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《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册练习:Unit5含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册练习:Unit5含解析.pdf(149页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。十四 Unit 5 D iscovering Useful StructuresT W基础全面练一I.单句语法填空1.W hen praised(praise),we reply with Oh,no!or Imoverpraised“to show good manners.2.Inspired(inspire)by her kindness,the boy worked hard to becomean excellent doctor.3.Encouraged(enc

2、ourage)by her,I have spared more time topractice.4.W hile travelling(travel),you can experience colorful Qilu cultures.5.Greatly interested(interest)in your summer club,Im writing toinquire about the program.6.Stricken(strike)by COV ID-19,Italy suffered great loss.7.K nowing(know)that you want to le

3、arn about the changes in Beijingthese years,Im more than willing to tell you.8.Supported(support)by his brothers,he could continue his study inthe university.9.Halfway through the race he began to get tired(tire)and his legsbegan to ache.10.Faced(face)with these difficulties,many students find thems

4、elvesunable to pay full attention to their studies.n.完成句子1.W e always become puzzled when we go to a new environment.当进入一个新的环境时,我们总是变得困惑。2.W hen I arrived at the shopping center,I found that it remainedclosed.当我到达购物中心的时候,我发现它仍然关着门。3.Concerned/Worried about mv safetv,my mom always drives me toschool.

5、担心我的安全,妈妈总是开车送我去上学。4.Given another five minutes,I could finish writing the letter.再 给5分钟,我就能写完这封信。5.O rianised/Conducted bv an experienced teacher,the activity wentwell.在一位经验丰富的老师的组织下,这个活动进展很顺利。6.W e have abundant natural resources,enabling our country todevelop quickly.我们拥有丰富的自然资源,使我们国家能够快速发展。7.W e

6、 all felt inspired and proud hearing a foreigner introducing theimportance of TCM.听到一名外国人介绍中医的重要性,我们都备受鼓舞,感到很骄傲。T W综合应用练一I.阅读理解(2021玉林高一检测)Can you imagine a world without music?Studies show that publicschools across the country are cutting back on music classes to savemoney.W orse,some schools have

7、never had music classes to beginwith.But without them,students/academic growth and emotionalhealth could suffer.In fact,music classes are necessary for all studentsin schools.Recent studies by Brown University have shown that students whoreceived music education were better in maths and reading skil

8、ls thanthose without music classes.Another study by the College Board foundthat students taking music and art classes got higher points.Students academic success seems to depend on their taking part in musiceducation.Music programmes in public schools also help to add to a studentssense of pride and

9、 self-confidence.Teens today have too many learningtasks.Besides,they have family problems,self-confidence problems,relationship troubles,and other troubles.All of these can stopacademic success,but music education can help.A study by the TexasCommission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse found that students

10、 who tookpart in school music programmes were less likely to turn to drugs.Musicprogrammes encourage students to work together to produce anexcellent performance.Music crosses language,class,cultural and political boundaries.Music allows students from different countries to connect.For example,at a

11、school talent show,a new Japanese student played a piano duetwith an American classmate.Although they could not communicateverbally,they were able to read the music in order to play the duet.Two students from different cultures worked as a team withself-confidence and common purpose through music.Th

12、e gift of music is priceless.W e need to be sure to have necessarymusic classes for all students.The world is losing its music,and puttingmusic into schools is the first step to get it back.【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了研究表明音乐课有助于提高学生的学业,此外音乐课也有助于增强学生的自豪感和自信心,音乐跨越语言、阶级和文化,使来自不同国家的学生相互联系。作者提出需要确保所有学生都参加必要的音乐课。1

13、.W hat can we learn about education with music classes?A.It allows schools to make more profits.B.It leads to a lot of emotional problems easily.C.It helps students to improve their schoolwork.D.It has a great influence on the culture of the country.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段可知,布朗大学最近的研究表明,接受过音乐教育的学生在数学和阅读技

14、巧上比没有上过音乐课的学生要好。可推知,音乐课能够帮助学生提高他们的学业。故选Co2.W hat do the two studies seem to show?A.Not all students take part in music lessons.B.Students with great success like to attend music lessons.C.Music plays an important role in students success.D.Students having music classes are better in all lessons.【解析】

15、选G细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,学生的学业成功似乎取决于他们是否参加了音乐教育。可推知,这两项研究表明音乐在学生的成功中起着重要的作用。故 选Co3.W hat can we learn from the example in Paragraph 4?A.Different cultures have different styles of music.B.Music makes cross-country communication possible.C.Japan has a good international relationship with America.D.Japane

