上海市部分地区2022-2023学年高三上学期英语期末(高考一模)汇编:六选四 含答案.docx

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上海市部分地区2022-2023学年高三上学期英语期末(高考一模)汇编:六选四 含答案.docx_第1页
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《上海市部分地区2022-2023学年高三上学期英语期末(高考一模)汇编:六选四 含答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市部分地区2022-2023学年高三上学期英语期末(高考一模)汇编:六选四 含答案.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、上海市静安、宝山、嘉定、浦东、金山五区2022-2023届高三一模英语试题汇编六选四2023届上海市静安区高三一模英语试卷Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Recently, theres been a lot of talk in U

2、.S. about the “data problem. It ought to give the “datadriverT school reformers pause to reconsider. Maybe we are just creating a bubble that too will burst if we continue to base our actions on the belief that only scores on standardized instruments are evidence of success. 47 Margo, a famous comme

3、nter, states that at least tests are more “reliable“ than professional judgment. How can she tell? We want a nation of citizens who are less ready to think that the “truth can only be captured in one of four answers一a, b, c, or d.48 But how can the general trend guarantee the reliability of the scor

4、e of one particular test-taker? Some educator dares to replace these tests with professional human judgments, which must still rest on a numerical rank order based on a, b, c and d. The big problem is that there is often no technical assurance for the reliability of such exams. No wonder many big-na

5、me psychologists avoid them.All “reliability“ tells us is that the student would get a similar score on a similar test if given at another time or place. But all scores on old or new tests have measurement errors. Like Wall Streets numbers, we have no independent basis for relying on these scores. L

6、ikewise, validity is in the eye of a certain standard of judgments. How ridiculous it is to say for sure that these judgments are justified!When some parents told me that their children seemed to read well, but scored poorly, they often believed the indirect evidence, test score, and not the direct

7、evidence, listening to their children read. Some parents had been trained to distrust judgment and rely on real evidence”. My own 8-year-old son also used to flail a 3rd grade reading test even though I knew he could read fluently. 49 We need schools that “train“ our judgment, which help us become a

8、dults who 火箭一直沿着一条有点混乱的轨道运行J表明了不能回地球也不能离开月球的结果就是开 始偏离轨道,承接上文,符合语境。故选A项。【49题详解】根据上段最后句”This is the first unintentional case of space junk hitting the moon of which m aware, Gray added.(“这是我所知道的太空垃圾撞击月球的第一起无意案例,”格雷补充 道。)”和后文 “ Because of the unpredictable effect of sunlight pushing“ on the rocket and

9、difficulty in measuring rotation (旋转)periods”, its orbit may be slightly altered.(由于阳光对火 箭“推动”的不可预测的影响以及“难以测量旋转周期”,其轨道可能会略有改变。)”可知, 偏离轨道导致会撞上月球,但因为有着难以测量的因素,所以不好精确地预测到底会撞击在 月球哪个部位。E选项“火箭将击中的确切地点仍不清楚。”承上启下,符合语境。故选E 项。【50题详解】根据前文 “ Even if it hit on the near side of the moon, the impact occurs a coupl

10、e of days after New Moon, which was hardly observable, he added, to me, the impact was not a big deal.(即使它击中 了月球的近侧,撞击也发生在新月之后的几天,这几乎是无法观察到的,他补充说,“对我 来说,撞击没什么大不了 的。“)”和后文 They believe that the event will allow for observation of valuable lunar materials ejected (弹射)by the rockets strike.(他们认为,这一事件将有

11、助于观 测火箭撞击所喷出的宝贵月球物质。)”可知,虽然这次撞击对于Gray来说是没有意义的, 但对于观察火箭袭击月球喷射是珍贵的材料。B选项“尽管如此,太空爱好者相信这次撞击 可能会提供宝贵的数据。”中的 the impact could provide valuable data.v 与后文 observation of valuable lunar materials ejected by the rockets strike相对应,符合语境。故选 B 项。上海市浦东新区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷(一模)67. F 68. A 69. C 70. B【导语】这

