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《2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit2Heroesppt课件北师大版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit2Heroesppt课件北师大版.ppt(41页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2Unit 2HeroesHeroes基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展 equalequal1.1.adj.adj.平等的平等的 vt.vt.等于等于;比得上比得上 n.n.等同等同 adv.adv.相等地相等地 2.2.vi.vi.比赛比赛,竞争竞争 n.n.竞争竞争,比赛比赛 n.n.对手对手 adj.adj.竞争的竞争的 3.3.vt.vt.促进促进,提升提升 n.n.提升提升 equalityequalityequallyequallycompetecompetecompetitioncompe

2、titioncompetitorcompetitorcompetitivecompetitivepromotepromotepromotionpromotion单单词词拓拓展展 4.4.vi.vi.反应反应 n.n.反应反应 5.5.vt.vt.钦佩钦佩,羡慕羡慕 n.n.钦佩钦佩,赞赏赞赏,羡慕羡慕 adj.adj.令人钦佩的令人钦佩的 6.6.vt.vt.探测探测;勘探勘探 n.n.探测探测;探索探索 n.n.探索者探索者7.7.adj.adj.慷慨的慷慨的,大方的大方的 n.n.慷慨慷慨8.8.adj.adj.暴力的暴力的 n.n.暴力暴力,暴行暴行 reactreactreaction

3、reactionadmireadmireadmirationadmirationadmirableadmirableexploreexploreexplorationexplorationexplorerexplorergenerousgenerousgenerositygenerosityviolentviolentviolenceviolence单单词词拓拓展展 9.9.adj.adj.令人惊异的令人惊异的 adj.adj.感到吃惊的感到吃惊的/惊异的惊异的 v.v.使惊异使惊异10.10.adv.adv.就自己而言就自己而言 adj.adj.个人的个人的,本人的本人的 11.11.n.n

4、.伤害伤害,损害损害 vt.vt.伤害伤害,损害损害 adj.adj.受伤的受伤的12.12.n.n.关系关系 n.n.关系关系,联系联系;亲戚亲戚 vt.vt.把把联系起来联系起来 amazingamazingamazedamazedamazeamazepersonallypersonallypersonalpersonalinjuryinjuryinjureinjureinjuredinjuredrelationshiprelationshiprelationrelationrelaterelate单单词词拓拓展展 13.13.adj.adj.自信的自信的 n.n.自信自信,信任信任 14

5、.14.adv.adv.当然当然,绝对地绝对地 adj.adj.绝对的绝对的 15.15.adj.adj.镇静的镇静的,沉着的沉着的 vi.&vt.(vi.&vt.(使使)平静平静,平息平息16.16.n.&vi.n.&vi.斗争斗争,拼搏拼搏17.17.n.n.竞赛竞赛;事件事件18.18.n.n.人物人物;品格品格;特征特征confident confident confidenceconfidenceabsolutelyabsolutelyabsoluteabsolutecalmcalmstrugglestruggleeventeventcharactercharacter单单词词拓拓展

6、展 19.19.vt.vt.犯犯(错误错误),),干干(坏事坏事)20.20.n.n.质量质量,品质品质 adj.adj.优良的优良的,优质的优质的21.skilful adj.21.skilful adj.22.unusual adj.22.unusual mitcommitqualityquality灵巧的灵巧的,熟练的熟练的不平常的不平常的短短语语记记忆忆1.give 1.give 放弃放弃e e do something do something开始开始(认识、理解认识、理解)3.pull 3.pull 渡过难关渡过难关4.get 4.get /along /along 融洽相处融洽相

7、处;进展进展e e it it 别胡扯别胡扯6.6.one ones own s own 单独地单独地,独立地独立地7.7.my opinion my opinion 在我看来在我看来8.millions 8.millions 数百万数百万9.9.Too Too 太太,极为极为 upuptotothroughthroughononoffoffononininofoffarfar句句型型整整理理1.Pat was in the bathroom 1.Pat was in the bathroom a hairdryer a hairdryer her hand her hand she hear

