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《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册练习:Unit4含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册练习:Unit4含解析.pdf(109页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。H Unit 4 Discovering Useful StructuresT W基础全面练一I.单句语法填空1.Last week,I attended the opening ceremony designed(design)forSenior Three students in our school.2.W hen I came in,I found some judges seated(seat)in the front.3.A farewell meeting o

2、rganized(organize)by our school union will beheld in the school hall.4.W ith many brightly colored flowers planted(plant)around it,herhouse looks like a beautiful garden.5.Our school will organize an activity called(cal I)“Read Classics andLearn Chinese.6.W e would like to appreciate some wonderful

3、performances given(give)by our classmates.7.To begin with,you d better choose some simple poemswritten(write)by famous poets.8.A quarter of young adults aged(age)between 18 and 24 walk no morethan 5 minutes on an average day.9.April 3 will see a singing competition presented(present)by usstudents fr

4、om different grades.10.Im afraid I cant make myself understoodunderstand)because ofmy limited English.n.用过去分词完成句子1.To be honest,I dont think you ll let the work finished on time.诚实地说,我认为你不会按时完成工作。2.He planned to use the monev left to buy a second-hand car.他计划用剩下的钱买一辆二手车。3.W ith his attention attract

5、ed by the fantastic scenery,he decided tostay for another two days.奇妙的景色吸引了他的注意力,他决定再待两天。4.If you want to make vourself respected,you are above all to respectyourself.如果你想让自己被尊重,你必须首先尊重自己。5.Unlike your tradition,the family name in China is put first,followed bv the given name.和你们的传统不一样,在中国,姓在前,名字紧跟其

6、后。6.Id appreciate it if you could suggest a good way to get mv Englishimproved in a short period of time.如果你能给我建议一个可以在短时间内让英语提高的方法我将不胜感激。7.Nowadays,more and more people like to hunt for what they wantonline and have them delivered bv the express company.现在,越来越多的人喜欢在线 淘他们想要的东西,然后让快递公司邮寄。8.Chinese Cal

7、ligraphy is one of the many optional courses offered tostudents.中国书法是提供给学生的许多选修课之一。9.Land Art,sometimes referred to as Earth Art,is a form of art whichinvolves using physical landscapes to create art.地景艺术,有时也被称为大地艺术,是一种利用自然景观进行艺术创作的艺术形式。10.W ith all the efforts made,he finally persuaded his father t

8、o givehim the opportunity to manage the company.经过一番努力,他终于说服父亲给他机会管理公司。T W 综合应用练/一I.阅读理解(2021宝鸡高一检测)London-W alking TourHosted by the Cambridge Society of LondonJoin the Cambridge Society of London and learn more about thehistoric city of London.Departing Time:Friday,27 July 2022,6.00 pm GMTDuration

9、:3 hoursMeeting point:At St Paul/s tube station in front of Cafe NeroOpen to:Alumni and guestsThe City of London is where London began,almost 2,000 yearsago,as Roman Londinium.Today it is the financial“square mile,home to the Bank of England and numerous banks and financial servicescompanies.This to

10、ur focuses on the Citys history and the legacy of that historyin its unique governance with its own Lord Mayor and Corporation.W ewill learn how these institutions evolved since the 12th century,theirancient traditions and their responsibilities today.Of course,we will also include Roman remains,hid

11、den Citygardens,Victorian markets,and historic pubs and find out whatmakes a cockney(or true Londoner).Booking information1.Advanced reservations are required.If you would like to attendthis event,please book online using the link below.2.Numbers are limited to 20 people.Registered members can invit

12、eone guest.Please note only members of the Cambridge Society of London(andtheir guestsjmay book tickets.If you are not currently a member andwould like to become one,please visit www.camsoclon.org.3.Price:13.50 for members,15 for guests.4.Insurance(保险)is a must.Each 1.5.【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了伦敦行活动的时间、

13、地点、时长、参加人群、重点内容以及订票信息。1.W hat is special about London-W alking tour?A.It offers an opportunity to visit banks.B.It helps to explore the history of London.C.It provides the service of booking online.D.It allows one to invite one of his guests.【解析】选 Bo 细节理解题。由This tour focuses on the Citys historyand

14、the legacy of that history in its unique governance with its own LordMayor and Corporation.可知,伦敦旅行的特殊之处在于对其历史的探索。故 选B。2.How can you apply to become a member?A.By writing a letter.B.By sending an e-mail.C.By making a call.D.By visiting the website.【解析】选 Do 细节理解题。由If you are not currently a member and

