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《考研必备词组1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考研必备词组1.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、56.attach(to)缚,系,结同义替换:to fix,fasten;joinattach原始涵义:vt.&vi.贴匕 系;附上The worker attached a cable.工人连接电缆。vt.结,采;贴;缚,拴,扎 牢;装;连 接(to)She attached labels to all her bags.她把标签系(或贴)在所有袋子上。(正式)任命,委派,委任,指 派 His new firm attached him to the sales division of the business.他的新公司派他到营、也部工作。真题重现:One can get all the

2、details of a patented invention from a library attached to the patent office.我们可以从附属于专禾ij局的图书馆获取某项专利发明的所有详细资料。(1993阅读)造句:He attached labels to his luggage.他把标签贴在行李上。57.make an attempt at doing sth.(to do sth.)试图做attempt原始涵义:vt.试图;尝试He attempted the exam but failed.他试图通过考试,但失败了。n.尝试,试图,企图After repeat

3、ed atlempts they finally succeeded.经过反复尝试,他们终于成功了。造句:The company make an attempt at breaking/to break into the American market.公司试图打入美国市场58.attend to(二)注意,照顾;同义替换:give ones attention,care and thought造句:He is really too busy to attend to anything else.他实在太忙,无法分身。attend on(upon)侍候,照料同义替换:wait upon,ser

4、ve,look after造句:The servant attends on his master.佣人侍候其主人。59.attitude toward对的态度.看法造句:Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself.我们先来检讨我们对和平的态度60.attribute.to.把.归因于认为.是.的结果同义替换:to believe sth.to be the result of.attribute原始涵义:vt.认为是;归因于He attributes his success to working hard.他认为他的成功是艰苦工作的结果。n

5、.属性,特 性 Kindness is one of his best attributes.仁慈是他的好品性之一。造句:What do you attribute to your long and successful career in entertainment?你认为自己在娱乐圈内获得长久成功的原因是什么?61.on the average 平均同义替换:on average,on an average造句:On the average,such transformations balance out.平均起来,这种转化可以互相抵消。62.(be)aware o f意识到,知道同义替换

6、:be conscious o f,having knowledge or consciousnessaware原始涵义:adj.意识到的,知道的,明白的He doesnt seem to be aware of the problems.他好像没有意识到这个问题。真题重现:Anyone who has Spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to the same situation.跟小孩待过的人都知道男孩和女孩对同一情形的反应是不一样的。(1991词汇)造句

7、:He was aware of the possibility of a recurrence of his illness.他知道他的病有可能复发。63.at the back of 在.后面同义替换:behind造句:There is an appendix at the back of the book该书末尾处有一附录。64.in the back o f 在后部(里面);on the back o f 在后部(外面);be on ones back 卧病不起.造句:You ride in the back of the car with yourbrother.你跟你弟弟坐汽车的后

8、座.You hit me on the back of the head.你砸着我的后脑勺啦。He was on his back for 3 weeks.他有三个星期卧病在床。65.at one back 支持,维护同义替换:supporting or favoring sb.造句:The people are at the back of the government.人民是支持政府的。have sb.at one?s back有支持,有作后台造句:If you make this decision you will certainly have the President at your

9、 back.你如果采取这项决定的话,定会得到总统的支持66.turn ones back on s b.不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃同义替换:turn away from sb.in an impolite way造句:We cannot turn our back on the world outside.我们不能不去理睬整个世界。67.behind ones back背着某人(说坏话)造句:Don*t speak ill of him behind his back.别在背后说他坏话。68.be based on upon 基于base原始涵义:n.基础,底座The lamp stands

10、on a circular base.这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的。基地,根据地The country maintains military bases on foreign soil.那个国家在国外设有军事基地。vt.把.建立在,以为基础One should always base ones opinion on facts.我们应总是把自己的观点建立在事实的基础匕基于;以为根据(on,upon)He based the book on his own life.他根据他自己的生活写这本书。vi.基于(on,upon)Fluctuating prices usually base on a f

11、ickle publics demand.物价的波动往往因公众需求的变化而造成。真题重现:Superhigh scores like vos Savants are no longer possible,because scoring is now based on a statistical population distributionamong age peers.人们已经不可能得到像萨凡特那么高的分数了,因为现在的得分以各年龄段的人口统计学分布为依据。(2007阅读)造句:A visual interface is based on visual patterns.视觉模式是视觉界面的

