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《2022年高考考前20天终极冲刺攻略(一)【英语】(新高考专用).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高考考前20天终极冲刺攻略(一)【英语】(新高考专用).docx(101页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年高考考前20天绛极冲刺攻略英语/目录5月14日听力篇015月15日阅读理解篇之细节理解题25 5月16日阅读理解篇之推理判题461 5月17日阅读理解篇之词义猜测题695月18日阅读理解篇之观点态度题855月19日阅读理解篇之主旨大意题96J5月20日 阅读理解篇之标题归纳题1092021年高考英语试卷试题设置全国甲、乙卷新高考1卷(山东、江苏、湖南等)浙江卷类型题数分值题数分值题数分值听力203020302030阅读理解15301537.51025七选五510512.5510完形填空203015152030语法填空101510151015短文改错10101|I/应用文写作12511

2、5115读后续写1|125125新高考I卷适用地区:【广东、山东、湖北、江苏、河北、湖南、福建】5月14日今日心情: 一 C5 k;能 ” 0听力篇,考纲解读二考试大纲听力测试部分要求考生能听懂有关日常生活中所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应具备: i. 了解事实与细节(如时间、地点、数据等)的能力;2 .揭示对话或独白的主要意义的能力;3 .明确说话人的语气与意图的能力;4 .辨认人物的角色和关系的能力;5 .分析人物的态度和感受的能力;6 .简单地进行逻辑推理与判断的能力。防【解题思路】高考英语听力测试的题型特点、题材特点、考查点及应试技巧一、试题的题型特点近年来,高考英语一直将听力测试放

3、在重要位置,分值为30分,测试内容的广度和难度有所增加。听力 测试共分两节:第一节是听五段简短对话,每段对话后仅有一个选择题,每段对话仅读一遍。主要考查考生对语音、数字 (时间、日期、号码、价格等)、字母、句子结构及句意等的快速反应能力和理解能力。第二节包括5段对话或独白,共15小题,每段材料播放两遍。主要考查考生对较长对话或短文的整体理 解和把握能力,及对细节的归纳综合能力和判断推理能力等。听力测试要点包括:1)理解主旨和大意。2)获取事实性的具体信息,如时间、地点、人物等。3)简单推断谈话背景、人物关系等。4)理解说话人的意图、观点或态度。一般来讲,说话人总会有说话的意图,或提出或回答问题

4、,阐述自 己的观点,表明自己的态度。有时,说话者的意图或观点被明确说出,有时则隐含在语篇的字里行间,需 要我们去揣摩、推测。二、试题的题材特点2021年高考英语全国卷甲卷和乙卷共用同一篇听力。在材料难度方面,遵循课标要求,注意话题选择 的适切度和语篇难度。在话题方面,听力所有话题与往年一样,均来自考纲中的话题细目表,功 能意念来自考纲的功能意念项目表,录音材料既涵盖学生十分熟悉的日常话题,又包括一些具有 挑战性的话题。覆盖面广,包括衣食住行、购物、工作、人际关系等。此次考试中,事实细节题10个, 推理判断题8个,主旨大意题1个,观点态度题1个。14个what、1个where、2个whv、2个w

5、hich、1 个how,没有关于、vho和、vhen提问的题。朗读的语速与往年相比略慢,而且值得关注的是,此次考试 采用了新的美音主播,难度比往年有所下降。近三年听力语篇考查主题对比语篇2019 年2020 年2021 年1买书问路问路2舞蹈课感受修理电视机买衣服3购物裁剪衣服值班4推迟约会航班延误询问旅游信息5辞职请教老师看病6找雨伞周末生活谈论网球7周末活动取消预订节食建议8约定见面时间买摄像机安慰赴赛焦虑的朋友9工作职位介绍(访谈)成为著名插画家的经历(访谈)老年人的社会角色10人物介绍(演讲)寒暄,闲谈母女关系听力材料一般来源于实际生活,涉及到现实生活的方方面面,如日常生活、文化教育、