12、是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了作者和专栏作家乔治蒙比尔特对于食物种植和 新食品技术的看法。【67题详解】根据上文 “I have huge admiration for George Monbiot, a well-known columnist. His work has highlighted the urgent need to reduce our CO2 emissions and switch to greener energy. He has also shown intensive farming role in the dramatic levels of species de

13、cline and biodiversity loss. Much of what he writes is in line with my stand.(我非常敬佩著名专栏作家乔治蒙比尔特。他的工 作强调了减少二氧化碳排放和转向绿色能源的迫切需要。他还展示了集约化农业在物种急剧 减少和生物多样性丧失方面的作用。他写的很多东西都与我的立场一致)”结合后文论述了 作者和乔治蒙比尔特的不同观点,可知本句与上文构成转折。故F选项“然而,关于改变 我们的农业和粮食系统所需要的解决方案,我们有不同的看法”符合语境,故选F。【68题详解】根据后文 “But in a recent article, he

14、wrote that organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb are the worlds most damaging farm products. He criticises chefs and fbodies like me for focusing on regenerative grazing farming that aims to repair, rebuild, revitalize and restore ecosystem function. His alternative vision includes a revolution in crea

15、ting food in labs from microbes and water.(但在最近的一篇文章中,他写道,有机牧场饲养的牛羊肉是“世界上最具破坏性的农 产品”。他批评像我这样的“厨师和美食家”专注于再生放牧一一旨在修复、重建、振兴和 恢复生态系统功能的农业。他的另一种设想包括在实验室里用微生物和水制造食物的革 命)”可知,后文与本句构成转折,后文说明了观点的不同,可知本句是在说明二人都赞成 的情况即上文提到的 “It is undeniable that the farming revolution of the 1950s has started awar on nature. T

16、hese intensive ways of producing food are not only polluting our land and waterways, but are heating up our planet and contributing to a crisis in human health. We need to change the way we eat and produce food, and fast.(不可否认,20 世纪 50 年代的农业革命已经 开始了一场对自然的战争。这些密集的粮食生产方式不仅污染了我们的土地和水道,而且使 我们的地球升温,并导致人类

17、健康危机。我们需要改变饮食和生产食物的方式,而且要快)”。 故A选项“到目前为止,Monbiot和我都同意”符合语境,故选A。【69题详解】根据上文 u Although not opposed to the idea of lab-grown food, I am much more for small-scale community-driven farming.(虽然我不反对实验室种植食物的想法,但我更支持小规模的社区 农业)”可知,本句承接上文说明作者支持小规模社区农业的原因,故C选项“那是因为我 相信食物有潜力成为一种向善的力量”符合语境,故选C。【70题详解】根据后文 u Thes

18、e inventions in new food technology are heavily patented, pushing the future of our food supply further into the hands of an increasingly small and powerful collection of multinational food players. In our race to look for better systems of food production. We cannot afford to ignore the risks.(这些新食

19、品技术的发明获得了大量专利,将我们食品供应的未来进 一步推向了越来越小而强大的跨国食品公司的手中。在我们寻找更好的粮食生产系统的竞赛 中。我们不能忽视这些风险)”可知,后文主要说明了新食品技术发明的风险,即作者的担 忧。故B选项“Monbiot在实验室创造食物的热情让我担心”符合语境,故选B。2023届上海市金山区高三上学期一模英语试卷47. D 48. E 49. B 50. C【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了互联网用户非常厌烦被要求证明自己不是机器人和 为什么互联网用户会被要求证明自己不是机器人,以及苹果推出一个新功能改善体验。【47题详解】根据前文 u A new feature i

20、n the latest versions of iOS and macOS, Apples operating systems for smartphones and computers, promises to give the boot to “captchas” once and for all.(苹果智 能手机和电脑操作系统iOS和macOS最新版本的一项新功能承诺将一劳永逸地启动“验证 码),可推知,此处对新功能介绍的并不详细,所以空处是对这个功能的进一步说明, D 项 u Called u automatic confirmation,v the technology will

