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《2022年高考考前20天终极冲刺攻略(三)(新高考专用)【英语】.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高考考前20天终极冲刺攻略(三)(新高考专用)【英语】.docx(75页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、I5月28日书面表达篇之提纲作文本册目录5月29日书面表达篇之开放式作文6月I日词汇篇6月2日短语篇576月3日句型篇5月28日今日心情: 三k :书面表达篇之提纲作文考试大纲要求考纲解读普通高中英语课程标准对语言技能 目标写的要求如下:(1)能根据所读 文章进行转述或写摘要;(2)能根据文字 及图表提供的信息写短文或报告;(3) 能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,叙 述事情或表达观点和态度;(4)能在写作 中做到文体规范、语句通顺。(1)主题明确;(2)内容充实;(3)结构合理;(4)逻辑性强;(5)语言准确、 得体。考试说明要求考生根据提示进 行书面表达。考生应能:准确使用语 法和词汇;使用

2、一定的句型、词汇, 清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。提 纲作文要求考生根据给出的提示性 文字,首先确定文章的中心思想,然 后紧紧围绕中心思想展开论述,表达 主旨。近几年全国卷书面表达都是书信体或邮件式的文章,难度中等,需要考生多了解这块容易考到的话题 有哪些以及信件的类型,比如申请信、邀请信、告知信、演讲稿、倡议书、建议信、感谢信、求助信、通 知、便条等等。【真题分析】近三年全国卷高考英语书面表达考查情况体裁命题形式话题2021全国甲卷应用文(电子邮件)提纲式向外国朋友了解哪些中国文化更吸引外国友人全国乙卷应用文(发言稿)提纲式以 Be smart online learners 为题写一篇发言稿

3、参赛新高考全国I卷应用文(短文投稿)提纲式给英文报Youth正在庆祝创刊十周年写一篇短文投稿2020全国卷I英语短文(记叙文)提纲式介绍身边值得尊敬的人全国卷II英语短文(记叙文)提纲式介绍班级一次采摘活动全国卷HI应用文(电子邮件)提纲式邀请外交指导短剧2019全国卷I应用文(申请信)提纲式申请作中国画展的志愿者全国卷II应用文(电子邮件)提纲式告知队友近期将参加比赛全国卷III应用文(邀请信)提纲式邀请朋友参加音乐节通过以上分析不难看出,全国卷书面表达有以下几个明显的特点:1 .写作形式:仍为半控制性、半开放式写作,以提纲方式呈现材料,词数100左右;2 .写作体裁:命题仍然是多年来沿用的

4、书信或电子邮件,交际性、应用性强;3 .写作话题:贴近现实和学生生活实际,学生比较熟悉,以第一人称写作为主,话题场景性和真实性 突出,体现中外交流和正能量:4 .写作手法:介绍性说明占主体(说明时间、地点、原因、过程等),辅以交际性应用(解决现实生 活中的实际问题)。具体说来:提纲作文是近几年高考英语书面表达的热点题型。命题者通常把提纲作文与其他常用文体形式(如书信、 电子邮件、报道、通知、日记等)有机结合在一起进行考查,使该类书面表达综合性越来越强。提纲作文的 特点为:1 .要点明确,范围具体提纲作文就是把文章的情景和内容要求分成块,以短文提示、要点提示和表格提示三种形式呈现,要 求考生据此

5、进行写作,这实际上是对考生思路和文章写作范围所作的明确限定,写作内容贴近学生的生活 实际。因此,提纲中所列举的要点要全部涉及,一个也不能遗漏。这类作文主要考查的内容有:说明主题、 分析原因或解释做法。作文题目中一般会提供:标题、提纲、起始句。标题限定短文的基本发展方向,提 纲规定短文的基本框架,起始句则提供短文的起点。考生应紧扣主题,并根据提纲提示的思路和要点展开 段落。2 .思维空间灵活、开放为了提高文章档次,考生应在保证内容要点齐全的同时进行合理而又紧扣主题的发挥。因此,该类型 的书面表达具有一定的灵活性,能较好地体现考生的英语思维和运用能力。提纲类写作是近年高考英语书面表达的热点题型,命

