2019高中英语 Unit 7 The Sea Section Ⅵ Language Points(Ⅲ)( Lesson 4,.doc

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1、1SectionSection LanguageLanguage Points()(Points()( LessonLesson 4 4,CommunicationCommunication WorkshopWorkshop,CultureCulture CornerCorner terrible; as a result,I often feel terrifiedterrified at the thought of it.escapeescape vi.vi.逃脱;逃跑 n n逃跑;逃离;避免(教材 P14)Without waiting,I dived into the sea to

2、try and escapeescape.刻不容缓,我跳入海里设法逃生。escape from/out of 从逃脱escapen./doing sth. 逃过(做)某事make ones escape 逃跑,逃避escape punishmentescape being punished逃过处罚have a narrow escape 九死一生,幸免于难The bird escaped from the cage.鸟逃出了笼子。He escaped punishment/being punished(punish)他逃脱了惩罚。(教材 P14)OneOne dayday,mymy twotw

3、o brothersbrothers andand I I werewere comingcoming backback fromfrom thethe islandsislands,ourour boatboat fullfull ofof fishfish一天,我和我的两个兄弟正从海岛返回,船上载满了鱼。【要点提炼】 our boat full of fish 是独立主格结构,在句中作状语,表示伴随状况。5独立主格结构不是句子,只是一个修饰成分,在句中作时间、原因、方式、条件和伴随状语。独立主格结构是由“名词/代词分词/不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语”构成,名词/代词与这些词之间有主谓或动

4、宾关系。该结构常用逗号与句子的主干部分隔开。The party will be held in the garden,weatherweather . p pe er rm mi it tt ti in ng g如果天气允许的话,聚会将在花园里举行。He was listening attentively in class,his eyes fixed(fix) on the blackboard.他上课专心听讲,眼睛紧盯着黑板。The four of us agreed on a division of labor,each to translate(translate) a quarter

5、 of the book.我们四个人同意分工干,每人翻译这本书的四分之一。allall atat onceonce(allall ofof a a suddensuddensuddenlysuddenly)忽然;突然(教材 P14)AllAll atat onceonce,the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.突然,天空被乌云笼罩,刹那间,我们就卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。once in a while 偶尔地once or twice 一两次more th

6、an once 不止一次once moreonce again 再一次;又一次They go out together once in a while but not very often.他们偶尔一块出去,但不经常。Can you explain it to me once more?你能再向我解释一次吗?(教材 P14)OurOur boatboat survivedsurvived,andand I I waswas tryingtrying toto recoverrecover whenwhen mymy elderelder brotherbrother putput hishis

7、 mouthmouth closeclose toto mymy earear,andand screamedscreamed outout thethe terrifyingterrifying wordword “Whirlpool“Whirlpool!”我们的船保住了,我正竭力(从恐惧中)回过神来,这时(突然),哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁,大声地喊出了那个令人恐惧的词“漩涡!”(1)survivesurvive vi.vi.幸存;生存下来vt.vt.幸免于;从中生还(1)survive sth. 在中幸免于难,挺过survive (from sth.) (从中)存活下来/留存下来survive(

8、on sth.) (靠)存活survive as sth. 作为继续存在6survive sb.by.years 比某人多活了年(2)survivor n. 幸存者survival n. 幸存,幸免Harry survivedsurvived his wife byby three months.哈里比他的妻子多活了 3 个月。A plane crashed yesterday,and there were no survivors (survive)昨天有架飞机坠毁了,没有一个人生还。Amys only chance of survival(survive) was a liver tran

9、splant.艾米生存的唯一机会是进行肝脏移植。(2)【要点提炼】 句中 when 用作并列连词,意为“这时(突然)” ,相当于 and then 或 and just at that time。when 作并列连词时的常见句式:be doing.when. 正在这时(突然)be (just) about to do.when.正要这时(突然)be on the point of doing.when.正要这时(突然)had just done.when. 刚刚做完这时(突然)They werewere onon thethe pointpoint ofof leavingleaving wh

10、enwhen the power was cut off.我们正要离开,这时突然停电了。I was about to start when it began to rain.我正要动身,这时下雨了。She was cooking(cook) when someone knocked at the door.她正在做饭,这时有人敲门。I had just finished(finish) reading the novel when my father came in.我刚读完这本小说,这时父亲进来了。(3)recoverrecover v v痊愈,康复;重新获得(1)recover from

