2021-2022学年陕西省渭南高级中学高一下学期期中考试英语试题(Word版 听力.docx

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1、渭南高级中学20212022学年度第二学期第三阶段考试高一英语试题咨金柒知:1、本忒6分为第Ig和第11 6 TF速译度)两条分.2、请在答为卡上作咨,3、限零满分150分.考迟时刈120忡,第】卷第一部分 听力(其两节,满分30分)第一节共S小鹿,每小屋14分,满分74分)听下面5段对话砰段对话后有一个小0,从只中所的的A、B. C三个选项中选出H佳选项. 听完每段对话后.你都有10秒冲的时间朱臼存有关小3和同设下一小国.每段对话仅读一地.I. Whai docs (he boy hope to do next summer?A. Study acminc. B. Earn wmc mone

2、y. C. Visit Chinn.2. I law ikx:s the man feel ubcxil the film?A. Ils bonng.B. exciting.3. How long will the trip lai?A. 30 minutes.B. 3 hours.4. Whiil will the wonun paibably do next?A. Get some tea. B. Goto bed.C. Il intereaing.C. 90 minutes.5. X,hat is (be man trying to do?A. Enccmr邓 ibe woman.B.

3、Congnitulntc the woman.C. Eal Mxiieching.C. Show his thnnks to the wonun.第二节共15小翻:每小题分,满分225分)听下血5段对话或独自 ,初段相送或独白后有几个小噬,从13中所爆的ABC三个选项中选|出44 佳选项.研段对诏或独自箭,你将有时间回设各个小!1年小题5秒钟;所完后,各小匙棉给出5杪 钟的作若时间,每段对话或独白波两蛆.听第6段材料川I答第67咫.6. What luppeiKxi to lhcul?A. S2.5.B. S4.C. SIO.11. When will the perfonnance end?

4、A. Al6HXp. m. B. A18:30p. m.C. Al 10:30p. in.所第9段材料,回答第”至16 13When: docs the conversation probnbly ukc pbcc?A. At a hotel.B. ?t a light shop. C. At the wxxnan* home.12. Vhal doe* (lie *xxiian want (be man lodo?A. Move her things. B. Buy he/some medicine. C. Gel her u brighter light.13. How docs (he

5、womun feel?A. Thinly.B. Cold.C. Sleepy.14. W1 皿 will the nun do wexi?A. Turn oft, ihc air conditionin. B. Rich sonw hoc water. C. Buy a new blanket. 所第10段相礼回答第17至20 fi2.15. How ikx the man feel?A. Tired.B. Anxious.C. Delighted.16. What can ut kam about the wonwn?A. She gm new house. B. She bought a

6、new cnr. C- She lives uxxlpluce. 19. WTial docx (he Ionian dd% iM: the man to di?A. To move into her apanmeni. B. To talk with hu landlord. C. lb elunge his job.20. How far is it from the wonwns apartment(o the mans office?A. 15 minutesenr ride. B. 15 minuccs bike ride. C. 15 minutes walk.第二部分 阅读理解(

7、共两节 每小题2分,满分30分)第一节(共1。小题:诲小题2分.演分加分)Xian enjoys a reputation as a *Living Histof* Museum* due to its rich, diverse colkclion of historical and cuhunil creusurc. A pan from the Tcrrocotui Wjirrioni. there arc also some other attractions in the cky. Here arc some of them.Aiwlent City WallXian City Wa

8、ll was built in (be I4(h century in (be Minj Dxna5ty a,a miliury lcfcnse . Nnw it k and Hgitfine% b MuseumThe Shaanxi Htaory Museum, built in 1991. is hoK to over 370.000 pfvoous relics unearthed tn Shaanxi over the years. The museum consiMs of three main sections, hs colloctions range from bronze w

9、are (KlIB) (o pouery wurc. gold and siKw uarc and mural pointings from the Tang Dynasiy tombs.The Muslim QuarterOne of the highlights is its local snacks when you tour Xian. The best food dcstinaiinn is the Muslim Quarter4 which 3 histor- of several hundred yenni. Consisting of n number of food stre

10、ets, the urea ha, become a tamnux aitrjctMm in the city far iK rich anci authentic Muslim cultural atmwpherc.21. In which place can you know nxwv about Ru&ihkm?A. Ancient City Wall.B. !ian Wild (ilmwc PAgixh.C. Shaanxi History Museum.D. The Quarter.22. XVhal can you do when you vixil (be Muslim Quar

11、ter?A. Creaie some bronze wvet.B. Eal divene deiinous snacks.C. Visil soine waichiowen4.D. TraitUate BuddhiM scripcures.23 . What do you know frotii ibe (exl?A. The Shaami Histoty Museum has cxhibiu made of gold.B Xuan Zang died in ihc Gtani Wild Goose Pagoda.C. The Xian City Wall is (heoldest Chine