6、题人通常以提纲作文的形式考查书信、报道、通 知、日记、发言稿、对某人或某物的介绍、欢迎词等。【试题特征】1 .短文提示类用汉语给出一段短文提示,要求根据提示写一篇短文,所考查的形式灵活多样,如人物介绍、地点介 绍、申请、道歉、邀请等。2 .要点提示类这是比较常见的一种方式,此类题目用汉语提纲列举几个要点,提出写作要求。写作时要首先根据要 点确定文章的中心思想,然后围绕中心思想和要点展开合理和适当的联想。3 .表格提示类试题采用表格的形式给出要点,写作时首先要将表格中的要点扩展成一个个完整的句子,然后根据文 章的中心话题和要求,把这些要点连句成段,连段成篇。【写作步骤】1 .细读提示,认真审题其

7、环节包括:审体裁:提纲作文的体裁一般有书信、电子邮件、报道、通知、日记等;定人称:一般为第一人称或第三人称:定时态:一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时。2 .紧扣主题,组织要点虽然提纲式作文的要点似乎已经定好了,但考生仍要把内容要点逐个完整地列出来。3 .选词造句,初步成文在体裁明确、信息全面、要点清晰的基础上,根据要点和重点词汇的句法功能、句子的语法规则,按 照提示或说明中所提供的事实和情节发展的顺序遣词造句,然后将零散的句子组成主谓一致、时态呼应、 脉络分明、合乎逻辑、内容完整的短文。,应试技巧二写作时我们要注意:1 .认真审题,分析所给的提纲要点,认清题目和提纲之间的关系,确定文章的主题

8、、内容和文体。2 .每一个提纲要点都可以作为文章的段落层次的依据,段落的展开围绕提纲的中心内容,不能偏离,也不 能任意增减。3 .提纲只是对文章的提示和概括,不是主题句。这需要根据提纲的性质写出完整的、体现提纲主旨的句子, 使之成为主题句。然后围绕主题句进行扩展。4 .收集材料,支持主题句。材料可以是事实、例证、亲身经历、名人名言、谚语警句等。a【素材锦囊】1 .开头语句(l)Im very delighted to have the chance to.(2)As is often said/the case.(3)We had a heated discussion about/on.an

9、d different students held different opinions.作文不跑题!(4)With the development of.more and more people.(5)At present, there is a widespread concern that.2 .衔接语句(l)Wonderfiil as sth is, however, it has its own disadvantages as well.(2)As/So far as Im concerned, Tm in favor of the first/second view.(3)The

10、 main reason why.is that.(4)The reasons are as follows.(5)Every coin has its two sides.3 .结尾语句(1 )Taking all these into account/consideration, we may safely reach the conclusion that.(2)So we must take measures to.(3)1 felt excited, though tired out, to make a difference to sb/sth.,真题回顾【典例1 2021年全国甲

11、卷】52.假定你是李华。你校计划举办介绍中国传统文化的主题班会,并在英文网站展示。请你写一封邮件给外 国朋友Chris,向他了解哪些中国传统文化更吸引外国友人。邮件内容包括:1 .阐明写信事由;2 .征求建议;3 .表示感谢。注意:1 .词数100左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案】Dear Chris,Word came that our school is going to hold a class meeting whose topic is related to Chinese traditional customs. Because this activity wil

12、l be presented on the English website, I sincerely want you to offer me some advice.As far as we know, there is a huge cultural difference betw een China and the western countries. In order to get more clicks, youd better tell me which Chinese culture you westerners prefer. Whats more, if I want to

13、decorate my website with some Chinese elements, what should I do? Knowing you are interested in China, I do believe you can help me solve these puzzles.If possible, you can reply to me as soon as possible. 1 will take your advice into consideration. 1 really appreciate your help.Yours,Li Hua【典例2 202

14、1年全国乙卷】72.你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:1 .分析优势与不足;2 .提出学习建议。注意:1 .词数100左右;2 .题目和首句已为你写好。【答案】Be smart online learnersNetwork learning has increasingly become an important means for people to acquire knowledge and solve problems.But being smart online learners has its advanta

15、ges and disadvantages.First of all, as smart online learners, we can make full use of the most extensive educational resources to broaden the horizon. Besides, We can take the initiative in our study by ourselves without time and space limit.Of course, these disadvantages are as follows.Faccd with a

