人教版七年级下册英语Unit 5单元达标测试卷(无听力含答案).docx

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1、人教版七年级下册英语Unit 5单元达标测试卷Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)一 单项选择(共10小题,计10分)()1. What can you see in the picture?T can see elephant and tiger.A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a()2. In Thailand, a white elephant is a of good luck.A. story B. taste C. message D. symbol()3. Amy is a(n) gir

2、l and she always gets on well with(和和睦相处)her classmates.A. boring B. excitingC. friendly D. difficult()4. Many wild animals are in danger, and its our duty to them.A. save B. keep C. get D. remember()5.Do you know that there are many different animals in thezoo?-Yes I do. And I also know that some o

3、f them are scary.A. kinds of; kinds of B. kinds of; kind ofC. kind of; kinds of D. kind of; kind of()6. Dont these big trees, or some birds will lose their homes.OK, I won, t do it.A. cut down B. cut upC. think of D. look after()7. dont you like lions?-Because they are really scary.A. Why B. Where C

4、. When D. How()8.Excuse me, Im afraid I . Can you help me?Sure. Lets look at the map.A. get dressed B. get lostC. make friendsD. make soup()9. Our dreams can come true one day we are followers of dreams andD由下文可知它们在2018年出生,所以它们大概四岁了,故选Do20. B由下文可知它们出生在四川,北京动物园是它们的新家,故选IkC此处是说,它们的父母是萌萌和美兰,故选Co21. A由下

5、文中的它们正在那里吃竹子可知此处应用LookoC结合文意可知,此处是说,多么有趣啊!故选C。22. B由上文可知,此处是说,我真的很喜欢熊猫,故用reallyo三、阅读理解23. B数字计算题。根据Ticket Prices一栏中的信息可知选B。24. C细节理解题。由文中的smart koalas可知C项表述正确。25. D 细节理解题。由文中的You can also enjoy a giraffe show in th。morning and a tiger show in the afternoon”可知选A推理判断题。根据本文内容可知本文主要介绍的是如何参观野生动物园,故选A。26.

6、 B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的they are sent(被送)to other countries like America, China and France as gifts(礼物)“可知选 BA 细节理解题。根据第一段中的You can see them in the wild only in Australia 可知选Ao27. C词义猜测题。根据画线词后的s。they are very safe(安全的)可知此处是说, 它们没有天敌。故选C。28. C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“This is a prob 1 em because the koalas nearly eat

7、all the eucalyptus trees and then they have nothing to eat可知选 C。29. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的people move 500 kocilas to other forests 可知选DoC 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“When she gets there, she goes to the monkey house first可知答案为C。30. B 细节理解题。根据第五段中的The tigers are next to the fishes. They are scary when they growl (低声吼叫)”

8、可知答案为B。31. C文章结构题。本文第一段总领全文,介绍了康妮去动物园,第二至七段介绍了她在 动物园看到的动物,最后段介绍了她的梦想,故选C。32. A主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“the zoo is her favorite place”及下文内容可 知答案为A。33. D根据设空前一句孩子们正在草地上玩耍和设空后的一些家庭正在公园里进行 野餐吗可知D项与之相关,故选DoA根据下文可知,本段主要介绍了山地大猩猩的特征,A项与之相关,故选Ao34. E根据设空前后的内容可知,此处主要介绍的是山地大猩猩的饮食习惯,E项与之衔 接,故选EoB根据设空前一句一天结束时,山地大猩猩建窝睡在里面”可

9、知,B项它们睡在草 地上或树上与之相关,故选Bo35. C本段主要讲的是山地大猩猩的生存环境遭破坏,它们的数量在减少。C项衔接上下 文,故选C四、语篇填空36. friendly根据上文中的“good pets可知它们对人们很友好,又be动词后跟形容词, 故此处应填friendly0its根据设空后的size可知此处指的是狗的大小,应用形容词性物主代词itso37. is your home 作主语,be 动词用 is。38. what此处是说,许多人不知道买什么东西给他们的狗吃,故用whatoDogs此处是说,狗几乎吃任何东西,故选dog变为复数dogso39. meat根据设空后的rice