12、se city wall.D. The Muslim Quarter has a history of 100 years.BWith many pans of Central Chinas Hciun province suffering from flooding after very heavy rainfall. doowMic conpunic are rushing their ikwialions to help with ihx)d rvlicl in the province. Some companc/ actiuiis hiive uxxi (he heart% of C

13、hinese cunxuiners.Chinese nclizciu wen: deeply moved by docuiion of 50 million yuan (USS 7.74 million) nwlc by Jonieiiie sportswear company Erke fbr Henan.Netizenx were ponicubriy moved hy the tael that Hrkc K a entail arui low-profile brand cximpared with intcrnatioiuil brands. The 50-million-yuan

14、donation is a big number tor the company since Erkc*s business didnt won io be developing very well.Mh feels like youre going out of business and you domed so much. a netizen said.The companys livestreanX ft lit.I also drew a lol of attention with over iwo million vicww watching ihe video a( the sam

15、e lime on Thunday. Pre i products via livesirvain to offer their suppon. The livwlreAm host even tried to perxnadc (he aixlicnce to buy thinjjx in a riiiioiul(理.性 的 way when nuny of them said that ihcy were happy tn buy the pmducu even with borrowed money.In rcspofwc (o (he grcai support from giizcn

16、工 Eitc Presidem Wu Rongzh suddenly showed up in fmm of the cameni to exprcix his upprcciaiian at midnight cm Thursday.*ll makes me ieel your enthmiaMn and wamlh. We arv very nxved. will cuntinue to a good job in terwx of produeb and %crvce%. xatd Wu.Some netizens snid there were rxx many compnics li

17、ke Erkc which Jus a Mronj wnsc of social rvspottiibility and called on olbers to buy motv of the companys produeb.Aho, netizenx said (bey were particulariy touched by the fact that Erkc didnt iidvertuc their demation, even though some *lcggcd,* 11k company(o do more marketing to iiKrcasc their sales

18、.24. Why are more ami more ChiiKsc people buying Ericcs products?A. The quality of its products has been improved.B. They arc eager io follow the trend in a crazy way.C. The compnny is going oirt of business nnd iu products arc ull on sale.D. They want to express their support(o the compiiny for iu

19、generwhy.25. During (he Ih-crenm, Erkc PrcMdcnc Wu Ron/hno appcircKl in order to.A. introduce Hrkes product.B. thank netizens for their support.C. pcniuadc nctizens to buy (hingx. D. express hK dcicnnination to do muricting better.26. What can we infer trocn citizens attitude to Flrkc?A. They hope E

20、rkc will become an intcmalinnal bniixi.B. They arc cncoumging Erke to advertue iu dorutkm to increaM: itx sales.C. They arc ali%!ied with Ibe responsibility that Erke sbous.D. They will suppurl ibe cumpariy forever.27. Which uf liie lolkming be die best tide ter the parage?A. Erke Win Chinese Nelize

21、ns* Hearts after Flood Relief Donahon.B. Erkc,s Saks hxrrease Slnrply due io Its Donadon.C. Eikc Donates 50 million to Support Henans Disaster Relief EflorB.D. Erkcs Prcsiikiu is Moved by Chinese Citizens Support.CI cinl prove this, bul Im sure its (rue: nobody on their deathbed evvr wished theyd sp

22、ent inoev time watchinj* (dcxiMon. Life is sbon and there arc too many xrlivitics dial arc more imponnnt and fill fill inj: than sitting in Iron! uf u Iclevixkm Ibr hour% on end. Thats ixit to uigcsl you should remove lelcviMon from your life completely. But Ive come io see i( as something best plac

23、ed at ibe edge of life, ratlxrf (lian the center.I didnt “hvnvs Rd th取 wny. In fact, there was a period in my life when I wusted nearly six houm of my day walchinc Iclevukm and walch TV till ! fell Dileep near midnighl. Bight hourt later. Id wuke up with ibe TV still of), feding no nxife reMcd ihan

24、when I went io sleep. Wlxrn you do i!k nuih. it*s rather shocking. Six Ixxin* per day adds up to 2.190 hours over the course of a ycur. which equates to about 91 days.Although I foiled (o recognize ii ot the lime, hs clear iww that watching TV had become a full-blown 仝新)addiction for me. 1( w第 a way

25、 that I used io disimct myself from the pniblenis. fear and challenges I refiwing (d deal with in my life. I u%cd tekvixion to ditlracl from (he shame, emborrxtnent and stress I felt about some irresponsible Omincial decisions imd (heir rcuiking fallout. I used i( to avoid facing my fear of stepping

26、 out into the world more fully, connecting with ochers aixi pursuing the higher purpose to which my miu! wax being called. I used ii to cope (处理) with boredom and fill the space of an otherwise cmp think lite wax wy long.29. Why did the autlwr spend mou of her Hine watching TV in the post?A. To have

27、 n giwd rcxt at home.B. 1 learn ahut the real world.C. To get away hum her probkins.D. lb get nd of her bod habiu.30. Whai can we infer ubocit the author now?A.She lead% a very umple lite.B.She lives a nwcv fulfilling life.C.SKc watches TV for hours cry day.D.She likes communicating with ochers.31.