16、se and American students are good at playing the piano.【解析】选Bo推理判断题。根据第四段第四句可知,虽然他们不能口头交流,但他们能够理解音乐来演奏二重唱。可推知,第四段的例子主要说明了音乐使跨国交流成为可能。故 选Bo4.W hat is the best title for the text?A.How to Get Music BackB.Music Education in SchoolsC.Musica Bridge to UnderstandingD.The Importance of Listening to Music【解

17、析】选Bo主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了研究表明音乐课有助于提高学生的学业,此外音乐课也有助于增强学生的自豪感和自信心,音乐跨越语言、阶级和文化,使来自不同国家的学生相互联系。结合作者提出需要确保所有学生都参加必要的音乐课,可知,B选项 学校音乐教育最符合文章标题。故 选B。口.阅读填句Amazing Benefits of Listening to MusicIf you love listening to music,you re in good company.1Music makes you happier.W hen you listen to music,your brain prod

18、uces a specialsubstance.It biologically(生物学上)causes listeners to feel emotionslike happiness,excitement,and joy.So next time you need anemotional increase,listen to your favorite tunes for 15 minutes.2Listening to music you enjoy reduces levels of the stress in yourbody.This is an important finding

19、since stress causes many illnesses.Tostay calm and healthy during a stressful day,turn on the radio.Music helps you sleep better.A study showed that students listening to classical music for 45minutes slept better than students who did nothing.If you re havingtrouble sleeping,try listening to a litt

20、le Bach or Mozart beforebedtime.Music helps you eat less.3 If you re looking for ways to reduce your appetite(食欲),try dimming the lights and listening to soft music next time you sit downfor a meal.Music strengthens learning and memory.Researchers discovered that music can help you learn and recalli

21、nformation better.4 Memorize these results.You now have astrategy to study more effectively for your next test.Music raises IQ and school performance.Research shows that taking music lessons predicts higher schoolperformance and IQ in young children.5A.Music lowers stress and improves health.B.Parti

22、cipants who were musicians learned better with light music.C.Musical training can help raise our IQs and even keep us sharp in oldage.D.Here are amazing scientifically proven benefits of being attracted bymusic.E.Recent research shows that listening to music improves ourhappiness.F.Softening the lig

23、hting and music can lead people to eat fewer caloriesand enjoy their meals better.G.To help your children achieve excellence in their studies,encouragethem to sing or learn to play an instrument.【文章大意】音乐不仅能陶冶情操,还有益于身心发展。本文具体说明了听音乐对人的益处。1.【解析】选D。由下文列举的几个小标题可知,音乐让你更快乐。音乐能让你睡得更好。音乐帮助你少吃一些。音乐增强学习能力和记忆能力

24、。音乐能提高智商和在校表现。所以本题处于总说段落,先总说听音乐的益处,然后再具体分说音乐的益处。2.【解析】选A。由空后一段可知,听你喜欢的音乐可以减轻你身体的压力。这是一个重要的发现,因为压力会导致许多疾病。为了在充满压力的一天里保持冷静和健康,打开收音机吧。所以本段主要说明音乐可以减轻压力,促进健康。也就是本段小标题所要说明的内容。3.【解析】选F。由本段的小标题Music helps you eat less.可知,音乐帮助你少吃一些。所以,本小题所说的内容应该与标题保持一致。故F选项 把灯光和音乐变柔和可以使人们摄取更少的卡路里,更好地享受他们的餐食”符合语境。4.【解析】选B。由空前

25、一句可知,研究人员发现,音乐可以帮助你更好地学习和回忆信息。所以此处要具体说明一下参与者所取得的效果。故B选项 作为音乐家的参与者因为轻音乐学习得更好了 符合语境。5.【解析】选G。由空前一句可知,研究表明,上音乐课预示着孩子在学校会有更好的表现和更高的智商。所以此处是作者基于音乐对小孩子的Q 和学校表现的积极影响所提出的建议。故G选项 为了帮助你的孩子在学习上取得优异成绩,鼓励他们唱歌或学习演奏一种乐器”符合语境。m.完形填空(2021日照高一检测)By the time I was 12,my family had owned many types of petsarabbit,count

26、less fish,and even birds.But I always 1 a puppy.So when I returned from sleep-away camp in sixth grade and was 2by a little dog named Tyler,it was quite possibly the 3 day of mylife.A couple of years went by and Tyler was the picture of perfect 4,until we came home from a family vacation to find him

27、 actingunlike his 5 happy self.He had no 6 in playing or eating,and he was losing tons of hair and weight.Filled with 7,we rushed him to the doctor zs to run tests.Aterrible tumor(月 中 瘤)was found between his heart and lungs.Everydoctor we spoke to 8 he should be put to sleep.W e were told that9 we t

