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1、人教版七年级下册英语期中模拟测试卷时间:100分钟满分:100分一 单项选择(共10小题,计10分)()1.一Do you have guitar at home?Yes. And I can also play piano.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a()2. There is a in my neighborhood(街IX) and I often go there to seetigers.A. zoo B. bank C. school D. library()3. The high-speed train(高速歹U车)is a sy

2、mbol of Chinese speed. It helpspeople travel cities easily.A. over B. with C. between D. by()4.Is your dog ?Yes. He can bring shoes for me.A. lazy B. shy C. clean D. smart()5. Please remember Roads are countless (无数的),but safety is the mostimportant。 Everyone needs to the traffic rules.A. breakB. fo

3、llow C. makeD. change()6. We must get back to work, we can,t finish everything.A. and B. but C. so D. or()7. Please be polite (礼貌的)and offer (提供)your seat to peoplewho need it.A. never B. seldom(很少)C. sometimes D. always()8. 一 do you get to school every day?一I usually get to school at 8 a. m.A. Wher

4、e B. How C. When D. Why()9.一May I use your dictionary?Sorry, I it now.A. is using B. use C. uses D. am using)10.Let,s go to the park on Sunday morning.2.要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;2)词数不少于70。My middle school life参考答案一、单项选择C考查冠词的用法。第一空泛指一把吉他,故用不定冠词a; play意为弹奏,与 乐器类名词连用时乐器类名词前应用定冠词the,故选Co1. A考查名词词义辨析。根据题干中的我经

5、常去那儿看老虎可知,在我们街区有一家 动物园。故选A。2. C考查介词的用法。句意:高速列车是中国速度的象征。它帮助人们方便地在城市间 旅行。between表示介于之间,符合语境。故选C。3. D考查形容词词义辨析。lazy懒惰的;shy羞怯的;clean干净的;smart聪明的。根 据答语中的“他可以为我拿鞋子可知选D。4. B考查动词词义辨析。根据题干中的道路千万条,安全最重要可推知,此处表示每 个人都需要遵守交通规则,故所缺的词是followoD考查连词。句意:我们必须回去工作了,否则我们将完不成所有的事情。结合句意 可知选D。5. D 考查副词词义辨析。never从不;seldom很少

6、;sometimes有时;always总是,一直。 根据设空前的“要有礼貌”可知此处是说,要始终把座位让给有需要的人。故always符合 题意。6. C由答语可知问句问的是时间,故用WhenoD考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据语境和now可知此处应用现在进行时,又主语为I, 故用 am usingo7. C考查情景交际。Lets是一种提建议的句式,再根据应答语中的We can play tennis and have a good time可知C项那听起来不错符合语境。二、完形填空A根据下文可知,此处是问我怎样去上学。故选A。8. D根据上文中的g。to school”可知,此处是说我通常早晨七点

7、离开家。故选D。9. C根据上文中的the bus stop可知此处应填bus,故选C。10. B I艮据设空后的“about 15 kilometers from my home. It takes about 30 minutes to get there by bus可知,我的学校离家很远。故选B。11. D 根据下文中的because I always talk to my classmates”可知此处说的是公共 汽车旅程从不无聊。故选D。12. B 根据上文中的“Everyone in our school loves sports和下文中的“After the second cl

8、ass we do exercise again”可知此处是说,每天早上到校后,我们都做早操。13. D根据下文中的The students love playing it可知此处是说最受欢迎的运动是 篮球。14. C根据设空后的“I want to join the Music Club”可知,此处是说我的学校有很多 俱乐部。故选C。15. B play chess下国际象棋,符合文意。故选B。16. C根据上文中的你知道琳达的爱好吗和下文中的Lindas favorite sport is high jump可知此处是说,让我来告诉你。故用tell。17. A根据上文可知琳达最喜欢的运动是