28、UTiat would the next panigraphx probably he about?A.Why watching TV is hatmful.B.How to live a hkxv fulfilling life.C.WTiut the Author doe in her diiily life now, D.How the Author overcame her TV addiction.DIn Willshire. England, volunteers are being wu$ht to visit a nature protection area to count

29、the bu(iernes living there nnd on surrminding fiekJs. The project promoicd by an environmental pevtevtion DrganizlKxt. which ha、ccmlribuled tu intpniving the living cnviroainenl for wild animak. Recenlly the organtz3iKMi has issued an appeal to help it observe envifMimenul change% based on the recor

30、d of huttcrflic% and protect the environment.In the area, the local people have phnled many special fkwerN wilh Ibe help uf (be oq;anizalian. uiming to see whether these (Iqwcn will inccrcst the rare and beautiful buucrflics. The pmjcct ofTlccr Sanih Manlull iayx. Il will be a MiHable habital Ie* bu

31、(ler!lws. They an: great indicator specie ax they aiv easily atYected by climate clnngcs so they make a brilliant early-wrniii systen) tor (Ik envimnnient.* She alu)points out that voluntccn; arc needed to record the number or specie% of buHertlx:, uml based on Ibe ehanve happening to the butlcrflie

32、x. Ibe hidden environmental probknis in ibe area can be found mi( in (imc.The organization is seeking volunlccfs to help monitor bultcrflics fmm April thmugh n Scpiembcr. They will walk a fixed mule and record the diflcrcni butterflies they cncxHintcr along the way. Each vml should Uke net nxxv than

33、 hiiun. and each volunteer i% expected Cd %ixil cincc a month io ooun (Ke wildlife. Staff will provide back up. so if the weather is poor on the day you arc(o visit (bunciflics dont like (o fly in the rain, wind or if it,s too cloudy) we can have sonKooc else do your job.* Sarah pciinl% out.No prevk

34、xis experience n necessan1 as training and xuppcct will be provided, txil a keen inierey is essential. If you are inccrcstcd pka the things EXCEPTA. having some special prevKXis cxpcnciKC.B. being intcreMcd in protcclinj (he environment.C. walking a regukir ruuce and(k xuine nxunlin驴.D. visiting the

35、 nature protect ion area once a month.35. What is the text mainly about?A. Visitors are being trained to tdcniify buucrflics.B. Wildlife araw arc being prolcctcd by builcrflic,.C. Voluntecis ait being needed to cuum bulled】心.D. Organizations are being put up to protect buctcrnks.第二节(共5小题,每小2分,满分1。分)

36、根据内容.从短文后选项中选出鹿地入空白处的处住选项,选顼中有两项为多余选项.Maybe you nrc nn ordinary student. 36Thu k no ncccsuirily so. Anyone can become abetter audeni if he or she warns io. Herds how:Plan your time carefully. When plunning your work, you should make a liM of things that you have to do. Alkr making Ihix lisl. you sho

37、uld nnke a Mrlxxlule o( jxxir time. Find arrange ycnir lune f(w ealing. sleeping, dressing, cic. then decide a good, regular lime for studying. 37 A weekly schedule may not wive All jxxir problem* but it will force you tn realize wtuit k hiippening co your lime.Make good use of your lime in class. 3

38、8 Listening carefully in class means kss wofkhter. Taking nou、will help you remember wlut the teacher sayx.Scixly regularly. When you gel bonw from school, go over your tuxes, review (Ik imponani points that your teacher k going co diMZiMs the next day, rciui that mutcrial. 39 If you do these ihin胪r

39、egularly. Ilie material will beconie more meaningful, and you will ivmentber il longer.Develop u good uiiitudc towards tests. The pwposc of a test is to show what you have learned oboui a xuhjecl. The work! wont end if)XHi dont pass a tcM. so dont be wcr worried.40. You will probably discover many o

40、thers after you have cried tlwsc.A. This will help you undcrMaixl the next cln.B. You probably limik you will never be a lop siuiknt.C- Don,t forget to set 而ide enough lime for entenninment.I). No one can become a kip sludenl unk。he ur she work、hard,E. There arc ocher methods chai might help you wit

41、h your study.I;. Take ndxanUfc of chi*、time to liMcn to everything (he tocher lays.G. Make full um; of s|Xirc lime id uke note of whin itie teacher says in cla. 第三郃分英语知识运用 第一f完形填空共20小飘,每小BH.5分,稠分30分)Years ago. I worked at (Ik Ringling Brocbcfs Barnum & Bailey Circus. One da), as I was passing the elephants. I suddenly Mopped. 41 by the fac lui these huge creatures were be


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