28、ried to treat his cancer,he would only live another two tothree years.However,we decided not to give up this little 10 thing.Anoperation was performed on him and his health was 11 improving,but we still couldnt 12 what the doctors had told us:Only two tothree more y e a r s.So with that in mind,we 1

29、3 him like aprince.W e loved him like no puppy had 14 been loved beforeatleast in our minds.Tyler is turning 11 years old this year.The only 15 doctorshave offered to us is that he is still alive because of the strong tie he haswith my family.【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者一家和小狗泰勒共同抵抗疾病,创造生命奇迹的故事。1.A.longed

30、 for B.searched forC.cared about D.talked about【解析】选 A。根据上文“By the time I was 12,my family had ownedmany types of petsa rabbit,countless fish,and even birds.But Ialways.可知作者家养过很多宠物,但作者一直想要的是一只小狗。But表示转折。故 选A。2.A.hatedB.welcomedC.frightened D.stopped【解析】选B。句意:所以,当我六年级从露营回来,受到一只名叫泰勒的小狗的欢迎时,那可能是我一生中最快乐

31、的一天。结合上文“when I returned from sleep-away camp in sixth grade”以及后文by alittle dog named Tyler可知,作者露营回来受到了小狗泰勒的欢迎。故选Bo3.A.rarest B.saddestC.busiest D.happiest【解析】选Do上文提到作者一直想要一只小狗,所以如今有了小狗,作者感觉那是一生中最快乐的一天。故 选Do4.A.honesty B.braveryC.health D.strength【解析】选G句意:几年过去了,泰勒身体非常健康,直到我们全家度假回来,发现它表现得不像往常那样快乐。结合后

32、文until we camehome from a family vacation to find him acting unlike his.”以及医生发现泰勒长了肿瘤,可知在此之前它一直很健康。故 选Co5.A.common B.trueC.ordinary D.usual【解析】选 Do 根据后文“in playing or eating,and he was losing tons ofhair and weight.可知泰勒身体出现了问题,不再像往常那样快乐了。故 选D。6.A.troubleB.interestC.fun D.choice【解析】选 Bo 根据后文“in playi

33、ng or eating,and he was losing tons ofhair and weight.可知泰勒生病了,对吃的和玩耍都不感兴趣。haveno interest in doing sth.没有兴趣做某事。故选Bo7.A.pity B.surpriseC.doubt D.worry【解析】选 Do结合上文可知作者他们一家十分喜爱泰勒,如今泰勒生病了,肯定很担心。故选Do8.A.suggested B.realizedC.ordered D.admitted【解析】选 Ao根据后文he should be put to sleep可知医生建议作者他们给得了肿瘤的小狗实施安乐死。故

34、选Ao9.A.in case B.now thatC.even if D.as long as【解析】选 C。句意:我们被告知即使我们努力治疗它的癌症,它也只能再活两三年。in case万一;now that既然;even if即使;as long as只要。此处引导让步状语从句,表示 即使 应用even if。故选C。10.A.hopeless B.cuteC.sleepyD.lonely【解析】选Bo结合后文作者一家尽力照顾生病的泰勒可知,这家人对小狗的感情很深,不愿意放弃这个可爱的小家伙。cute可爱的。符合语境。故 选B。11.A.frequently B.suddenlyC.prop

35、erly D.successfully【解析】选D。句意:经过手术治疗,它的健康状况成功得到了改善,但我们仍然不能忘记医生告诉我们的话:“能再活两三年”。根据后文improving可知,泰勒经过手术,健康状况成功得到改善。故选Do12.A.forget B.standC.understand D.learn【解析】选 A。结合后文 what the doctors had told us:Only two to threemore years.,可知,作者他们仍然不能忘记医生说泰勒只能活两三年的话。故 选A。13.A.respected B.treatedC.educated D.accept

36、ed【解析】选Bo句意:考虑到这一点,我们把它当王子一样对待。respected 尊重;treated 对待;educated 教育;accepted 接受。根据后文him like a prince可知,此处指像对待王子一样对待泰勒。故 选Bo14.A.never B.already C.ever D.still【解析】选C。句意:我们爱它,就像以前没有人爱过小狗一样一一至少在我们心里是这样。根据W e loved him like no puppyhad been loved before可知,我们爱小狗泰勒就像以前没有人爱过小狗一样。ever before以前,曾经。故 选C。15.A.

