人教版七年级下册英语Unit 11单元达标测试卷(无听力含答案).docx

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1、人教版七年级下册英语Unit 11单元达标测试卷Unit 11 How was your school trip?(时间:90分钟满分:100分)一 单项选择(共10小题,计10分)()1. Jack is quite interested in history, and he often visits inhis free time.A. museums B. hospitals C. hotels D. banks()2. When he heard the bad news, he was so sad that he couldn,t sayA. something B. anythi

2、ngC. nothing D. everything()3. 一What do you think of the smartphone?Its great but too . I dont have so much money for it.A. cheap B. expensive C. excellent D. popular()4. I lost my bike. , the police found it in the end.A. Sometimes B. LuckilyC. Usually D. Differently()5.The cake is very delicious.一

3、Thank you. I it myself last night.A. made B. make C. am making D. will make)6.Parents often)6.Parents oftennotonly our health but also our study.A. look forB. worry aboutC. listen toD. go over()7. -you go to yourgrandparents, home every weekend, Lucy?Yes, and I chickens there last weekend.A. Do; fee

4、d B. Do; fed C. Did; feed D. Did; fed()8. If you something, you 11 love it from the heart and try to dothe thing well.A. are busy with B. are interested inC. are good forD. are afraid of()9. We the Xiangshan Park last Friday. We had a wonderful time.A. visit B. are visiting参考答案一、单项选择1. A 考查名词词义辨析。根据

5、设空前的“Jack is quite interested in history”可知 此处是说,他空闲时经常去参观博物馆。故选A。2.B考查代词。此处是说,当他听到这个坏消息时,他如此伤心以至于什么话也说不出 来。结合题意可知应用anythingo3. B 考查形容词词义辨析。根据题干中的dont have so much money for it 可知 它太贵,故用expensive昂贵的。4.B考查副词词义辨析。设空前提到自行车丢了,设空后提到最后警察找到了它,所以 此处表示幸运的是,故用LuckilyoA考查动词时态。根据题干中的last night可知此处应用一般过去时,故选A。5.

6、 B 考查动词短语辨析。look for寻找;worry about担心;listen to听;go over 复习。根据句意父母不仅经常担心我们的健康,而且经常担心我们的学习可知选B。6. B考查动词时态。根据问句中的every weekend可知问句应用一般现在时,故第一 空应用助动词Do;根据答语中的“last weekend可知第二空应用feed的过去式fed。所 以答案为B。7. B 考查短语辨析。根据题干中的you H love it from the heart and try to do the thing well可推断此处是说,如果你对某事有兴趣。故选B。8. D考查动词时

7、态。根据设空后的“last Friday可知此处应用一般过去时。故选D。9. B 考查情景交际。根据题干中的The air. clean. . I could watch the stars” But L.可知B项Lucky you你真幸运符合语境。二、完形填空C 根据下文中的we went to the mountain可知我们去了山里。故选C。10. B结合文意可知设空前后为顺承关系,故用andoD此处是说,在农场有很多花,应用介词On。11. D根据下文可知,王老师作为我们的导游,故用guide。12. A 根据上文中的8 am”和下文中的At noon, we had lunch un

8、der some trees可 知此处我们吃的是早饭,故用breakfastoB根据下文可知我们做了很多有趣的事情,故用interestingo13. C 根据设空后的s。she drew some pictures可知Jane对画画感兴趣,故用 paintingoA根据下文内容可知此处是说,我用新相机拍了一些照片。take photos意为拍照。 故用tooko14. B根据下文中的“After dinner”可知此处是说,我们下午六点半到达了旅店,故用 arrived at。15. C 上文提到了 some, 一般和others搭配。another, other和the other后都需要

9、跟 名词。故选Co三、阅读理解16. C 细节理解题。根据 Travel time 中的We will reach Wuhu at 9:00 17:00T8:40” 和Return to Nanjing可知游客们能在芜湖待八个小时。17. A 细节理解题。根据表格中的“Fantawild Adventure(方特欢乐世界) Zheshan Park and Zheshan Zoo ”Fenghuang Food Street the pedestrian street (步行街) 和the Squirrels(松鼠)Town”可知选 A。18. C标题归纳题。本文主要介绍的是在芜湖一天的旅行安

