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《北京市东城区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市东城区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含答案解析).docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、北京市东城区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择1. My brother likes math.1. My brother likes math.dream is to be a math teacher.A.MyB. HerC. TheirD. His2.The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games will openFebruary 4 th.A.onB. atC. inD.from3.do you go to the school library?-Twice a week. I love reading

2、 there.A.How muchB - How oftenC. How longD.How soon4.It was sunny last Sunday,we went to the park.A.orB. butC. soD.for5.Lindaplay the piano. She has never learned it.A.cantB. needntC. mustntD.shouldnt6.Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?By plane, because itsA.A.fastB- fasterC. fastestD.the

3、 fastest7.Peter is my good friend. We oftentogether.A.studyB are studyingC studiedD. will study8.They will have a party tomorrow, and now theyfor it.A.prepareB preparedC. are preparingD. will prepare9.the floor when my mother came back home.A.cleanB am cleaningC. was cleaningD. cleaned10.Mr. Brownin

4、 Beijing for ten years. He enjoys his life here.A.livedB - has livedC. livesD. is living11.Yuan Longpingby Chinese people forever.A.rememberedB. was remembered C. will remember D. will beremembered12. Kathy forgot12. Kathy forgother student card. It took her half an hour to find it.A. where she puts

5、 B. where she put C. where does she put D. where did she putLi Hua六、材料作文40.好习惯使人终生受益。每个人在学习、生活、体育锻炼等方面都有自己的好习 惯。某英文网站正在开展以“好习惯促成长”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写 一篇短文投稿,介绍你的一个好习惯,并说明这个习惯给你带来的益处。提示词语:take notes, important points, review, improve提示问题:Whats your good habit? Please describe it.What benefits have

6、you got from this habit?Good habits benefit a persons whole life.参考答案:1. D【详解】句意:我弟弟喜欢数学。他的梦想是当一名数学老师。考查代词。My我的;Her她的;Their他们的;His他的;根据“My brother likes math.”可知, 此处指代的是“My brother”,应用his代替,故选D。2. A【详解】句意:2022年北京冬奥会将于2月4日开幕。考查介词。on在,表示具体的、特定的某一天;at在,表示具体的时间点;in在,表示某 个时间段;from从,表示“从一个时间点到另外一个时间点”的时候,

7、需要跟另外一个介词 to或till连用。“February 4th”2月4日是一个具体的日子,应使用介词on。故选A。3. B【详解】句意:你多久去一次学校图书馆?一周两次。我喜欢在那里读书。考查特殊疑问句。How much多少钱;How often多久一次;How long多长;How soon多久。 根据答语“Twice a week.”可知,此处对频率进行提问,故选B。4. C【详解】句意:上周日是晴天,因此我们去了公园。考查连词辨析。or或者,否者;but但是;so因此,所以;for由于。由句中“晴朗的天气” 与“去公园”可知两者是因果关系,故选C。5. A【详解】句意:琳达不会弹钢琴

8、。她从来没有学过。考查情态动词。can1不会;neednt不必;mustrft禁止;shouldnl不应该;根据“She has never learned it.”可知,她不会弹钢琴,故选A。6. B【详解】句意:你喜欢坐火车还是飞机旅行? 坐飞机,因为它更快。考查比较级。fast快的;faster更快的;fastest最快的;the fastest最快的;根据“Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?”可知,此处隐含着两者之间的比较,应用比较级形式,故选B。7. A【详解】句意:彼得是我的好朋友。我们经常一起学习。考查动词时态。study,

9、动词,意为“学习、根据“often”可知,句子时态为一般现在时,主语 we是第一人称复数,动词用原形。故选A。8. C【详解】句意:他们明天会有个派对,现在他们正在准备。考查动词时态。prepare,动词,意为“准备”,prepare for表示”为 做准备”,固定搭配; 根据时间状语“now”可知,句子时态为现在进行时,其构成为:am/is/are+动词的现在分词;主语they是第三人称复数,be动词用are; prepare的现在分词是preparing。故选C。9. C【详解】句意:当我妈妈回家时,我正在扫地。考查时态辨析。根据when my mother came back home”

10、可知此处表示某一动作发生时,另一 动作正在持续,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时,其结构为was/were doing。故选C。10. B【详解】句意:布朗先生在北京生活了十年,他喜欢这里的生活。考查动词时态。live,动词,意为“生活,居住”;根据时间状语“for ten years”可知,句子时 态为现在完成时,其构成为:have/has+动词的过去分词;主语Mr. Brown是第三人称单数, 助动词用has, live的过去分词是livedo故选B。11. D【详解】句意:袁隆平将被中国人民永远铭记。考查动词语态。根据句意,主语和动词之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态,故排除A、C项; 结

