2019七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to school(第2课时)Reading(I)学案牛津版.doc

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2019七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to school(第2课时)Reading(I)学案牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to school(第2课时)Reading(I)学案牛津版.doc_第2页
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1、1Unit3Unit3 WelcomeWelcome toto schoolschoolReadingReading (I)(I)(第二课时第二课时) )【学习目标学习目标】1. To learn something about new school.2. To know the basic structure of a dialogue.3. To grasp the basic reading skills, such as skimming, fast reading and scanning.【教学重、难点教学重、难点】1. To learn something about new s

2、chool.2. To know the basic structure of a dialogue.3. To grasp the basic reading skills, such as skimming, fast reading and scanning.。【学习过程学习过程】StepStep 1:Daily1:Daily greetings:greetings:T:Good morning,everyone.S:Good morning.T:How are you?S:Im fine,thank you.And you?T:Im OK.Thank you.Sit down,plea

3、se.StepStep 2:Show“2:Show“ LearningLearning aim“aim“ T:Today we will learn Unit 3 Reading(I).Please look at our “ Learning aim“(Then I read it slowly.)T:Are you clear?S:Yes.T:Lets go on.Step3:Show“Step3:Show“ GuideGuide One“toOne“to thethe students.students.Guide One _ Listen to the tape and answer

4、some questions.Lets have a match and see who can do it best.Step4:Show“Step4:Show“ GuideGuide Two“toTwo“to thethe students.students.2Guide Two_Read the text and then do exrecises in Part B2 within _minutes. Lets have a match and see who can do it best.Step5:Show“Step5:Show“ GuideGuide ThreThree“toe“

5、to thethe students.students.Guide Three_Please read Part A silently and finish PartB3. Have a match!Who can do it best?ClassClass ExerciseExercise ( (一)一)New phrases(翻译下列短语)1. look beautiful _ 2. show sb. around sp._3. in front of the classroom building _4. on the ground floor _5. clean and bright _

6、 6. have an art room 7. Look modern 8.have meetings 9. look young 10. go to the hall 11.in the white shirt 12.welcome to our school _ClassClass ExerciseExercise ( (二)二)翻译:翻译:1.我可以带你参观我们的学校。I can _ _ _ our school.2.我们的食堂在底楼。Our dining hall is _ _ . 3.他们经常在电话里聊天。They often chat _ _ _.4.桑迪住得离学校远。Sandy _ _ _ _ the school.教学反思:教学反思:


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