16、ll kinds of information on the internet, We cant tell the difference between the true and the false, which may be harmful to our study and life. On the other hand, online learning itself has some imperfections, making it difficult for us not to be affected.In conclusion , we should have a good under

17、standing of its advantages and disadvantages and find a proper way to make our study more efficient.【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛。1 .词汇积累充分利用:make full use of make the most of扩宽,丰富:broaden enrich各种各样:all kinds of varieties of不完美:imperfection* defect2 .句式拓展合并简单句原句:In conclus

18、ion , wc should have a good understanding of its advantages and disadvantages and find a proper way to make our study more efficient.拓展句:In conclusion , we should have a good understanding of its advantages and disadvantages , finding a proper way to make our study more efficient.【典例3新高考全国I卷】66.你校英文

19、报坊山?正在庆祝创刊十周年。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:1 .读报的经历;2.喜爱的栏目;3.期望和祝福。注意:1 .写作词数应为80左右;2 .请按如下格式写字答题卡的相应位置作答。Youth and Me【答案】Youfh and MeIt has been 10 years since Youth was founded. In my memory, it is Youth that accompanies me through my whole high school. When feeling depressed, I often choose to enjoy the novel

20、 part which includes a lot of imaginative stories. These stories can relieve my stress and broaden my horizon. Besides, I even submitted my own fiction to Youth. Refused as I was, I still received some great encouragement, which gives me confidence to be a writer.I do expect Youth can publish more c

21、lassic works and have a promising future.【解析】本文是一篇应用文,向校刊物“加表达自己的经历,并送上自己的祝福。1 .词汇积累建立:foundestablish沮丧的:upsetdepressed得到:receiveobtain赏析:enjoyappreciate2 .句式拓展同义句改写原句: These stories can relieve my stress and broaden my horizon.拓展句: Not only can these stories relieve my stress, but also they can bro

22、aden my horizon【典例4 2021浙江高考卷】46.昨天你参观了学校举办的学生国画作品展。请给校英文报写一篇宣传,内容包括:1 .展览时间、地点;2 .观展感受;3 .推荐观展。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案】In order to enrich students after-school life ,an exhibition of students traditional Chinese paintings is being held by our school, which sparks a growing love for tradit

23、ional art .The exhibition is held on the first floor of the school litrary.Most of the students think highly of this exhibitiony which provides a platform for them to explore the beauty of China and experience the charm of Chinese art.Through the exhibition, not only can you admire wonderful picture

24、s, but also enable you understand the art of traditional Chinese painting better. The exhibition will last for two weeks,every student is welcome to visit.【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一篇关于学校举办的学生国画作品展的宣传稿。1 .词汇积累绘画:drawing painting激发:spiritspark欣赏:appreciate*admire欢迎:greetwelcome2 .句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:The exhibitio

25、n will last for two weeks,every student is welcome to visit.合并句:The exhibition will last for two weeks9during which every student is welcome to visit.”名校预测(2022届高三年级南京市、盐城市第二次模拟考试)假定你是李华。上周三你校开展了“高雅艺术进校园”的活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1 .活动目的;2.活动内容;3.活动反响。注意:2 .词数应为80左右;3 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Elegant Art into

26、 Campusa,参考答案Elegant Art into CampusLast Wednesday witnessed the activity of Elegant Art into Campus, which was intended to make elegant art more accessible.A group of local professional artists were invited here. In the school hall, Butterfly Lovers, a great combination of Chinese and Western music

27、al elements, was superbly played. Then came a lecture centered on basic knowledge of the universal language-music.Both teachers and students have learnt quite a lot and expect to have more exposure to elegant art in the future.旺全塞理理第一篇:假定你是李华,你校将在每周进行中国民族舞蹈培训。请你用英语给你班的美国交换生Mike写一封邮件,告诉他相关信息。内容包括:1 .