11、合时间状语“forever”可知,应用一般将来时的被动语态,构成形式为:will be done, remember的过去分词是remembered0 故选 DoB【详解】句意:凯西忘了她把学生证放在哪里了。她花了半个小时才找到它。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除CD;根据“forgot”可知,时态是一般 过去时,故选B。12. C 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A【分析】本文主要讲述了作者进入高中后想与受欢迎的学生交朋友,跟Judy成为朋友后发 现自己的这个想法很愚蠢,随着时间的流逝,作者交朋友的标准变得不同了,决定一个人是

12、否值得做朋友是通过他或她是谁,而不是他或她有多受欢迎。13 .句意:我想进入学校受欢迎的学生群体。class 班级;band 乐队;group 群体;club 俱乐部。根据下文“Did you see that new girl trying to答案第2页,共7页get into our group”可知,作者尝试进入新的群体,故选Co.句意:我站在大厅里,一脸困惑,这时一个戴眼镜的矮个女孩走过来问。confused 混淆的;tired 疲惫的;surprised 惊讶的;bored 无聊的。根据I didnt know where to have my first class”可知,作者不

13、知道班级在哪里,所以是一脸困惑,故选A。14 .句意:一路上进行礼貌的交谈。serious 严肃的;interesting 有趣的;private 私密的;polite 礼貌的。根据“Although she seemed not the kind of girl I wanted to make friends with”可知,作者看出来这个女孩并不是自己想交 的那类朋友,所以一路上只保持礼貌的交谈,故选D。15 .句意:我设法在她旁边找了个座位。waited 等待;managed 管理;refused 拒绝;promised 承诺。根据下文“Did you see that new gir

14、l trying to get into our group”可知,作者努力想融入这个女孩所在的群体,所以是设法坐在女 孩的旁边,故选B。16 .句意:她迅速地说“不二 并走向她的朋友们。immediately 迅速地;bravely 勇敢地;weakly 虚弱地;regretfully 遗憾地。根据She said No 可知,这个女孩迅速地拒绝了作者,故选A。17 .句意:她说她很抱歉,还说要送我出去。agreed 同意;failed 失败;offered 提供;forgot 忘记。根据I told her my day was not good. She said she was sor

15、ry and .to walk me outside”可知,听到作者第一天并不是很好,Judy主动地 送作者出去,故选C。18 .句意:和Judy 一起散步让我意识到只和受欢迎的人交朋友是多么愚蠢。careless 粗心的;silly 愚蠢的;different 不同的;dangerous 危险的。根据“and how nice it would be to have a friend like her”可知,作者意识到自己只想跟受欢迎的人交朋友这个想法很愚蠢, 故选B。19 .句意:但是我的标准不同了。standard 标准;suggestion 建议;purpose 目的;manner 态

16、度。根据“I decide whether a person is worth being my friend or not by who he or she is, not how popular he or she is”可知,作者交朋友 的标准变了,故选A。20 . A 22. A 23. D【分析】21.细节理解题。根据文中“I do many sports, but my favourite is table tennis.“可知 Li Yue最喜爱的运动是乒乓球,故选A。21 .细节理解题。根据文中 “My sport is rugby. on Saturday or Sunday

17、”可知 Sophie 在周末经 常打英式橄榄球,故选A。22 .细节理解题。根据文中Tm improving all the time. Thats the most important thing for me.” 可知提升自己对Laura来说是最重要的事情,故选D。23 . B 25. D 26. C【分析】文章主要讲述了 Jenny参加舞蹈比赛的事情。24 .细节理解题。根据“The pairs this year were better dancers compared to last years competition.Jenny got nervous.”可知,珍妮对今年的比赛获胜

18、并没有把握,有些紧张,故选B。25 .细节理解题。根据“Then they spent two weeks memorizing their steps.“可知,他们花了两 周的时间来记住他们的舞步,故选D。26 .推理判断题。根据Jenny chose a piece of music, and planned out their dance routine (整套 动作).Then they spent two weeks memorizing their steps.They spent the rest of the time perfecting their moves.”可知,Je

19、nny和Carl因为做了充分的准备,所以赢得了比赛,故选C。27 . D 28. B 29. B【分析】本文是一篇说明文。生活中每个人都有需要寻求帮助的时候,但是有时候恰恰是我 们自己阻碍了寻求帮助的道路。27 .细节理解题。根据“Once a boy told me he wanted to ask his coach how to improve his basketball skills, but he was afraid that his coach might think he shouldnt be on the team.“可知, 男孩害怕他的教练可能认为他不应该在这个球队。故