21、allow sites to confirm you are not a robot without you having to do anything at all.(这项技术被称为“自动确认”,无需你做任何 事情,网站就能确认你不是机器人。)”符合文意,是对这个功能的进一步说明。故选D项。【48题详解】根据后文 “If you get it wrong, it may ask you to start again, leading you to wonder if you really know what a traffic light looks likeor if you might

22、really be a robot after all.(如果你弄错了,它 可能会让你重新开始,让你怀疑你是否真 知道红绿灯的样子或者你是否真的是个机器 人)”可知,可推知,前文是在讲做测试,做错了会有什么后果,所以E项“These tests may ask you to spot all the traffic lights in a picture or to type out some special letters and numbers.(这 些测试可能会要求你找出图片中所有的红绿灯,或者输入一些特殊的字母和数字)”符合文 意。故选E项。【49题详解】根据前文 u Internet

23、 users struggle to tell the difference between a wear of paint on a sidewalk and a formalized crosswalk thats often requested in a traditional captcha, and worry that one wrong answer may lock them out of an account.(互联网用户很难分辨人行道上油漆的磨损和传统通 行证中经常要求的正式人行横道之间的区别,并担心一个错误的答案可能会让他们无法登 录)”可推知,空处应是对此句话下结论,所

24、以B项uTherefore, when faced with something really confusing, many people simply give up.(因此,当面对一些真正令人困惑的事情时,许多 人就放弃了)”符合文意。故选B项。【50题详解】根据前文“I certainly dont. The reason these experiences exist is to prevent dishonest activity. If you run a server, you dont want it to be defeated by fraud.(我肯定不喜欢。这些体验存

25、在的原因 是为了防止不诚实的行为。如果您运行一个服务器,您不希望它被欺诈打败)”此处属于引 用他人说的话,话还未说完,可推知,空处应该是对这些体验存在原因进一步解释,所以C 项 “Most attempts to create accounts or to buy products come from common users, but some attempts can also come from attackers.(大多数创建账户或购买产品的尝试都来自普通用户,但 也有一些尝试来自攻击者)”符合文意。故选C项。are in the habit of bringing judgment

26、to bear on complex phenomenon. 50 It also involves acknowledging that even experts must live with a substantial degree of uncertainty. Only in this way, can we, to some extent, rely on the results of the school education in the U.S.A. Even the technical meaning of good tests“ is open to question.B.

27、Its when I became a test doubter.C. Different groups of people fit different test patterns.D. On all achievement tests, were promised beforehand a population that fits a normal curve (曲 线).E. This includes judging which expertise to “trust“ and defending such choices.F. Time spent on standardized te

28、sts is, in many cases, equal to that on study.2023届上海市宝山区高三一模英语试题Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences in the box. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.Many people drink protein shakes (高蛋 白饮品)regularly to lose

29、 weight, build muscle or both. Others, however, question the belief that protein shakes are better than normal, high-protein foods. So what is the truth?What is in a protein shake?Protein shakes are dietary supplements (膳食补充品)designed to help people consume more protein than they otherwise would. 47

30、 Or people can mix their own shakes using protein powder and other ingredients. Protein powder can be made from plants or animals. Plant-based protein shakes can include soy, pea or rice protein. Animal-based protein powders are usually made from cows milk. Those who want to stay away from milk can

31、also get protein powder made from egg whites.Advantages of protein shakesStudies indicate that consuming protein shakes is helpful if you want to build your muscle. They can also help to improve your performance while exercising and help you to recover from exercise. 48 Consuming protein shakes can

32、also help you lose weight. Eating a high-protein diet helps you feel full, so its easier to resist eating too much. High-protein diets can also increase how quickly your body burns energy. When you use more energy than you take in through food, you lose weight. 49Disadvantages of protein shakesHowev

33、er, you dont have to drink protein shakes to have a high-protein diet. Many wholefoods are rich in protein. As a matter of fact, the people in many high-protein diet studies didnt drink protein shakes The studies proved the benefits of eating protein-rich foods. 50 In contrast, many protein shakes c