28、介绍培训的相关安排;2 .说明培训的目的;3 .表达希望对方参加的愿望。注意:1 .词数80左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:中国民族舞Chinese national dance,指导guidanceDear Mike,Yours,Li Hua,参考答案【答案】Dear Mike,Im writing to share a piece of good news with you.Our school will hold the Chinese national dance training class for exchange students on weekends,

29、which will start from September 22nd and end on December 22nd, lasting three months. Some famous dancing teachers will offer basic guidance. The reason why our school holds this training class is that foreign students should know more about Chinese culture in order to learn Chinese well, and Chinese

30、 national dance plays an important role in Chinese culture.I do hope youll take this chance. Join the training class and know more about China!Yours,Li Hua【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给美国交换生Mike写一封邮件,告诉他关于学校即将进行中 国民族舞蹈培训的相关信息。第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般现在时和一般将来时。结构:三段式第一段写来信目的;第二段写培训的相关信息及目的;第三段表达希望对方参加的愿望。要

31、求:1 .介绍培训的相关安排;2 .说明培训的目的;3 .表达希望对方参加的愿望。第二步:列提纲(重点词组)share sth. with sb., a piece of good news, Chinese national dance, basic guidance, play an important role in sth. 第三步:连词成句1 Im writing to share a piece of good news with you.2. Our school will hold the Chinese national dance training class for ex

32、change students on weekends.3. The class will start from September 22nd and end on December 22nd.4. The class will last three months.5. Some famous dancing teachers will offer basic guidance.6. Foreign students should know more about Chinese culture in order to learn Chinese well.7. Chinese national

33、 dance plays an important role in Chinese culture.8.1 do hope youll take this chance.9. Join the training class and know more about China!根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)1 .表并列补充关系:and2 .表因果关系:The reason why.is that.3 .表目的关系:in order to连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,确保句式的多样性。高分句型 1 Our school

34、 will hold the Chinese national dance training class for exchange students on weekends, which will start from September 22nd and end on December 22nd, lasting three months该句是一 个复合句。which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是the Chinese national dance training classo高分句型 2| The reason why our school holds this training cla

35、ss is that foreign students should know more about Chinese culture in order to learn Chinese well, and Chinese national dance plays an important role in Chinese culture.该句中why引导定语从句修饰reason, that引导表语从句,in order to作目的状语。第二篇:假定你是李华,原定周六你要去拜访以前的班主任张老师,可是由于某种原因你不能前往了。请给他写一 封电子邮件,向他说明取消此次拜访的情况,内容包括:1 .表示

36、歉意;2 .陈述原因;3 .另约时间。注意:1,次数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Zhang,Yours sincerely, Li Hua/参考笞室T【答案】Dear Mr. Zhang,I am excessively sorry for being unable to visit you this Saturday afternoon because I will be attending a lecture about garbage classification on behalf of my class at that time. So import

37、ant is the lecture that I cant afford my absence from it. Consequently, I have to cancel my visit to you. I would appreciate it if you could accept my apology. I will visit you on Sunday morning if it is convenient to you.Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生写一封

38、取消拜访信。假定你是李华,原定周六你要去拜访以 前的班主任张老师,可是由于某种原因你不能前往了,请写邮件说明取消此次拜访的情况。写作时首先进 行道歉,再详细说明无法赴约的理由,最后提出另约时间。需侧重注意语气和词汇的选用。文章条理清晰, 理由描述恰当,态度诚恳,行文流畅。准确地使用了较多高级句式,如:1 am excessively sorry for being unable to visit you this Saturday afternoon because I will be attending a lecture about garbage classification on be

39、half of my class at that time.这句使用 了 because 引导原因状语从句;So important is the lecture that I cant afford my absence from it,这句使用了that(太以至于)的倒装句式引导结果状语从句;以及I will visit youon Sunday morning if it is convenient to you.这句使用if引导条件状语从句。同时运用高档词汇,例 如 excessively sorry; garbage classification; on behalf of sb;

40、cant afford; absence; Consequently; convenient 等。范文内容符合题目要求,原因合理,运用的语言和句式合乎英语的表达规范,是一篇值得参考的作文。5月29日今日心情:一 一 1-书面表达篇之开放式作文,考纲解读二考试大纲命题规律考纲解读普通高中英语课程标准对 语言技能目标写的要求如 下:(1)能根据所读文章进行转 述或写摘要;(2)能根据文字及 图表提供的信息写短文或报 告;(3)能写出语意连贯且结构 完整的短文,叙述事情或表达 观点和态度;(4)能在写作中做 到文体规范、语句通顺。开放作文与传统意义上的书 面表达是形似而神不似,是 一种全新的书面表达