8、d a crash.she heard a crash.帕特拿着一个吹风机在浴室里帕特拿着一个吹风机在浴室里,这时她听到一阵响声。这时她听到一阵响声。2.Brandi,the sisters2.Brandi,the sisters mother,taught her daughters at home mother,taught her daughters at home they completed their high school while developing they completed their high school while developing their tennis

9、 careers.their tennis careers.这对姐妹的母亲布兰迪在家里教她们这对姐妹的母亲布兰迪在家里教她们,这样在她们发展网球事业的同这样在她们发展网球事业的同 时时,也可以完成高中学业。也可以完成高中学业。3.3.meet it with joy.meet it with joy.如果给我一个挑战如果给我一个挑战,我会很愉快地迎接它。我会很愉快地迎接它。withwithininwhenwhensosothatthatGiveGivememea achallengechallengeandandI Illll考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难提知能提知能1.calm ad

10、j.1.calm adj.镇静的镇静的,沉着的沉着的 v.(v.(使使)平静平静,镇定镇定归纳拓展归纳拓展keep/stay calmkeep/stay calm保持平静保持平静calm down(calm down(使使)平静下来平静下来calm oneself calm oneself 使自己镇定下来使自己镇定下来 高考运用高考运用:TaylorTaylors swift action helped her teammates s swift action helped her teammates (冷静冷静 下来下来).().(20172017北京北京,阅读理解阅读理解A A)ItIts

11、 difficult to s difficult to (保持冷静保持冷静)in that situation.)in that situation.答案答案:calm downcalm downkeep calmkeep calm词语辨析词语辨析:Wise men are Wise men are silentsilent;fools talk.;fools talk.智者沉默寡言智者沉默寡言,愚者滔滔不绝。愚者滔滔不绝。calmcalm意意为为“镇镇静静的的,平平静静的的”,主主要要指指人人“沉沉着着镇镇定定”,指指自自然然界界“无无风风无无浪浪”。silentsilent主要指人主要指

12、人“沉默的沉默的,不出声的不出声的”,但不一定无活但不一定无活动动。quietquiet意意为为“安安静静的的,宁宁静静的的”,指指人人时时表表示示生生性性安安静静,不不易易激激动动;用用于于自自然然环环境境时时,指没有干指没有干扰扰活活动动、没有喧、没有喧闹闹声的寂静状声的寂静状态态。stillstill意意为为“安安静静的的,不不动动的的”,不不指指心心理理状状态态,指指环环境境和和人人“静静的的,静静止止的的”状状态态。He dressed simply and led a He dressed simply and led a quietquiet family life.family

13、 life.他穿着简朴他穿着简朴,过着平静的家庭生活。过着平静的家庭生活。We must be We must be calmcalm in face of the danger.in face of the danger.危险面前我们要沉着冷静。危险面前我们要沉着冷静。Keep Keep stillstill while I tie your shoelaces.while I tie your shoelaces.别动别动,我给你系鞋带。我给你系鞋带。2.equal adj.2.equal adj.平等的平等的;相同的相同的;胜任的胜任的;不相上下的不相上下的 vt.vt.等于等于,比得上

14、比得上归纳拓展归纳拓展be equal tobe equal to等于等于;与与相等相等;有能力胜任有能力胜任be without equal/have no equal be without equal/have no equal 无与伦比无与伦比,无敌无敌A equal(s)B(in sth.)AA equal(s)B(in sth.)A与与B(B(在在方面方面)相等相等 【巧学助记巧学助记】高考运用高考运用:答案答案:is equal tois equal towithout equalwithout equalequals me in strengthequals me in stre

15、ngthI Im sure Barbara m sure Barbara (有能力胜任有能力胜任)the task.)the task.His paintings are His paintings are (无与伦比无与伦比)in the Western)in the Western World.World.He He (和我力气相当和我力气相当)but not in intelligence.)but not in intelligence.3.struggle vi.&n.3.struggle vi.&n.斗争斗争,拼搏拼搏;难事难事归纳拓展归纳拓展struggle forstruggl

16、e for为为而斗争而斗争struggle with/againststruggle with/against同同作斗争作斗争struggle to do sth.struggle to do sth.努力做某事努力做某事struggle to onestruggle to ones feet s feet 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来 高考运用高考运用:答案答案:struggled to keepstruggled to keepforforagainst/withagainst/withWe found that in 30mph zones they We found that in 30m

