【北师大版】高考英语一轮复习:Unit 1 Lifestyles课件.ppt

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1、模块1Unit 1 Lifestyles.写出下列必考单词基础再现识记类词汇1portable(adj.)_2remote(adj.)_3document(n.)_4urgent(adj.)_5studio(n.)_6volunteer(n.)_ 7minus(adj.)_轻便的,手提(式)的遥远的 公文,文件急迫的,紧急的演播室,工作室志愿者 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接零下,负8challenge(n.)_9advertisement(n.)_10presentation(n.)_11 accountant(n.)_12forecast(n.)_13distan

2、ce(n.)_14classical(adj.)_ 15formal(adj.)_基础再现挑战 广告表演,展示 会计预测距离 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接古典的正式的表达运用类词汇1生活方式(n.)_2平静的(adj.)_ 3轻松的(adj.)_4抱怨;投诉(v i.)_5厌烦的,不感兴趣的(adj.)_ 6压力(n.)_7社会的,社交的(adj.)_基础再现lifestylepeacefulrelaxingcomplainboredpressure 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接social 8专家(n.)_ 9减少,降低(v t.&v

3、i.)_10饮食,节食(n.)_ 11 更喜欢,宁愿(v t.)_12毕业(v i.)_13解决(v t.)_14否则;另外(adv.)_15遭受,感到疼痛(v i.)_基础再现expertreducediet prefergraduatesolve 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接otherwisesuffer.写出下列单词的变化形式基础再现1充满压力的,紧张的(adj.)_压力(n.)_2距离(n.)_遥远的(adj.)_遥远地(adv.)_3厌烦,令人讨厌的人或事物,麻烦(n.)_厌烦的(adj.)_stressfulstressdistancedistantdi

4、stantlybore 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接bored让人厌烦的(adj.)_4选择某事物(而不选择其他事物),更喜欢(v t.)_更好的,更适合的,更可取的(adj.)_较喜欢的东西,偏爱(n.)_5正式的,合礼仪的(adj.)_非正式的(adj.)_6广告(n.)_为做广告(v t.)_登广告的人(n.)_基础再现preferpreferablepreferenceformalinformaladvertisementadvertiseadvertiser 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接boring7和平的,平静的(adj.)_

5、和平地,平静地(adv.)_和平(n.)_8使人轻松的,让人放松的(adj.)_放松(v t.&v i.)_松懈的,放松的(adj.)_9组织(v t.)_组织(n.)_组织者(n.)_基础再现peacefulpeacefullypeacerelaxingrelaxrelaxedorganizeorganizationorganizer 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接10抱怨;投诉(v i.)_ 抱怨,埋怨(n.)_基础再现complaincomplaint 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接基础再现用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1Most of

6、 the people in the world are_ loving and hope for a_ life,but many people cant live_ because wars happen every now and then.(peace)2The little girl has a_ for pretty clothes and she_ to search for the _clothes that appear in nearly all the shops in this town.(prefer)3I have to admit that I have foun

7、d her a_,u 活学活用peacepeaceful peacefullypreferenceprefers preferable 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接bore基础再现because every time I am_to death,her_ face will appear before my eyes.(bored)4In order to visit an old man who is_ related to me,I had to go to the small_village all by myself and I was astonished

8、 by the_ between our city and the village.(distance)5In this_ society,everyone will face_ and competition.(stress)6He wanted to_ his goods and examined the classified_ in this newspaper.At last he took out his phone and called an_ for help.(advertise)bored boringdistantlydistantdistancestressful str

9、ess 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接advertiseadvertisementsadvertiser基础再现7He always_ to me about the food in our school dining room and I found he had the very cause of_(complain)8After a_ holiday,when people can find enough time and good places to_ themselves,they usually feel completely_ and unwilling

10、 to go back to work.(relax)9I think these_,most of whom are young men from different_,have the ability to_ this conference.(organize)complainedcomplaintrelaxingrelax 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接organizersorganizations organizerelaxed10When learning English,you must pay special attention to the diffe

11、rences between_ English and_ English.(formal)基础再现formalinformal 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.短语熟记翻译下列必背短语1占据_2充满着_3追上,赶上;想出;找到_4盼望,期望_5醒来_6发生_基础再现take upbe filled withcome up withlook forward to wake up take place 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接7过着的生活_8照顾,照料_9毕业于_10结果,因此_基础再现live a.lifetake care of gra

