【北师大版】高考英语一轮复习:Unit 9 Wheels课件.ppt

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1、模块3 Unit 9 Wheels记叙文型完形填空.写出下列必考单词基础再现识记类词汇1motorist(n.)_2pedestrian(n.)_3consequence(n.)_4platform(n.)_5kindergarten(n.)_6suitcase(n.)_驾驶汽车的人路人,行人结果,归因阳台,月台幼儿园衣柜,行李箱 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现7content(n.)_8chapter(n.)_9essay(n.)_10pavement(n.)_11 physical(adj.)_12engine(n.)_13centigrade(n.)_

2、14interpreter(n.)_ 15schedule(n.)_ 内容章节文章,散文人行道物理的,体力的发动机摄氏(度)口头翻译员时间表 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现表达运用类词汇1骑自行车的人(n.)_2实际地,真实地(adv.)_3得益;好处(v.&n)_4方便的(adj.)_5逮捕(vt.)_6争论(vi.)_7善解人意的;敏感的(adj.)_cyclistactuallybenefitconvenientarrestarguesensitive 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现8温和的(adj.)_9负责,责任(n

3、.)_10西北(n.)_11 印象(n.)_12可靠的(adj.)_13欣赏(adj.)_14高速路(n.)_15建设(n.)_gentleresponsibilitynorthwestimpressionreliableappreciatehighwayconstruction 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.写出下列单词的变化形式基础再现1方便的,便利的(adj.)_ 方便,便利(n.)_2负责,责任,职责(n.)_ 负责的,可靠的(adj.)_3印象,感觉(n.)_ 给留下印象(vt.)_convenientconvenienceresponsibilityre

4、sponsibleimpressionimpress 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现4可靠的(adj.)_ 依靠(vi.)_5欣赏,鉴赏(vt.)_ 欣赏(n.)_6建造,建筑业(n.)_ 建造,构建(vt.)_7.承认;供认(vt.)_ 承认;入场费(n.)_reliablerelyappreciateappreciationconstructionconstructadmitadmission 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现8居住;占有(vt.)_ 职业(n.)_9适合(v.)_ 适合的(adj.)_occupyoccup

5、ationsuitsuitable 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现u 活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1Is it_for you to come at 7:00?If not,please come at your _(convenience)2Young people must have a sense of _ They must be_for what they do.(responsibility)3 The first _is very important,but he failed to_the interviewers.(impressi

6、on)convenientconvenienceresponsibilityresponsibleimpressionimpress 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现4He is a_man,and you can _on him all the time.(rely)5They planned to_a big new factory,and now the factory is under_(construction)6He_that he was eager to go to the concert,but the_price was high.(admi

7、t)reliablerelyconstructconstruction admittedadmission 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.短语熟记基础再现翻译下列必背短语1与某人争论_2对敏感_3对负责_4迄今为止_5沉溺于_argue with sb.be sensitive to/aboutbe responsible forso farbe addicted to 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现6举行,发生_7平均_8多亏_9大量的_take placeon averagethanks toa large amount of

8、基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 活学活用基础再现根 据 括 号 中 的 解 释,从 课 文 中 找 出 恰 当 的 短 语 完 成 下 列句子。1 I_(train the body by heavy physical exercise)regularly to keep fit.2 Nowadays we_too much _(count or depend on sb./sth.)computers.3The driver_(stop;cause a vehicle to come to a halt)at the traffic lights.work out

9、relyonpulled up 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现4I arrived as the last train was_(a train leaving a station)5Nobody knew when he_(unable to stop taking or using sth.as a habit)drugs.6Everyone got$100_(take account of use,performance,etc.over a period)7We finished the work in time_(because of sb./sth

10、.)your help.pulling outwas addicted toon averagethanks to 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现8We must_(do sth.in response to what has happened)immediately to stop the fire spreading.take action 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.语篇学习基础再现.课文内容语法填空阅 读 课 文,然 后 按 照 课 文 内 容 在 空 格 处 填 入 一 个 适 当 的 词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下

11、面短文。Amsterdam,known 1._the“City of Bicycles”,is a good place for cycling because of its 2._(convenient)for bikes.The bikes there are placed at special parking places and 3._who wants to use them has to take them to 4._special parking place with enough room.Now each bike is equipped 5._a computer chi

12、p to record 6._ every move for fear of being 7._(stole)asconveniencepeopleanotherwith itsstolen 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现The idea was started by a group of cycling fans.It was their belief 8._if only bicycles were allowed in the city center,9._would benefit.Thanks to their clever ideas,theres

