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《高三英语复习完形填空方法与技巧.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语复习完形填空方法与技巧.pptx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。



3、法。全文综合推断法。第第1页页/共共15页页一、主旨推断法一、主旨推断法主旨推断法就是利用完型短文的提示句(多为首句,一般不设空)推主旨推断法就是利用完型短文的提示句(多为首句,一般不设空)推出全文的主旨,并在主旨的指导下对下文或全文开展合乎情理的想象。出全文的主旨,并在主旨的指导下对下文或全文开展合乎情理的想象。例例1 (2004年,全国年,全国I)It was the night before the composition was due.As l looked at the list of topics(题目题目),“The Art of eating Spaghetti(意大利面条意

4、大利面条)”caught my eye.The word“spaghetti”brought back the 36 of an evening at Uncle Allens in Belleville36.A.memory B.thought C.knowledge D.experience分析分析 memory“记忆记忆”。根据短文首句内容可判断出这是作者对过去。根据短文首句内容可判断出这是作者对过去发生的事的回忆。发生的事的回忆。thought思想;思想;knowledge知识;知识;experience经历。经历。答案答案 A点评点评 文章的首句常常会对全文第一空有较大的帮助。文章的

5、首句常常会对全文第一空有较大的帮助。第第2页页/共共15页页二、正向推断法二、正向推断法正向推断法就是根据上文提供的点滴信息,结合文章的主旨,对正向推断法就是根据上文提供的点滴信息,结合文章的主旨,对某空所需要的信息进行正确合理的推断。某空所需要的信息进行正确合理的推断。进行正向推断时要确保进行正向推断时要确保从上文推断出的信息准确无误,应特别注意上下文的连贯顺畅,从上文推断出的信息准确无误,应特别注意上下文的连贯顺畅,这时,可利用一些逻辑性较强的连词,如:这时,可利用一些逻辑性较强的连词,如:but,and,so,however,therefore,because等。等。例例2 (2004年

6、,湖北)年,湖北)Clay was astonished.“But Im going all the way to South Carolina,and Ill be gone for two weeks,”she 47 them.47.A.persuaded B.advised C.reminded D.promised分析分析 由由“but”,“all the way to South Carolina”,“two weeks”可知,可知,Clay在提醒在提醒Paul 夫妇自己不能在短时间内还车。夫妇自己不能在短时间内还车。答案答案 C点评点评 做正向推断类的题目时,要充分利用所给出的连词

7、。做正向推断类的题目时,要充分利用所给出的连词。第第3页页/共共15页页三、逆向推断法三、逆向推断法逆向推断法就是某空档所需要的信息只能从下文所提供的信息逆向推断法就是某空档所需要的信息只能从下文所提供的信息反向推断而出。它可以通过某些逻辑性较强的连词来进行合理反向推断而出。它可以通过某些逻辑性较强的连词来进行合理的推断。的推断。例例3 (2004年,广东)年,广东)l felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be 44 to get a job without experience.44.A.difficult B.hel

8、pless C.possible D.unusual 分析分析 根据上文根据上文felt even more helpless when she told me可可知现在工作很难找。知现在工作很难找。答案答案 A点评点评 在一个句子或一段话中,上一句的暗示对下文填空有很大在一个句子或一段话中,上一句的暗示对下文填空有很大的帮助,如本句中的的帮助,如本句中的helpless.第第4页页/共共15页页四、正向逆向合推法四、正向逆向合推法正向逆向合推法就是某些空档所需要的信息,既不能单独正向推断出也不能单独正向逆向合推法就是某些空档所需要的信息,既不能单独正向推断出也不能单独逆向推出,只能同时利用两

9、种方法推断,利用周边的语气环境进行联合推断,这逆向推出,只能同时利用两种方法推断,利用周边的语气环境进行联合推断,这时更应借助上下文的语意,尤其是一些逻辑性较强的连词,进行合理的、严密的时更应借助上下文的语意,尤其是一些逻辑性较强的连词,进行合理的、严密的逻辑判断,从而得出正确的信息。逻辑判断,从而得出正确的信息。例例4 (2004年,湖北模拟)年,湖北模拟)Drinking coffee in the caf,he would easily make friends with students.Sometimes he would 45 a student to a game of ches