12、基础。69.on the basis o f 根据.,在基础上basis原始涵义:n.基础,要素;基点 The simplest basis for classification is in terms of structure or texture.最简单的分类基础是结构或构造。真题重现:On the basis of their models,scientists are of the opinion that the climate of the world should be becoming cooler.科学家根据他们的模型,认为全球的气候应该是在变冷。(1992阅读)造句:On

13、the basis of the evidence we deduced that he was guilty.根据这些证据,我们推论他是有罪的。70.beat.at在运动项目上打赢beat原始涵义:vi.(心脏等)跳动His heart was still beating.他的心脏还在跳。(翅膀)扑扇;有节奏地拍动;颤动,震动The wings of the sea gull were beating frantically.海鸥的翅膀在疯狂地扑扇着。vt.&vi.接连地击打It is wrong to beat others.打人是不对的。vt.打败 At last they beat t

14、heir enemy.最终,他们打败了敌人。n.敲打;敲打声 We heard the beat of a drum.造句:He said that no one could beat him at tennis,but he had to eat his words after losing several games.他说过打网球谁都赢不了他,可是输了几场比赛后他不得不认错了。176.be in debt to sb.欠的债debt原始涵义:n.1.债,债务,欠他人的东西2.负债情况3.人情债;情义;恩情真题重现:I dont want to lend any more money to

15、him;hes already in debt to me.我不想再借钱给他,因为他已经欠我的钱了。(1992词汇)造句:Hes in debt to the bank because he bought that big house.他因买下那座大房子而欠银行的债。177.on the decline 在衰退中,在减少中 in decline 下降;on the increase 在增加decline原始涵义:n.1.下降,减少,衰退2.下倾,倾斜,下垂;斜坡,斜面3.(力量、健康、品格、权力、价值等的)衰退,衰落,衰微,衰败;减退;堕落vt.&v i.辞谢;谢绝(邀请等)vi.1.(太阳)

16、落下2.(道路、物体等)下倾,下降,歪斜,倾斜3.(如 日)接近终了,接近结束,接近末尾,近尾声,行将完结;消逝4.(在品格、价值上)降低,降落,减退;走下坡路5.缩小;衰弱;消失6.落;沦落7.屈尊,降落vt.1.减少;下降;衰弱;衰退2.(根据名词、形容词或代词在句中的作用)变格,使发生词形变化3.拒绝,拒不(做、进入、考虑等)4.使倾斜,使下倾,使下降;使低垂,使下垂;使歪斜造句:The number of robbery in the area is on the decline.这地区的劫案在减少。He is one of the aristocrats in decline.他是没

17、落的贵族。Cinema attendances are distinctly on the increase.电影观众在明显地增加。178.to one飞 delight 令某人感到高兴 to ones regret 遗憾;sorrow 悲痛;relief 安心;distress 苦恼;shame 羞愧;surprise 惊奇;astonishment 惊奇;造句:To his great delight,his novel was accepted for publication.使他极为高兴的是他的小说被接受出版了。To his regret,he couldnt catch the tr

18、ain.他没能赶上.火车,很后悔。To their surprise,the so-called investor is a swindler.令他们吃惊的是,那个所谓的投资商是骗子。179.delight in 喜欢,取乐同义替换:=take great pleasure in doing sth.delight原始涵义:n.1.快乐,高兴2.使人高兴的东西或人v t.使高兴,使欣喜v i.感到高兴 快乐造句:He seems to delight in making other people suffer.他似乎喜好使他人受苦。180.take(a)delight in 喜欢干,以为乐造句

19、:People still take delight in talking about the legendary story.那个传奇般的故事至今为人津津乐道。181.demand sth.of s b.向某人要求(非物质的)东西.demand sth.from s b.向某人要求(物质的)东西demand原始涵义:vt.1.强烈要求She demanded a room all to herself.她强烈要求自己一个人住一个房间。2.需要The rocket at this speed demands great power.这种速度的火箭需要很大的动力。1.(顾客的)需求、需要Ther

