2019高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration Section Ⅵ Language Points(Ⅲ)(Lesson 4.doc

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1、1SectionSection LanguageLanguage Points()(Points()( LessonLesson 4 4,CommunicationWorkshopCommunicationWorkshop,CultureCulture CornerCorner &Bulletin&Bulletin Board)Board)语 言 基 础 自 测.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1They will complete the decoration(装饰) of their new house on the weekend.2You are not seriously(

2、认真地) expecting me to believe that.3Dick put the photograph against his breast(胸前)4French fashionable dress has been adopted(采用)by people in many parts of the world.5Adults(成年人) cant understand young peoples thoughts,so they dont know how to help them.6I feel Ive made a mess of things.7You put the le

3、tter in the envelope and send it through the post office.8That car went out of production five years ago.9He wished them all a merry Christmas and departed early.10I prefer the black pair of stockings to the yellow pair.拓展词汇根据词性或汉语提示,写出下列单词1serious adj.严肃的;认真的seriously adv.严重地;严肃地;真诚地2decorate vt.装饰

4、;装修decoration n装饰;装饰品3merry adj.高兴的;愉快的merrily adv. 欢乐地;愉快地4fortunate n幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunately adv.不幸地5mess n混乱;脏乱messy adj.脏乱的.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1put up 举起;建造;住宿2carry on 继续;坚持3go to church 做礼拜4put on 穿上;上演5as soon as possible 尽可能快地6blow up 炸毁,给充气;爆发7laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑28dress up 盛装,打扮9a bit of

5、一点儿,有一些10be particular about 对较挑剔/较讲究.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1I am afraid you are particular about your food.2The princess is dressed up by a famous dressmaker.3Its time we put up the Christmas decorations in the living room.4She sets aside a bit of money every month.5The law should be put into practice a

6、s soon as possible.6I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.寻规律、巧记忆unadj.adj.v.about 动词短语unable 不可能的uncertain 不确定的unknown 不出名的talk about 讨论,谈论 think about 考虑worry about 担心,烦恼.经典句式仿写背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.Lunch was always late,but whatwhat a a lunch!lunch!午餐总是很晚,但可真够丰盛的!感叹句他是一个多么诚实的孩子呀!What an h

7、onest boy he is!2.AtAt thethe bottombottom ofof thethe bedbed waswas thethe stockingstocking,now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.床尾的袜子里现已装满各种各样的小礼物和糖果。完全倒装隔壁桌上坐着一个等人的漂亮姑娘。At the next table was a pretty girl waiting for someone.3.After lunch,the adults slept on the sofas in front of th

8、e Queens speech on television whilewhile we all while 用法有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。Some people waste food while others havent enough to eat.3played cards.午饭后,大人们躺在沙发上,聆听女王的电视讲话,我们则打牌。4.Since it is one of the longest holidays in the year,for most people itsits thethe timetime toto getget relaxedrelaxed or go

9、out of the city to travel.因为这是一年中最长的假期之一,所以对大部分人来说这是放松自己,走出城市旅行的时机。Its time to do.句型是打消那些愚蠢想法,认真对待的时候了。It is time to put away those foolish ideas and become serious.核 心 要 点 探 究putput upup 举起,建造;竖起,搭建;张贴(教材 P42)On Christmas Eve,the whole family helped to decorate the house,putput upup the Christmas t

10、ree,the decorations and the balloons.圣诞节前夕,全家人都来装饰房屋,竖起圣诞树,挂上各种装饰和气球。写出下列句中 put up 的含义They putput upup a tent by the fire.搭起This store putput upup many advertisements throughout the neighbourhood.张贴We are going to putput upup a new house next year.建造I putput upup my hand and asked to leave the room.

11、举起put.aside 把放在一边put.back 把放回原处put forward 提出put out 扑灭put in 把加入They decided to putput asideaside their differences.他们决定搁置他们的分歧。Its a good habit to put things back after you use them.用完东西放回原处是个好习惯。Firefighters soon put the fire out.4消防员很快把火扑灭了。(教材 P42)LunchLunch waswas alwaysalways latelate,butbut

12、whatwhat a a lunch!lunch!午餐总是很晚,但可真够丰盛的!【要点提炼】 what a lunch 是一个感叹句,后面省略了 it was。what 修饰名词。Error!What a clever boy (he is)!How clever a boy (he is)!(他是一个)多么聪明的男孩啊!WhatWhat pretty girls (they are)!(她们是)多么漂亮的姑娘啊!How beautiful a park (it is)!多么美的公园啊!(教材 P42)AfterAfter lunchlunch,thethe adultsadults slep

