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《北京市朝阳区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市朝阳区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含答案解析).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、北京市朝阳区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择1.An old woman is crossing the road. Lets go and helpA.A.youB. himC. meD.her2.Mark Twain wrote the Adventures of Tom Sawyer1876.A.inB. onC.toD.at3.is your flight number?-CN797.A. WhatB. HowC.WhenD.Where4. Must I stay here to wait for Tony?No, you.You

2、 can go home now.A. cantB. needntC.mustntD.shouldnt5.my parents were very worried about leaving me, they had to go away onbusiness for a few days.A. AndB. OrC. AlthoughD.So6. Deng Yaping is one oftable tennisplayers in China.A. goodB betterC. bestD.the best7. How was your weekend?一Great! Wea picnic

3、by the lake.A.haveB. are havingC. hadD.will have8.If I start doing my homework after dinner, Iit before I go to bed.A.finishB. will finishC finishedD.have finished9.Where does your brother Mike live?In London. Hethere since he was born.A. is livingB. has livedC. will liveD.lived10. Betty, where is m

4、y grandma?Shein the park now.A. dancedB dancesC. is dancingD.has danced11. The book11. The bookby young people all over the world today.A. is lovedB. was lovedC. lovesD. loved六、材料作文40.绿色生活是我们追求的目标,倡导绿色低碳生活是我们义不容辞的责任。某英 文网站正在开展以“My Green Life”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇 短文投稿,谈谈你对绿色生活的看法,在日常生活中你的做法及建议。提示词

5、语:important, ride, turn off, better提示问题:What do you think of green life?What do you do in your daily life?What are your suggestions?My Green LifeGreen lifestyle is mygoal.参考答案:1. D【详解】句意:一个年老的女人正在过马路,咱过去帮帮她吧。考查代词辨析。you (主格,宾格)你,你们;him (he的宾格)他;me (I的宾格)我;her (she的宾格)她。句中help的宾语为“An old woman,应使用her代

6、替,故选D。2. A【详解】句意:马克吐温在1876年写了小说汤姆索亚历险记。考查介词。in用于指某个较长的时间(年、月、季节);on用于指具体某一天;to用于指两 个时间点之间的时间;at用于指某一特定的时刻。空格后为力876”,年份应搭配介词in。故 选AoA【详解】句意:你的航班号是多少? CN797O考查特殊疑问句。What什么;How怎么样;When什么时候;Where哪里。根据答句“CN797” 可知,此处是在问航班号是多少,应用特殊疑问词what提问。故选A。3. B【详解】句意:我必须待在这等托尼吗? 不,你不必。你现在可以回家了。考查情态动词辨析。caift不能,不会;nee

7、d not不必;mustnt不得;shouldnt不应该。本 句为must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednk故选B。4. C【详解】句意:虽然我的父母离开我感到非常担忧,但他们不得不出差几天。考查连词辨析。and和,又;or或,或者;although虽然,尽管;so因此。根据句中“my parents were very worried.they had to go away.”可知前后为让步关系,此句为让步状语从句,需要 用although引导。故选CoD【详解】句意:邓亚萍是中国最好的乒乓球运动员之一。考查最高级。good好的,形容词原级;better更好的,形容

8、词比较级;best最好的;the best 最好的,形容词最高级。此处是“one of+最高级+可数名词复数”用法,意为“最之一。 形容词最高级前需要加the。故选D。5. C【详解】句意:周末过得如何? 好极了,我们在湖边野餐。考查动词的时态。根据How was your weekend?”可知这事已经发生了,应用一般过去时。故选C。6. B【详解】句意:如果我晚饭后开始做作业,我会在睡觉前完成。考查动词时态。前句为if引导的条件状语从句,根据“主将从现”的原则,从句是一般现在时, 主句应用一般将来时,构成形式为:will doo故选B。7. B【详解】句意:你弟弟迈克住在哪里? 伦敦。他从

9、出生起就住在那里。考查动词时态。根据空后从句“since he was born.”可知,空处的动词应用现在完成时,构成 形式为:have/has done;主语是第三人称单数形式,故助动词应用has, live的过去分词是livedo 故选B。8. C【详解】句意: Betty,我奶奶在哪儿? 她现在正在公园跳舞。考查动词时态。根据“now现在”以及语境可知,句子用现在进行时,其结构为:主语+am/is/are+doingo 故选 Co9. A【详解】句意:如今这本书被全世界各地的青少年所喜爱。考查被动语态。结合本句的时间状语“today”可知为一般现在时,句中主语“the book”与谓语