20、es an increased demand for organic produce these days目前对有机农产品有更大的需求。2.(坚决的)要求,所需求之物It is our demand that she should go there.她到那里去是我们的要求。3.(尤指困难、使人劳累、令人烦恼等的)要求造句:the consumers may demand compensation from them or from the holders of the business licences.消费者可以向其要求赔偿,也可以向营业执照的持有人要求赔偿。182.in demand有需求

21、;on demand受到要求时造句:Cold drinks are in demand in the summer.夏季需要清凉饮料。The bill is payable on demand.这张支票,来取即付。183.be dependent on 依靠dependent 原始涵义:adj.1.依靠的,依赖的He has a mother completely dependent on him.他有一个完全靠他赡养的母亲。2.取决于的It is largely dependent on the weather.这多半取决于天气情况。造句:In China farming is no lon

22、ger entirely dependent on the weather.在中国种田不再完全靠天了。184.deprive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某物deprive原始涵义:v t.剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有This law will deprive us of our most basic rights.这条法律将剥夺我们最基本的权利。真题重现:Blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy.黑人经常被剥夺白人所享有的许多教

23、育和其他环境优势。(1990翻译)造句:His constant taking center stage could deprive him of his privacy.他好出风头的毛病让他毫无隐私可言。185.derive.from从取得,由来的.derive from起源于同义替换:=obtain.from从取得,山=come from 起源于derive原始涵义:及物动词vt.&不及物动词vi.1.得到;(从中)得到获得He derives his income from freelance work.他以自山职业获取收入。2.源于He derived his enthusiasm f

24、or literature from his father.他对文学的爱好是受他父亲的影响。3.(从中)提取及物动词vt.1.取得,获得;导出;形 成(from)He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.他从集邮中得到极大的满足。2.引(申)出,推 论 出,推 断,推知,推究(from)真题重现:Anthropology derives from the Greek words anthropos“human”and logos the study of“人类学”起源于希腊语中的字anthropos“人,人类”和 logos

25、”研究”。(2003翻译)造句:The two attitudes derive from different historical perspectives.这两种态度产生于不同的历史观点186.despair of 绝望同义替换:=lose all hope ofdespair原 始 涵 义:名 词 n.1.绝望Defeat after defeat filled us with despair.一次又一次的失败使我们完全绝望了。2.使人绝望的人(或事物)The boy is the despair of his teachers.这男孩使老师们感到无可救药。vi.绝望,失去希望,丧失信心

26、Dont despair;things will get better soon.不必绝望,事情不久就会好起来。造句:He began to despair of success.他开始不抱成功的希望。187.in despair 绝望真题重现:Consumers say theyre not in despair because their own fortunes still feel pretty good.消费者认为,他们并没有绝望,因为他们的运气仍然很好。(2004阅读)造句:He was in despair when he spent the last of his money.

27、他把最后的一点儿钱花掉以后感到绝望了。188.in spite of 不管,尽管T ip s该短语后面只能跟名词或者名词词组,不能接句子。同义替换:=despite=regardless ofspite原 始 涵 义:名 词 n.恶意,怨恨The boy has a spite against me.这个男孩对我有恶意。真题重现:In spite of endless talk of difference“American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people.尽管总是有关于差异的言论,美国社会却是同化人的神奇机器。(200

28、6阅读)造句:In spite of the panic,she remained serene and in control.尽管人心惶惶,但她却泰然自若。189.in detail 详细地detail原始涵义:n.1.细目,细节;小事If youre interested in the job,Ill send you all the details.如果你对这工作感兴趣,我将寄给你全部的说明。2.各种细节,详情He has a good eye for detail and notices almost everything.他明察秋毫,几乎一切事情都注意到了。vt.1.提供的细节,说明

29、详情,详细说,详述The computers characteristics are fully detailed in the brochure.计算机的性能在这小册子里有详尽说明o2.列举,逐一说明,逐条告知The policeman detailed the events leading up to the robbery.警察列举了这件抢劫案的作案过程。真题重现:The specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally beforeseen in detail.政府要向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。(1996翻译)造句:Each principle is discussed in detail below.我们将在下面详细地讨论每个原则。190.deviate from 偏离,不按办deviate原始涵义:不 及 物 动 词vi.偏离;越轨His statements sometimes deviated from the truth.他的陈述有时偏离事实。造句:Dont deviate from the rules.不要背离规则。


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