13、tslept onon thethe sofassofas inin frontfront ofof thethe QueensQueens speechspeech onon televisiontelevision whilewhile wewe allall playedplayed cards.cards.午饭后,大人们躺在沙发上,聆听女王的电视讲话,我们则打牌。【要点提炼】 该句为并列句,其中 while 为并列连词,表示前后两个分句之间为对比关系。它常译为“然而” 。while 还可以用作从属连词引导下列从句:(1)引导时间状语从句,意为“在期间” 、 “当的时候” 。(2)引导时

14、间状语从句,意为“与同时” 。(3)引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然” 、 “尽管” ,只能置于句首。WhileWhile I was waiting at the bus stop,three buses went by in the opposite direction.我在公共汽车站等车时,对面驶过了 3 辆公共汽车。You can go swimming whilewhile Im having lunch.我吃午饭时你可以去游泳。While Im willing to help,I dont have much time available.尽管我愿意帮忙,但我没有多少时间。carryc

15、arry onon 继续,坚持(教材 P42)It didnt seem possible,but we carriedcarried onon eating.蛋糕大得好像吃不了,但我们还是不停地吃着。carry away 带走;使着迷5carry off 赢得,获得;成功地对付carry out 履行;实施;落实carry over 继续下去,延期carry through 成功完成;顺利实现We expect him to carrycarry outout his promises.我们期待他履行诺言。Please carry these desks away.请把这些桌子搬走。It i

16、s a difficult job,but she is the person to carry it through.这是一项艰巨的工作,但她是可以顺利完成的。asas wellwell 又;也(教材 P45)A few of my good friends came asas wellwell.我的几个好朋友也来了。as well as (除之外)也,既又 (连接并列主语时谓语由前面的主语确定)may/might as well 不妨,倒不如,还是的好You mightmight asas wellwell to have a look.你不妨去看一看。The teacher as wel

17、l as all his students,is(be) going to have a picnic this weekend.老师打算这个周末与学生们一起去野炊。明辨异同 asas well/too/also/eitherwell/too/also/eitheras well用在句末,前面无标点与其他句子成分隔开。too用在句末,前面常有逗号与其他句子成分隔开。also一般用于句中,放在助动词、情态动词后,行为动词前。either用于句末,用在否定句中,前可用逗号隔开。用 as well,too,also,either 的适当形式填空I can see how English is use

18、d in everyday life as well.Hes worked in Japan as well as Italy.Li Ming also takes part in the ceremony.Lucy doesnt go to the party,either.6He works as a volunteer and I do,too.messmess n n混乱;脏乱 v v弄乱;弄脏;弄糟(教材 P45)The house was a bit of a messmess and my sister made us all a cup of tea.房间有点乱,妹妹给我们大家

19、每人都倒了一杯茶。(1)in a mess 乱成一团;陷入困境get into a mess 陷入困境make a mess of 把弄糟(2)mess up 搅乱,打乱(3)messy adj. 脏乱的The previous chairman left the company inin a a terrible messmess.前董事长把公司搞得一团糟。The local economy is now getting into a mess.当地的经济现在正陷入困境之中。Who messed up my papers?谁把我的文件搞得乱七八糟?bebe knownknown asas 作

20、为而出名;被认为是;叫作(教材 P46)Over 2,000 years ago,people knownknown asas the Celts lived in Northern Europe.两千多年前,凯尔特人居住在北欧。be known for. 因而著名be known to. 为所了解/知道be known by. 凭而知The place isis knownknown forfor its handicraft products.这个地方因手工艺品而出名。The market situation is not known to us.我们还不了解市场情况。A man is k

21、nown by the company he keeps.谚从其交友知其为人。adoptadopt vt.vt.收养;采取,采纳,采用(教材 P46)Later,when the Romans invaded Europe,they adoptedadopted the Celts New Year customs and used them in their own festivals.后来,当罗马人侵略欧洲的时候,他们采纳了凯尔特人的新年习俗,并把这些习俗融入他们自己的节日中。写出下列句中 adopt 的含义7The schools must adoptadopt new methods

22、of teaching foreign languages.采用,采纳At last,we should adoptadopt the consumers suggestions.接受In the past,my grandparents had to have two sons adoptedadopted.收养,领养(1)adoption n 采纳;收养adopted adj. 被收养的(2)adapt vt. 适应;改编adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth. (使自己)适应(做)某事be adapted from sth. 由改编The adopted(adopt