41、形式。开放作文属于非控制性写作 或非任务型写作,即主要根 据文字提示、图画展示或表 格列举等形式设题,留有一 定的空间让考生自由发挥。开放作文对考生的能力要求 较高,考查也更全面。它不 仅考查考生的语言表达能 力、语言组织能力,而且还 考查考生的逻辑思维能力、 发散思维能力、想象能力以 及多角度考虑问题的能力。,高考预测分析近几年全国卷不难发现,书面表达大多是以书信为体裁的说明文。随着高考英语改革进程的不断 深入与发展,英语书面表达的命题形式也会日趋灵活与开放。开放作文更能反映出考生的真实写作水平。 因此,翻译式及半开放和翻译式相结合,以书信为载体的说明文为备考2022年高考卷的主攻 方向。O

42、应3技巧什么是开放作文,什么是半开放作文呢?又该如何应对此类作文呢?开放,脩支,:命题者给出一个写作题目,由考生任意发挥,类似语文的命题作文,如:Friendshipo迄今高考英语全国卷还没有采用过这种模式。学开放惮文.:命题者说明写作主题后,要给出一些要点提示,同时给考生预留了一定发挥空间,让考生根据要点去审题拓展,深度思考后再书写,属于导向性写作。一、曲融解1 .主要侧重考查两种文体:一为记叙义,一为以设义。(1)记叙文是给学生一段材料,然后要求学生充分发挥想象来拓展原材料的内容,运用逻辑推理的方法, 沿着材料的纵横方向延伸,给故事添加开头、结尾及中间的过程。(2)议论文要求学生根据所提供

43、的材料(文字、图表或图画),谈谈自己的观点和看法。学生要灵活处理所给 材料,做到综合分析、辩证思考、归纳要点、提炼观点,力求论点合理、论据充分、论证缜密而有力。2 .命题侧重考查考生的想象能力、发散思维能力、逻辑归纳能力、提炼及阐述自己的观点的能力。3 .试题的趣味性与解题的挑战性并存,能力的发展性与答案的开放性并存。工瀚级/1 .认真审题,看清要求,找准关键句;2 .依据主线,草拟提纲,梳理文章脉络;3 .定位人称,确立时态,遣词造句组篇章。三、蹈英翦1 .认真审题。即审语境、审人称、审时态。2 .紧扣主题。无论是开放作文还是半开放作文,根据给出的主题或自己确定的主题展开写作,必须做到 不偏

44、题、不跑题,符合要求,首尾呼应。3 .详略得当。对于(半)开放作文,一定要把握好文章的主题,做到有主有次,详略得当,主题明确,细 节鲜明。函【写作步骤】1 .开放作文在表述时通常先描述显性的部分,按一定的顺序(如时间的先后或空间的转移)来组织材料。然后描述隐性的部分,要紧扣主题或按照作文的要求去表达,即揭示寓意,突出主题。隐性部分和显性部分一定有其必然的联系。2 .半开放作文通常先描述材料提示部分的内容。然后按材料要求对所给的要点自由发挥即可,但要符合生 活实际,真实可信。k【写作素材】1 .分析原因(l)There are.reasons for.(2)The reasons for thi

45、s are as follows.(3)The reason for this is that.2 .表示重要性、必要性(l)It is important(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible) fbr sb to do.(2)It plays an important role/part in.没有那么难作文(3)be of importance/significance to.(4)attach (great/much/little) importance to.3 .说影响(1 )have an impact/effect on.(2)d

46、o great (little/no) harm to/be harmful to.4 .谈意义be of great (little/no) use/value/benefit/importance/significance/help to.5 .列措施(1) .can do many things to.(2)A good many/A variety of things can be done to.(3)Strong/Effective measures should be taken to.6 .展望与呼吁(l)appeal to sb to do/urge sb to do/call on sb to do.(2)try/do ones best to do.(3)do what/all that sb can to do.(4)spare no efforts to do/make the greatest effort to do.(5)do everything in ones power to do.7 .表示有益处(1 )It has the following advantages.(2)It does us a lot of good.高考英语作文完美行文四步骤Stepl:确定文章框架,包括:时态、语态、格式、展开方式、开头、结尾等。St


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