6、传说、时事、人物、 科普等。对话一般围绕一个日常生活的话题展开。如:购物、买票、道别、感谢、打电话、约会、偏爱、 祝愿和祝贺、提供帮助、请求、问路、看病、求救等。三、高考听力考查的知识点和具体应试技巧一)、常见的热点考查内容如下:(1)语境判断:对话者身份、所处地点、情绪、天气状况等。(2)数字推算:电话号码、出生日期、金钱数字、路程距离、时间长短等。(3)行为预测:对话者谈话的主题,以及将要去干什么。(4)细节推断:事情发生的时间、地点、原因、经过、结果等。(5)对话涉及话题:计划打算、工作学习、购物、旅游、看病、生日、体育、求助等二)、听力试题的题目类型:1 .观点态度题::若选项中出现d

7、isagree / agree with, share.opinion, like, dislike等词,可初步判断该题是问第二个人 是否同意第一个人的观点,这时要重点听第二个人说的话,尤其是言外之意。口注意说话者的语气和语调,领会言外之意。口掌握虚拟语气的用法,说话人会用虚拟语气来表达自己的观点和态度。口注意说话人使用转折词but, but后的信息往往是考点。:若选项中有两项观点鲜明却截然相反,非此即彼,那么答案很可能就在其中。二1熟悉口语中表示赞同或反对的惯用句式,如:You can say that again.(你说的没错)I cant agree more.(我非常赞同)I am n

8、ot sure. I doubt. I would rather.What does the man mean?A. He gives the woman pennission.B. He is not sure if the woman can go.C. He refuses to give the woman permission.听力原文:W : Would it be all right if I left the room for a moment? You see I have to reply to a call.M: Ed rather you didnt if you do

9、nt mind. You see this is a very important part of the meeting.答案:c思路分析:本题为观点态度题。男士用了 would rather的虚拟语气来表示反对,认为女士不该出去打 电话。答案为C。2 .行为方式题:口这类对话中会出现一系列的动作,动作有先后顺序。口这些动作往往与一些表示时间的连词、介词、副词紧密联系。一对话中同时出现几个人或几件事,其中的某人做了某事。Z1常见提问方式:What are the speakers going to do?What does the man / woman plan to do?What wi

10、ll the man / woman most probably do?What will the man / woman do first?Whats the man / woman going to do?【高分技巧】留心选项中每个动作及动作对应的人和时间。抓住对话中出现的表示动作先后顺序的连词、介词、副词,first, before, after, now, right now, then, since, last 等。注意对话中所使用的时态和重复出现的词,它们往往是答题的关键。What will the woman do next?A. Turn down the radio.B. C

11、lose the window.C. Go to bed.听力原文:M: Would you be good enough to turn the radio down a bit? Its a little bit loud.W: Oh, of course.答案:A思路分析:本题为行为方式题,提问中do next表明问的是下一步女士要做什么,听对话时应注意听说话 者提到的动作,男士说turn the radio down,女士回答说of course当然,这是赞同的表现,所以女士接下来 会 turn down the radio,故选 A。3 .地点场景题:地点题一般由where引出,选项

12、一般是“介词+地点名词”构成,这类题中,有些地点会直接提到,有 些则要根据讨论的内容判断,还有些兼而有之。,此类题往往会列举一系列与时间或地点相关的细节,然后针对某一细节提问。U此类题会出现几个地点,迷惑考生,所以要一一记录。常见提问方式:二 Where is the conversation most probably taking place? Where are the two speakers?【高分技巧】:熟悉与某特定地点或场所相关的词或短语,以此判断对话发生的地点或场所,如boarding 一出现, 立即想到机场、码头,听见book a room就想到旅馆等。边听边记,善于掌握对话

