Unit 4 Earthquakes 单考点基础落实拓展与背诵学案-高三英语一轮复习人教新课标必修一.docx

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1、人教新课标高考复习 BOOK1Unit 4Earthquakes考点基础落实拓展与背诵.词汇与派生联想记忆法 1.shelter n.掩蔽(处),避身处seek shelter from.寻找躲避的地方2.damage n. & vt.损失;损害damages (pl.)损害赔偿金3.outline n.要点;大纲;轮廓headline n.报刊的大字标题title n.标题;头衔;资格构词记忆法1.nation n.民族;国家;国民national adj.国家的,民族的3.extreme adj.极度的;极端的extremely adv.极其,极端,非常6.shock vt. & vi.使

2、震惊;震动;n.震惊;打击;休克shocked adj.感到震惊的7.electricity n.电;电学;电流electrician n.电工8.mine n.矿;矿山;矿井miner n.矿工9.frighten vt.使惊吓;吓唬frightened adj.受惊的;受恐吓的11.sincerely adv.真诚地;真挚地sincere adj.真诚的;诚恳的,诚实的 .短语与拓展1.right away立刻;马上(同义短语)at once 3.dig out掘出;发现,找出5.be known as作为而闻名be known to为/被所熟知7.in honour of为纪念(同义短语

3、)in memory of8.be proud of以为骄傲take pride in以为骄傲III重点单词1rise to ones feet站起来on the rise在上涨;在增长give rise to引起;导致He will get a pay rise of nearly 4,000.他的工资将会上涨将近4 000英镑。2burst vi.炸破;爆发;突然发生;突然发作;vt.使破裂,使炸裂;n.(感情等的)爆发burst into+ n.burst out + doingHe burst into laughter.= He burst out laughing burst bu

4、rst with anger/grief/joy (happiness)勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支burst in突然冲入burst in on sb./sth.(突然闯进而)打断、扰乱Hearing the news,she burst out crying/burst into tears. Hearing this,the whole class burst into laughter and my deskmates face turned red.听到这,全班同学大笑起来,我同桌的脸变红了。 (2013湖北短文写作)3destroy vt.破坏,毁灭destroy ones hea

5、lth有害健康cause/do damage to对造成破坏destroy ones career/hopes毁灭某人的事业/毁掉希望damage, destroy, ruin 和 harm 的区别damage指部分性的破坏,含可以修复使用.destroy 十分彻底的破坏 ,往往不可修复ruin指在自然力和时间的作用而逐渐损坏,也可指破坏名声,期望等等.harm带来悲伤,产生恶果的伤害,既可以用精神也可以用肉体(1)The strong sandstorm mostof the young trees. (2)The bridge was by the flood. (3)Fruit juic

6、e may do to childrens teeth. (4)The bad weather our trip.4bury v埋葬;掩埋;隐藏bury sth. in.把某物埋在bury ones face in ones hands双手掩面bury oneself in埋头于,专心于be buried in专心于(1) She sat there, .她坐在那儿,陷入了沉思。(3)Since she left,he has been buried in/has buried himself in his work.自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上。5. event n. 事件;大事;比赛项目a

7、t all events 无论怎样in any event 无论如何in the event of 万一;倘若In the event of rain, the game will be postponed.要是下雨,球赛就延期。辨析occurrence/event/incident/accident,occurrence系常用词, 指“任何发生的事件”。event 指“有重要意义的历史事件、重大事件”。incident指“事件”, 尤指“比较不重要的小事件”。accident指“意外事故”。6. rescue n.&vt. 援救,营救rescue sb./ sth. from sb./ sp

8、. 把从营救出来come to/ go to sbs rescue = rescue sb. 援救某人 a rescue team 救援队a rescue mission 救援任务 rescue workers 救援人员7set/lay a trap for为设下圈套be caught in a trapfall into a trap落入陷阱be trapped in 被困在;使陷入困境trap sb.into doing.诱骗某人做She had set/laid a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻

9、了进去。8.congratulations (to sb.) on sth.就(向某人)祝贺Congratulations!祝贺你!(口语)congratulate vt.祝贺,向道喜congratulate sb.on sth.为某事向某人祝贺Congratulations on your happy marriage!祝贺你喜结良缘!特别提醒(1)congratulation用作祝贺语时,通常用复数形式;作为“祝贺”这一抽象意义时,通常用单数形式。(2)congratulate后不接带不定式的复合结构或that从句。9. judge n. 法官;鉴赏家;裁判vt.判断;估计judgment

10、 n.判断,辨别力judge sb./ sth. by/from 通过判断as far as I judge 我认为judging from.从来看, 根据判断Judging from what he said, he must be an honest man. 10.in honor of出于对某人(物)的敬意;为了纪念have the honor of doing.有幸做Its an honor (for sb.) to do.很荣幸做Its a great honor for me to tell you something about our English club which l