9、跳高,根据设空后的内容可知她不想加入跳高 俱乐部,所以此处表示转折,故选AoD根据下文可知她想跟我加入同一个俱乐部,又由上文可知我加入了音乐俱乐部, 故她加入的也是音乐俱乐部。18. B根据上文可知她想和我加入同一个俱乐部。the same.as和一样的,符合文意。19. B此处是说,戴维也是我的朋友。用于肯定句句中且表示也,应用alsooC根据设空后的他也想加入音乐俱乐部可知此处是说他擅长唱歌,故用good ato 三、阅读理解20. C推理判断题。根据第一栏中的Ten kilometers long可知是步行的活动,对应A WALK;根据第二栏中的One-bedroom apartment

10、可知是出租公寓的广告,对应FOR RENT; 根据第三栏中的Come and buy school things可知是卖学校用品的广告,对应FOR SALE; 根据第四栏中的A waitress (女服务员)可知是招聘女服务员的广告,对应WANTED。故 选CoB 细节理解题。根据第二栏中的One-bedroom apartment next to No. 2 High School可知在第二中学附近的是一居室公寓,故选Bo21. D数学计算题。根据第三栏中的内容可知:篮球40元,钢笔2. 50元。所以45元可 以买一个篮球和两支钢笔。故选D。22. A推理判断题。根据第四栏中的“Like t

11、o meet people”可知招聘女服务员的要求 是要喜欢与人交往。故A项她不怎么说话不符合招聘要求。23. B推理判断题。根据第二栏内容可知出租广告中并没有提及王小姐是做什么的,故 选BoD推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,Aibo适合那些喜欢动物,想要养宠物但又没有 时间照顾宠物的人,结合选项中四人的情况可知选Do24. A词义猜测题。根据下文描述可知,它能理解不同的词,比如坐着待着和过来 故画线词意为理解D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的It can also stand up, shake your hand and play with a 13811和第三段中的屋 also has tw

12、o cameras to help it find family members and your home可知A、B、C项都是Aibo能做到的事。故选D。25. B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的This helps it build a database. It can learn what makes you happy and will try it next time可知选 B。26. C主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要向我们介绍了一款机器狗一一Aiboo 故选CoC推理判断题。根据全文内容,尤其是文章第一句Good news for panda fans可 推断,本文是一篇新闻报

13、道。故选C。27. D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Workers who carry panda toys will welcome them” 可知选D。28. A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的The train also has great service. People call it a mobile star hotel可知选 A。29. B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的After arriving, they will visit some places of interest in Guizhou, such as the site of the Zunyi Conferenc

14、e可知 选BoA标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了中国的第一辆熊猫主题旅游列车,故 A项最适合作本文的标题。4145 BDACE 四、语篇填空 46. but 47. brushes 48. for49. his 50. first51.eats 52,always 53.friends 54.singing 55.can 56. because 57.be/arrive 58. with 59.them 60. a 五、补全对话 6165 GFBEC 六、书面表达One possible version:My middle school lifer m a student in Gra

15、de 7. Id like to share my middle school life with you.Classes begin at 8:00. There are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. I study Chinese, math, English and some other subjects. I like history best because I can learn about the past. After class, I often play football wi

16、th my friends on the playground. Sometimes I read books in the school library.I like my colorful middle school life.10. What; doing_. We can play tennis and have a good time.A. Not at all B. Thank you very muchC. That sounds goodD. You,re welcome二 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)My name is Jane. T m 14 years old. I

17、 study in a middle school in China.You want to know 11 I go to school, right? Well, I usually 12 home at about 7 a. m. and walk to the bus stop. The school 13 usually comes at 7:15 a. m. My school is 14 , about 15 kilometers from my home. It takes about 30 minutes to get there by bus. The bus ride i

18、s 15 boring because I always talk to my classmates.Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning 16 getting to school, we do morning exercises. After the second class we do exercise again. The most 17 sport is basketball. The students love playing it.There are many 18 in my school and I want to

19、 join the Music Club. My friendLisa is a girl and she likes 19 chess very much. She wants to join the Chess Club. Do you know Lindas hobby? Well, let me 20 you. Lindas favorite sport is high jump. 21 she doesn,t want to join the High Jump Club. She wants to join the 22 Club. Why?Because she wants to

20、 be in the same club 23 me. David is 24 my friend. He likes English and he wants to join the EnglishClub. He is25singing and he wants to jointhe Music Club as well.)11. A. howB. why C. whatD. where)12. A. getB. run C. arrive D. leave)13. A. subway B. train)13. A. subway B. trainC. bus D. bike)14. A.