34、ontain sugar or artificial sweeteners, which are not healthy.To sum upSo yes, protein shakes are convenient, and they work. However, they are not your only choice for eating a high-protein diet.A. And if youre losing weight, protein shakes can help make sure that you dont lose muscle.B. Protein shak

35、es can also help people to manage their figures, especially their weight.C. Moreover, these foods contain other nutrients in addition to protein.D. Therefore, it is unnecessary to take protein shakes unless it is a must.E. Protein shakes can be ready-made drinks.F. And high-protein diets have also b

36、een linked to the loss of fat.2023届上海市嘉定区高三上学期一模英语试题Section C (8 分)Directions: Read the fallowing passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Out-of-control SpaceX RocketA SpaceX rocket

37、 is now headed directly for the moon after spending almost seven years flying through space, experts say. The rocket was originally launched to send a space weather satellite to the Lagrange point- a gravity-neutral position four times farther than the moon and in direct line with the sun. 47At this

38、 phase, it did not have enough fuel to return to Earths atmosphere. But meanwhile it lacked the energy to escape the gravity of the Earth-Moon system. 48 Space observers believe that it is on course to intersect (相交)with the moon. Bill Gray, who writes software to track near-Earth objects, has said

39、the rocket will very likely hit the far side of the moon, near the equator.“This is the first unintentional case of space junk hitting the moon of which Im aware,“ Gray added.49 Because of the unpredictable effect of sunlight “pushing“ on the rocket and difficulty in measuring rotation (旋转)periods”,

40、 its orbit may be slightly altered. “But these unpredictable effects are very small,“ Gray wrote. He added that further observations were needed to decide the precise time and location of the impact. In a recent blog post, he wrote that the rocket has made a close lunar flyby, and will definitely ma

41、ke an impact.As for whether the collision (相撞)could be viewed from Earth, Gray says it will probably go unobserved. Even if it hit on the near side of the moon, the impact occurs a couple of days after New Moon, which was hardly observable, he added, to me, the impact was not a big deal.”50 They bel

42、ieve that the event will allow for observation of valuable lunar materials ejected (弹射)by the rockets strike.A. So the rocket has been following a somewhat chaotic orbit since.B. Nevertheless, space enthusiasts believe the impact could provide valuable data.C. It was part of SpaceXs space exploratio

43、n programme.D. But after completing a long burn of its engines, the rockets second phase became a problem.E. The exact spot that the rocket will hit remains unclear.F. The lunar phase reveals the passage of time in the night sky.上海市浦东新区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷(一模) Section CDirections: Read the f

44、ollowing passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Eating meat is not a crime against the planet - if its done rightI have huge admiration for George Monbiot, a well-known columnist.

45、His work has highlighted the urgent need to reduce our CO2 emissions and switch to greener energy. He has also shown intensive farmings role in the dramatic levels of species decline and biodiversity loss. Much of what he writes is in line with my stand. 67It is undeniable that the farming revolutio

46、n of the 1950s has started a war on nature. These intensive ways of producing food are not only polluting our land and waterways, but are heating up our planet and contributing to a crisis in human health. We need to change the way we eat andproduce food, and fast.68 But in a recent article, he wrot

47、e that organic, pasture-fed beef and lamb are the “worlds most damaging farm products. He criticises chefs and fbodies,7 like me fbr focusing on regenerative grazing farming that aims to repair, rebuild, revitalize and restore ecosystem function. His alternative vision includes a revolution in creat

48、ing food in labs from microbes and water.Although not opposed to the idea of lab-grown food, I am much more for small-scale community-driven farming.69 Methods that regenerative farmers propose have shown how non-intensive livestock, when managed well, can increase topsoil more than previously thoug

49、ht, which can then build up biomass (carbon) and keep precious rainwater. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, small-scale farmers currently produce about a third of our food.70 These inventions in new food technology are heavily patented, pushing the future of our food supply further into the hands of an increasingly small and powerful collection of multinational f


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