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《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册练习:Unit2含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册练习:Unit2含解析.pdf(109页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。五 Unit 2 D iscovering Useful StructuresT W基础全面练一I.单句语法填空1.Fortunately,now solutions are being found(find)to give e-waste anew life.2.An interesting experiment is beinn carried(carrv)out now.3.Some animals are not being protected(not protec

2、t)well enoughnow.4.Since my room is being painted(paint),I have to go back home tolive with my parents.5.The famous actor is being interviewed(interview)by the reporters atthe very moment.6.Where we shall do the test is still under discussion.7.These animals are being hunted(hunt)at such a speed tha

3、t they willdisappear soon.8.Are the babies being taken(take)care of by this nurse now?9.Look!The foreign quests are being shown(show)around the factoryby Mr Zhang.10.It is reported that many a new house is being built(build)at presentin the disaster area.n.完成句子1.A lecture on English history is being

4、 given by Professor Brown.布朗教授正在给大家做一场关于英国历史的讲座。2.Is the problem being paid attention to by the government now?这个问题现在被政府重视吗?3.An English play,is bein&put on by the girls at the moment.此刻,女孩们正在上演一部新的英语话剧。4.The question is under discussion/is being discussed,so you can 代decide what to do at once.这个问题正

5、在讨论中,所以你不能马上决定做什么。5.Preparations are being made for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games inBeijing.北京正为2022年冬奥会做准备。6.Where is the new science museum being built?新的科学博物馆正在哪里建造?7.Some measures are being taken to protect the wild animals.正在采取一些措施来保护野生动物。8.The students/schoolwork is being graded bv the teacher

6、 now.老师现在正在给学生们的作业打分。TW综合应用练/-I.阅读理解AMore than two thirds of the worlds polar bears will be wiped outby 2050,according to a shocking new study.By then,scientists say,global warming will have melted 42 percent of the Arctic sea ice.By 2100,only a very few of these important creatures will be left.The

7、 report has been produced by the U S Geological Survey.Thescientists have publicized their findings in the hope of influencing U SInterior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne,who has been asked to put polarbears on the U S endangered species list.Polar bears depend on floating sea ice as a platform for huntin

8、gseals,which are their main food.Without enough ice,polar bearswould be forced to go onto the land,where they are poorly skilledhunters,and would be unlikely to adapt to the life on the land in time.Experts say few little bears would survive and the stress could makemany females unable to get pregna

9、nt.The team of American and Canadian scientists spent six monthsstudying bears,on the ground,from spotter planes and in the lab,using computer models.Some team members fear the result is evenworse for the bears than what their report says.They say the Arctic iswarming faster than anywhere in the wor

10、ld and much faster than theircomputer had been forecasting.Satellite observations have showed thatthe ice has decreased to an all-time low.However,not everyone in the scientific community believes thatglobal warming is happening on such an alarming scale.Anotherinvestigation has found that polar bea

11、rs are still being hunted by wealthy“sportsmen“who want their skins and heads.At least ten internationalcompanies offer bear-hunting trips.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。本文说的是由于全球变暖,北极熊有可能在这个世纪末就要灭绝了。1.What do we know about Dirk Kempthorne according to the passage?A.He is an animal scientist.B.He is a protector of

12、animals working for the U S government.C.He was asked to put polar bears on the U S endangered species list.D.He offered to put polar bears on the endangered species list.【解析】选 co细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的U S InteriorSecretary Dirk Kempthorne,who has been asked to put polar bears onthe U S endangered species

13、list.可知,他被要求把北极熊列入美国濒危物种名单,故 选 Co2.Why will polar bears die out if there is not enough sea ice?A.Because polar bears cant catch enough food without ice.B.Because polar bears eat ice when they feel thirsty.C.Because polar bears will be easily found by hunters without ice.D.Because most female bears a

14、re used to giving birth under ice.【解析】选 Ao细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Polar bears depend onfloating sea ice as a platform for hunting seals,which are their mainfood.可知,如果没有足够的海冰,北极熊会因为捕捉不到足够的猎物而濒临灭绝,故选A。3.After a six-month study,some scientists fear that.A.there is something wrong with their computersB.polar bear

15、s will disappear even faster than they ever expectedC.their computer models are not as accurate as they expectedD.global warming will destroy everything in the Arctic【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据第四段的“Some team members fearthe result is even worse for the bears than what their report says.”可知,科学家们担心北极熊消失的速度将比他们预想

