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《2019八年级英语上册Unit2HowoftendoyouexerciseSectionA备课资料教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019八年级英语上册Unit2HowoftendoyouexerciseSectionA备课资料教案.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 2 2 HowHow oftenoften dodo youyou exercise?exercise? SectionSection A A1.hardly1.hardly everever 几乎从不几乎从不hardly ever 相当于 hardly,ever 起强调作用。hardly 副词,意为“几乎不(没有)”,相当于almost not。本身具有否定意义,不能再作用其他否定词。如:She hardly ever eats anything.她几乎什么都没吃。We could hardly believe our eyes我们几乎不敢相信我们的眼睛。Theres h

2、ardly any food left.几乎没有剩下食物。【辨析】hardly 与 hardhardly副词,意为“几乎不”,一般位于动词之首He hardly works.他几乎不工作。hard副词,意为“努力”,位于动词之后He works hard.他工作努力。2.2.HowHow oftenoften dodo youyou watchwatch TV?TV?你多久看一次电视你多久看一次电视? ?TwiceTwice a a week.week.每周两次。每周两次。how often 意为“多久一次,多长时间一次”,用来提问频率。如:How often do you play spor

3、ts?你多长时间运动一次?Three times a week.一周三次。【辨析】how often,how long 与 how far疑问短语意义用法回答how often多久一次提问频率never,twice a month等表示频率的单词或短语how long多久;多长时间提问一段时间for+一段时间/since短语或从句how fa r多远提问距离数词+meter(s)/kilometer(s)2或数词+分钟/小时的所有格形式+walk/ride/drivehow soon多久以后(与一般将来时连用)提问某个动作要多长时间发生或结束in+一段时间How often do you ex

4、ercise?你多久锻炼一次?How long is the ruler?这个尺子有多长?How far is it from here to the park?这儿离公园有多远?twice a week 意为“一周两次”。如:I go there twice a week.我每周去那里两次。注意:英语中的“一次”为 once;“两次”为 twice;“三次或三次以上”用“基数词+times”。3.use3.use thethe InternetInternet 用互联网用互联网use 在此为及物动词,意为“使用;运用”,常用短语:use sth.to do sth.意为“用某物做某事”。如:

5、May I use your dictionary?我可以用一下你的词典吗?【辨析】use 与 withuse动词在句中作谓语,表示用途I use the pen to write.我用钢笔写字。with介词在句中作状语,表示方式I write with a pen.我用钢笔写字。Internet 名词,意为“(国际)互联网;因特网”。常用短语:on the Internet“在因特网上”;surf the Internet“网上冲浪”。如:You can find all kinds of information on the Internet.你可以在因特网上找到各种信息。4.next4.

6、next weekweek isis quitequite fullfull forfor me.me.下周对我来说相当忙下周对我来说相当忙full 形容词,此处意为“忙的”。如:3Her life was too full to find time for hobbies.她的生活太忙了,没有业余爱好的时间。【拓展】full 作形容词,还可意为“满的,充满的”。如:Hotels are often full at this time of a year.在一年中的这个时候,旅馆经常客满。The bus was full when they got there.他们到那里的时候,公共汽车上的人

7、已经满了。full 作形容词,还可意为“饱的”。反义词是 hungry(饥饿的)。如:I cant eat any more.I am quite full.我不能再吃了,我相当饱了。5.How5.How come?come?怎么回事怎么回事? ?How come?意为“怎么会?怎么回事?”,表示某件事情很奇怪,有点想不通;可单独使用,也可引导一个问句,相当于疑问词 why。但 how come 开头的特殊疑问句使用的仍是陈述语序。如:How come you didnt tell me about it?=Why didnt you tell me about it?你怎么不早点告诉我这件事

8、?6.I6.I gogo toto thethe moviesmovies maybemaybe onceonce a a month.month.我大概每月去看一次电影。我大概每月去看一次电影。go to the movies 意为“去看电影”。如:I went to the movies last night.我昨晚去看电影了。maybe 副词,意为“或许;大概”,常位于句首。如:Maybe he knows the way to the park.或许他知道去公园的路。【辨析】maybe 与 may be词(组)词性含义位置maybe副词也许;可能;大概一般位于句首may be情态动词+

9、动词原形也许是;可能是句中7.He7.He playsplays atat leastleast twicetwice a a week.week.他至少每周踢两次他至少每周踢两次( (球球) ) 。4at least 意为“至少”。其反义词组为 at most,意为“最多”。如:It will take me at least 20 minutes to get to school.到达学校至少要花费 20 分钟。例 1. give up,then you can be successful(成功的). A.Always B.Sometimes C.Never D.Often解析:考查副词辨

10、析。A 总是 B有时 C 从不 D 经常。由句子意思可知,绝不放弃,然后你就会成功。答案:C例 2What do you like to do in your spare time?Watching TV.The Voice of China is my favorite . A.food B.program C.sport D.subject解析:名词的辨析。A 食物,B 节目,C 运动,D 科目。根据句意,中国好声音是我最喜欢的节目。答案:B例 3 I cant eat any more food,I am . A.busy B.hungry C.full D.serious解析:考查形容

11、词辨析。A 繁忙的;B 饥饿的 C 满的,饱的 D.严肃的,严重的根据句意“我不能再吃东西了,我饱了”,可知答案。答案:C热爱生活热爱生活热爱生活,让生命的体验成为一段美丽的乐符。用心体会这优美的语言,聆听这智慧的声音。There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen. I have notthought and have 5not done or felt enoughthe early sun, rain and theseasonal delight of flocks of ducks and geese in flig

12、ht, the mysteries oflate-at-night. I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture,look at scenes and faces dearto me. There is something more to be ofvaluesomething I should find within myselfas peace of mind,patience, grace and being kind. I shall take and I shall give, while yet,there is so much to live forrainbows, stars that gleam, the fields, thehills, the hope, the dreams, the truth that one must seek. Ill stay heretreasure every day and love the world in my own way!


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