10、 动词“love”之间为被动关系,故使用一般现在时的被动语态。故选A。10. D【详解】句意:你能告诉我你要在科学博物馆做什么吗? 当然,我将用沙子填满一 个袋子。考查宾语从句。宾语从句需要用陈述句语序,据此可排除BC。结合答语“I will fill a bag with sand”为一般将来时,可知询问在科学博物馆做什么也为一般将来时,故选D。11. C 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D【分析】短文介绍了 Cody和他的妈妈热爱跑步的原因不同,Cody是为了赢得比赛,而妈 妈是为了锻炼身体。一次,Cody和妈妈进行一场跑步比赛,Cody开始

11、的时候跑得很快,但 很快他就慢了下来,这时妈妈赶了上来,并赢得了比赛,但是妈妈还是鼓励他不要放弃,要 跑到终点,最终他做到了,并虚心向妈妈求教如何跑步。答案第2页,共7页.句意:他参加比赛并享受获胜的感觉。testing 测试;training 训练;winning 获胜;studying 学习。根据“This is the main reason why he likes running.”可知,他喜欢跑步的原因是享受获胜的感觉。故选C。13 .句意:它帮助她保持健康和感觉良好,因为它使她的心脏强壮。big 大的;strong 强壮的;happy 开心的;relaxed 放松的。根据“It

12、helps her stay healthy”可知, 跑步可以使心脏强壮,保持健康。故选B。14 .句意:这意味着她不想跑得快,而是想跑得远。far远地;hard艰难地;easily容易地;rapidly迅速地。根据“She enjoys distance (远距离的) running.”可知,她喜欢长跑,因此在乎的是跑得远而不是跑得快。故选A。15 .句意:学生和家长都被邀请参加跑步。noticed 注意;warned 警告;ordered 命令;invited 邀请。根据One Saturday the school held a 3-mile race.”可知,学校举办了 3英里赛跑,学

13、生和家长都被邀请了。故选D。16 .句意:Cody确信他会打败他的妈妈。beat 打败;help 帮助;comfort 安慰;fight 打架。根据“Cody was confident”可知,Cody 很自 信,认为可以打败他的妈妈。故选A。17 .句意:然而,在第二英里时,Cody慢了下来。fell down 摔侄U; sped up 力速;slowed down 放慢;pushed forward 推动,推进。根据“However” 可知,此处对比第一英里的“fast”,第二英里慢了下来。故选C。18 .句意:他上气不接下气。touch 触摸;breath 呼吸;control 控制;t

14、rouble 麻烦。根据Cody tried to catch up and ran really hard. But he could not keep it up.可知,Cody努力想要追上妈妈,但是他坚持不下去了,跑 得上气不接下气。out of breath “喘不过气,上气不接下气”。故选B。19 .句意:他朝终点线跑去并成功了。looked 看;cared 关心;waited 等待;headed 朝(某方向)行进。根据the finish line and made it”可知,他朝终点线跑去,并成功了。故选D。20 . C 22. A 23. D【分析】短文是一篇说明文。主要介绍

15、了北京冬奥会的场馆。21 .推理判断题。根据文中“Also known as “The Birds Nest”,this stadium hosted the Opening and Closing Ceremonies(仪式)of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. And the Birds Nest will once again 答案第3页,共7页be the place of Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games.”可推理出,国家 体育场将举办冬奥会的开幕式和闭幕式。故选C。22 .细节

16、理解题。根据文中“Capital Indoor Stadium was built in 1968.”可知,首都体育馆是在 1968年建成的。故选A。23 .推理判断题。根据文中“It will serve as the main indoor stadium for ice hockey (冰球)at the 2022 Winter Games together with the National Indoor Stadium.”可推理出,在五棵松体育中心你 会看到冰球比赛。故选D。24 . A 25. C 26. D【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者通过自己被鼓励去做引体向上的经历来阐述这样一

17、个道理: 鼓励可以帮助我们取得更多成就。24 .细节理解题。根据原文力 had never tried doing chin-ups before, but it looked so easy, so I asked him if T could try one”可知,作者从来没有做过引体向上,但是她认为看起来很简单, 所以她想试一下。故选A。25 .细节理解题 o 根据原文“However, each time I could only do two. I was quite upset”可矢口, 作者每次只能做两个的时候,她感到很不开心。故选C。26 .推理判断题。根据原文“I was e

18、ncouraged to try and I didnt doubt it for a moment. I truly thank him for letting me believe that for me success is not only a possibility, but also a realistic goal that I can achieve”可知,作者通过这一经历想表达的是“鼓励可以帮助我们取得更多成 就。故选D。27 . C 28. B 29. C【分析】本文是一篇说明文,作者阐述了自省的重要性,介绍了如何进行自省的方法,并鼓 励学生尝试自省直至最终取得成功。27

19、.细节理解题。根据原文“Self reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself and your mind . Let your mind think over the notes you have written and make some 弥口仅戊沁口力可知,要自省就必须让头脑平静下来并且将自己的反思联系起来。故选C。28 .细节理解题。根据原文Self reflection is an essential (必不可少的)skill for a successful student”可知,自省