10、可知此处为狗的食物,故用meat。40. for 根据短语buy sth. for sb.可知此处填for。41. eat此处是说,不要让你的狗吃太多。设空前有let,故填eat的原形。42. quickly此处修饰“get thirsty应用副词,又根据文意可知此处应填quickly。43. take should为情态动词,后跟动词原形,结合短语take. . for a walk可知填take。44. are分析句:结构可知此空应填be动词。Zoos为主语,be动词应用are。45. there此处是说,如果没有动物园的话。此处为there be句型,故填there。46. and此处连

11、接的是两个并列的动作,故用and。47. to 此处为句型“it is +to do sth. ,故用 to。48. of根据上文可知此处是说,它们在笼子里看起来有点儿不高兴。kind of有点儿, 符合文意。五、补全对话I want to go to the zoo49. What animals do you likeWhy do you like pandas/Why do you like them50. Where do they come from/Where are they fromSounds great/Good idea/That,s a good idea/.六、书面表

12、达One possible version:My Favorite AnimalsThere are many different kinds of animals in the world. My favorite animals are pandas.They are from China and they are black and white. They 1 ike eating bamboo.They are very cute, so I love them very much.I often go to the zoo to see them in my free time. T

13、hey are friendly to people. We should protect them and let them live in the way they like.we are trying to run all the time. A. and B. or C. because D. so ()10.Mum, I dont have anybody to play with.Can 1 have a pet?一 Our apartment is too small.A. Not at all. B. I hope so.C. I* m afraid not. D. All r

14、ight. 二 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)I am a middle school student. I like 11 very much. Pandas arc my favorite, because they are cute. They 12 in China and are one of China, s important symbols. They 13 bamboo(竹子)for food. It, s their favorite. Today there are about 1, 800 pandas in the wild(在自然环境中).And about 60

15、0 are in the 14 . We should protect (保护)them.When I am 15 , I usually go to the zoo.And Igo to 16pandas first.Now r m at Beijing Zoo17 some of my goodfriends. Here areten pandas.Theyare Meng Bao, Meng Yu and 18 other pandas. They are black and white. They are all very cute, 19many people takephotoso

16、f them.Meng Bao and Meng Yuare about four 20old.They arrivedat their21home on September 10, 2019. They were born (出生)on May 23, 2018 in Sichuan. 22 parents are Meng Meng and Mei Lan. 23 ! They are eating bamboo over there. How 24 ! All of us are watching them. I feel so happy. I 25 like them and 1 w

17、ant to play with them!()11.A. vegetables B. sports C. animals D. movies()12. A.liveB.arriveC.workD. study()13. A.bringB.play C.cal1 D.eat()14. A.villagesB. zoosC. clubs D. schools()15. A.lateB.rightC.freeD. cool()16. A.saveB.tellC.see D.teach()17. A.fiomB.withC.to D.for()18. A.six B.seven C.eight D.

18、nine()19. A.but B.orC. beforeD. so()20. A.daysB.weeksC.monthsD. years()21. A.oldB.newC. dirtyD. terrible)22. A. Our B. Your C. Their D. ItsD. Go)23. A. Look B. Listen C. Stop)24. A. scary)24. A. scaryB. far C. interesting D. important)25. A. never B. rea 11 yC. sometimes D. only三 阅读理解(共18小题,计45分)Her

19、e is a card about the Wild Animal Park. Please have a look.Front PageThe Wild Animal ParkChildren aged 3TicketChildren Adults(成人) Aged 60 and upand underPricesFree$12.60$20.60$15.60, Opening Hours (营业时间):Tuesday-Friday 9:30 a. m. -5:00 p. m.Saturday-Sunday 8:30 a. m. -6:00 p. m., Transportation:Take

20、 the No. 2, No. 9, and No. 33 Bus to the Wild Animal Park Stop.Back PagePanda RoomKoala HouseGiraffe ParkPanda RoomKoala HouseGiraffe ParkVisiting Time9:30 a. m. -10:30 a. m.10:00 a. m. -11:00 a. m.All dayAll day2:30 a. m. -3:30 p. m.2:00 a. m. -3:00 p. m.Come and have a good time in the Wild Animal

21、 Park! Strong tigers, lovely pandas, smart koalas and friendly giraffes are waiting for you! Don* t miss them. You can also enjoy a giraffe show in the morning and a tiger show in the afternoon. Do you want to know what these animals can do? Come and find your answer in the Wild Animal Park.)26. How

22、 much do Jack and his 2-year-old son need to pay for the tickets?A. $12.60. B. $20.60. C. $33.20. D. $36.20.()27. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. People can take the subway to the Wild Animal Park.B. Visitors can go to the Wild Animal Park on Monday.C. Koalasaresmart inthi