37、explanation B.instructionC.introduction D.translation【解析】选 A。结合后文“doctors have offered to us is that he is still alivebecause of the strong tie he has with my family.可知,医生在解释为什么本来只能再活两三年的泰勒,如今活了这么久。故 选A。IV.语法填空(2021青岛高一检测)Many have heard of sharks fin soup.This famous and expensivedish is1.(especial

38、)popular in Southern China.But do you realize thatyou 2.(kill)a whole shark each time you enjoy a bowl ofshark/s fin soup?W hen people catch sharks,they cut off their finsand throw the shark back into 3.ocean.W ithout a fin,ashark can no longer swim and slowly dies.This method is not only cruel,but

39、also 4.(harm)to theenvironment.Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceansecosystem.If their numbers drop too low,it will bring danger to allocean life.Many believe that sharks can never be endangered becausethey are the 5.(strong)in their food chain.But in fact,around70 million sharks 6.(

40、catch)and traded in this industry everyyear.The numbers of some kinds of sharks 7.(fall)by over 90percent in the last 20 to 30 years.Environmental protection 8.(group)around the world,such as W ild-Aid and the W W F,have asked governments to developlaws 9.(stop)the sale of sharks fins.So far,no scie

41、ntificstudies have shown that sharks fins are good 10.health,sowhy eat them?Help save the sharks!【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章呼吁人们帮助拯救鲨鱼,不要为了吃鱼翅而捕杀鲨鱼。1.【解析】especially。考查副词。句意:这道名贵的菜在中国南方特别受欢迎。修饰形容词popular,用副词形式。故 填especiallyo2.【解析】are killing。考查现在进行时。句意:但你是否意识到,每次享用一碗鱼翅汤时,你就在杀死一整条鲨鱼?根据句意可知此处应用现在进行时。故 填are killi

42、ngo3.【解析】the。考查冠词。江、河、湖、海、山脉、运河、群岛以及沙漠的名词前需要加theo故 填theo4.【解析】harmfulo考查形容词。句意:这种方法不仅残忍,而且对环境有害。be harmful to对.有害。故 填harmful。5.【解析】strongest。考查形容词最高级。句意:许多人认为鲨鱼永远不会濒临灭绝,因为它们是食物链中最强大的。根据句意可知用形容词最高级形式。故 填strongest.6.【解析】are caught0考查时态和语态。根据时间状语every year可知用一般现在时。主语sharks与catch之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填are ca

43、ught。7.【解析】have fallen0考查时态。根据时间状语in the last 20 to 30years可知用现在完成时。故填have falleno8.【解析】groups。考查名词的数。名词group为可数名词,前无冠词,所以用复数形式。故填groups。9.【解析】to stop。考查非谓语动词。句意:世界各地的环境保护组织,如野生救援组织和世界自然基金会,已经要求政府制定法律来阻止鱼翅的销售。根据句意,这里用不定式作目的状语。故填t。stop。10.【解析】for。考查短语。句意:到目前为止,没有科学研究表明鱼翅有益健康,所以为什么要吃它们呢?be good for对有好

44、处。故填f。%关闭Word文档返回原板块温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。十三 Unit 5 Reading and ThinkingT 基础全面练/I.单词拼写1.If I can be accepted as a volunteer,I will serve the players heart andsoul(心灵).2.I admit that it is a common phenomenon(现象)to do part-time jobsamong students.3.O rdinarv(普通的

45、)as they are,my parents are truly my best teachersand I am very proud of them.4.Toby made an adventure in Africa,where he visited 8 placesaltogether(总共).5.Our band(乐队)is made up of four students,one being the singerand the rest three playing the guitar,keyboard and drums.6.He said that classical(古典的

46、)music is his favorite.7.There are some spelling mistakes in your composition(作文).8.People think it is unfortunate,thus(因此)people dislike thingsnumbered four.9.He always spends a lot of time watching programs in various kinds oflive studios(演播室).10.N owadavs(现在),W eChat study groups are more and mor

47、epopular among people.n.语法填空1.More importantly,it is also a good opportunity to express(express)your best wishes to our school.2.An inspiring speech on reading original(origin)books was given by aprofessor from Peking University.3.Andrea Ghez was awarded(award)the Nobel Prize in Physics in2020.4.W h

48、en we climbed onto the top of the tower,a wonderful view ofthe lake came into our sight.5.A healthy person can always be enernetic(energy)and enjoy his life.6.In the chorus,we sang with full passion under the direction of ourconductor(conduct).7.W e can organize some activities such as singing,danci

49、ng andtraveling,enabling(enable)them to lead a more active life.8.At the party there will be a lot of performances(perform)and we willenjoy a variety of delicious food.9.Tchaikovsky was the first Russian composer(compose)whose musicmade a lasting impression internationally.10.It is proved(prove)that

50、 the theory you stick to is wrong.m.完成句子1.You are welcome to show up on stage.欢迎你登台表演。2.Believe it or not,I will join a virtual choir next week.信不信由你,下周我将加入一个虚拟合唱团。3.1 can attract more students to join us and fall in love with readinu.我可以吸引更多的学生加入我们,并爱上阅读。4.In February,I,together with mv parents,spe


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