10、排,故选C。19. B 推理判断题。根据文中的Travel timeHow to book(预订)和Our tour guide” 可推断本文可能是旅行社的一位工作人员写的,故选BoD 细节理解题。根据第三段中的When you travel to the country, you should respect (尊重)its culture可知答案为 D。20. B细节理解题。根据文章内容可知B项未提及。故选B。21. D 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的Many young people are worried about travelling alone. Here are some tips

11、 for you”可知本文主要是给独自旅行的人的一些建议。故 选DoC推理判断题。分析全文内容可知,第一段总括全文,第二至第六段为分条建议,本 文为总分结构。故选C。22. A推理判断题。通读全文可知本文与旅行相关,可能出现在杂志的旅游专栏里,故选 AoC 细节理解题。根据第一段中的The arboretum was like a tree museum. There were many different kinds of trees there可知答案为 C。23. B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的we still needed more money for the train ticket

12、s”可知他们乘火车去,故选BoC 词义猜测题。根据文中的We would raise money by reading for a long time. We also made a sign-up sheet. Each student shared it with friends and family可 推知画线词意为阅读马拉松,故选Co24. D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的We would raise money by reading for a long time” 可知选DoA推理判断题。根据文中作者为阅读马拉松所做的辛勤努力,以及最后一段中的 it was a fun way to

13、 raise money. At the end of the day, our teacher told us a piece of good news. We raised enough money for our trip! Each of us was very happy! 可推断,作者认为阅读马拉松有趣又有用。25. By subway.26. Because they arrived too late.27. It was rainy.28. Because he/she didnt like the food and there were not French fries in

14、 the shop. /.39.It was terrible/bad. 四、语篇填空40.walk 41.swimming 42.another 43.took 44. under45.funny 46.terrible 47.kinds 48.outside 49.time50. had/ate 51. to 52. was 53. diving 54. but 五、补全对话 5559 CBDFE六、书面表达One possible version:A visit to the Natural History MuseumIt was a sunny day. My friends and

15、 I went to the Natural History Museum. It was great. We went there by bus. The museum was very big. Everything was about nature. There were so many interesting things to see here and there. I saw a lot of animals and learned a lot about their living habits. I took lots of great photos, too.All in al

16、l, it was an exciting day. We were very tired but happy!C. will visit D. visited)10. 一The air in Hefei was so clean last night, and I could watch the stars._. But I had to stay at home because it rained here all night.A. Thank you B. Lucky youC. r d love to D. r m not sure二 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)Last Sund

17、ay the weather was fine. We went on a school trip to a 11 . We left at 6:30 am 12 took a long bus ride. Along the way we saw many villages and farms. 13 the farm, there were a lot of flowers. We arrived at 8 am.Mrs. Wang worked as our 14 . She let us eat 15 in the hotel. After that we went to the mo

18、untain. Then we did some 16 things. Jane was interested in 17 so she drew some pictures. Tom washed his feet in the cool river. I 18 some photos with my new camera. I wanted to show them to my parents. At noon, we had lunch under some trees. We had so much fun and we 19 the hotel at 6:30 pm. After d

19、inner, some of us watched stars outside and 20 played games orcards in the room.cards in the room.)11. A. parkAll in all, we had a wonderful trip.B. zoo C. mountain D. library)12. A. or B. and C. but D. so)13. A. For B. UnderC. Of D. On)14. A. classmateB. workerC. farmer D. guide)15. A. breakfast B.

20、 lunch)15. A. breakfast B. lunchC. dinner D. supper)16. A. boring B. interesting C. interestedD. bored)17. A. swimming)17. A. swimmingB. dancing C. paintingD. singing)18. A. took)18. A. tookB. sent C. played D. sold)19. A. got up B. arrived at)19. A. got up B. arrived atC. picked upD. pointed at)20.