21、 nearB. far C. new D.short)15. A. always B. sometimes)15. A. always B. sometimesC. often D. never)16. A. before B. after)16. A. before B. afterC. by D. with)17.A. terrible B. difficult)17.A. terrible B. difficultC. boring D. popular)18. A. subjects)18. A. subjectsB. rulesC. clubs D. jobs)19. A. join

22、ingB. playing C. makingD. working)20. A. askB. see C. tellD. thank)21. A. ButB. Because C. And D. So)22. A. ChessB. Jumping C. English D. Music()23.A.to B. asC. for D. like()24.A.too B.also C. eitherD. all()25.A.good withB. good for C.good atD. good to三 阅读理解(共20小题,计40分)#1 Ten kilometers long. Dogs a

23、nd other little animals are welcome.Meet at the gate of No. 3 High School#2 One-bedroom apartment next to No. 2High School.Call Miss Wang for more information.Tel: 682525039:00 a. m. -4:30 p. m.7:30 a. m. this Saturday morning Want to know more?Call Michael at 58555665#3 Come and buy school things!A

24、ll kinds of school things! Soccer ball: Y50Every weekday#4A waitress (女服务员)in HaoweiRestaurant.Work for eight hours.Like to meet people. 160 a day.Come or call Miss Li at 65433265 today!From 10:00a. m. to 10:00 p. m.Basketball: 40Pen: 2. 50 Lantian Store, across from No. 2 HighSchoolOnly five days,

25、this week!)26.Which is right for #1, #2, #3 and #4?FOR SALE A WALK WANTED FOR RENTA.一一一B.一一一C.一一一D.一一一()27. What is next to No. 2 High School?A. A zoo. B. A one-bedroom apartment.C. A store. D. A restaurant.)28. What can you buy in Lan tian Store if you have 45?A. A soccer ball.B. Two basketballs.C.

26、Thirty pens.D.A basketball and two pens.)29. Why can,t Alice be a waitress in Haowei Restaurant?A.Becauseshetalks little.B.Becauseshecan,t cook.C.Becauseshehas little money.D.Becauseshecan,t go there today.)30. What can,t we know according to this passage?A.Whattimeto meet for activity #1.B.WhatMiss

27、Wang is.C.Whatkindof store Lantian Store is.D.WhatMissLi s telephone number is.Do you like animals? Do you want to keep animals as pets? Many people like animals and want to keep a cute animal as a pet. But here is a problem: some people don,t have much time to look after the pet. Then, Aibo may be

28、just right for you. You don,t have to give this dog any food or water because Aibo is a robot dog.It is like a real dog in many ways. It can understand different words, like sit,stay and come. It can also stand up, shake your hand and play with a ball. When you play with it, it is just like a real p

29、et.Word Bank库机 手据试相 给握数尝照give shake databasetrycameraThe robot canAibo is very popular with people because it can learn.remember what it sees, hears and does every day. This helps it build a database.It can learn what makes you happy and will try it next time. It also has two cameras to help it find

30、 family members and your home. Make friends with Aibo and you can enjoy your life with the cute robot dog. You can have a lot of fun with Aibo.()31.Who may want Aibo?A. Bob he doesn,t like any animals.B. Jim 一 he is busy and doesnt want to keep pets.C. Lily she likes animals and has much time.D. Lin

31、da 一 she wants to keep pets but doesn,t have much time.()32. What does the underlined word understand mean in Chinese?A.理解B.拒绝C.误解D.限制()33. From the passage, we know Aibo can,t .A. shake peoples handsplay with a ballB. help find your homeeat or drink)34. Why does Aibo know what makes you happy?A. Be

32、cause it is like a real dog.B.Because it has a database.C. Because it has two cameras.D. Because it makes friends with you.)35. What is the passage mainly about?A. It tells us how to find a pet dog.B. It tells us why people like Aibo.C. It tells us a robot dog一Aibo.D. It tells us how Aibo helps us.G