20、是成功学生必不可少的技能。故选B。29 .推理判断题。根据原文“If you have never taken time to reflect, try it now”可知,作者的写 答案第4页,共7页作目的是鼓励学生尝试自省并取得成功。故选C。30 . A 31. D 32. A 33. D【分析】本文是一篇议论文。文章论述了眼泪的价值。30 .段落大意题。根据“Tears comfort stress, but we get used to fighting them for all sorts of reasons.可知,眼泪能安慰压力,但我们习惯了因各种原因而与之抗争。可知本段主要说的

21、 是“为什么人们害怕哭。”故选A。31 .词义猜测题。根据“They may be feeling anger, fear or sadness, but they repress the emotion.” 可知,此处but表示前后之间是转折关系,前面说“他们可能会感到愤怒、恐惧或悲伤。可 知后面的意思是但是他们会“压抑”情绪。划线单词与hold back同义,表示“抑制;阻止工 故选D。32 .推理判断题。根据Diamond says. She suggests that you act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and a

22、ngry as you like. It will help you feel comfortable. She adds, once your tears have eased the stress, you can begin to think of reasonable ways to deal with the problem.可知, 此处说的是一旦你的眼泪减轻了压力,你就可以开始思考合理的方法来处理这个问题。可推 测用Diamond的话主要是为了说明眼泪如何帮助人。故选A。33 .标题归纳题。根据Tears comfort stress, but we get used to fig

23、hting them for all sorts of reasons.和Crying is a way that we ease (舒缓)built-up emotions. Tears can help you when you feel you are ready to blow up because of very strong feelings.”可知,本文主要说的是眼泪的作 用、价值。故选D。34 . From September 27 to 28, 2021. 35. Its about the celebration of the 2,572nd anniversary of

24、the birth of Confucius. 36. Because the trip allowed him to learn about Chinese history, culture and stories related to Confucius. 37. In the Confucius Center in Canada. 38. As a middle school student, we can take part in more traditional cultural programs and learn more about Chinese traditional cu

25、lture.(开放性试题,答案言之有理即可)【分析】短文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了 2021年中国(曲阜)国际孔子文化节的情况以及 中国的传统文化对世界的影响。34.根据文中“The 2021 China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival was held in Qufii, Shandong, from September 27 to 28.”可知,中国(曲阜)国际孔子文化节在2021年9月27日到 28 日举行。故填 From September 27 to 28, 2021.35 . 根据文中 “The theme of th

26、is years cultural festival is about the celebration of the 2,572nd anniversary 移己念 H) of the birth of Confucius, a famous ancient Chinese philosopher (哲学家) and educator.”可知,今年文化节的主题是关于庆祝孔子诞辰2572周年。故填Ifs about the celebration of the 2,572nd anniversary of the birth of Confucius.36 . 根据文中“He is a big

27、fan and student of Chinese culture, and the trip allowed him to learn about Chinese history, culture and stories related to Confucius.“可知,Riaz 认为这次旅行令人惊 叹和印象深刻是因为这次旅行让他了解了中国的历史、文化和与孔子有关的故事。故填 Because the trip allowed him to learn about Chinese history, culture and stories related to Confucius.37 .根据

28、文中“I took the Chinese language test in the Confucius Center in Canada.”可知,Dean Munk在加拿大的孔子中心参加了汉语考试。故填In the Confucius Center in Canada.38 .根据自己的实际情况作答。As a middle school student, we can take part in more traditional cultural programs and learn more about Chinese traditional culture.(开放性试题,答案言之有理 即可

29、).参考范文:Dear PeterHow is it going?Im writing to invite you to take part in our activity on Doing Sports Makes Me Fit in our school. It will be held on the playground after school next Friday afternoon. There will be some fun fitness activities.We can experience some events of the Winter Olympic Games

30、, and we can also take part in some sports. Youd better wear comfortable shoes and bring some water with you. Tm sure youll love it.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours, Li Hua 【详解】1 .题干解读:该题目属于应用文写作,写作时要按邮件格式写。主要告知对方“我 运动,我健康”活动的时间、地点、活动内容、准备内容等。2.写作指导:文章主要以第一人称展开描述;时态采用一般现在时。动笔前要认真阅读提示答案第6

31、页,共7页词语及提示问题,不要遗漏要点,并适当发挥。适当使用连词,使文章条理清晰,上下文联 系紧密,符合逻辑关系。40.例文My Green LifeGreen lifestyle is my goal. I think its important fbr us to have a green life, so we can live healthily and happily. As for me, I often ride a bike to school because it gives me a chance to do some exercise and produces no po