13、中的关键词。Where does the conversation take place?A. At home.B. In a travel agency. C. In a hotel.听力原文:M: Good morning, can I help you?W: Yes, we are thinking of going on a holiday somewhere, but we are not sure where to go.M: I see. So what kind of holiday do you want?W: Lots of sunshine.答案:B思路分析:本题为地点场

14、景题。对话内容是关于出门旅游的,显然是在旅游代理机构进行的,故选B。4 .意见建议题:口对话中往往一方提出请求或者问题,另一方给出建议。对话中常出现一些表示建议或请求的句型。口常见提问方式:l What does the man / woman suggest the woman / man do?What does the man / woman suggest / mean?What does the man / woman want the woman / man to do?What offer did the man / woman give?LJWhat is the mans /

15、 womans advice?【高分技巧】口大多数情况下,第二个人谈话内容是题目重点。无论第一个人提出的是请求还是建议,第二个人的 态度和反应往往都是解题的关键。U女神原则。在英语国家,女性往往有着女神的地位,因此在建议类题目中,通常情况下(不是绝对)女士给出的建议男士都会选择听取并执行。熟记表请求或建议的句型。表请求:Would you please.?Could / Would you.?I wonder if.Would you like to.?Would you mind.?Can/Shall I.?表建议:Why dont you / we.?Why not.?If I were

16、you, Fd.Youll have to. / get to.Youd better.How / What about.?You might as well.Why bother.?What is the womans advice?A. The man should have a health checkup.B. The man should invite someone to help him.C. The man should send the machine to the repair shop听力原文:M: Oh dear, there is something wrong wi

17、th my computer. Shall I ask Jack to take it?W: Well, Fd suggest you take it over to the repair shop to have a check.答案:c思路分析:本题是意见建议题。解题关键在第二个人的回答,送去repair shop。像此类问题找答案时, 要寻找最相似最准确的答案。send=take over,故选C。5 .因果关系题:口对话中出现一些表因果关系的标志性词。口大部分因果关系表达不会直接出现信号词,而是比较含蓄,往往先肯定地表明赞同的态度,然后利 用转折说出直接原因,如 Id love to.

18、, but.; I wish I would, but。此类题选项中的几个所表述的事实能导致同一结果。常见提问方式: Why?Whats the reason for.?What is the cause of.? For what purpose did he / she.?【高分技巧】 考查重点在原因,一般由对话中的第二个人说出。熟悉表因果的词:because, since, fbr, as, so, cause, because of, now that, due to, thanks to, owing to, as a result of, give rise to, result

19、in, result from, so that, be responsible for, such.that.Why does the woman buy the clothes in Paris?A. The price is low.B. The style is good.C. The material is good.听力原文:M: Isnt it very expensive to buy these clothes in Paris?W: Yes, it is more expensive than in London, but I like the French styles

20、better.答案:B思路分析:本题为因果关系题。重点看第二句,首先用yes表明肯定,然后用but转折,表明真正的 原因,故选择B。6.身份关系题:说话人之间的关系不同,其用词造句,语气也不同。对话中往往不直接说出某人身份,要求从劝话中判断。常见提问方式:jWhaf s the man / woman?i Who is the man / woman?C What is he / she likely to be?What does the man / woman do?jWhafs the mans / womans job / occupation / profession?iWhafs

21、the probable relationship between the two speakers?【高分技巧】抓住对话中与职业身份相关的关键词、术语、环境。注意两人的语气、口吻、亲密度。熟悉与职业和人物关系相关的词汇,如:clerk & customer职员和顾客waiter & customer服务员和顾客doctor & patient医生和病人conductor & passenger 售票员和乘客librarian & student图书管理员和学生 salesman & customer售货员和顾客 police & driver警察与司机 boss & secretary老板与

22、秘书repairman & customer 修理工和顾客professor & student 教授与学生Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Driver and passenger*.B. Boss and secretary.C. Luggage checker and traveler.听力原文:M: Td like to check my baggage. Here is my ticket.W: Sure. Are you going to make any stopover?M: No, Im going