11、asts for two months.让我谈谈持续了两个月的英语俱乐部的情况对我来说是莫大的荣幸。2010湖南书面表达)11.prepare for为作准备prepare sb.sth.prepare sth.for sb.为某人准备be prepared for./to do.准备好preparation n.准备in preparation for为作准备make preparations for为作准备I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her.我马上去给她拿了些药

12、然后为她做了些面条。 (2013北京情景作文)12.two-thirds= two thirds .Two thirds of the surface of the surface of the earth _covered by water. Two thirds of of the workers in this factory _young.13.词义辨析 harm, injure, hurt, wound harm 的含义侧重于“损害,伤害”,可指精神或肉体的伤害,程度较轻Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light. injure指“损害,受

13、伤”,着重容貌、机能的损坏,例如:She was injured badly in the accident. 事故中她受了伤。hurt指“伤害;刺痛”,尤指在精神或肉体上的伤害,含有强烈的疼痛No feelings were hurt though the criticism was sharp. 批评虽然尖锐,却未伤感情。wound指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤,剑伤,尤指在战斗中受伤。 14.wonder : v. / n. It is no wonder (that )= No wonder (that)-Tom often works deep into the night every day

14、.-No wonder he always gets first in the examinations.15. ruin vt. 毁坏;毁灭。既可指实际的东西,也可指抽象的东西。n.U毁坏;毁灭 C(常用作复数)废墟in ruins严重损坏;破败不堪;落空bring come to ruin使某人失败;使倾家荡产bring ruin upon oneself自取灭亡fall/go to ruin毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃; 破坏掉 ruin oneself毁掉自己16.express n.快车, 快递, 专使the No. 12 special express to Beijing vt.表达,

15、表示express ones gratitude.A smile expressed her joy at the news喜悦心情IV重点短语1think much/highly/well of重视;看重;对高度评价be well/highly thought of被高度评价sing high praise of/for高度评价2at an end结束,终结end up with以告终end up(多指出乎意料地)最终处于,(以)告终(in sth.);最终(成为)as sth.); 最终(做)(doing);以结尾(with sth.);结果为at the end of在尽头(末)brin

16、g/put.to an end使终止on end竖着,直立,连续地make ends meet使收支相抵come to an end结束3. right away 立刻,马上right now=at once=immediately=in no time立刻,马上 4. think of认为;考虑think poorly of不放在眼里;轻视 think twice 再三考虑think little/nothing of轻视;忽略think much/highly of重视;看重,评价高What do you think of .?认为怎么样?think about考虑;回想;想起think

17、sth. over仔细想;谨慎思考;作进一步考虑think sth. out认真考虑;仔细盘算think sth. up想出,发明5. instead of 代替,而不是易混辨析instead/instead of/in place of/take the place ofinstead 是副词,单独使用,用于句首或句末作状语,意为“而是,相反”。instead of 是复合介词,后接名词、代词、或动名词,意为“代替、而不”。in place of 为介词短语,也是“代替、而不”的意思,表示“以甲代乙”,而instead of则是“用甲不用乙”,除“代替”外,还有对乙否定的意思,有时意为“不”

18、。take the place of (replace)作谓语,用在名词、代词前。6a number of许多,大量There are masses of plants in the garden.花园里有很多植物。辨析 a number of,the number of(1)a number of许多,大量(2)the number of的数量。1)修饰可数名词:many a few, a good/great many, a large/ big/ great/ / small number of,Many a +单数名词,More than one +单数名词,2)修饰不可数名词:muc

19、h ,a good/great deal of,a large amount of (谓语动词用单数),large amounts of (谓语动词用复数),3)修饰可数和不可数名词a lot of/lots of ,plenty of,a large quantity of (谓语动词用与of后名词一致),large quantities of (谓语动词用复数),练习:1).We waited for the report of exam with anxiety. A. a great deal of B. a great number of C. a great many D. a p

20、lenty of 2)._ the students in our school go to college in their teens. A good many B. A great many of C. A great deal of D. A lot of 3). He is _ better now. Dont worry about him. A.more B. a great deal of C. a number of D.a great deal (1) The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities

21、 _ rising steadily since 2009. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been C (2) With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth _ each year. A. is washing away B. is being washed awayC. are washing away D. are being washed awayD (3) Good amounts of sleep every night_ also important for yo

22、ur health. A. is B. are C. was D. were B V句式与运用1In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.句型为:tooadj./adv. (for sb.) to do sth.结构,意为“太而不能”。关于too.to.结构的其他法:(1)too.to.与not或never连用时,不定式为肯定意义。not/never too.to.意为“并不太所以能”。(2)too.to.前面有only,but,all时,only too,but too和all too相当于