12、duate fromas a result 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 活学活用根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。1What the little boy does first after he goes back home from school is to_(turn on)the TV set and watches his favorite program.2To his great surprise,football_(occupy time or space)his time and therefore his experimen

13、t failed.3I was deeply touched when told about the little girl who had_(await expected even eagerly or with基础再现switch ontook up 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接looked forward tospecified feelings)my coming back and helping her with her English for almost three years.4Can you believe it?When we nearly ga

14、ve up,I_(produce)the good idea and saved all of us.5In her childhood,she picked up the bad habit and since then she has_(to be badly affected by)it,which will surely lead to her failure in life.6Tom,_(in addition to)his family is used to going abroad for their holiday every spring.基础再现came up with s

15、uffered from 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接as well as7We found that this famous pop star lived a terrible life and his splendid house_(be full of)empty wine bottles.8The bomb_(exploded)immediately after the leaders car left the hotel and only a waitress was slightly hurt.基础再现went off 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作

16、导航 题型突破栏目链接was filled with.语篇学习.课文内容语法填空阅读课文,然后按照课文内容在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。When I wake up I dont get up 1._(immediate)I turn on the television and watch the childrens programmes and old movies until about half past ten.Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.2._

17、 lunch,I have biscuits and a glass of milk while 3._(watch)the news.基础再现immediatelyForwatching 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接In the afternoon,I often watch another old filmthey 4._(show)some good ones at the moment.In the evening,I often watch TV series or sports and the news again.I like the main new

18、s at six oclock.At nine thirty,if there is 5._good play on BBC 2,I switch over and watch 6._.Then at night,I watch 7._(many)films and I usually switch off the TV at about two oclock.I never watch TV all night.Of course,I couldnt live this lifestyle 8._a good wife.Shes not here now 9._shes working,bu

19、t she always makes my meals.We havent got much money,you know,10._were happy.基础再现are showing ait morewithoutbecausebut 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.话题作文翻译与背诵众所周知,我们高三学生承受着由繁重的学业和父母、老师的高期望而带来的压力。面对着紧张的学习,我们应该通过多种途径适当地减压。首先,我们可以向亲朋好友倾诉并获得他们的支持。其次,我们可以做一些令人放松的活动来释放压力,例如:做体育运动,听音乐,逛街,等等。基础再现 基础再现 考点整合 语

20、法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接就我个人而言,当我面临压力时,我宁愿勇敢地解决它而不是忍受它。否则,我就会因为压力而受累。_基础再现As we all know,the students in Senior Three are suffering from great stress because of the pressure created by a heavy burden of learning and the high expectation from our teachers and parents.Faced with stressful study,we are suppos

21、ed to reduce stress in many efficient ways.Firstly,we can complain to our relatives and friends about it and get their support.Secondly,we can do things that will make us relax to reduce stress,such as doing some sports,listening to music or going shopping and so on.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接Perso

22、nally,when I am confronted with stress,I prefer to solve it bravely rather than bear it.Otherwise,I may suffer for it.基础再现 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.重点单词1 suppose vi.&vt.猜想,认为;假定考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展suppose sb./sth.(to be/to have done.)认为某人/某事物(是/做了)be

23、 supposed to do sth.理应做某事suppose/supposing that clause 假定,假设;认为考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成或翻译下列句子。(1)我们都认为尽管他的建议没有被采纳,但他还是应该受到表扬的。We all_he should be praised although his suggestion is not accepted.(2)他本应该被大学录取的。He_be accepted as a college student.suppose that was supposed to 基础再现

24、考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接(3)假设他没有做好长途旅行的准备,我们就把他一个人留在家里吗?_he isnt ready for the long journey,shall we leave him alone at home?(4)我认为他大约有50岁。_考点整合Supposing thatI suppose him to be about fifty.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接2relaxing adj.轻松的,有助于休息的考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展relax“放松,使松弛”是表示情感和心理活

25、动的动词,其现在分词和过去分词可用作形容词:现在分词(relaxing)意为“令人的”,表物或人的属性,其逻辑主语可以是物也可以是人;过去分词(relaxed)意为“感到的”,其逻辑主语是人。类似用法还有interesting/interested;exciting/excited;boring/bored 等。例如:The tiger is frightening.那只老虎很可怕。The tiger is frightened.那只老虎被吓坏了。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成下列句子。(1)我们在那里度过了一个宁静、轻松的假期。We