21、 A. anotherB. other)20. A. anotherB. otherC. others D. the other三阅读理解(共19小题,计38分)You can enjoy the trip here.Wuhu is a famous city in Anhui Province.Travel time:Pick you up from the hotel in Nanjing and go to Wuhu by 7: 20-9: 00bus. We will reach Wuhu at 9:00.Play in Fantawild Adventure(方特欢乐世界).It i

22、s the 9: 00-11: 30best place to have fun in Wuhu.11: 3012: 30 Visit Zheshan Park and Zheshan Zoo.12: 30-13: 30 Have delicious local food in Fenghuang Food Street.Do some shopping in the pedestrian street (步彳亍彳折).There 13: 30-15: 00are many cheap but beautiful clothes.Visit the Squirrels(松鼠)Town. You

23、 can see the tall 15: 00-17: 00Ferris Wheel.17:0018:40 Return to Nanjing.How to book (预订):You must book by email. Tell us which hotel you are staying at and wait for our reply.Our tour guide will call you the night before the trip and tell you when we will meet the next morning.()21. How long can th

24、e visitors stay in Wuhu?A. For 10 hours. B. For 9 hours.C. For 8 hours. D. For 7 hours.()22. How many places will the visitors visit in Wuhu?A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D. Three.()23. What is the best title for this passage?A. A famous city, WuhuStaying at home or having fun in WuhuB. A one-day trip t

25、o WuhuSome famous places in Wuhu()24. The writer may be .A. a visitor B. a travel agent(代理人)C. a bus driverD. a hotel managerBMany young people are worried about travelling alone. Here are some tips for you.When you are travelling somewhere new, don,t take flights (航班)that getyou to a new place late

26、 at night. That may be dangerous.Learn some words of the country you are visiting. You,d better learn some daily expressions from the smartphone or your dictionary before travelling. And you also need to learn something about the culture of the country. When you travel to the country, you should res

27、pect(尊重)its culture.Put your things in several different pockets and bags.Take some medicine with you. You may need it when you are travelling.If you are lost, ask a policeman, a taxi driver or a shopkeeper(店主)for directions.()25. What should you do when you travel alone?A. Take more clothes and med

28、icine.B. Put your things in one pocket.C. Take flights that get you to a new place late at night.D. Respect the culture of the county.()26. Which of the following isnt mentioned (提至1|) in the passage?A. Learning some words of the country you are travelling.B. Taking as many photos as you can.C. Taki

29、ng some medicine with you.D. Asking for directions when you are lost.()27. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. What to take when travelling.B. Learn to speak the language.C. Tips for travelling with young people.D. Advice on travelling alone.()28. Which can best show the structure (结构)of the

30、passage?A./.B./.C./.D./.()29.Where does the passage probably come from?A. The travel column(专栏)in a magazine.B. The language learning column in a magazine.C. The education column in a magazine.D. The science column in a magazine.COur class is studying trees this term. We are learning a lot about tre

31、es and we know that they keep our world healthy. One day, our teacher told us about a nearby arboretum. The arboretum was like a tree museum. There were many different kinds of trees there. We wanted to go there on a school trip.There was a problem, however. This school trip would cost a lot of mone

32、y. Parents gave some money for our school trip. But we still needed more money for the train tickets. We came up with some ideas. Then we voted on our ideas, and a read-a-thon was the most popular. We were excited about this plan. We would raise money by reading for a long time. We also made a sign-

33、up sheet. Each student shared it with friends and family. They would pay us according to how many pages we read.After that I began to work hard. I called everyone I knew. I wanted to raise as much money as possible because I really wanted to see the trees in the arboretum. I got twenty-five names.Wo

34、rd Bankarboretum植物园vote投票raise筹窠C sign-up sheet 签名表The day of the read-a-thon finally came. We read for a few hours. I got a little tired, but it was a fun way to raise money. At the end of the day, our teacher told us a piece of good news. We raised enough money for our trip! Each of us was very ha