10、s(国际象棋)(国际象棋).46 ,he would join student groups to discuss a variety of 47 :agriculture,diving and mathematics.45.A.invite B.lead C.prefer D.show46.A.As a matter of fact B.Later on C.Other times D.In general 47.A.questions B.subjects C.matters D.contents分析分析 45.根据对他的品质的评论及与下文的根据对他的品质的评论及与下文的 a studen

11、t to a game of chess可知,可知,答案选答案选A,表示邀请学生进行象棋比赛。,表示邀请学生进行象棋比赛。46.根据上文所谈的一系列事情根据上文所谈的一系列事情during coffee in a caf,sometimes可知,可知,答案选答案选C,意思是:其他时候,意思是:其他时候。47.根据冒号及下文的根据冒号及下文的agriculture,diving and mathematics可知,答案选可知,答案选B,指这些课程或主题。指这些课程或主题。答案答案 45.A 46.C 47.B点评点评 在完形填空中,语境是进行正向逆向合推的依据。在完形填空中,语境是进行正向逆向合

12、推的依据。第第5页页/共共15页页五、直接推断法五、直接推断法直接推断法就是根据空格语气信息的背景特点,从上下文直接找直接推断法就是根据空格语气信息的背景特点,从上下文直接找出基本上相同的信息。出基本上相同的信息。例例5 (2004年,全国年,全国l)but what l was feeling was pure happiness,54 my words had the power to make people 55 .54.A.if B.for C.while D.although 55.A.excited B.satisfied C.think D.laugh 分析分析 由由what I

13、 was feeling was pure happiness可推出第可推出第54空填空填for,引导一个原因状语。而根据上文的内容可以推断出作者为自,引导一个原因状语。而根据上文的内容可以推断出作者为自己的作文让人发笑而感到自豪。己的作文让人发笑而感到自豪。答案答案 54.B 55.D点评点评 直接推断完全依句子语境而定。直接推断完全依句子语境而定。第第6页页/共共15页页六、全文综合推断法六、全文综合推断法全文综合推断法就是根据文章的主题及中心思想,把握全文的精全文综合推断法就是根据文章的主题及中心思想,把握全文的精神实质,综合思考补出某些空档的信息,这些试题往往出现在文神实质,综合思考补

14、出某些空档的信息,这些试题往往出现在文章的末尾,以概括人物的个性特点、作者意图等。章的末尾,以概括人物的个性特点、作者意图等。例例6 (2003年,全国)年,全国)In a way,I think we both won:I the game,but cousin Ed my 55 .55.A.friendship B.respect C.support D.favor分析分析 综合全文可以看出:综合全文可以看出:Ed 原来是一个不喜欢体育运动的人,然而,原来是一个不喜欢体育运动的人,然而,当作者与他进行短网球拍墙比赛时,发现他发生了巨大变化,不仅原来当作者与他进行短网球拍墙比赛时,发现他发生

15、了巨大变化,不仅原来在在T恤与裤子之间的大肚子不见了,而且球打得相当好,因此赢得了作恤与裤子之间的大肚子不见了,而且球打得相当好,因此赢得了作者对他的尊敬。者对他的尊敬。答案答案 B点评点评 在完形填空中,最后一句一般都是对全文作一个总结,所以把握在完形填空中,最后一句一般都是对全文作一个总结,所以把握文章的中心思想非常重要。文章的中心思想非常重要。第第7页页/共共15页页七、考题巡礼七、考题巡礼题题1(NMET97)Todd was working at his gas station(加油站加油站)at night when he heard over the radio that a 1

16、 in Long Island had been 2 by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with$150 000.“One hundred and fifty thousand,”Todd whistled.Heres a fellow who just 3 into a bank and helps himself 4 so much money.Todd thought of the 5 with which he managed to get the amount of money he 6 to st

17、art his gas station.So many papers to 7 ,so much money to pay back.The news 8 twenty minutes later.The gunman had 9 a car for a ride,and then 10 out the driver.He was possibly 11 the Southern State Parkway in white Ford.License plate(车牌车牌)number LJR1939.The 12 of the announcer continued:“13 out for