16、的还要快,故选BoB(2021南昌高一检测)Thirteen years ago,the Planet Earth wildlife documentary took usall on an amazing journey.We went from deep rainforests to thebottom of the ocean.Now a new one,Our Planet,will let us seedifferent animals and the influence of humans on the natural world.The documentary covers 50

17、 countries and areas.It took more than fouryears to produce it.With the latest 4K video technology,the show allows people awonderful new look at nature.People are given a chance to better getthemselves into the lives of the animals,said Fothergill,one of theshows producers.Besides showing Earths bea

18、uty,the documentary also talks aboutthe planet s climate conditions,Our Planet is here to say,Theplanet is dying,and we re killing it.Fothergill said.In one sadscene,hundreds of walruses(海象),half-blind when out of the water,fall down a rock and suffer a painful death on the beach below.Itshows how t

19、he climate conditions have influenced their natural habitatand explains why theyve been forced to find the safe place on the rocks.But the documentary is not all about sadness.It also talks aboutsuccessful stories,such as the ones of tigers.These animals are savedand live happily,thanks to internati

20、onal agreements on environmentalprotection.Asking more people to take action in protecting our planet is thefinal goal of the new documentary.What we do in the next 20 yearswill decide the future of all life on Earth.【文章大意】文章主要介绍了 我们的星球这部纪录片的制作、内容和目标。4.Whats the documentary Our Planet about?A.The re

21、lationship between the climate conditions and human activities.B.Different animals and the influence of humans on the natural world.C.The living conditions of walruses and tigers.D.The beauty and customs of 50 countries and areas.【解析】选Bo细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知,如今一部新的纪录片,我们的星球,会让我们看到不同的动物及人类对自然界产生的影响,故 选Bo5

22、.Whats the purpose of the last paragraph?A.To explain what our goal is in the future.B.To call for more people to protect our planet.C.To tell us how the climate conditions influence animals.D.To introduce international agreements on environmental protection.【解析】选Bo推理判断题。最后一段提到“让更多人采取行动保护我们的星球是这部新纪录

23、片的最终目标,由此可推知,本段通过介绍纪录片的最终目标而呼吁更多人采取行动保护地球。故 选Bo6.What can we infer from the passage?A.It took a lot of time and efforts to make the documentary.B.The documentary is popular in many countries and areas.C.We should have a new look at the environmental protection.D.Our goal in the future is getting alo

24、ng well with animals.【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句可知这部纪录片涉及 5 0 个国家和地区。花费超过四年的时间来制作。故可推知制作这部纪录片花费了很多时间和精力。故 选 Ao7.Where is the text probably from?A.A novel.B.A dictionary.C.A storybook.D.A newspaper.【解析】选 Do推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一部关于动物和人类与自然关系的新纪录片,可能来自报纸。古攵选D。教师专用0【阅读多维训练】It shows how the climate condition

25、s have influenced their natural habitatand explains why theyve been forced to find the safe place on the rocks.句式分析:本句是一个复合句。句 中 and连接两个并列的谓语动词。第一个谓语动词show 后 跟 how 引导的宾语从句;第二个谓语动词explain后 跟 why引导的宾语从句。译文:它展示了气候条件是如何影响它们的自然栖息地,并解释了它们被迫在岩石上找安全地方的原因。n.完形填空(2021日照高一检测)An old man lived in a nice house wi

26、th a large garden.He took careof his 1 all the time,watering and fertilizing them.One day a young man went by the 2.He looked at thebeautiful flowers,imagining how happy he could be 3 he lived insuch a beautiful place.Then,suddenly he found the old gardener was4.He was very surprised about this and

27、asked,“You can t seethese flowers.5 are you busy taking care of them every day?The old man smiled and said,can tell you four 6.First,Iwas a gardener when I was young,and I really like this job.Second,7 I cant see these flowers,I can touch them.8,I can smellthe sweetness of them.As to the last one,th

28、ats 9.“Me?But you dont know me,“said the young man.Yeah,it s 10 that I don t know you.But I know thatflowers are angels that everybody 11.We enjoy the happinessthese flowers have brought us.The blind mans work opened our eyes,and 12 our hearts,which also made his life 13.It was just like Beethoven,w

29、hobecame deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works.Beethoven himself couldn t 14 his wonderful music,but hismusic has 15 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely.Isnt it one kind of happiness?【文章大意】文章讲述一位盲人花匠精心护理花园,通过自己的努力不仅让自己享受到工作的乐趣,同时也给周围的人带来快乐。1.A.flowers B.trees C.

