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《外商独资企业章程30012.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外商独资企业章程30012.docx(45页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、ARTICCLES OF AASSOCCIATIION章程OF之 CO., LTDD. 有有限公司Date:【】, 日期: 年【】月【】日At【】地点:【】Page 35 of 37Chapter.I第一章GENERRAL PPRINCCIPLEES总则Article.1第 1 条Thesee Artticlees off Asssociaationn of Coo., LLtd. (herreinaafterr callled the “Commpanyy”) aare iincorrporaated in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe Laws of tthe PPeo

2、plles Reepubllic oof Chhina on Whhollyy Forreignn-Ownned EEnterrprisses andd thee detaiiled ruless forr thee Impplemeentattion therreof, andd othher ppertiinentt rulles aand rregullatioons oof thhe Peeoplees RRepubblic of CChinaa (heereinnafteer caalledd PRC).根据中华华人民共和和国外资企企业法及及其实施细细则,以及及中华人民民共和国(以以

3、下简称“中中国”)其其它相关法法律法规,制制订 有限公司司(以下简简称“公司司”)章章程。Article.2第 2 条2.1 The nname of tthe CCompaany iin Chhinesse iss and in EEngliish iis .公司的中中文名称为为【】有限公公司,英文名称称为【】。2.2 The legaal adddresss off thee Commpanyy is 【】, zipp codde【】.公司的法法定地址为为中国 【】,邮政编码码:【】。Article.3第 3 条5.1 The CCompaany iis inncorpporatted i

4、in acccorddancee witth thhe Law of tthe PPeoplles Reepubllic oof Chhina on Whhollyy Forreignn-Ownned EEnterrprisses andd itss detaiiled impleementtatioon ruless, annd otther releevantt rulles aand rregullatioons oof thhe PRRC.公司依照照中华人人民共和国国外资企业业法及其其实施细则则,以及中中国其它相相关法规和和规章成立立。5.2 The CCompaany hhas tt

5、he sstatuus off a PPRC llegall perrson and is ggoverrned and prottecteed byy thee lawws off PRCC. Alll acctiviitiess of the Comppany shalll bee govverneed byy thee Law of tthe PPeoplles Reepubllic oof Chhina on Whhollyy Forreignn-Ownned EEnterrprisses andd othher llaws, deccreess, reegulaationns, oo

6、rdinnancee, off thee PRCC.公司具有有中国法人人资格,受受中国的法法律管辖和和保护。公公司的所有有活动应受受中华人人民共和国国外资企业业法以及及中国其它它相关法律律、法令、法法规和条例例的管辖。Chapter.II第二章SHAREEHOLDDER股东Article.4第 4 条The CCompaany iis esstabllisheed byy XXXX Limmitedd (heereinnafteer caalledd thee Sharrehollder), and the Sharrehollder shalll coontriibutee 1000% of

7、f thee Commpanyys rregisstereed caapitaal.公司由 XXXX有限限公司(以以下简称“股东”)独家投资设立,公司的注册资本全部(100%)由股东认缴。Article.5第 5 条5.1 The SShareeholdder iis a comppany incoorporratedd undder tthe llaws withh leggal aaddreess aat 【】.5.2 为一家根据据 法律合合法设立的的公司,其其法定地址址位于【】。5.3 The llegall reppreseentattive of tthe SShareeholdde

8、r iis:股东的法法定代表人人为:Name:XXX姓名:XXXXTitlee: _ _职务:Natioonaliity: 【】国籍: 【】Article.6第 6 条The SShareeholdder iis thhe hiighesst poower authhoritty off thee Commpanyy andd shaall ddecidde alll maajor issuues rregarrdingg thee Commpanyy. TThe SShareeholdder sshalll havve thhe foollowwing poweers:公司股东是是最高权力力

