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《中小学英语公开课获奖课件精选——《unit7how_do_you_make_a_banana_milk_shake》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中小学英语公开课获奖课件精选——《unit7how_do_you_make_a_banana_milk_shake》.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、,unit7how_do_you_make_a_banana_milk_shake,执教教师:XXX,Period1(1a-1c),1.主要学习一些词汇及祈使 句的用法。2.如何制作一份饮料。3.学会自己动手动脑。,If we want to put an elephant into a refrigerator, how many steps(步骤) do we need?,We need three steps.,Do you like a milk shake?,apple shake,strawberry shake,banana milk shake,What kind of sha

2、ke do you like?,新词导入,1 剥,削 _ 2 倾倒_3 打开_4搅拌机_5一份香蕉奶昔 _ _,peel,pour,turn on,blender,a banana milk shake,How do you make a banana milk shake?,Today, lets make a banana milk shake together,First _ the bananas.,peel,And _the bananas.,cut up,Next _the bananas and ice cream into the blender.,put,blender果汁机

3、,Next _the milk into the blender.,pour,Then _the blender.,turn on,Finally _the milk shake.,drink,How do you make a _ (milk) shake?,First, peel.And, cut up.Next, put. into.Next, pourinto.Then, turn onFinally, drink,Retell:,2. putinto把放进Put your book into your bag.,1.pour.into把倒进.里 Pour the milk into

4、the cup.,Language points:,3.turn on 打开 turn off 关掉,For example:,天黑了,请打开灯。,It s dark, please _ the light.,turn on,到上床睡觉的时间了,请关掉电视。,Its time to go to bed, please_ the TV.,turn off,拓展延伸(祈使句),表示请求、命令等的句子叫祈使句。它的主语是听话人(you) ,一般不需要说出来,通常以动词原形开头,祈使句末尾用惊叹号或句号,句子用降调。如:Open the door, please. 请把门打开。,Summary (ai

5、ms),How do you make a banana milk shake?First AndNextNextThenFinallyHow do you make fruit salad?First NextThenFinally,边学边练下面是制作香蕉奶昔的过程, 填入正确的动词或短语.1 _ three bananas.2 _ the bananas.3 _the bananas and ice cream into the blender.4 _the milk into the blender.5 _the blender for about three minutes.,Peel

6、,Cut up,Put,Pour,Turn on,课堂练习,根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Lets _(make) banana and apple milk shake.2. He often _ (turn on) the TV when he comes home.,make,turns on,3.Tom, _ (pour) the honey _ the blender, please.,pour,into,单项选择1. Can you help me cut_ the potatoes? A to B into C for D up2. First, _three oranges. A peeling B peel C peels D to peel,3. He _ the TV and watched the news. A. turned on B. turned down C. turned off D. turned up,A,A,B,Make your own milk shake or fruit salad at home, and share with your family.(制作自己喜爱的Milk shake或fruit salad,并与你的家人分享。),Homework,谢谢观看,请指导,


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