23、very,后面的不定式也表示肯定。(3)当too.to.用来修饰表示态度、情绪、倾向等的形容词(如anxious,eager,glad,happy,pleased,ready,willing)时,不定式为肯定意义。(4)cannot(或can never)too/enough表示“怎么也不会过分”、“越越好”的含义。 He is too willing to follow others advice. Its never_too careful to cross the road. 2It seemed as if the world was at an end! 1)seem+adj. Th

24、is problem seems difficult, but actually it is simple.2) seem to do I seem to have seen him somewhere before. 3) It seems thatIt seems that everything is going on well.4) It seems as if It seems as if it is going to rain.3. It seemed as if the world was at an end! as if=as though意为“仿佛,像,似乎”。如果表示真实情况

25、应该用陈述语气;如果表示非真实情况则应该用虚拟语气,虚拟语气 as if 主语 had done sth. (从句谓语动词发生在过去)did / were (从句谓语动词发生在现在)would do sth. (从句谓语动词发生在将来) 引导表语从句,通常用在be,look,seem,sound,taste,smell及feel等连系动词的后面。She looks as if she were ten years younger. It seems as if our team is going to win. 引导方式状语从句:He treated her as if she were hi

26、s daughter. (2) as if (as though)可用于省略句中:as if 引导的从句常可省略主语和系动词,这样其后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词(如文中例句)。He acts as if (he were)a fool / mad. Tom raised his hands as if (he were going) to say something. 4. All hope was not lost. all.notnot all.部分否定,也称半否定1).all, both, each, every, everyone, everything, a

27、lways, whole, wholly, entirely, altogether等表示“全体”意义的代词、副词或形容词与否定词not连用时,一般都表示部分否定。2).如果句子中出现下列词或短语则该句为全部否定:none ofn./pro.; neithern./pro.; non.; nothing; nobody; neither; never; nowhere; neithernor等。5Then,later that afternoon,another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangsh

28、an. as many/much as和一样多as early as早在;和一样早as good as和一样好;几乎as.as one can/couldas.as possible尽可能(2)用表示倍数的词或其他程度副词作修饰语时,放在as的前面。其结构是:倍数asadj./adv.(原级)as6. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.dig out 挖掘;发现; dig into钻研; 开始大吃dig for=look for寻找 VI.Grammar 定语从句A.t

29、hat和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换,但在下列情况下,一般用that而不用which。(1) 限制性定语从句中先行词为all, everything, anything, nothing, none, few, little, some等不定代词指物时。(something用that或which均可)Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said? (2) There be句型中用that。ThereisabookonthedeskthatbelongstoTom.(3) 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰。This is the first

30、book (that) he has read.This is the best film (that) I have ever seen. (4) 先行词是who或which引导的主句。Who that broke the window will be punished?Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?(5) 当先行词既有人又有物。They talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school. (6) 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, l

31、ittle, much, the only, the very, the last, just, right等修饰。This is the very book that belongs to him.B.一般用which而不用that的情况。(1) 紧跟介词作宾语There are many trees under which they can have a rest.(2) 在非限制性定语从句中Football, which is a very popular game, is played all over the world.(3) 作定语 He may be late, in whic

32、h case, we should wait for him.C.修饰人时关系代词that和who, whom的区分1)当主句中的主语是who时,只能用that。e.g. Who is the girl that is standing over there?2)在非限制性定语从句中只能用who或者介词后面时whom。e.g. I have a son, who is really lovely and interesting.There are 40 students in the class, most of whom are boys.D.引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词有as,which

33、,who, whom,whose等在定语从句中做主语、宾语、表语及定语。关系副词有when,where等,在定语从句中做状语。关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中一般不能省。VII.书面表达高考作文赏析1.假如你是一名记者,20多年前7月28日凌晨3点钟, 当你由于写稿子在熬夜,经历了那场唐山大地震.请用英语写一篇报道,写出你当时的感受.提示:1.what you heard 2. what you saw 3.what you felt 4.the result/loss 5. the rescueIt was early in the morning, at about 3 oclock. As

34、 I had to finish a report for the newspaper, I stayed up. I was about to sleep when there was a terrible earthquake. At first I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a train going under the house. Then I realized it was an earthquake. I was trying to wake up my families when I felt the floor move.

35、I saw glasses on the table fall off onto the floor. I felt like being on a boat and I couldnt stand firm. It lasted about 10 minutes or so. Luckily, the government came to our rescue immediately. Because of the earthquake, a great number of people lost their lives. I was a lucky one. The moment the earthquake ended, the people in Tangshan were determined to rebuild their hometown. Now Tangshan takes on a new look. 6学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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