26、 had a quiet,_holiday there.(2)业余爱好是令人放松的。Hobbies are supposed to be_(3)洗过澡之后我经常会感觉到很轻松,而且不再觉得累了。I often feel_after taking a bath and dont feel tired any more.relaxingrelaxingrelaxed 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接3switch vi.&vt.打开(或关掉)的开关考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展阅读下列句子,注意switch 的搭配及其意思。(1)

27、Were in the process of switching_over to a new lifestyle.(向转变)(2)Please switch the lights off as you leave.(关掉)(3)Which switch do I press to turn it off?(开关)考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接(4)After I came back home from work,I went to my bedroom to get changed.And then I switched_off the light and

28、entered my living room,where I switched_on the TV and switched_over with boredom.(关掉;打开;换台)考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合用恰当的介词或副词填空。(1)He switched_the gas and went out.(2)My husband is always switching_when he watches TV.(3)His long boring lecture really switched us_(4)How do you switc

29、h this machine_?off overoffon/off 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接4prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物);胜过 考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展prefer.to.喜欢而不喜欢prefer(sb.)(not)to do sth.“宁愿(某人)(不)做某事”(不定式to do 可用动名词doing 替换,意义相同)prefer to_do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事prefer doing sth.to doing sth.宁愿做某事

30、而不愿做某事考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成下列句子。(1)我宁愿看足球赛也不愿听音乐会。I prefer_ the football match rather than listen to the concert.I prefer_the football match_to the concert.(2)我宁愿乘火车去北京,而不愿意乘飞机去那儿。I prefer to take a train to Beijing_ there.to watchwatchingto listeningrather than fly(3)他提出开车送我

31、们去镇里,但我们宁愿走着去。He offered to drive us to the town,but we _ walk.(4)他们宁可让儿子去国外学习。They _their son _ study abroad.(5)他喜欢吃肉而不喜欢吃鱼。He _meat _ fish.(6)他宁死不屈。He _ die _ surrender.考点整合preferred to preferred toprefers toprefers to rather than 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接5stress n 持续的压力,忧虑,紧张;强调;重要性(on sth.)v

32、看重;强调(某事物)考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展阅读下列句子,注意stress 的搭配及其意思。(1)He gave in under_the_stress of the press.(在压力下)(2)My parents lay_great_stress on honesty.(看重)(3)Our teacher always stressed that we should be serious with everything.(强调)(4)It was a very stressful time for all of us.(压力大、艰难的)考

33、点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合说出下面短语或单词的意思。(1)stress the importance/necessity of_(2)stress that clause_(3)put/lay/place stress on/upon_(4)under the stress of_(5)stressful_强调的重要性/必要性强调重视;把重点放在为所迫,处于的压力下紧张的,压力大的 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接6stand vt.忍受,忍耐考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳

34、拓展表“忍受”的词语还有:bear,endure,tolerate,put up with 等stand(doing)sth.容忍(做)某事(多用于否定句或疑问句;一般不用于进行时,常与情态动词连用)stand aside 站到一边,不介入stand by 袖手旁观;忠于,支持;遵守stand for 代表,象征;支持,主张stand out 出色,杰出;醒目,突出考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接stand up to 经受住,勇敢面对a fruit stand 水果摊考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合英汉互

35、译。(1)老师们都无法容忍学生们那样跟他们说话。_(2)This high new building stands out in the old city._(3)We like all our monitor stands for._The teachers cant stand their students talking with them like that.这幢新建的高楼在老城里特别显眼。我们喜欢我们班长所提倡的一切。基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.重点短语1go off(闹钟、枪)响;爆炸;离开;进行考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突

36、破栏目链接归纳拓展go off 爆炸;突然发出响声;停止运转go against 违反,反对go after 追求,追逐,设法获得go away 离去,出去go down/up 下降/上升go for 设法得到;支持;偏爱go into 调查,了解,研究go through 通过;仔细检查;经历考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接完成下列句子。(1)They are both_the same job and remain good friends after graduation.(2

37、)My parents dont really_pop music because it is too noisy.(3)The terrorists let a bomb_in the crowded street last month.going aftergo forgo off2take up 拿起;开始从事;对发生兴趣;占据(时间、空间)考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展(1)阅读下列句子,注意take 的搭配及其意思。Im sorry to have taken_up so much of your time.(占用)The sofa is

38、so big that it nearly takes_up half of the room.(占据)I took_up the work after a short rest.(继续)I took_up the drawing at the age of six.(对发生兴趣)He took_up a pen and began to write a letter to his parents.(拿起)考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接(2)了解由take 构成的相关短语:take down 记下,写下;取下take for 当作;误以为take in 接受