13、 already 10._traffic in central Amsterdam.thateveryoneless 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现.话题作文翻译与背诵假 设 你 是 李 华,最 近 你校 组 织 了 一 场 讨 论。讨 论 的主 题 是“本 市 要 不 要 修 地 铁?”请 你 根 据 下 表 所 提 供 的信 息,给 某 报 社 投 稿,客 观地 介 绍 讨 论 情 况 并 阐 述 自 己的观点。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现60%的学生赞成 40%的学生反对*方便,快捷,安全*节能,无污染*缓解地面交通拥

14、挤;减少交通事故*花费太大,浪费钱*应把钱花在建更好的公路和铁路上*可能会破坏某些地下文物古迹_The students in our school had a heated discussion about whether the subway should be built in our city.We have different opinions about this topic.About 60 percent of us are in favor of the plan.They hold the view that building the subway has such adv

15、antages as convenience,speed and safety.Besides,it is energy saving and free from 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现pollution.Whats more,it can help reduce the traffic jams and accidents on the ground.The rest of the students have opposite opinions.They think building the subway is a waste of money wh

16、ich can be used to build more roads and railways.Worse still,it can damage some historical underground relics.Personally,I think the advantages overweigh the disadvantages.Therefore,I would like the subway to be built.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.重点单词考点整合1 benefit n得益,好处

17、vi.得益vt.有益于 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合beneficial adj.有益的,有利的benefit sb./sth.有益于某人/某事benefit from 从中受益for the benefit of sb.for sb.s benefit 为了某人的利益be of benefit(to sb.)(对某人)有益处 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合A 选用上述短语的正确形式完成下列短文。A good diet is(1)_(对你 的 健 康 有 好 处)You must eat more vegetable

18、s and less meat.You can also(2)_(从 运 动 中 获 益)doing exercise.It will be very hard when you first start but(3)_(为了你的利益)you must hold on.u 即学即练of benefit to your health/beneficial to your healthbenefit from for your benefit 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合B 完成下列句子。(1)你的建议使我受益良多。(两种译法)Your advice_.I_you

19、r advice.(2)为了公众的利益,请不要随地扔垃圾。_,do not litter.was of great benefit/was beneficial to mebenefited a lot fromFor the benefit of the public 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合2 convenience n 便利;舒适;适宜;便利设施 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合convenient adj.便利的inconvenient adj.不 方 便 的;打 扰 人 的,麻 烦 的;不便 基础再现 考

20、点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合完成下列句子。(1)He put the dictionary on the desk_(为了方便起见)(2)Please come_(在你方便时)(3)Its a_have a doctor living near us(有个医生住在附近很方便)(4)If_(如 果 方 便 的 话),please come tomorrow.u 即学即练for convenience at your convenienceconvenience to it is convenient to you 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考

21、点整合3 admit vt.承认;准许进入;可容纳 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合admission n 承认;入场费;进入许可admit sth./doing sth./that.承认某事/做了某事be admitted to(a university)被(大学)录取 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合u 即学即练 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接用所给词的适当形式填空或完成下列句子。(1)He admitted _(make)a mistake.(2)这张票准许3个人入场。This ticket

22、 _.(3)她被那所大学录取了。She _ that university.making admits three personswas admitted to考点整合4 afford vt.买得起,花得起;抽得出(时间)基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合afford 常接在 can,could 或 be able to 后。afford the time/money 花得起时间/金钱afford to do sth.有钱/时间去做某事affordable adj.负担得起的 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合完成下列句子。(

23、1)We cant afford_(pay)such a price.(2)问题是我们能不能买得起一幢房子。The question is whether we_.(3)At present,iPod is_(afford)for us students.u 即学即练to paycan afford(to buy)a house affordable 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合5 occupy vt.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合occupation n 职业;消遣occupied adj

24、.已占用的;无空闲的be occupied with/in 忙于做,专心于occupy oneself in 忙于be occupied by 被占领/占据 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合完成下列句子。(1)All the Senior Three students are_in preparing for the coming exams.(2)Many troubles_his mind.(3)His favorite_is reading.(4)Many computer games keep the children_(5)他忙于集邮。He_colle

25、cting stamps.u 即学即练occupied occupyoccupationoccupiedoccupies himself in/is occupied in 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合 6 appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别vi.(使)增值,涨价 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合appreciative adj.感激的;赏识的;承认有价值的appreciation n 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢appreciate sth.欣赏某物;感谢某事appreciate doing sth.感谢做