30、vegetables D.grass【解析】选Ao句意:他一直照料他的花,给它们浇水、施肥。根据下文“He looked at the beautiful flowers”以及You can t see thesef l o we r s.a r e you busy taking care of them every day?”可知,老人一直在照料花园里的花,故 选 Ao2.A.balcony B.kitchenC.garden D.study【解析】选 Co句意:一天,一个年轻人经过这个花园。结合文章第一句可知,此处表示经过老人的花园,故 选 Co3.A.after B.as C.befo

31、re D.if【解析】选 Do句意:他看着这些美丽的花,想象着如果他住在这样一个美丽的地方,他会多么快乐。结合句意可知,设空处引导条件状语从句,表示“如果,故 选 Do4.A.blind B.famousC.smart D.friendly【解析】选 A。句意:然后,他突然发现老园丁是盲人。根据下文Youcant see these flowers.可知,老人看不见花,是一位盲人,故 选 Ao5.A.What B.Who C.Why D.Which【解析】选 Co句意:你为什么每天都忙着照料它们呢?结合语境并分析句子可知,设空处应填疑问副词作状语,询问原因,故 选 Co6.A.stories

32、B.reasonsC.excuses D.conclusions【解析】选 瓦 句意:我可以告诉你四个原因。与上一空的why相对应,此处表示四个原因,故 选 Bo7.A.althoughB.sinceC.becauseD.unless【解析】选A。句意:第二,虽然我看不见这些花,但我可以触摸它们。although虽然,尽管;since自从,因为;because因为;unless除非。结合句意可知,前后两个分句构成让步关系,故 选A。8.A.First B.SecondC.Third D.Fourth【解 析】选Co句 意:第 三,我 能 闻 到 它 们 的 甜 味。结合上文First和 Sec

33、ond可知,此处列举的是第三个原因,故 选Co9.A.me B.youC.my mother D.my son【解析】选Bo句意:至于最后一个原因,是因为你。结合下文年轻人的话Me?可知,此处代词指代年轻人,故 选Bo10.A.true B.hard C.cool D.fair【解析】选Ao句意:是的,我确实不认识你。上文年轻人提到老人不认识他,根据Yeah可知,此处表示老人不认识年轻人是事实,是真的,故 选Ao11.A.greets B.doubtsC.meets D.knows【解析】选Do句意:但我知道,每个人都知道花是天使。下文提到我们享受花带给我们的快乐,根据常识可知,此处表示人人都

34、知道花是天使,故 选Do12.A.brokeB.hurtC.pleased D.treated【解析】选Co联系上文提到的我们享受花带给我们的快乐可知,老人的工作使我们感到愉悦,故选Co13.A.emptier B.busierC.luckier D.happier【解析】选Do emptier更空的;busier更忙的;luckier更幸运的;happier更幸福的。根据上文可知,老人精心护理花的工作开阔了我们的眼界,这也使他的生活更幸福。故选D。14.A.write B.hearC.play D.believe【解析】选Bo句意:贝多芬自己听不到他美妙的音乐,但他的音乐鼓舞了成千上万的人勇

35、敢地面对困难。与上文的“deaf相对应,此处表示贝多芬听不见美妙的音乐,故选Bo15.A.changed B.affectedC.discovered D.encouraged【解析】选 Do changed 改变;affected 景 乡 响;discovered 发现;encourage鼓舞 鼓励。结合句意以及后面的“to face their difficulties bravely可知,用encouraged,表示鼓舞成千上万的人勇敢地面对困难,故选Dom.语法填空(2021石家庄高一检测)Lions,tigers and other animals are staying awake

36、 at night1.(avoid)human beings,a new study finds.Scientists have known that human activities can lead to changes innature.Many animals may move around less or travel to far places tokeep away 2.people.By being awake at night,animals canalso be on guard against possible enemies and spend less time3.(

37、look)for food.The latest research found even activities like farming and campingcan 4.(fright)animals and cause them to become moreactive at night.5.had been studied were lions inTanzania,tigers in Nepal and monkeys in Brazil.Researcherscompared 6.(careful)how much time those animals wereactive at n

38、ight in areas of human activities,such as hunting andfarming.7.was human activities that caused an increase ofabout 20 percent in night time activities,even in creatures that usuallysleep at night.Results 8.(publish)in the journal Sciencetwo months ago.The new findings are 9.(usual)because no one el