35、ppy!()30. From the passage, we can know that there are lots of in anarboretum.A. tickets B. books C. trees D. animals()31. How will the students go to the arboretum?A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car. D. On foot.()32. What does the underlined word read-a-thonmean in Chinese?阅读书单R.阅读兴趣阅读马拉松阅读马拉松D.阅读小组

36、()33. What did the students do to raise money for the trip?A. They planted trees.B. They cleaned their school.C. They made new friends.D. They read for a long time.()34. What did the writer think of the read-a-thon?A. Interesting and useful.B. Boring and tired.C. Easy and helpful.D. Expensive and ha

37、rmful.DWe had a terrible school trip last week. Some students were late. Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didnt arrive. Finally, our teacher took us to take the subway. It took over an hour. When we arrived at the zoo, we were all tired and hungry. We wanted to see dolphins, bu

38、t there weren,t any. There were some really smart seals (海豹),but we didn,t see the show because we arrived too late. We forgot to take our cameras, so we didn,t take any photos. Then it started to rain, but no one had an umbrella. We dicin t see many animals because of the rain. So we went for lunch

39、. My classmates ate hamburgers and some ice-creams. I didnt have any, because I don,t like them. I wanted French fries, but there weren,t any in the shop. They were sold out! Finally, we went back to school. We were wet and tired. How bad the trip was!35. How did the writer go to the zoo?36. Why did

40、n,t they see the show?37. How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?38. Why didn,t the writer have anything for lunch?39. What did the writer think of the trip?四 语篇填空(共15小题,计15分)第一节阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每 空限填一词,每词限用一次。another outside take time under walk funny kind swim terribl

41、e Dear Mom,Camp is great! Our guides help us do the coolest things. We 40. for six kilometers and we find a waterfall (瀑布) I meet a lot of new friends. We have a great time together, such as climbing, 41. and playing tricks on other campers! Every night, we go over to 42. tent. We try to scare the o

42、ther campers. Last night, when they were all at the campfire, we 43. a big bag of frogs (青蛙).Then we put the bag 44. a bed. When they got back, the frogs were all over their tent. We laughed so hard! It was so 45. to see them run out shouting!One 46. thing is finding many bugs (小 昆虫)here! I know tha

43、t scientists find out a lot of new 47. of bugs each year, and I think they could find more here! I have about 100 mosquito bites (蚊子叮伤)in all. Every time I go 48., bees run after me, too! But for sure Im having the best 49.! Don,t worry, Mom.Love,Tyler 第二节阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Last winter

44、holiday, I went to the beach with my family in Sanya. It was a truly memorable trip. In the morning, we 50. some salad and sandwiches at home. Then we drove our car 51. the beach. It was not too hot. My dad put up a tent (搭起帐篷)for us so we could rest inside. In the morning, we played beach volleybal

45、l. It 52. really fun. For lunch, we had salad and fish. In the afternoon, I went 53. with my brother. It was my first time to dive and I really liked it. Then we had a barbecue for dinner. We ate some seafood and had some drinks. When we got home the next day, everyone was tired 54. happy.I really e

46、njoyed this trip. I would like to go to the beach with my family again this summer.五 补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据对话内容选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,有一项为多余选项。Jack: Hey, Richard.Richard: Hi, Jack. 55.Jack: Oh, it was terrible.Richard: Really? 56.Jack: Well, we went to Wufeng Mountain and climbed the mountain. But the weather was

47、 so cold. It rained and rained all day long.Richard: 57.Jack: Ugh! How about your school trip?Richard: Well, it was raining here too, so we didn,t camp out under the stars. Jack: 58.Richard: We visited the Natural Museum. There were so many interesting things to see. 59.Jack: Sounds like you had a g

48、reat trip.Richard: Yes. We had a really good time.A. Oh, that sounds great!B. Where did you go?C. How was your school tip?D. Oh, thats too bad.E. It was so much fun.F. What did you do then?六 书面表达(共1题,计22分)你一定去过很多地方旅游吧!请你以A visit to为题写一篇英语短文,分 享你的旅行经历和感受。要求:1.请将题目补充完整;.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;2 .词数70左右。A visit to第9页共12页


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