23、sWild AnimalPark.D. Peoplecanvisit KoalaHouse at9:30a.m.()28. What animals can give a show in the Wild Animal Park?A. Pandasandtigers.B. Tigersandkoalas.C. Giraffes and pandas.D. Tigers and giraffes.()29. Why does the Wild Animal Park show people this card?A. To tell people something about visiting

24、the Wild Animal Park.B. To tell people about the animals in the Wild Animal Park.C. To ask more people to save the animals.D. To find some people to help in the Wild Animal Park.BTf you go to Austral ia, you can see koalas. It, s a kind of cute animal mostly to be found in Austral ia. They are a sym

25、bol of Austral ia. And they are sent (被 送)to other countries like America, China and France as gifts(礼物).But they are all kept in zoos in these countries. You can see them in the wild only in Australia. They have no natural enemies, so they are very safe(安全的).The koala,s favorite food is the leaves

26、of the eucalyptus Iree(核树).Victoria is in the southeast of Australia. In Victoria, the number of koalas is growing steadily these years. This is a problem because the koalas nearly eat all the eucalyptus trees and then they have nothing to eat.These days, people move 500 koalas to other forests, and

27、 they want to keep the number of koalas down. However, it will bo some years before the eucalyptus trees grow back again.()30.Koalas are sent to other countries.A. to earn money B. as giftsC. to have baby koalas D. to eat trees()31. Where can you find koalas in the wild?A. In Australia. B. In Americ

28、a.C. In China. D. In France.()32. What does the underlined word enemies mean in Chinese?A.同伴B.支持者C,天敌D.访问者()33. What can we learn from the second paragraph?A. Koalas like all kinds of trees.B. People in Victoria like to keep koalas as pets.C. In Victoria koalas nearly cat all the eucalyptus trees.D.

29、 Victoria has no places for koalas to 1ive.()34. What do people do to save koalas in Victoria?A. People build more zoos for them to live in.B. People kill some of them to keep the number of them down.C. People plant more eucalyptus trees for them to eat.D. People move some of them to other forests.C

30、Connie goes to the zoo. She is so happy, because the zoo is her favorite place.When she gets there, she goes to the monkey house first. She loves their playful faces and their curly tails (尾巴).She can watch them for hours.Her second stop is the giant bird cage. She sees colorful birds. She likes the

31、ir pretty feathers!After that, she goes to see the fish tank. It is very big. There are many kinds of fishes. They swim around. They have such big eyes and swim so well.The tigers are next to the fishes. They are scary when they growl (低声吼 叫).It is not like her cat at home at all. They are so heavy

32、and dangerous.Then she goes to visit the snakes. She really doesnt like things with scales(鳞).They are really ugly. She is scared when she sees the snakes.Finally, she goes to the safari Park. She rides on a small Jeep as she goes around looking at animals far away.It is exciting.Someday, Connie wan

33、ts to be a vet. Then she can work in the zoo. ()35. What animals does Connie visit first?A. Birds. B. Snakes. C. Monkeys. D. Tigers.)36. Where are the tigers?A. Next to the monkeys.B. Next to the fishes.C.Next to the birds.D. Next to the elephants.()37. What, s the structure(结构)of this passage?A./B.

34、/C./D./()38. What is the passage mainly about?A. Connies favorite place.B. Connie, s favorite cinimal.C. The reasons why Connie likes the zoo.D. Connie* s dream job.DChildren are playing on the grass. 39. Are some families having a picnic in the park? No, it* s a group of mountain gori 1 las(山地大猩猩)i

35、n a forest (森林)in Africa.40. The mountain gorilla is the biggest kind of gorilla. Mountain gorillas have black faces and long, black and hairy(多毛的)coats. Their long, hairy coats keep them warm in winter.Mountain gorillas eat plants and they eat most of the day. 41. When it is very hot, the mountain

36、gorillas sleep a little. They get up and eat till (直 至U) it gets dark. Some mountain gorillas eat 18 kilograms of plants a day. At the end of the day, the mountain goriIlas build nests(窝)to sleep in. 42.The forests are the mountain gorillas1 home and food, but people are cutting down the forests. Ma