17、ph zones they (努力保努力保 持持)at a constant speed.()at a constant speed.(20172017全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解D D)It used to be a country struggling It used to be a country struggling independence.independence.The old man has struggled The old man has struggled cancer for two years.cancer for two pete pete vi.比赛比赛,竞争竞争归

18、纳拓展归纳拓展compete incompete in参加参加比赛比赛,在在竞争竞争compete forcompete for为为比赛比赛,争夺争夺compete with/againstcompete with/against同同竞争竞争compete to do pete to do sth.竞争做某事竞争做某事 高考运用高考运用:答案答案:forforto attractto attractYoung children usually compete Young children usually compete their mothertheir mothers attention.s

19、 attention.There are too many magazines competing There are too many magazines competing (attract)readers.(attract)readers.5.promote v.5.promote v.提升提升;促进促进;推销推销;倡导倡导归纳拓展归纳拓展promote sb.(from sth.)to sth.promote sb.(from sth.)to sth.把某人把某人 (从某职位从某职位)提升到某职位提升到某职位be promoted to.be promoted to.被提升为被提升为p

20、romote development/understanding promote development/understanding 促进发展促进发展/加深加深 了解了解get/win/gain promotion get/win/gain promotion 得到得到/争取晋升争取晋升 高考运用高考运用:答答 案案:promote promote understandingunderstandingwas was promoted promoted totopromoted/promotionpromoted/promotionThe governments argue that this

21、will help foreigners better joinThe governments argue that this will help foreigners better join the society and the society and (加深了解加深了解)across cultures.)across cultures.(2017(2017浙江浙江,阅读理解阅读理解C)C)I I (被提升为被提升为)producer in charge of the entire)producer in charge of the entire newscast last year.ne

22、wscast last year.The young man is working hard to get The young man is working hard to get (promote).(promote).6.react vi.6.react vi.反应反应归纳拓展归纳拓展react to sth.react to sth.对对作出反应作出反应,回应回应react againstreact against反抗反抗react withreact with与与发生化学反应发生化学反应react on/uponreact on/upon对对有影响有影响,作用于作用于reaction

23、n.reaction n.反应反应 答案答案:reactionsreactionstotowithwithBut we all have to accept that as we get older our But we all have to accept that as we get older our .(reaction)slow down.(reaction)slow down.(20172017全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解D D)You never know how he is going to react You never know how he is going to reac

24、t the news.the news.Iron reacts Iron reacts water and air to produce rust.water and air to produce rust.高考运用高考运用:7.admire vt.7.admire vt.钦佩钦佩,羡慕羡慕;欣赏欣赏归纳拓展归纳拓展admire sb./sth.admire sb./sth.赞赏某人赞赏某人/某物某物admire sb.foradmire sb.for因因而羡慕而羡慕/赞赏某人赞赏某人admire sb.asadmire sb.as钦佩某人是钦佩某人是 答案答案:forforasasThe l

25、ocal villagers all admire him The local villagers all admire him his great courage.his great courage.The old man is admired The old man is admired a famous scientist in our country.a famous scientist in our country.高考运用高考运用:8.give up 8.give up 放弃放弃;中止中止;认输认输;自首自首;投降投降归纳拓展归纳拓展give ingive in屈服屈服,让步让步,

26、投降投降(后常接后常接to sb./sth.)to sb./sth.)give offgive off发出发出(气味等气味等)give away give away 颁发颁发;泄露泄露;赠送赠送give out give out 分发分发,用完用完,耗尽耗尽give way to give way to 让路让路,让步让步,被取代被取代 答案答案:give upgive upgives offgives offgave awaygave awayMonsters may appear or the night will fall.But never everMonsters may appea

27、r or the night will fall.But never ever (放弃放弃)on your dream!()on your dream!(20182018天津卷天津卷)This flower This flower (发出发出)a terrible smell.)a terrible smell.The headmaster The headmaster (颁发颁发)the prizes at the school)the prizes at the school sports day.sports day.高考运用高考运用:e to do something e to do

