factory was started in the U.S. in 1851. The business of ice cream grew bigger a

17、fter the refrigeration (冷藏) was developed around 1900. It is now a business all over the world and no matter where you go, you may see people eating ice cream happily. ( )1.Marco Polo was from . ( Italy the East France America) ( )2.The reading tells about .the taste of ice cream the cost of ice cre

18、am the kinds of ice cream business the growing of ice cream ( )3.People almost stopped the developing of ice cream business.( in Italy in France in America all over the world)( )4.Which of these is true?Ice cream first went to France and then to Italy.People in America didnt like the idea of ice cre

19、am.Refrigeration made the ice cream business grow faster.The first wholesale ice cream factory was started in America around 1990. 六、聽力測驗:20 (一)聽完錄音帶中的問題後,選出最適當的答案。(Listen to the questions on the cassette and select the best answer.) ( )1. It takes about twelve minutes. It is very convenient.Chungho

20、 has an MRT station and so does the Taipei Train station. There is no train in Chungho. ( )2. He wants us to study. He let us play basketball. We will graduate soon. Hes a good teacher. ( )3. He is interested in music because he thinks it is fun.He doesnt like to study music because its boring.He ha

21、s been interested in music since he was a child. He had long hair then. ( )4. He is not happy. He is our new guitar teacher. He has been our teacher. Shes our math teacher. ( )5. He felt proud of it. He was happy because he graduated.He was good at school. He felt embarrassed. ( )6. Yes, John has be

22、en good at English since he was a baby. No, John is too stupid. He can not go.Yes, he has gotten better. Yes, his mother let him study. (二)根據錄音帶中的對話,完成句子 1.Peter has put on kilos in a month. 2. is the second way to control weight. 3.The most difficult thing for Pete is that he cant . 4.Its easy for

23、Mark to give up smoking. . (Yes or No)壽山三年級英語科解答: 一、(一)1.produces serious air pollution2.are built to solve3.The largest number of subway passengers4.to find a parking space5.traffic jams (二)6.embarrassed about his poor grades7.doing things (that) he didnt like8.playing (to play) the guitar9.was pro

24、ud of himself10.felt (was) impressed 二、32411 三、1.laugh 2.decorating 3.smoking 4.exciting 5.to gain6.washing 7.interesting 8.Control 9.thinking(think) of 10.do 四、1.It is convenient for people in big cities to take the subway.2.How long does it usually take you to go to the beach?3.When Mike saw the a

25、ccident, he felt scared. 4.When Tina finished the work, she felt tired.5.He parked his car in front of the restaurant. 6.The police towed away his car. (His car was towed away.) 7.He should go to a doctor. 8.She should drink more (much) water. 五、(一)2213 (二)1423 六、(一)123243(二)1.two 2.Going on a diet

26、3.make up his mind 4.No高雄市立壽山國民中學八十八學年度第一學期三年級第三次段考英語科答案卷一、整段式填充(寫出空格中的翻譯):二、對話與釋義:三、詞類變化(於表中選適當的字,做必要的變化填入空格,不可重複):三年 班座號 姓名(一)(二)四、依提示作答:五、閱讀測驗:六、聽力測驗:20 (一)聽完錄音帶中的問題後,選出最適當的答案。(Listen to the questions on the cassette and select the best answer.)二)根據錄音帶中的對話,完成句子1.2.3.4.


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