23、) girl soon adapted to her new family.这个被收养的女孩很快适应了她的新家庭。The TV series is adapted from a true story.这部电视剧是由一个真实故事改编的。honourhonour vt.vt.向某人致敬n.n.尊敬;荣誉(教材 P46)After 835 AD,the Catholic Church in Europe invented a holiday on 1 November,All Hallows Day,to honourhonour saints.公元 835 年之后,欧洲的天主教把 11 月 1 日

24、定为节日,即万圣节,来纪念圣灵们。honour sb.for 因而尊敬某人be honoured to do sth./for sth. 因而感到荣幸honour sb.as 尊称某人为in honour of sb.in sb.s honour 为了纪念某人I waswas greatly honouredhonoured toto be/forbe/for beingbeing invited here.能被邀请到这儿来,我深感荣幸。He was honoured (honour) as the best player in his team.他被誉为是队里最好的选手。 The schoo

25、l was named after the hero in honour of him.为了纪念这位英雄,这所学校以他的名字命名。dressdress upup 打扮,装扮(教材 P46)To celebrate All Souls Day,people made big bonfires and dresseddressed upup as angels,devils,saints and witches.为了庆祝万灵节,人们生了一大堆篝火,并乔装打扮成天使、魔鬼、圣人和女巫。dress sb./oneself up把某人/自己打扮起来dress up as 装扮成(be)dressed i

26、n 穿着8She isis always dresseddressed inin the latest fashion.她总是穿最新款的服装。She is always dressing (dress) herself up before going to a party.她在去宴会前总是精心打扮。(教材 P47)SinceSince itit isis oneone ofof thethe longestlongest holidaysholidays inin thethe yearyear,forfor mostmost peoplepeople itsits thethe timeti

27、me toto getget relaxedrelaxed oror gogo outout ofof thethe citycity toto travel.travel.因为这是一年中最长的假期之一,所以对大部分人来说这是放松自己,走出城市旅行的时机。【要点提炼】 该句属于 time 的有关句型,It is time to do sth.表示“是该做的时候了” 。“是该做的时候了”表达法:(1)It is time for sth. “是该做的时候了”(2)It is time for sb.to do sth. “是(某人)该做的时候了”(3)It is (high) time (tha

28、t)从句“某人(早)该做某事了”(that 从句中谓语动词用一般过去时或 should动词原形,should 不能省略)。ItIt isis timetime forfor clear rules.现在是明确规则的时候了。ItIt isis timetime forfor herher toto answer the question.是她该回答问题的时候了。Its time that I went/should go (go) to pick up my daughter.我该去接我女儿了。解构长句难句My sister,Alison,and I sat down in front of t

29、he fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted.【分析】 句中 telling him about all the presents we wanted 为现在分词短语在句中作伴随状语;we wanted 是定语从句,修饰先行词 presents。【翻译】 我的姐姐艾莉森和我坐在火炉前,给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们所有想要的礼物。随 堂 效 果 落 实.单句语法填空1Now it is time for me to repay(repay) my debt to

30、 you.2He went out for a walk,while I stayed at home.3Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed(dress) in white,with wings.4I feel highly honored(honor) to be invited to the party.95She produced a TV series about adopted(adopt) children.6The Great Wall is known for its long history and its magnifi

31、cence.7She doesnt know how to tidy up the messy(mess) room.8Who prevents their plans from being carried out?9Shes got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement.10The students,as well as his teacher are(be) fond of the film.单句改错1She was well known for an excellent dancer. 2Since here is too h

32、ot for you,you may as well as go to work in a seaside city.3The kitchens always so mess after weve had guests.Give me a hand to clean it up,will you? 4He offered to helping me with my English. 5It was a honour to be invited to the wedding of the champion. 【答案】 1.foras 2.去掉第二个 as 3.messmessy 4.helpin

33、ghelp 5.aan.完成句子1已经到了他该上咱家吃晚饭的时候了。It is high time he came/should come to our house for dinner.2虽然他身体不好,但他仍然努力工作。While/Although/Though he is in poor health,he still works hard.3多么坏的消息啊!我们不能去海南度假了。What bad news it is! We cant go to Hainan for our holiday.4显然他对音乐和绘画都有兴趣。Obviously he is interested in music as well as (in) painting.5来访者被安排在史密斯先生的家里食宿。TheThe visitorvisitor waswas putput upup inin thethe homehome ofof MrMr SmithSmith. .


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