28、something 开始开始(认识、理解认识、理解)归纳拓展归纳拓展come tocome to苏醒苏醒;共计共计come aboutcome about发生发生;产生产生come downcome down落下落下,下来下来;(;(飞机飞机)着陆着陆,坠落坠落;物价跌落物价跌落when it comes to.when it comes to.当提及当提及/涉及涉及时时 答案答案:came to realizecame to realizecome aboutcome aboutWhen it comes toWhen it comes toThinking hard about it,I

29、Thinking hard about it,I (开始意识到开始意识到)that my)that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia.team might not be the number one team in Georgia.(2018(2018天津天津,完形填空完形填空)How did it How did it (发生发生)that he was late for such)that he was late for such an important meeting?an important meeting?(当说

30、到当说到时时)learning,diligence is necessary.)learning,diligence is necessary.高考运用高考运用:特特别别提提示示:come come toto和和名名词词连连用用,构构成成许许多多常常用用固固定定短短语语,通通常常表表示示达达到到某某一一水水平平、结结果果、状状态态或或某某种种情情况况等等。如如:come:come to to a a conclusionconclusion作作出出结结论论;come;come to to a a decisiondecision作作出出决决定定;come;come to to an an en

31、d/a end/a closeclose结结束束;come;come to to lifelife苏苏醒醒过过来来;恢恢复生机复生机;come to mind;come to mind想到想到;come to the point;come to the point谈到正题。谈到正题。10.pull through10.pull through使从使从(受伤受伤)中活下来中活下来;渡过难关渡过难关归纳拓展归纳拓展pull downpull down拉下拉下;拆掉拆掉;摧毁摧毁;推翻推翻pull outpull out脱离脱离;退出退出;(;(火车火车)离站离站;驶离路边驶离路边pull in(t

32、o)pull in(to)到站到站;(;(火车火车)进站进站pull up(pull up(车车)停下停下pull apart pull apart 拆开拆开 答案答案:pull throughpull throughpulled uppulled uppulled out pulled out I canI cant imagine how she managed to t imagine how she managed to (渡过难关渡过难关)during that time.during that time.Don Don (把车停住把车停住)at the red light and

33、we stopped)at the red light and we stopped behind him.behind him.Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined,so he Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined,so he.(退出退出).).高考运用高考运用:11.get on 11.get on 上上(车车,船等船等););进展进展,进行进行,相处相处;继续进行下去继续进行下去归纳拓展归纳拓展get on/along with get on/along with 进展进展;与与相处相

34、处get off get off 下下(车、船等车、船等););动身动身,出发出发get away from get away from 避免避免,摆脱摆脱,离开离开get into get into 进入进入;陷入陷入;习惯于习惯于get down to doing get down to doing 认真着手干认真着手干get through get through 度过度过,通过通过(考试考试),),打通电话打通电话 答案答案:withwithgot intogot intodoingdoingget onget onThe boy is honest and easy to get o

35、n The boy is honest and easy to get on.His wife His wife (陷入陷入)the habit of shopping online)the habit of shopping online last year.last year.Once you want to do something,you must get down to Once you want to do something,you must get down to (do)(do)it well.it well.The workers couldnThe workers cou

36、ldnt t (继续进行下去继续进行下去)for lack of)for lack of materials.materials.高考运用高考运用:12.Pat was 12.Pat was inin the bathroom the bathroom with with a hairdryer in her hand when shea hairdryer in her hand when she heard a crash.heard a crash.帕特拿着一个吹风机在浴室里帕特拿着一个吹风机在浴室里,这时她听到一阵响声。这时她听到一阵响声。归纳拓展归纳拓展with+with+宾语宾语+

37、doing(doing+doing(doing表主动或正在进行的动作表主动或正在进行的动作)with+with+宾语宾语+done(done+done(done表被动或已完成的动作表被动或已完成的动作)with+with+宾语宾语+to do(to do+to do(to do表示将来的动作表示将来的动作)with+with+宾语宾语+介词短语介词短语/形容词形容词/副词副词 with a hairdryer in her handwith a hairdryer in her hand是是withwith的复合结构的复合结构,在该句中作伴随状语。在该句中作伴随状语。答案答案:leadingl