37、ny mountain gorillas die when people cut down the forests. 43. Twenty years ago, there were about 15, 000 mountain gorillas.If we want to protect(保护)the mountain gorillas, we must protect the forests.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思 通顺,内容完整。A. Mountain gorillas live in groups in the forest.B. Th

38、ey sleep on the grass or in the trees.C. There are more than 1,000 mountain gorillas in the world today.D. Their mothers and fathers are eating food and watching them.E. They get up early in the morning and start eating.四 语篇填空(共15小题,计15分)第一节阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。每 空限填一词,每词限用一次。take it

39、friend for quick meat what eat be dogDogs are very good pets. They are very 44. to people and really smart. Most dogs are good with children and their parents.When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is 45. size buy a small dog if your home 46. small, or a big one if yours is large. Man

40、y people dont know 47. to buy for their dogs. 48. eat almost(几乎)anything! They can eat 49., rice and lots of other things. You can buy lots of food 50. dogs in pct shops. Don* t let your dog 51. too much. Always leave some clean water for your dog. It can get thirsty very 52., especially(尤其)in summe

41、r.Remember that dogs need exercise. You should 53. your dog for a walk every day.Don, t keep it inside all day.第二节阅读短文,根据句意填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。People can see animals in zoos. Zoos 54.the best places for people to see many different kinds of animals. If 55. is no zoo, many people may not see a real

42、tiger or giraffe. Zoos protect and look after(照顾)animals very we 11. Zoos give them places to live. The workers give them food 56. clean up their rooms on time.But some people dont think it is good 57.keep wild animals in cages(笼子).Some cages are too small for them. They look kind 58.unhappy (不高兴的)i

43、n cages. Some people think these animals need to look for(寻找)food by themselves in the wild.Whats your opinion(看法)on zoos?五 补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, Betty.B: Hello, Nancy.A: Where do you want to go this weekend?B: 59.A: I also want to go to the zoo. 60.?B: I like

44、 pandas.A: 61.?B: Because they,re kind of interesting. Whcit about you?A: I like giraffes a lot. I think they, re beautiful and friendly.B: 62.?A: They are from Africa.B: T see. How about going to the zoo this Sunday together?A: 63.!B: Let* s meet at the bus stop at 8:00 am.A: OK.六书面表达(共1题,计10分)根据所给

45、提示,以My Favorite Animals”为题,写一篇不少于70词的英语短文,可 适当发挥。提示:1. What kind of animals do you like best?2. Where are they from? What do they like eating? What are they like?3. What do you think of them?My Favorite Animals参考答案一、单项选择D考查冠词的用法。elephant的读音以元音音素开头,其前应用an; tiger的读音以 辅音音索开头,其前应用a。故选D。1. D考查名词词义辨析。句意:在

46、泰国,白象是好运的象征。symbol象征,符合句意。故 选D。2. C考查形容词词义辨析。根据题干中的“gets on well with(和和睦相处)”可知 她和她的同学们直和睦相处,由此可推断Amy是个友好的女孩。故用friendly。3. A考查动词词义辨析。句意:很多野生动物面临危险,救助它们是我们的义务。save 救助,符合句意,故选AoB考查短语的用法。第一空处表示许多不同种类的动物,故用kinds of;第二空处 表示它们中有一些有点吓人,故用kind。鼠 故选B。4. A考查动词短语辨析。根据设空后的some birds will lose their homes”可知此 处是

47、说,不要砍倒这些大树。cut down砍倒;cut up切碎;think of认为,想起;look after 照顾,照看。故选A。5. A考查特殊疑问词。根据答语中的Because可知问的是原因,故选A。6. B考查短语辨析。根据答语中的“look at the map”可知我可能迷路了,故用get lost。7. C考查连词的用法。设空前表示我们的梦想有朝一日能成为现实,设空后表示我 们都是追梦人并且我们一直在努力奔跑。设空前后为因果关系,且前为果,后为因,故用 because。8. C考查情景交际。根据答语中的我们的公寓太小了可推断,所缺的句子是C项恐 怕不行”。A项意为别客气;B项意为我希望如此;D项意为好的“。二、完形填空C由下文中的“Pandas are my favori te”可知我非常喜欢动物,故选C。9. A由常识可知熊猫住在中国,故选A.10. D由设空后的bamboo (竹子)for food可知熊猫吃竹子,故选D。11. B由上文中的in the wild”可知,此处表示在动物园,故选B。12. C此处是说,当我空闲的时候,我经常去动物园。13. C结合上文中


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