33、ood news for panda fans! China s first panda-themed tourist train started to run on March 28th, 2021. The train runs from Chengdu in Sichuan to Zunyi inGuizhou.It has lots of panda pictures inside and outside. Passengers can try panda-shaped food. Workers who carry panda toys will welcome them.The t

34、rain also has great service. People call it a mobile star hotel It has a bar, a karaoke room, a dance hall and a mahjong room. People from Sichuan are known for their love of mahjong. In the mahjong room, passengers can enjoy themselves.With 12 cars, the train can take 252 passengers. Two or four pa

35、ssengers share one room with a washroom. They can take showers on the train. The train also has customized service(定制服务),long tables for enjoying beautiful places, 5G service, and karaoke party service.Word Bank题客店将主乘酒麻themepassengerhotelmahjongPassengers can enjoy a three-day trip on the train. Aft

36、er arriving, they will visit some places of interest in Guizhou, such as the site of the Zunyi Conference.“If the train does well, I hope it will travel to other areas of the country, /z an officer from the railway station says.()36. What do you think the passage above may be?A. A game show. B. A mo

37、ving story.C. A news report. D. A travel map.()37. What is special about the workers on the train?A. They draw panda pictures.B. They eat panda-shaped food.C. They enjoy themselves in the mahjong room.D. They welcome passengers with panda toys.()38. Why do people call the train a moving star hotel”?

38、A. Because it has great service.B. Because it travels far.C. Because passengers can use washrooms on the train.D. Because passengers can sing songs on the train.()39. What can we learn from the passage?A. The train can travel to Harbin now.B. The site of the Zunyi Conference is in Guizhou.C. People

39、from Sichuan show great love for dancing.D. Helen could take the panda-themed train on Feb.25th,2021.()40. What is the best title for the text?A. What is the panda train?B. Why does the panda train run?C. Where does the panda train go?D. How can people take the panda train?DOur world is an interesti

40、ng place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music. 41.Many people like sports, but they don,t all like the same. In some countries, cricket (板球运动) is popular. In other countries it is not popular at all. 42. But most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular. Lots

41、 of people watch the games on TV.Different people like different foods. 43. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time. Some people don,t like noodles or bread. They like rice better.44. Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others like pale colors.Many people l

42、ike traveling. Different people like different places. Some like to go to the countryside. They like fresh air and clean water there. Some like to go to big cities because they like shopping. 45.Differences make our world more beautiful!根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思 通顺,内容完整。A. Some people don

43、,t like meat.B. Others like quiet music.C. Not everyone likes the same color.D. Nobody plays it or watches it on TV.E. Others enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.四 语篇填空(共15小题,计15分)第一节阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每 空限填一词,每词限用一次。friend eat one can brush but he always sing forTi

44、m is twelve and he is a student. His father is a teacher and his mother is a singer. Every morning, his parents get up at 6 oclock, 46. Tim cant get up so early. He usually gets up at 7 oclock. Then he 47.his teeth. He has eggs and milk 48. breakfast. Tim goes to school with 49. father at half past

45、seven. They usually take the bus or the subway. Tim has the 50. class at 8 o clock. At twelve, he 51. lunch at school. After school, he 52. goes to the music club. He makes many 53. there. He also likes 54. And he 55. sing well. Its his dream to be a great singer like his mother.第二节阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文

46、通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Hey, friends. Im Cindy. Im from South Africa, but now I am in Chongqing. It is in the south of China. I study here 56. my parents work here now. There are many rules in my new school. Don,t eat in class. Don,t fight and don,t 57.late for class. Boys cant havelong hair. I think the sch

47、ool istoo strict58. us. However, I likethe city. People here are veryfriendly. And when I get lost, I always ask 59. for help. I also like the foodofthe city.You can try all kindsof food here. If you want to have60.trip, youcan come to Chongqing.Im sure you will have a good time here.五补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多 余选项。A: Hello, Tom. What are you reading?B: 61. Its my homework.A: Do you like reading?B: Yes. 62.A: I think so. Its a good ha


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