39、,接纳,吸收;领会,理解;欺骗take off 起飞;脱掉;成功;成名take on 呈现;雇佣;接受;承担take over 接任(职位),接管考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合选用上述词组的正确形式完成下列句子。(1)His company develops very quickly,so he has to_some new workers.(2)They want to_our firm by buying up shares.(3)He had nowhere to go,so I_him_(4)The strikers_the f

40、actories.(5)I cant_my boots_;theyre so tight!take ontake over took intook overtakeoff 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接(6)I just_it_granted that you had been told about this.考点整合tookfor 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接3to tell the truth 说实话,老实说考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展to tell the truth to be hone

41、st honestly speaking 老实说 to tell the truth 为独立成分,作插入语。这类不定式独立成分还有to make things worse(情况更糟的是),to begin/start with(首先)等。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成下列句子。(1)实话实说,我们犯的很多错误本来是可以避免的。_could have been avoided.(2)老实说,我很惊讶他竟然会那么做。_he should have done that.To tell the truth,many mistakes we m

42、adeTo tell the truth,I am surprised that 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接4be proud of take pride in 因而自豪考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成下列句子。(1)I studied very hard.My parents were quite _(pride)of me.(2)They took pride _their success.(3)I got the first place in the final exam.My parents_(为我

43、感到骄傲)me.proudinwere proud of/took pride in 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接.重点句型1I couldnt live this lifestyle without a good wife.(p.8)没有一个好的妻子,我是不能过上这种生活的。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展cant/couldnt do.without.“没有不可能做”,是双重否定。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合汉译英。(1)没有老师的帮助,我们就不能取得如此大的进步

44、。_ _(2)没有眼镜,我什么也看不见。_Without glasses,I cant see anything.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接Without the teachers help,we couldnt make suchgreat progress.(3)没有空气,我们就没法生存。_考点整合Without air,we couldnt exist.基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接2It took me less than fifteen minutes to wash,get changed.(p.9)洗漱,穿衣服花去了我不到1

45、5分钟的时间。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展take 意为“花费,需要”,为及物动词,后面常接双宾语,构成it takes/will take/took/has taken(sb.)some time to do sth.结构,意为“做某事花费某人时间”。it 用作形式主语,后面的不定式是真正的主语。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成或翻译下列句子。(1)我花费了3个多星期的时间做好了这次试验的一切准备,而且还要再用3个星期的时间做这个实验。_has taken me more than thr

46、ee weeks_for this experiment and_will take me another three weeks.Itto get everything readyto carry it out 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接(2)对于这个年龄的孩子来说,需要花费大约1个星期的时间来掌握这种工具的使用方法。_考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接It will take a boy of this age about one week tomaster how to use this tool.3 But its stre

47、ssful to wait for the exam results.(p.10)但是等待考试结果的过程会给人带来很大的压力。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展不定式作主语的句子中,常将it 用作形式主语并位于句首,不定式放在句尾。需要注意的是,如果疑问句或感叹句中的主语是不定式,只能用it 作形式主语;在句型it beadj.for/ofsb.to do sth.中,也只能用it 作形式主语。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u 即学即练考点整合完成或翻译下列句子。(1)众所周知,学习外语很重要。As is known

48、to all,_is important_a foreign language.(2)在这样特殊的节日里,你的家人在等你,而你却在帮我们工作,你真是太好了。_very nice_help us with our work when your family are waiting for you in this special holiday.it to learnItsof you to 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接(3)现在去河里游泳,这主意好吗?_考点整合Is it a good idea to go swimming in the river now?基础再现

49、 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接4Its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.(p.14)如此拥挤,我找不到可以坐下来的地方。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接归纳拓展句中的so crowded that 引导结果状语从句。类似的结果状语从句的常见用法有:so adj.(a/an单数可数名词)that 从句;so many/much/few/little 名词that 从句;such(a/an)(adj.)名词that 从句。考点整合 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接u

50、即学即练考点整合完成或翻译下列句子。(1)天气非常寒冷,以致街上没人。It was such_there was nobody in the street.It was so_there was nobody in the street.(2)他接受她的邀请真是太傻了。_a cold day thatcold a day that 基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破栏目链接He was so foolish that he accepted her invitation./Its sofoolish of him to accept her invitation.基础再现 考点整


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