38、eadingfinishedfinishedto settleto settleininWith the boy With the boy (lead)the way,we found her house easily.(lead)the way,we found her house easily.With all the work With all the work (finish),the young girl went out to(finish),the young girl went out to play.play.With so many problems With so man

39、y problems (settle),the new manager couldn(settle),the new manager couldnt t sleep well.sleep well.The teacher came into the classroom with a book The teacher came into the classroom with a book his hand.his hand.高考运用高考运用:13.Brandi,the sisters13.Brandi,the sisters mother,taught her daughters at home

40、 so that they mother,taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school while developing their tennis pleted their high school while developing their tennis careers.这对姐妹的母亲布兰迪在家里教她们这对姐妹的母亲布兰迪在家里教她们,这样在她们发展网球事业的同时这样在她们发展网球事业的同时,也可以完成也可以完成 高中学业。高中学业。归纳拓展归纳拓展so thatso that引导的结果状语从句和目

41、的状语从句的区别引导的结果状语从句和目的状语从句的区别:引导结果状语从句时引导结果状语从句时,意为意为“以致以致,结果是结果是”;引导目的状语从引导目的状语从 句时句时,意为意为“以便以便,为的是为的是”。引导目的状语从句时引导目的状语从句时,从句中往往有从句中往往有can,may,might,shouldcan,may,might,should等等 情态动词情态动词;在过去时从句中一般用在过去时从句中一般用should,could,wouldshould,could,would。此句是复合句此句是复合句,so that,so that引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句,作作“因此因此”讲。讲。

42、答案答案:so thatso thatso thatso thatShe had not planned her time well,She had not planned her time well,(结果结果)she did)she did not finish her homework on time.not finish her homework on time.I arrived there early I arrived there early (以便以便)I could get the ticket)I could get the ticket to the film Big F

43、ish and Begonia.to the film Big Fish and Begonia.高考运用高考运用:I arrived there early I arrived there early in order thatin order that I could get the ticket to the I could get the ticket to the film Big Fish and Begonia.film Big Fish and Begonia.I arrived there early I arrived there early in order to/so

44、as toin order to/so as to get the ticket to the get the ticket to the film Big Fish and Begonia.film Big Fish and Begonia.ToTo get the ticket to the film Big Fish and Begonia,I arrived get the ticket to the film Big Fish and Begonia,I arrived there early.there early.写作联想写作联想:高考运用高考运用其他表达方式其他表达方式14.G

45、ive me a challenge and I14.Give me a challenge and Ill meet it with joy.ll meet it with joy.如果给我一个挑战如果给我一个挑战,我会很愉快地迎接它。我会很愉快地迎接它。归纳拓展归纳拓展“祈祈使使句句+and+and+陈陈述述句句”句句型型相相当当于于含含条条件件状状语语从从句句的的主主从从复合句复合句,主要有三种变化形式主要有三种变化形式:祈使句祈使句+破折号破折号+陈述句陈述句 其中破折号起到其中破折号起到andand的作用的作用,从正面预测结果。从正面预测结果。名词词组名词词组+and+and+陈述句

46、陈述句 名词词组中通常含有名词词组中通常含有more,another,further,earliermore,another,further,earlier等等 词。并列连词词。并列连词andand后的简单句则表示一个较好的结果后的简单句则表示一个较好的结果,谓谓 语常用一般将来时。语常用一般将来时。祈使句祈使句+or+or+陈述句陈述句=(if.not,+=(if.not,+主句主句)or or表示表示“否则否则;要不然要不然”,or,or可用可用or else,otherwise or else,otherwise 替替 换换,从反面来预测结果。从反面来预测结果。答案答案:andandand youand youll achieve your goalll achieve your goalor weor well be latell be lateGive me one more hour,Give me one more hour,I Ill get the work finished.ll get the work finished.Work harder,Work harder,(你就会实现你的目标你就会实现你的目标).).Hurry up,Hurry up,(否则我们会迟到的否则我们会迟到的).).高考运用高考运用:


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