15、would like to become one,please visit www.camsoclon.org.”可知,如果想申请成为会员可以访问网站W W W.camsoclon.orgQ故选Do3.How much should a member pay if he invites a friend?A.13.50.B.15.C.28.50.D.31.5.【解析】选 D。细节理解题。由3.Price:13.50 for members,15for guests.和4.Insurance is a must.Each 1.5.可知,会员价为 13.50,客人价为 15,两个人的保险费用为 1

16、.5*2,所以总价应为 31.5。故选D。4.W hat is the purpose of the text?A.To introduce the history of London.B.To tell you how to become a member.C.To advertise the coming activity.D.To give us tips on how to book tickets.【解析】选 C。推理判断题。本文开头提到了活动举行的时间、地点、时长以及参加人群。中间段落介绍了本次活动的重点内容。最后提及了订票信息。由此可以判断文章在介绍伦敦行活动,为本次活动做宣传。

17、故选C。n.完形填空(2021济南高一检测)W hen the Hurricane Laura hit the city of Lake Charles,a(n)1was ordered.But for the 19 newly-born babies,leaving was prettymuch 2.Members at the hospital were 3 that theyd remainwith them until the danger passed.W ith the strong wind through the town,Dr.Juan Bossano with 14nurs

18、es,and some other 4 stayed behind in the NICU,5their little babies in turn.Later,for their safety,they sent the babiesto their main campus across the 6 in under two hours.The wholehospital went all out to make sure the babies and everything necessarysafely made the 7.Unfortunately,during the night t

19、he air conditioning was 8out and water was cut off in the hospital.Throughout the hurricane,Dr.Bossano kept anxious parents calm by frequent 9 to his Facebookpage.The storm over,the babies were sent to other NICUs wherenecessary services hadn t been 10 by the hurricane.Thismorning,the babies were 11

20、.Thank Goodness,I finally got acouple of hours of 12,Bossano said.Its important to know thedevotion of all the nurses and doctors to keep taking care of the babieswhen they don t even know the 13 of their homes.In a smalltown like this,people have to 14.Im proud of them.Bossano15.【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了

21、劳拉飓风袭击查尔斯湖市时,在民众都撤离的情况下,医院的医护人员照顾1 9个无法离开的新生婴儿的故事,体现了医护人员的奉献精神。1.A.rescueB.movementC.evacuation D.arrangement【解析】选Co rescue 营救;movement 运动;evacuation 疏散,撤离;arrangement安排。根据下一句中的“leaving可知,当飓风侵袭查尔斯湖市时,政府下令 撤离,让民众离开这个地方。故 选Co2.A.impossible B.necessaryC.important D.suitable【解析】选A。句意:但对于这19个新生儿来说,离开几乎是不

22、可能的。根据上文中的But可知,该句和上一句构成转折。由此推知,在政府下令人们撤离的情况下 9名新生儿无法离开。故 选Ao3.A.frightened B.worriedC.annoyed D.determined【解析】选D。句意:医院的工作人员决定,在危险过去之前,他们会一直陪在孩子们身边。根据theyd remain with them until the dangerpassed可知,19名新生儿不可能离开,医院的工作人员 决定 要陪在这些孩子们身边。故 选Do4.A.soldiers B.parentsC.doctors D.friends【解 析】选C o根 据 上 一 段 中 的

23、Members at the hospitalwere that theyrem ain with them”可知,陪伴孩子们的是医院里的工作人员。故 选C。5.A.looking forB.caring forC.asking for D.waiting for【解析】选Bo根据常识,医生和护士 照顾 新生儿重症监护室里的孩子们。最后一段中的taking care of the babies也是提示。故选Bo6.A.city B.countryC.school D.university【解析】选A。根据第一段中的the city of Lake Charles”可知,LakeCharles是

24、个城市。因此该处指他们在不到两小时的时间里把孩子们送到了横跨整个城市的主院区。故选A。7.A.way B.trip C.day D.plan【解析】选B。句意:整个医院都竭尽全力确保婴儿和所有必要的东西都能安全运送。将婴儿们送到横跨整个城市的主院区是一次 旅行。故选B。8.A.knocked B.turnedC.checked D.called【解析】选Ao根据Unfortunately和water was cut off”可以推知,空调不运转了,被破坏了。knock out意为 击倒,破坏。故选Ao9.A.tips B.titles C.topics D.posts【解析】选D。根据空后的h

25、is Facebook page可知,Dr.Bossan。在他的Facebook页面上发帖安慰那些焦虑的父母。故选Do10.A.applied B.trappedC.suffered D.affected【解析】选D。根据常识,婴儿们当然要被送到基础供应系统没有受到飓风 影响”的新生儿重症监护室。故 选 D。11.A.dangerous B.safeC.awake D.calm【解析】选 B。句意:今天早上,孩子们都很安全。根据后面的ThankGoodness可知,孩子们没有受到影响,很 安全。故 选 Bo12.A.sleep B.focusC.energy D.entertainment【解