23、 straight to Chicago.答案:C思路分析:本题为身份关系题。对话中提至check my baggage, go straight to Chicago,可见是在机场的 行李登记处,是旅客与登记员之间的对话,故选C。D. 数字信息题:该类题常常涉及时间、日期、价格、年龄、距离、速度、电话号码等。出题形式为数字辨析和计算。对话中常出现易混淆的数字,如thirteen和thirty。出现与数字运算有关的词,如:double, twice, couple, times, quarter, divide, add up to 等。常见提问方式:How much / many.?门How

24、 far.?How long.?What time.?When.?【高分技巧】口边听边记录数字。口注意数字的单位。口注意数字的读法。How many days has the boy stayed there fbr the second time?A. Four days.B. Fourteen days.C. Seventeen days.听力原文:W: How long have you been there?W: I stayed there fbr a fortnight (两周)the first time and three days longer the second time

25、.答案:c思路分析:本题为数字信息题。题干中出现序数词,比较级(最高级)时要圈出,这里问的是第二次the second time,对话中提到第一次住了 a fortnight,即两周14天,第二次比第一次多住了三天three days, 所以答案为14+3,故选C。四、高考听力解题指导1 .扫视材料,预测内容:充分利用广播试音和听力要求的时间,迅速扫读题干及选项,联系题目上下文有根据地预测文段大致 内容,尤其要注意所提出的问题,这样在听的过程中就可以做到有的放矢,心中有数。2 .学会取舍,理解内容:听力考试中切记不要词词计较,力求听懂所有词是没有必要也不可能的。注意力应放在对文段或对话 内容的

26、整体理解上。3 .简单记录,便于辨认:在听长对话或独白时,只靠脑子记忆有困难,况且没有时间去回顾,对于所听到的细节,我们可以根 据自己的习惯做一些简单的记录,便于辨认,可利用这些记录去解答问题。,真题回顾3典例一 (2021 全国甲卷)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much

27、 is the shirt?A. 19.15.B. 9.18.C. 9.15.答案是C。1.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the man doing?A. Asking the way.B. Giving directions.C. Correcting a mistake.【答案】A【原文】M: Excuse me, I got lost. I took a bus to city hall, but I cant find the place.W: This is the concert hall, not city hall. To go there, you sh

28、ould take the bus at Grand Hotel over there.2. What dress size does the woman want?A. 8.B. 10.C. 12.【答案】C【原文】M: Can I help you?W: Im looking for a size twelve dress.M: Oh, let me see. An eight, a ten. Ah, youre lucky. I have the prettiest dress here in a twelve. Why dont you try it on?3. What is the

29、 woman likely to do?A. Make a phone call.B. Handle the problem.C. Have a rest.【答案】C【原文】W: Do you think you can take care of everything in the office today?M: No problem. Just go home and take a rest. If there is anything I feel I cannot handle, Ill call you.4. Which tour does the man seem to be inte

30、rested in?A. The evening tour.B. The half-day tour.C. The full-day tou匚【答案】B【原文】W: We have a halMay tour, a full-day tour and an evening tour. Which one would you like?M: What is the schedule of the half-day tour?W: It sets out at 8: 30 a. m. and returns at 2:00 p. m.5. Where are the speakers?A. At

31、a canteen.B. At a clinic.C. At a bank.【答案】B【原文】M: Now, what seems to be the trouble, Mrs. Stevens?W: Tve been very dizzy lately. And last night, I had some chest pain.M: Dont worry. Let me have a look.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题

32、5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作 答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6. What does the woman think of the match?A. Entertaining.B. Discouraging.7. What do the speakers plan to do on Tuesday afternoon?A. Watch a game.B. Play tennis.【答案】6.A7.BC. Boring.C. Go to the cinema.【原文】 W: Wow. That was a great match. I really l