11、从中恢复过来recover oneself 某人恢复正常(2)recovery n. 恢复,康复make a recovery from 从中恢复The patient has perfectly recovered from his illness.病人已经完全好了。She has made a full recovery(recover) from her illness.7她已经完全恢复了健康。It took Mom a few minutes to recover herself(her)妈妈过了好几分钟才镇静下来。pickpick upup(从海里或危险处)搭救;营救(教材 P15)

12、In the end,a boat pickedpicked me upup.最后,一条船把我救了起来。写出下列句子中 pickpick upup 的含义Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled (不停摆弄)with it.拿起 She went over to her parents house to pick up some clean clothes.取回 Where did you pick up your English?学会Theyve picked up a really nasty infection from something theyve

13、 eaten.染上 We can pick up Italian television.接收Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency.好转 pick out 选出;挑出;拣出pick off 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉Can you pick out the right one?你能找出正确的那一个吗?Dont pick off any of these flowers.这些花一朵也不要采摘。recogniserecognise vt.vt.辨认出;承认

14、;认可(教材 P15)The fishermen were my old friends,but they were unable to recogniserecognise me.那些渔民是我的老朋友,但他们都认不出我了。(1)recognise sb./sth.as. 承认是be recognised as. 被公认为recognise that. 承认;意识到(2)recognition n. 认识;认出beyond recognition 认不出来Everyone recognisedrecognised him toto be/asbe/as the lawful heir.大家都承

15、认他为合法继承人。It was recognised(recognise) that this solution could only be temporary.人们意识到这只是个临时的解决方案。(教材 P18)WhenWhen hehe dieddied inin 14351435,thethe storiesstories ofof hishis travelstravels mademade himhim oneone ofof 8ChinasChinas mostmost famousfamous sailorssailors郑和死于 14351435 年,有关他旅行的故事使他成为中国

16、最著名的海员之一。【要点提炼】 made him one of Chinas most famous sailors 为“make宾语n.(作宾语补足语)”的结构。“make宾语宾语补足语”中的宾语补足语可以是不带 to 的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词。现将 make 的复合宾语结构总结如下:(1)“make宾语n.”意为“使、让(某人/某物)(成为)” 。(2)“make宾语adj.”意为“使(某人/某事)(变得)” 。(3)“make宾语do sth.(不带 to 的不定式)”意为“使做某事” ;在被动语态中,此类结构中省略的动词不定式中的 to 要还原。(4)“make宾语v.ed 形

17、式(过去分词作宾补)”这个结构指宾语接受后面的那个动作,表示被动的意思,意为“使(某人/某事)被” 。We must work hard to makemake ourour motherlandmotherland a a strongerstronger one.one.我们必须努力工作使我们的祖国更强大。The workers were made to work(work) for twelve hours every day.工人们每天被迫工作 12 个小时。随 堂 效 果 落 实.单句语法填空1 1The small girl was terrified(terrify) at th

18、at big black cat.2 2There was only one survivor(survive) from the plane crash.3 3He has won wide recognition(recognise) in the field of tropical medicine.4 4The doctors had given her up but she made a remarkable recovery(recover)5 5He narrowly escaped being hurt(hurt) in the accident.6 6Every day I

19、am made to have(have) an egg and some milk.7 7The key to the bike lost(lose),he had to walk to school.8 8I was reading a book when someone shouted at me.9 9There was apparent disagreement(disagree) between their stories.1010There is no sense in buying(buy) expensive clothes for children,as they soon

20、 grow out of them.单句改错1 1More time giving,we should have done the job much better.givinggiven2 2We were doing our homework while the light went out.whilewhen3 3How then do we make sense these phenomena?sense 后加 of4 4The poor woman survived her husband for thirty years.forby95 5The terrifying look on

21、 her face shows that she doesnt believe the result.terrifyingterrified.完成句子1 1问题解决之后,我们就回家了。The question settled,we went home.2 2我正要下河游泳这时导游告诉我河里有食人鱼。I was about to swim in the river when the guide told me there was maneating fish in it.3 3香港被公认为是全球最自由的经济体系之一。It is widely recognised that Hong Kong is one of the freest economies in the world.4 4他们大部分的家具都是在乡村的拍卖处买的。They picked up most of the furniture at auctions in country towns.5 5我真害怕单独留在那房子里。I am really terrified of being left alone in that house.


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