39、sehas looked at it in such detail before.Ecologist Marlee Tucker was10.(surprise)that any kind of human activities is enoughfor animals to see people as a threat.【文章大意】本文是一篇关于动物的最新研究报道。狮子、老虎和其他动物在夜间保持清醒,以躲避人类。最新的研究发现,即使是像耕作和露营这样的活动也能吓到动物,让它们在夜间变得更加活跃。1.【解析】to avoido考查动词不定式。句意:狮子、老虎和其他动物在夜间保持清醒,以躲避人类

40、。结合句意可知,此处是动词不定式作目的状语,故填t。avoid。2.【解析】from。考查介词。句意:许多动物可能会更少地移动,或者到很远的地方去远离人群。固定词组:keep away from远离,回避,故填from。3.【解析】lookingo考查固定结构。spend(in)doing sth.做某事花费.,故填 looking。4【解析】frighten。考查动词。情态动词后面跟动词原形,frighten使害怕 是动词,故填frighten。5.【解析】What。考查主语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处用主语从句作主语,从句没有主语和引导词,用w hat引导主语从句,故填Whato6.【解析

41、】carefully。考查副词。句意:研究人员仔细地比较了这些动物在人类活动地方的夜间活动时间。此处compare是动词,副词修饰动词,故填carefully。7.【解析】lto考查代词。句意:正是人类活动导致夜间活动增加了大 约20%,即使是在夜间睡觉的生物也是如此。此处是强调句型,Itwas+被强调部分+that.,故填lto8.【解析】were published0考查时态和语态。根据tw。months ag。且句子主语Results和publish之间是被动关系可知,此处用一般过去时的被动语态,故填were published.9.【解析】unusuaL考查形容词。由句意可知,以前,没

42、有其他的人这样详细地考虑它,所以这些新的发现显得不同寻常。故填unusualo1 0.【解析】surprised。考查过去分词。此处为过去分词作表语,表示主语Marlee Tucker的状态,故填surprisedo关 闭 Word文档返回原板块温馨提示:此 套 题 为 Word版,请 按 住 C t r l,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关 闭 Word文档返回原板块。四 Unit 2 Reading and Thinkingw基础全面练/一i.单词拼写1.By the year 2025,one fifth of the worlds animal species(物种)

43、maybe extinct.2.They are trying to remove(移除)the mountains standing near hishome.3.After Jack had gone from the bank for a while,the alarm(s)(警 书began to ring.4.Hebei Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve(保护区)is one of themost popular tourist destinations in China.5.They not only show our good quali

44、ties but also make ourselves enjoythe harmonv(和谐)of school life.6.The goods(商品)come in all shapes,sizes and colors on the Internet.7.My parents and I went to the suburbs to get some information for myposter(海报).8.The planet Earth exists not only for the benefit of humans,but alsofor various creature

45、s(生物).9.It is reported that Beijing was attacked(攻击)by haze again recently,which has raised great concern.10.More hot water,more rest and less anxiety will help you recover(恢复)soon.n.单句语法填空1.In addition,the safety of drinking water is threatened(threat)now.2.To avoid wasting time on the spot for the

46、 tickets,we tried makingreservations(reserve)online.3.OSTD Sydney is hunting for Chinese students to go on a study tour thiswinter holiday.4.Some of our personal information may be illegallv(legal)collected andabused.5.Glad to hear from you and I m willing to tell you what you areconcerned(concern)a

47、bout.6.What mom did reminded me of a famous saying:Roses given,fragrance in hand.7.The purpose of this activity is intended to help(help)us know ourneighbors in a relaxing way.8.I knew they had forgotten my existence(exist)with my absence fromtheir Christmas these years.9.I believe the contest will

48、not only bring much fun to us,but alsoarouse our awareness(aware)in learning English.10.Im more than delighted to hear that you have adapted to living(live)in China.m.完成句子1.There exists a possibilitv that if you are careless,you may lose thetest.有个可能就是如果你粗心的话,你可能会考试失败。2.Onlv when vou know where vour

49、 mistakes are will you know how tocorrect them.只有当你知道你的错误在哪里,你才会知道如何纠正它们。3.We can learn t。observe people and things happening in our life.我们能够学会观察我们生活中的人和正在发生的事。4.I m writing to you with the intention of inviting you to join in anactivity.我给你写信是为了邀请你参加一个活动。5.It s high time that we took effective mea

50、sures to get rid of ouraddiction to mobile phones.到了我们该采取有效措施摆脱对手机上瘾的时候了。T W 综合应用练一I.阅读理解A(2021哈尔滨高一检测)A rescue center in Alaska has taken in an orphaned baby seal(海豹)that was still in the body when a hunter killed its mother on EasterSunday.The Alaska Sea Life Center says a hunter killed the babys


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