26、析】选 A。句意:谢天谢地,我终于睡了几个小时。飓风过去了,孩子们安然无恙,照看他们的医生终于可以“休息”几个小时了。故 选 A。13.A.content B.designC.condition D.impression【解析】选 Co content内容;design设计;condition条件,情况;impression印象。飓风来临时,医生和护士全身心投入到照顾那些婴儿上。他们不知道自己家里的“情况。故 选 C。14.A.stop B.sufferC.pull together D.get together【解析】选 G句意:在这样的小镇上,人们必须团结一致。stop停止;suffer遭

27、受;pull together齐心协力;get together聚集,聚会。镇子小,当灾难来临时,人们就必须 团结一致和灾难作斗争。故 选 Co15.A.admired B.addedC.introduced D.advanced【解析】选 B。admired羡慕;added增 力 口,补充说;introduced介绍,引A;advanced 将.提前。该段后面的In a small town like this,people have to.Im proud of them”是对上面说的话的补充。故 选Bo川.语法填空(202L烟台高一检测)One day just before closi

28、ng time,John rushed into 1.TV store to buy a color TV set with the money he 2.(save)for three months.The friendly shop assistant was waiting for the dayslast and 3.(twenty)customer to reach her sales target forher bonus,4.she warmly greeted John and showed himthe various 5.(model)on display.She aske

29、d John to see6.clear and colorful the image on the screen was.At thatmoment,a new commercial advertisement came onto the screen,7.(introduce)a popular brand of camera as well as somebeautiful pictures it had taken.The camera 8.(attract)John.He 9.(sudden)changed his mind and told the shop assistant“T

30、hank you for the TV commercial advertisement.Now I have to hurry tothe camera store 10.(get)that camera.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了约翰在买电视机的时候,由于一则广告,临时改变主意而去买照相机的故事。1.【解析】a0考查冠词。本句泛指 一家电视机店”,应用不定冠词,TV是以辅音音素开头的词,应使用冠词a。故 填a。2.【解析】had saved。考查时态。根据句意,约翰 攒钱 应该是发生在他rushed into之前,应用过去完成时态。故 填 had saved03.【解析】tw

31、entieth/ZOth。考查序数词。本空修饰后面名词customer,是单数,再结合句意,这里应该指 第二十个顾客,所以用序数词。故填 twentieth 或 20th4.【解析】so/and。考查连词。根据句意可知,空格前后可以为因果关系或者并列关系。故 填 s。或 and。5.【解析】models。考查名词复数。model为可数名词,前面有various修饰,所 以 model用复数形式。故 填 modelso6.【解析】how。考查感叹句。分析句子结构可知,se e 后从句为感叹句,感叹的对象是形容词clear和 colorful。故 填 how。7.【解析】introducing。考

32、查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,introduce与主语是逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词形式,作伴随状语。故填introducing08.【解析】attracted。考查时态。句意:这款照相机吸引了约翰。根据文章内容,本事件发生在过去,应用一般过去时。故 填 attracted。9.【解析】suddenly0考查副词。此处修饰动词changed,应用副词。故填 suddenlyo10.【解析】to get。考查非谓语动词。句意:现在我必须快点去那家照相机店买那个照相机。分析本句句子结构和句意可知,get thatcamera在句中作目的状语,应用不定式形式。故 填 to get。关 闭 W ord

33、文 档 返 回 原 板 块温馨提示:此 套 题 为Word版,请 按 住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关 闭Word文档返回原板块。十 Unit 4 Reading and ThinkingT W基础全面练一I.单词拼写1.The UKs full and official name is the United K ingdom(王国)of GreatBritain and Northern Ireland.2.Thanks to his research,the UN has more tools in the battle(战役;搏斗)to rid the wo

34、rld of hunger.3.There were a number of locations(地方)where the kings of Egyptbuilt pyramids.4.A philosophv(哲学)professor shares with his students the significanceof a wise use of time.5.W ithin two days he connected with David,the now 78-year-old manliving in a town nearbv(附沂).6.More than 9,000 milita

35、rv(军事的)athletes from 109 countriescame to compete in 329 events.7.Just imagine,after conauerin由 征口 后)the mountain and standing ontop to glance below,how great the achievement must be!8.W hat the company has done is perfectly legal(合法的).9.As the old saying goes,“Together,individual个人)can make adiffer

36、ence.10.Industry and opportunity were the chief(最重要的)factors in hissuccess.n.单句语法填空1.W hen I was walking on the street,I saw two travelers were reading amap,looking puzzled(puzzle).2.Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize for her great achievement(s)(achieve).3.Surrounded(surround)by rows of trees,ou