20、选Do.细节理解题。根据When you ask for help, choose someone who listens and cares, not someone who judges or criticizes you.可知,当你寻求帮助时,选择一个倾听和关心你的人。故选Bo.最佳标题题。生活中每个人都有需要寻求帮助的时候,但是有时候恰恰是我们自己阻碍 了寻求帮助的道路,本文建议我们摆脱不恰当的态度,勇于寻求帮助,因为给予和接受帮助 是需要学习的很好的生活技能,它们帮助我们提高理解他人的能力。故选B。28 . B 31. A 32. D 33. C【分析】本文主要论述了设定高期望的好处

21、与坏处,通过举例子,引导人们对期望要采取正 确的态度。30 .细节理解题。根据第二段中的“When you have high expectations for something, youll probably behave in ways which can help make your expectations come true.“可知,当你对某件事 有很高的期望时,你的行为方式可能会帮助你实现你的期望。结合下文的举例“For example, if you believe that youre able to score an A in a test, you will probab

22、ly spend a lot of time working on it.例如,如果你相信自己能在考试中得A,你可能会花很多时间在这上面。”可说 明,如果你对自己有很高的期望,你可能会通过努力工作来实现它。故选B。31 .词义猜测题。根据下文“Having high expectations sometimes can cause psychological (心理 的)problems, such as worry and unhappiness.”可知,过高的期望有时会导致心理问题,比如忧 虑和不快乐。这说的是设定高期望,可能带来的坏处;根据上文“While theres plenty o

23、f good that comes from setting high expectations尽管设定高期望有很多好处 ”可推断,此处表达 的是高期望带来的坏处,即尽管设定高期望有很多好处,但过高的期望和不切实际的期望是 “有害的因此推断,画线部分单词的意思是“有害的”,选项A“harmftiF噫为“有害的”。故 选Ao.推理判断题。根据第三段中的To avoid this situation, you should accept your friends fbr who they are and set your expectations around reality可知,为了避免这种情况

24、,你应该接受你的朋 友是谁,并围绕现实设定你的期望。由此可推断,作者表达的是我们要根据现实设定期望。 故选Do32 .主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要论述了设定高期望的好处与坏处,通过举例子, 引导人们对期望要采取正确的态度。故选C。33 . To complete Beethovens 10th Symphony. 35. They turned every piece of Beethovens music into a form the computer could understand. 36. No one could tell which parts had been writt

25、en by Beethoven and which parts were made up by the AL 37. Over two years. 38. Ifs amazing. Because in the early test no one could tell which parts had been written by Beethoven and which parts were made up by the AL【分析】文章主要讲一个团队通过人工智能完成了贝多芬未能写完的第十交响曲。贝多芬并 没有写完,但团队确信,如果他有机会的话,这首曲子和他的作品非常相似。34.根据Thei

26、r goal was to complete Beethovens 10th Symphony to celebrate his 250th birthday. 可知这个团队的目标是完成贝多芬的第十交响曲。故填To complete Beethovens 10th Symphony.34 . 根据“To train an AI, they turned every piece of Beethovens music to a form the computer could understand,”可知为了训练一个人工智能,他们把贝多芬的每一段音乐都转换成电脑可 以理施华的形式。 故填 They

27、 turned every piece of Beethoven music into a form the computer could understand.35 . 根据“No one could tell which parts had been written by Beethoven and which parts were made up by the AL”可知早期测试的结果是没有人知道哪些部分是贝多芬写的,哪些部分是 人工智能编的。故填 No one could tell which parts had been written by Beethoven and which

28、parts were made up by the AL. 根据“It took over two years, but the team was able to complete Beethovens 10th Symphony 一 not simply a melody, but 40 minutes of music for a full orchestra.可知这个团队花费两年多 时间完成了第十交响曲。故填Over two years.36 .主观发挥题。答案不唯一,合理即可。故填Ifs amazing. Because in the early test no one could t

29、ell which parts had been written by Beethoven and which parts were made up by the AL 39 .例文Dear Peter,Im glad youre interested in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. Our school held rich activities to welcome the great Games, such as offering lessons about winter sports and taking students to try

30、 skating and skiing. There was also a poster show about the Games.Im good at drawing, so I took an active part in the poster show. I drew pictures of some winter sports and wrote introductions about them. I also expressed my best wishes for the Games. When I made the poster, I felt very excited and

31、proud.If you want to know more about the Games, please let me know.Yours,Li Hua【详解】1.题干解读:该题目属于电子邮件作文。题目要求是请你以李华的身份,根据提示 背景,给你的笔友Peter写一封电子邮件,告诉他你们学校为迎接冬奥会,开展了哪些活动, 你参加了哪一项活动,具体做了什么,有什么感受。2.写法指导:结合材料内容可知,本文使用第一人称叙述,时态以一般过去时为主;文中给 出了主要写作要点,动笔前,要先认真阅读要点,写作中,应注意描述的全面性,尽量将提 示的内容利用上,提示的问题就是写作的基本方向;然后围绕要点