26、某事appreciate one/ones doing sth.感谢某人做某事I would appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合A 选用上述短语的正确形式完成下列短文。His talents were not fully(1)_(欣 赏)in that company.One day,he entered the bosss office and said“I(2)_(将 不 胜 感 激)if you give me a chance to try.”The boss liked his courage and

27、put him in charge of the project.He made it.Now he is an important man but he still(3)_(感激)his bosss trust.u 即学即练appreciated would appreciate it appreciates 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合B 用所给单词的正确形式完成下列句子。(1)She was deeply_(appreciate)of your help.(2)Ill be sending them a donation in_(appreciate)

28、of their help.appreciative appreciation 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.重点短语考点整合1take place 发生;举行 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合take ones place 就座;代替某人的职责take the place of 代替,取代in place of sb./sth.代替,顶替in place 在正确位置,妥当out of place 位置不当/不得体give place to 让位于,为代替 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合选用上

29、述短语的正确形式完成下列短文。The Award Ceremony(1)_(发 生)last week.Mr.John(2)_(代 替)Betty to take charge of it.He put lights,seats and everything(3)_(在 正 确 位 置)and when everyone(4)_(就 座),all the lights were turned on.Their smile suggested they were satisfied with his work.Perhaps Betty should consider(5)_(让 位 于)him

30、.u 即学即练took place took the place of in placetook their places giving place to 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合2 work out 解决;作出;锻炼;了解某人的本质 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合(1)观察下列句中work out 的意思。How will things work out?(按某种方式发展;结果)I work out regularly to keep fit.(锻炼)Ive worked out the expenses.(算

31、出)Ill work out our schedule.(制定出)Well try our best to work out the problem.(解决)基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合(2)了解由work 构成的相关短语:work at/on sth.从事工作work on sb./sth.奏效,产生预期的效果work for sb./sth.为工作;努力取得 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子。(1)We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but i

32、t worked_very well.(2)He has been working _the research since he graduated.(3)Does the cleaning fluid(洗涤液)work_the spots(污点)?u 即学即练out at/on on 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合3 rely on 依靠,依赖 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合rely on sb.to do sth.指望/依靠某人做某事rely on sb.for sth.指望/依靠某人得到某物 基础再现 考点整合

33、语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合u 即学即练完成下列句子。(1)我们不得不依靠他来进行这项设计。We have to _.(2)我们必须依靠自己的努力。We must _.(3)小孩依靠大人来获得食物和关爱。Children _ food and care.rely on him to make the designrely on our own effortsrely on adults for 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合4 go up 上升;响起;(幕布)升起 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合go t

34、hrough with 完成艰难的事go against 反对,违背go over 仔细检查go ahead 进行,发生,开始做go off 掉队;爆炸;消失;(电灯)熄灭go to sb.由得到go up to 增加到go up by 增加了 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合A 完成下列句子。(1)All her property _her eldest son after she died.(2)_all the difficult tasks took her almost a month.(3)It_my wishes to give her so mu

35、ch money,as she didnt do anything for us.(4)The price of cigarettes is_ u 即学即练went toGoing through withwent against going up 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合B 汉译英。(1)在过去的10年里,油价上涨了200%。_(2)气温从37度降到了28度。_Over the past 10 years,oil price has risen up by 200%.The temperature has been reduced from 37 de

36、grees to 28 degrees.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合5 pull up(车)停止,停车 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合pull out(火车)出站;(汽车等)驶离路边pull in(火车)进站,(汽车等)驶近路边pull through 恢复健康;渡过难关 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子。(1)They got to the station too late,the train was pulling_(2)With the doctor

37、s help,he finally pulled_(3)He pulled_at the right light.(4)The lorry driver pulled_to the side of the road.u 即学即练out throughup in 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.重点句型考点整合1 People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years.(p.36)多 年 来,人 们 一 直 享 受 着 在 阿 姆 斯 特 丹 骑 自 行 车的益处。基础再现 考点整

38、合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合have been doing.“一 直 在 做 某 事”。常 与 时 间状 语 for years,for an hour,all this season,this month,all the morning,in the past few years 等连用。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合完成下列句子。(1)我们找你找了1个小时了。We_for you for an hour.(2)我这个月总是往医院跑。I_to the hospital this month.(3)我在广州生活8年了。I_in Gu

39、angzhou for eight years.u 即学即练have been looking have been goinghave been living 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合2 Wherever someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use.(p.36)人 们 无 论 在 哪 儿 用 完 了 自 行 车,都 会 把 自 行 车 放在那儿,让其他人再用。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展考点整合wh