32、llution. Besides that, I always turn off lights when I leave the room. I hope we should remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle every day. And well make our world better.【详解】1 .题干解读:该题目属于提纲作文。主要根据提示问题,写自己的绿色低碳生活。 根据提示问题从三个方面来写:自己对绿色生活的认识,日常做法,以及建议。动笔前要认 真提示词及提示问题,不要遗漏要点,并适当发挥。2.写作指导:本文应使用第一人

33、称来描写,时态主要采用一般现在时。写作过程中可以按照 提示问题的顺序展开,即先写自己的看法,再写日常做法,最后提出建议。过程中适当使用 连词,合理安排文章结构,使文章条理清晰,上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。12. Can you tell me in the Science Museum?Sure. I will fill a bag with sand.A. what you did B. what will you do C. what did you do D. what you will do二、完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择

34、最佳选项。To RunBoth Cody and his mother like running, but for different reasons.Cody runs very fast and he loves competitions. He takes part in races and enjoys. This is the main reason why he likes running. He also likes how excitingrunning is. He becomes excited when the starter shouts, On your mark,

35、get ready, go!” He can start at the right moment.His mother likes the benefits of running. It helps her stay healthy and feel good because it makes her heart 14. She enjoys distance (远距离的)running. This means insteadof trying to run fast, she tries to run 15, Usually, she runs more than a mile, andso

36、metimes even five or six miles. She runs them nice and slow.One Saturday the school held a 3-mile race. Students and parents were both 16 to run. Cody really wanted to race his mother. Please, can we run together?” Cody was confident he would 17 his mother. But his mother just smiled.So they went to

37、 the race. Cody started out running fast. After the first mile, he looked back to see his mother. He was way ahead of her. However, during the second mile, Cody. At the same time his mother was catching up. Now, she was passing him! Codytried to catch up and ran really hard. But he could not keep it

38、 up. He was out of 19 Soon, his mother crossed the finish line. She looked back to see Cody. He was coming along slowly. “Dont give up!” she encouraged him. Cody heard her and smiled. He 20 for the finish line and made it.Cody hugged his mother and said, “Will you teach me to run like you? His mothe

39、r smiled and said, Of course.13. A. testingB. trainingC. winningD. studying14. A. bigB strongC happyD. relaxed15. A. farB- hardC. easilyD. rapidly16. A. noticedB.warnedC orderedD. invited17. A. beatB.helpC comfortD. fight18. A. fell downB.sped upC. slowed downD. pushed forward19. A. touchB.breathC c

40、ontrolD. trouble20. A. lookedB.caredC waitedD. headed三、阅读单选On February 4, 2022, the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, making it the first city to host (主办)both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. The venues (场馆)for the Winter Games in 2022 have been divided into three areas: Beijing

41、, Yanqing, andZhangjiakou. Lets take a look at some competition stadiums.National StadiumIce CubeCapital Indoor StadiumAlso known as “The Birds Nest,this stadium hosted the Opening and Closing Ceremonies (仪式)of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. And the BirdsNest will once again be the place of Opening and

42、Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games.For the Winter Olympics, the Water Cube has been changed into the “the Ice Cubefbr the curling (冰壶) competition. Following the 2022 Games, the stadium will continue to be used for both winter and summer sports, changing between the two, depending on the

43、 season.Capital Indoor Stadium was built in 1968.It has held several important sporting events. During the Winter Olympics, Capital Indoor Stadium will host the figure skating (花样滑冰)and short track speed skating competitions.Wukesong Sports Center is very large. It can hold 18,000 people. It will se

44、rve as the main indoor stadium for ice hockey (冰球)at the 2022 Winter Games together withWukesong Sports Centerthe National Indoor Stadium.21. will host the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games.A. The Ice CubeB. Capital Indoor Stadium C. TheNational Stadium D. Wukesong Sports Ce

45、nter22. When was the Capital Indoor Stadium built?A. In 1968.B. In 2008.C. In 2018.D. In 2020.23. What competition will you see in Wukesong Sports Center?A. Curling.B. Skating.C. Skiing.D. Ice hockey.chin-upsI Was Told I CanAbout 6 months ago, T joined a gym. Every morning, there was one trainer who

46、 worked out at the same time as I did. He did his daily exercise with such a quiet determination(决 that he made it all look effortless although I knew all too well how hard he was working.A couple of weeks ago, I was watching him do chin-ups. I had never tried doing chin-ups before, but it looked so

47、 easy, so I asked him if I could try one. He eagerly stepped aside and encouraged me to try. I pulled myself up without thinking . once . then twice. I stopped because that was all 1 had in me, but he stepped up behind me and pushed me up for two more. It felt so good and I felt strong.The next few days when I finished my workout, I would ask him to watch me do chin-ups. However, each time I could only do two. I was quite upset, but he told me that when he trained firefighters


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