33、ike watching tennis games.M: Me too. I think tennis is an exciting sport.W: I think so. Do you play tennis, John?M: Yes, but not very well. Do you play?W: A little. How about a game on Tuesday afternoon?M: Sure.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8. What does the man advise Mrs. White to do?A. Go on a diet.B. Do more

34、exercise.9. Which can be included in Mrs. Whites breakfast?A. Eggs.B. Sausages.10. What is the man?A. A teacher.B. A physician.【答案】8. A 9.C10. BC. Get enough sleep.C. Porridge.C. A chef.【原文】M: Mrs. White, Fm afraid we have to put you on a strict diet. From now on, youre going to have to stay away fr

35、om salty food.W: Does that mean I cant have any more fast food?M: Right. You can*t have any fried food or steaks.W: What about breakfast food like eggs and sausages?M: Those arc all bad for you. But you can have porridge, bread and orange juice.W: Well, what about lunch and dinner?M: Have a salad fo

36、r lunch. As fbr dinner, you can have all the vegetables you want. Fish and chicken are also okay. W: What about dessert? Can I still have ice cream?M: Yes, but not too much.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。11. How does Nancy look to Daniel?A. Confused.B. Excited.12. Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play

37、?A. To comfort Nancy.B. To express his regret.13. What is Nancy going to do next week?C. Anxious.C. To show his pride.A. Take a school test.B. Have a check-up.C. Go in for a competition.14. What does Daniel offer to do fbr Nancy?A. Rewrite her lines.B. Drive her to the theatre.C. Help her with the p

38、ractice.【答案】11. C 12. A 13. C 14. C【原文】M: Hi Nancy! You look worried. Whafs wrong?W: Well Daniel, have you ever felt nervous on stage?M: Sure. Do you remember that play I was in a few years ago? I knew my lines, but I was terrified to have to recite them in front of an audience. As soon as I saw the

39、 crowd of people down there, my heart beat so fast that I was unable to say a single word.W: Thafs how I feel just thinking about the spelling competition next week.M: I didnt know you made it to the finals.W: Tm worried IH get nervous and freeze on stage. I might forget how to spell everything, eve

40、n my own name. I dont know what to do.M: Nancy, I know that you re not going to forget how to spell your name. Fil help you get through this. Fil go to the school hall with you to practice. Then Hl teach you an exercise my baseball coach taught me. Believe me. It works. W: I feel much better now. Th

41、anks, Daniel.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。15. What was Prof. Stonc*s grandfather afraid of?A. Leaving his home.B. Parting from his son.C. Taking early retirement.16. What docs old age mean to many elderly Americans?A. Lack of moral support.B. Loss of self-worth.C. Change of living habits.17. What will Prof. Sto

42、ne talk about next concerning elderly people?A. Public services they ask for.B. Health care available to them.C. Contributions they can make.【答案】15.A16. B 17. C原文】W: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we have invited Prof. Stone to talk about the role of elderly people in our society. Welcome to ou

43、r show, Prof. Stone.M: To begin with, I*d like to tell a story from my own life. Several years ago, when my grandparents were well into their 80s, they were no longer able to care fbr themselves very well. My grandfather was afraid of leaving the only home they had known fbr the past 60 years. The i

44、dea of having to sell their home and move into a retirement home was an extremely painful experience fbr them. Indeed, old age fbr them, and many old Americans can mean not only the possible failure of one*s health, but the loss of identity and self-worth.W: Yes, its true. What do you have to say ab

45、out the problem of old age?M: Many experts have given talks here that have focused on the medical care, and the development of public services fbr senior citizens. Today, I*d like to focus my comments on the meaningful roles that elderly can play and should play in our society.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。18. What does the speakers mother want her to be?A. A confident person.B. A warm-hearted person.C. A humorous person.19. Why did the speaker feel lonely in her childhood?A. She often traveled by herself.B. Her family moved freque


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