37、r school stands out fromall the other buildings.4.The teacher,as well as his students,was sinvint(sing)a songwhen I passed the classroom.5.There is an old mansion belonging(belong)to an officer of QingDynasty.6.1 must have my homework done(do)before going to bed.7.Some famous performers will join in

38、 the performance,which willsurely make the audience excited(excite).8.1 lived in a small village joined(join)to the town by a narrow road.9.Evidently(evident),tea plays an important part in Chinese culture.10.Theres a fascinating(fascinate)drive marked out for tourists.m.完成句子1.They finally won a bat

39、tle in defence of their motherland.他们最终赢得了一场保卫祖国的战斗。2.The wav(that/which)he thought of to prevent the air pollution wasvery good.他想出的防止空气污染的方法非常好。3.If you keep vour eves open,you will make few mistakes.如果你小心的话,你就会少犯错误。4.The summer training school will make learning English easier andmore interesting

40、.暑假培训学校会让英语学习更简单、更有趣。5.As well as going to the movies and playing football with my friends,Ispend a lot of time reading.我花很多时间读书,看电影,与朋友们一起踢球。6.Facing up to your problems rather than breaking awav from them isthe best approach to working things out.直面你的问题,而不是逃避是解决问题的最好办法。T W综合应用练一I.阅读理解A(2021济宁高一检测)

41、Imagine stepping out your front door and standing in the middle ofa national park.Daniel hopes this might soon be possible for millions ofLondon residents.Daniel is leading a campaign to make London anational park city.Although London has much more concrete than a national parkusually would,it is ho

42、me to more than 13,000 kinds of wildlife.Thesespecies live in its 3,000 parks,along with 15,000 varieties of floweringplants,and more than 300 species of birds.In fact,47 percent of theland in London is green space.“W e have 8 million trees in London;its the worlds largest urbanforest,Daniel says.Th

43、ats almost one tree for every person living inLondon!Yet,even though London has thousands of outdoor spaces,one in seven children living there hasnt visited a green space in the pastyear.Daniel believes that making London into a national park will protectthe animal life and green spaces in London.He

44、 hopes it will alsoencourage people,especially young people,to spend more timeoutdoors.Daniel takes his own son out to explore in London,and hethinks that other parents should do the same.Daniel believes thatpeople who spend a lot of time in nature live happier and healthier lives.W hat do you think

45、?【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了 Daniel正在领导一项活动,使伦敦成为一 国家公园城市。1.W hats the purpose of the campaign led by Daniel?A.To create a new beautiful village.B.To attract more visitors to parks.C.To build a modern town in England.D.To make London a national park city.【解析】选 Do细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知Daniel正在领导一项活动,使伦敦成为一个国家公园城市

46、。故选Do2.W hat can we learn from Paragraph 2 and 3?A.London has 8 million trees.B.London is a small urban forest.C.There are few parks in London.D.More than 50%of London is green space.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,伦敦有800万棵树;这是世界上最大的城市森林,Daniel说。故选A。3.In Daniel/s opinion,other parents s h o u l d.A.take ca

47、re of themselvesB.help their children with their schoolworkC.spend a lot of time indoorsD.take their children out to explore in London【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句可知Daniel带着自己的儿子去探索伦敦,他认为其他的父母也应该这样做。由此可知,Daniel认为,其他父母应该带孩子去探索伦敦。故 选Do4.W hat can be the best title for the text?A.A New Type of ParkB.Peoples

48、Busy LifeC.A Traditional FestivalD.Childrens Museum【解 析】选A。标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了 Daniel正在领导一项活动,使伦敦成为一个国家公园城市。他认为,把伦敦打造成国家公园,可 以 保 护 伦 敦 的 生 物 和 绿 地,在大自然中度过大量时间的人也会生活得更快乐、更健康。由此可知,A选项 一种新型的公园 最符合文章标 题。故 选A。【阅读多维训练】Daniel believes that people who spend a lot of time in nature livehappier and healthier lives.

49、句式分析:本句是一个复合句。句 中that引 导 宾语从句;who引导 定话 从 句。译 文:丹尼尔相信在大自然里度过大量时间的人生活得更快乐、更健康。句式仿写:我相信,有规律锻炼身体的人会有一个更健康的身体。I believe that people who take exercise reularlv have a healthierbodv.B(2021郑州高一检测)My parents recently visited Shanghai for the third time,and asusual I used their short visits to check out other

50、 parts of China for a fewdays.Last time we visited the Terracotta Soldiers in Xi an,and this timewe went to Beijing to see all the usual sites,such as the Forbidden City,Beijing Hutongs and the Great W all.W e got on the high-speed train at Shanghai Railway Station.As soonas we settled into our seat


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