人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 5 达标测试卷附答案.pdf

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1、人教版七年级英语下册 UNIT 5达标测试卷时间:90 分钟满分:100 分一、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1.What can you see in the picture?I can see _ elephant and _ lion.A.a;anB.an;aC.an;anD.a;a2.Lets go to the_this weekend.OK.I want to see the koalas.A.stationC.zooB.clubD.kitchen3.What animals do you like?_.Theyre from China.Theyre black an

2、d white.A.LionsC.TigersB.GiraffesD.Pandas4._ do you want to see cats?Because theyre lovely.A.WhenB.HowC.WhyD.What5.Bobs brother can walk _ two hands(手).A.atB.onC.inD.of6.Do you think dolphins(海豚)are _ to people?Yes,and they are our good _.A.friends;friendlyB.friend;friendlyC.friendly;friendsD.friend

3、ly;friendly7.Jack is often late for school.He cant get up on time every morning.I think he is a _ boy.A.dirtyC.lazyB.funnyD.healthy18.Elephants are_great danger because people kill them _ their ivory.A.in;withC.in;for9.Im afraid we _.Dont worry.Here is a map.Lets look at it.A.get lostC.get toB.get o

4、nD.get dressedB.on;withD.on;for10.What a fine day!Lets go fishing._.When shall we go?A.No,thanksB.Thank youD.Come onC.Sounds interesting二、完形填空。(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)There is a big zoo in our city.And there are different_11_ of animals in it.Theanimals dont have to _12_ food by themselves.We can see the

5、zookeepers givethem food to _13_.They just eat,walk and sleep _14_ day.So many of us maythink that the animals there are _15_ and lucky.But most of them are sad.Why?Because theyre _16_free in the zoo!Animals like elephants,monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in theforests or mountains

6、.Tigers,for_17_,run,jump,play with their children and catchsmall animals for food.But now they have to stay in small rooms in the zoo.Their lifein the zoo is quite _18_ from their life in the forests.Now many of us think more animals should go_19_ to the forests andmountains so _20_ the earth can be

7、come better.11.A.a kind of12.A.found13.A.dance14.A.no15.A.big16.A./17.A.moreB.a kindB.findingB.singB.allB.sorryB.haveB.exampleC.kindC.findC.eatC.wholeC.badC.notC.as2D.kindsD.findsD.playD.everydayD.happyD.noD.such18.A.better19.A.back20.A.whenB.differentB.onB.thatC.sameC.whereC.thenD.likeD.thereD.now三

8、、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)A AWelcome to the Nature Zoo!Welcome to the Nature Zoo!Hello,everyone!Do you like animals?If your answer is yes,then you shouldcome to our zoo.Here you can see many kinds of animals.Were sure that you willhave a good time.Opening Hours:Opening Hours:JuneSeptemberTuesdayFriday:9

9、:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.SaturdaySunday:8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.OctoberMayTuesdaySunday:9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.Tickets:The full price ticket:$80Children(over 7 and under 14):$30 Free:1.Children under 7 years old2.Retired(退休的)teachersIf you want to know more,please call us or visit .21.The zoo opens at_on Wednesday

10、in August.A.8:00 a.m.C.9:00 a.m.B.8:30 a.m.D.9:30 a.m.22.Mr.Green goes to the zoo with his 16-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter,heneeds to pay_.A.$80B.$110C.$140D.$19023.Which of the following is true?A.You can visit the zoo on Monday in July.B.The zoo is open for nine hours on Sunday in May.3C.

11、Children of all ages must pay$30 to visit the zoo.D.If Mr.Smith is a retired teacher,he doesnt have to pay for the ticket.24.From the passage,we cant know_.A.the name of the zooB.the phone number of the zooC.the opening hours of the zooD.the ticket price of the zoo25.We can read this passage in_.A.a

12、 storybookB.a travel magazine(杂志)C.an English bookD.a geography(地理)magazineB BDo you know why the cat is not in the Chinese zodiac(生肖)?There is a famousChinese folk(流传民间的)story about this.The Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝)asks allanimals to take part in a race.The first 12 animals to finish the race will become

13、 partsof the zodiac.At that time,the cat and the rat are good friends.When they hear aboutthe race,the cat says to the rat,“We should get up early for the race,but I usually wakeup late.”The rat says he will make his friend get up early and they can go together.However,on the morning of the race,the

14、 rat is so happy that he doesnt wake the cat up.He goes to the gathering area(集合区)himself for the race and wins the first place inthe race.An ox comes next,and then a tiger.The cat wakes up late and he finds that therace is already over.The cat doesnt like the rat at all after that.Of course,it is o

15、nly astory.26._,so the cat is worried about the race.A.He doesnt know the wayB.He cant get up earlyC.He cant run very fastD.He doesnt like the race at all27.Who comes after the ox?4A.The cat.C.The rat.B.The tiger.D.The monkey.28.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The rat also goes to the race late.B.T

16、he cat gets to the gathering area on time.C.The rat asks the cat to wake up early on that day.D.The cat and the rat both want to take part in the race.29.After the race,the cat may feel_when he knows the rat was the winner.30.We can probably read the text in a_.A.science bookC.storybookC CThe kiwi(几