32、,适当发挥;语言表述要 符合语法结构,造句要符合英语表达习惯,不要出现语法错误;适当使用连词,要做到上下 文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。40.例文Good habits benefit a persons whole life. One of my good habits is taking notes in class. I take down what my teachers write on the blackboard and other important points about my lessons. I keep my notes well-organized and tidy s

33、o that I can find information easily later. Before I do my homework and take exams, I review my notes carefully.The habit of taking notes helps me become a successful student. It not only improves my learning abilities, but also helps me get good grades.【详解】1 .题干解读:题目要求根据提示要点,写出自己的某个好习惯以及这个好习惯给自 己带来

34、的影响,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。2.写作指导:写作时要与已给出的开头融合起来,本文应该用第一人称、第三人称来介绍内 容;时态采用一般现在时;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整,保证行文连贯,条理 清晰。二、完形填空Image (形象)Isnt EverythingBefore I went to high school, I was eager to start my new life. I wanted to get into the 13 of popular students at school, so I bought a new outf

35、it (套装)to present a good image for myself.On the first day of school, I didnt know where to have my first class. I was standing in the hall, looking 14 , when a short girl wearing glasses came up and asked, Hi, my name is Judy. Are you new? Do you want me to help you find your class?” Although she s

36、eemed not the kind of girl I wanted to make friends with, I told her my name and followed her, making 15 conversation the whole way.When we reached my classroom, she said, “It was nice meeting you. I hope your day goes all right. I said thanks and waved good-bye.In the classroom, I saw a big group o

37、f students around a girl wearing blue jeans with holes. She was talking about her adventures in summer. I thought this girl was popular. When the teacher came and told us to break up, I 16 to get a seat next to her, and said, “Hi, my name is April and Im new here. She said, Hi, Im Ella.”Once the cla

38、ss was over, I turned to her and asked, My next class is physics. Could you help me find it? She said No 17 and walked to her friends. I heard her say, “Did you see that new girl trying to get into our group? Her outfit is so strange. They all looked at meand laughed.The same type of thing happened

39、in other classes. When I was ready to go home, someone came up and said, Hi, again. How was your first day?” It was Judy. I told her my day was not good. She said she was sorry and 18 to walk me outside.Walking with Judy made me realize how 19 it was to try to only make friends with popular people,

40、and how nice it would be to have a friend like her.As time went on, I made friends with lots of different people, but my 20 was different. I decide whether a person is worth being my friend or not by who he or she is, nothow popular he or she is.13. A. class14. A. confused15. A. seriousD. clubD. bor

41、edD. politeB. bandB. tiredB , interestingC groupC. surprisedC. private16. A. waitedB managedC. refusedD. promised17. A. immediatelyB. bravelyC. weaklyD. regretfully18. A. agreedB. failedC. offeredD - forgot19. A. carelessB. sillyC - differentD. dangerous20. A. standardB suggestionC. purposeD. manner

42、三、阅读单选c 2%. JLi Yue ChinaI do many sports, but my favourite is table tennis. I play table tennis in a club at the weekend and Tm quite good at it. On Saturday I teach some younger children to play table tennis, and thafs good fiin.9kSophie, BritainMy sport is rugby. I play for the U15s, the team for

43、 players under the age of15. My team always plays a match on Saturday or Sunday, and I usually goto practice games three times on weekdays. Ifs hard work, but its neverboring!Ben, CanadaI love the snow and the mountains. In the holidays, I always go to the mountains with my family. I go snowboarding

44、 with my sister and other young people eveiy day, and Im getting really good. I want to be a famous snowboarder one day.才Laura, AmericaI started running when I was really young. When I was 13,1 joined a cluband started taking part in competitions. I have never won a race, but Imrimproving all the ti

45、me. Thats the most important thing for me. Ive also made many friends since joining the club.Sports play an important role in teenagers9 lives. They help teenagers keep fit and teach them teamwork. Four teenagers from different countries talk about their sports.21.Who is good at playing table tennis

46、?A. Li Yue.B Sophie.C. Ben.D.Laura.22.A.Play a match.B.Go snowboarding.C.Go to practice games.D.Practice running in a club.What does Sophie always do at the weekend?23.A.Winning races.B.Enjoying the sport.C.Making friends.D.Improving all the time.Whats the most important thing for Laura?A Dance Comp

47、etitionJenny is a seventh grader. She is very good at dancing. Last year, she entered the schools dance competition and won the first place. Her whole class was there to support her. This year, the school held another dance competition, but there was a change 一 the competition had to be done in pairs.Jennys class expected her to win the competition again this year, but Jenny was un


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