18、white cars.Dont pick up 14 ,and all you folks in gas stations better not do 15 to a white Ford car.”Todd stood up and 16 to see out into the cold night.It was dark but Todd 17 the Southern State Parkway was out there.Just 18 ,Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for 19.There it

19、was,a white Ford.He saw the 20,LJR1939.“What should I do?”Todd had to make a quick 21.第第8页页/共共15页页 “Yes,sir?”Todd 22 while making up his mind for sure.“23 her up,”the man said sounding like any other 24.When the tank(油箱油箱)was full,Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.“Hands up 25 g

20、et out!”1.A.store B.bank C.station D.house2.A.searched B held up C.taken over D.broken into3.A.walks B.looks C.marches D.drives4.A.for B.by C.to D.of5.A.satisfaction B.difficulty C.disappointment D.spirit6.A.saved B.made C.offered D.needed7.A.collect B.prove C.sign D.write8.A.continued B.lasted C.sp

21、read D.arrived9.A.bough B.borrowed C.stolen D.stopped10.A sent B.found C.left D.pushed11.A calling from B.fleeing from C.heading for D.looking for12.A.news B.warning C.advice D.voice13.A.Look B.Run C.Call D.Set14.A.guests B.strangers C.prisoners D.passengers15.A.harm B.favor C.service D.business第第9页

22、页/共共15页页16.A.tried B.decided C.hoped D.happened17.A.considered B.knew C.recognized D.learnt18.A.then B.there C.right D.now19.A.directions B.repairs C.gas D.parking20.A.mark B.number C.sign D.name21.A.decision B.call C.movement D.remark22.A.wondered B.stopped C.waited D.asked23.A.Cover B.Fill C.Check

23、 D.Tie24.A.visitor B.robber C.driver D.rider25.A.or B.and C.but D.to 第第10页页/共共15页页题题2(NMET98)Ella Fant was amiddle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house.She 1 John very much.In her 2 he couldnt do anything 3.Every morning she would give him breakfast 4 bed and bring him the pap

24、ers to 5.It isnt really true that he was too 6 to work-in fact he had tried a few 7 .First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to 8 at least six windows.Then he 9 a bus conductor and on his second 10 a passenger stole his bag with all the fare(车费车费)collected.He 11 lost hi

25、s job as a postman 12 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to peoples houses.It seemed that there was 13 suitable work for him.So he 14 to join the army.Mrs.Fant was so 15 about this that she told the 16 to all her neighbours.“My John is going to be a soldier,”she said:“He is g

26、oing to be the best soldier there 17 was,I can tell you!”Then the great day came 18 he was to march past the in the parade(接受检阅的队伍)(接受检阅的队伍).His 19 mother traveled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good 20 in the crowd.第第11页页/共共15页页 The parade was full of sound and colour.But

27、when John and his 21 came in sight some of the people watching 22 laughing at the one who couldnt keep pace with the other as they marched along.But Ella Fant,who was filled with 23,shouted at the top of her voice:“Look at 24!Theyre all out of 25 except my John!Isnt he the best!”1.A.depended on B.wa

28、ited on C.trusted D.loved2.A.hope B.eyes C.head D.beliefs3.A.wrong B.great C.good D.strange4.A.to B.at C.in D.by5.A.check B.read C.keep D.sign6.A.lazy B.young C.weak D.shy7.A.ones B.years C.tasks D.jobs8.A.rub B.drop C.break D.clean9.A.followed B.met C.became D.found10.A.day B.try C.route D.chance11

29、.A.thus B.even C.once D.only12.A.even if B.so that C.because D.though13.A.some B.such C.less D.no 第第12页页/共共15页页14.A.began B.promised C.managed D.decided15.A.excited B.worried C.anxious D.curious16.A.incident B.change C.news D.matter17.A.yet B.ever C.never D.just18.A.where B.since C.when D.till19.A.p

30、roud B.kind C.strict D.lucky20.A.time B.position C.experience D.impression21.A.neighbours B.army officer C.mother D.fellow soldiers22.A.couldnt help B.shouldnt burst out C.stopped D.kept23.A.sadness B.happiness C.surprise D.regret24.A.then B.those C.that D.him25.A.sight B.order C.mind D.step第第13页页/共共15页页第第14页页/共共15页页感谢您的观看。感谢您的观看。第第15页页/共共15页页


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