40、erever 引 导 让 步 状 语 从 句,译 为“无 论 什 么 地 方”,相 当 no matter where,类 似 的 用 法 还 有 whenever,however,whatever,whichever,whoever,分 别 相 当 于no matter when(无 论 何 时),no matter how(无 论 多 么),no matter what(无 论 什 么),no matter which(无 论 哪 一 个),no matter who(无论谁)。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合完成或翻译下列句子。(1)无论你说什么,他都不会

41、相信。_you say,he wont believe you.(2)无论这个困难有多难,我们都必须克服。_hard it is,we must overcome the difficulty.u 即学即练Whatever/No matter whatHowever/No matter how 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接考点整合(3)你想什么时候来就什么时候来。_(4)无论你是谁我都会帮助你。_You can come whenever you want.Ill help you whoever you are.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目

42、链接 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接现在完成进行时语法专题 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接一、现在完成进行时的用法语法专题现在完成进行时主要表示过去某一时刻到现在为止一直进行的一个动作,这个动作可能仍然在进行,也可能停止了一会儿,也可能还要继续进行下去,其结构为have/has been doing。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接二、现在完成进行时和现在完成时的比较语法专题现在完成进行时和现在完成时均可表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在”的动作,有时可以互换。这两个时态的主要差别有:现在完成时表示动作已完成,着重结果;现

43、在完成进行时表示动作的未完成性,强调动作的持续性。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接专项训练语法专题.完成下列句子1这个女孩一直在玩玩具。The girl_with toys.2中国人造纸已有两千年了。The Chinese_paper for two thousand years.3雨已经下了3天了。It_for three days.has been playinghave been makinghas been raining 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接语法专题.单句改错1Because of the illness,he has la

44、in in bed all day._2He had worked hard since last week._3I have wrote the letter all the morning._has lainhas been lyinghad workedhas been workinghave wrotehave been writing 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接语法专题.汉译英1我一直在写一篇文章。_2我们一上午都在找你。_3她一定很累了,因为她整个下午都在逛街。_I have been writing an article.We have been l

45、ooking for you all morning.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接She must be tired,for she has been doing shopping allafternoon.语法专题43年来我一直在学英语。_5 约 翰 一 定 能 通 过 这 次 考 试,因 为 他 已 经 为 之 准 备了好几个月。_I have been learning English for three years.John is sure to pass the exam because he has been preparing for it for m

46、onths.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接短文改错解题技巧(1)写作导航 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接一、短文改错的命题特点写作导航1试题的立意特点。短文改错是全面考查考生对英语基础知识的灵活运用能力的一种题型,它并不只单纯检测考生的语法知识,也考查考生的写作能力。可以说,它是书面表达的另一种形式。做好短文改错题,将会为写好书面表达打下坚实的基础。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接写作导航2试题的设题特点。(1)短文改错通常从词法、句法和行文逻辑等角度设题,考查

47、考生在语篇中综合运用英语的能力。(2)错误类型有3种:多词、少词和错词。在10个小题的总题量中,其比例一般为118,即1个多词、1个少词、8个错词。在错词中,多涉及动词、名词、形容词和副词;多词和少词主要涉及冠词和介词等。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接二、短文改错的解题步骤写作导航1浏览全文,把握大意。2 找 出 短 文 中 的 句 号,把 短 文 拆 分 成 若 干 句 子,以 句子为单位进行断句改错。3 认 真 分 析 句 子 结 构,从“多”“缺”“错”3个 方 面入手进行改错。4重新通读自己改正过的短文,查漏补缺。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突

48、破栏目链接专项训练写作导航短文改错练习I was taking a train to Londons Victoria Station.I had noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people.Before long,a train inspector comes to check our tickets.A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset.Then everyone in the carriage began sea

49、rching the ticket,which was eventually found under a seat several rows from his owner.The person that who found a ticket smiled with pleasure at his success.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接专项训练写作导航短文改错练习假 定 英 语 课 上 老 师 要 求 同 桌 之 间 交 换 修 改 作 文,请 你 修 改你 同 桌 写 的 以 下 作 文。文 中 共 有10处 语 言 错 误,每 句 中 最 多有两处。每处错误

50、仅设计一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增 加:在 缺 词 处 加 一 个 漏 字 符 号(),并 在 其 下 写 出 该加生物词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修 改:在 错 的 词 下 面 划 一 横 线,并 在 该 词 下 写 出 修 改 后的词。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。I was taking a trrain to Londons Victoria Station.I had notoced that the carriage was noise and filled


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