17、维鸟)lives only in New Zealand.It is a very strange bird because itcannot fly.The kiwi is the same size as a chicken.It has no wings or tail.It does not have anyfeathers like other birds.It has hair on its body.Its mouth is very long.It has two feet and each foot has four toes.A kiwi likes a lot of tr

18、ees around it.It sleeps during the day because the sunlighthurts(伤害)its eyes.It can smell things with its nose.It is the only bird in the worldthat can smell things.The kiwis eggs are very big.There are only a few kiwis in NewZealand now.The government says that people cant kill kiwis.New Zealanders

19、 wanttheir kiwis to live.There is a picture of kiwis on New Zealand money.People from New Zealand aresometimes called kiwis.31.The kiwi only lives in_.A.CanadaC.AustraliaB.ChinaD.New Zealand5B.posterD.sports book32.The kiwi is about as big as a_.A.tigerC.monkeyB.chickenD.dragon33.The underlined word

20、“toes”means _ in Chinese.A.手心B.后背C.脚趾D.肚脐34.Kiwis sleep in the day because_.A.they need trees for foodB.their eyes are afraid of the sunlightC.they like to live in the sunlightD.they can smell things with their noses35.Which of the following is RIGHT?A.A kiwi can fly high like other birds.B.A kiwi h

21、as wings and a tail.C.People cannot kill kiwis in New Zealand.D.We cannot call people from New Zealand kiwis.四、任务型阅读。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)Visit Chimelong Safari ParkVisit Chimelong Safari Park(长隆野生动物园)Welcome to Chimelong Safari Park!It is the biggest animal theme park(主题公园)in China.There are over 20,000

22、 animals in the park.You can see the Indianelephants and tigers from Northeast of China.The shy koalas from Australia arewaiting for you.They are kind of cute.The pandas from Sichuan are giving youwonderful ball shows.The monkeys from Southeast Asia will play tricks on you.Thegiraffes from Africa ar

23、e ready(准备)to look down at you.The zebras from Africa areready to take pictures with you.Tickets:Tickets:Adults(成人):¥294/personChildren:Over 1.4m:¥240/personUnder 1.4m:FreeOpening time:Opening time:MondayFriday:9:30 a.m.6:00 p.m.SaturdaySunday:9:30 a.m.6:30 p.m.Keep the park clean!Do not touch,give

24、food to or go near the animals!6请阅读上面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答 5 个问题。36.What is the name of the park?_37.How many animals are there in the park?_38.How much does each adult have to pay for the ticket?_39.What animals are from Africa?_40.When does the park open on weekends?_五、补全对话。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)根据对话内容用适当的话语

25、填空。A:A:Afternoon,Henry!B:B:Afternoon,Bruce!A:A:41._?B:B:I want to go to the zoo this Sunday.A:A:I want to go,too.42._?B:B:I like elephants.A:A:43._?B:B:Because theyre smart.What about you?A:A:I like koalas a lot.I think theyre cute.B:B:44._?A:A:The koalas are from Australia.B:B:OK.Lets go to the zoo

26、 at 8:00 a.m.this Sunday.A:A:45._.Where can we meet?B:B:We can meet at the bus stop.A:A:OK.六、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)7根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。46.I think tigers are s_ animals.47.Its not right to k_ the dogs for meat.48.Rick is f_ America,and he is my best friend.49.Hainan is in the s_ of China.50.I dont want to

27、be at home all d_ on Sunday.七、书面表达。(20 分)请你以“A Visit to the Zoo”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:1.请你谈谈动物园里看到的动物;2.请你描述一下当时的心情;3.呼吁人们保护动物。A Visit to the ZooA Visit to the Zoo_8参考答案一、1.1.B提示:考查冠词的用法。“elephant”是以元音音素开头的单词,前面需要用不定冠词“an”;“lion”是以辅音音素开头的单词,前面需要用不定冠词“a”。因此选“an;a”。2 24:4:CDC5 5.B6.6.C7.7.C8 8.C提示:in great dan

28、ger 意为“在极大的危险中”,是固定短语;killfor意为“为杀死”。9 9.A1010.C二、111115:15:DCCBD161620:20:CBBAB三、(A A)2125:CDDBB(B B)2630:BBDAC(C C)313135:DBCBC35:DBCBC四、36.36.It is Chimelong Safari Park.3737.There are over 20,000 animals in the park.3838.Each adult has to pay¥294.3939.Giraffes and zebras are from Africa.4040.The

29、 park opens at 9:30 a.m.五、41.41.Where do you want to go this Sunday4242.What animals do you like4343.Why do you like elephants4444.Where are the koalas from/Where do the koalas come from4545.Sounds good/Sounds great/Sounds interesting六、46.scary46.scary47.kill47.kill48.from48.from49.south49.south50.d

30、ay50.day七、One possible version:A Visit to the ZooA Visit to the ZooEvery year,my parents take me to the zoo to watch the animals.I like to go9to the zoo because I can see so many wonderful animals.I see monkeys jumpingup and down in the trees.I see pandas eating bamboo.I see giraffes eating grass.I see elephants playing tricks with their long nose.I see birds flying freely in thesky.When I see the animals,I feel excited.I think everyone should take good care of the animals.They are ourfriends.1 0


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