9、机构,决决定公司的的所有重大大问题。股股东应行使使下列职权权:(i) Appoiintinng annd reeplaccing the direectorrs annd suupervvisorrs, and deciidingg on tthe mmatteers rrelatting to ttheirr remmunerratioon; 指定和和更换董事事、监事,决决定其报酬酬事项;(ii) Revieewingg andd appproviing tthe rreporrts oof thhe booard of ddirecctorss; 审议批批准执行董董事会的报报告;(iii)

10、 Revieewingg andd appproviing tthe rreporrts oof thhe suupervvisorr;审议批批准监事的的报告;(iv) Revieewingg andd appproviing tthe annnual budgget pplanss of the Comppany; 审议批批准公司的的年度财务务预算方案案;(v) Adoptting resoolutiions regaardinng inncreaases or rreducctionns off thee Commpanyys rregisstereed caapitaal; 对公司司增加

11、或者者减少注册册资本做出出决议;(vi) Adoptting resoolutiions regaardinng isssuannce oof boonds; 对公司司发行债券券作出决议议;(vii) Adoptting resoolutiions as tto meergerr, divvisioon, ddissoolutiion, liquuidattion, or channge iin thhe Comppanys coorporrate formm; 对公司司合并、分分立、解散散、清算或或者变更公公司形式做做出决议;(viii) Revissing the Articcles of

12、 AAssocciatiion oof thhe Coompanny; andd修改公公司章程;(ix) Revieewingg andd appproviing pprofiit diistriibutiion pplanss andd losss reecoveery pplanss.审议批批准公司的的利润分配配方案和弥弥补亏损方方案。Chapter.III第三章ORGANNIZATTIONAAL STTRUCTTURE组织形式Article.7第 7 条The CCompaany iis orrganiized as aa limmitedd liaabiliity ccompaany.

13、 The Comppany shalll bee liaable for its debtts annd obbligaationns wiith iits oown ppropeerty and asseets and the Comppanys crredittors shalll haave nno reecourrse tto thhe Shharehholdeer inn resspectt of any debtts off thee Commpanyy.公司的组织织形式是有有限责任公公司。公司司的责任仅仅限于其自自有的财产产和资产。公公司的债权权人无权就就公司的任任何债务向向股东

14、追索索。Article.8第 8 条8.1 The SShareeholdderss liaabiliity tto thhe Coompanny iss bassed oon annd liimiteed too thee reggisteered capiital subsscribbed bby itt. Thhe Coompanny shalll bee a llimitted lliabiilityy corrporaationn andd leggal ppersoon unnder the lawss of PRC. The Sharrehollder shalll bee re

15、ssponssiblee to the Comppany withhin tthe llimitt of the capiital subsscribbed bby itt as provvidedd forr in Chappter V off theese AArticcles. Thee creeditoors oof thhe Coompanny shhall havee claaims agaiinst the asseets oof thhe Coompanny onnly aand sshalll nott havve anny riight to cclaimm agaains

16、tt thee Shaarehoolderr, meemberrs off thee boaard oof diirecttors, offficerrs, oor emmployyees for damaages or ccompeensattion. Thee Shaarehoolderr is not liabble ffor aany iindebbtednness, oblligattion or lliabiilityy of the Comppany of wwhateever natuure oor hoowsoeever incuurredd.股东对公公司的责任任以其认缴缴的

17、公司注注册资本额额为限。公公司为中国国法律项下下的有限责责任公司和和法人。股股东以其按按照本章程程第五章认认缴的出资资额为限对对公司承担担责任。公公司债权人人仅对公司司财产享有有债券,而而无权要求求股东、董董事、高级级管理人员员或员工承承担违约金金或赔偿金金。股东不不对公司的的任何债务务、义务或或负债承担担责任,无无论这些债债务是何种种性质或者者因何种原原因产生。8.2 All pprofiits mmade by tthe CCompaany sshalll bellong to tthe CCompaany, but the Sharrehollder is eentittled to d

18、distrributtionss in accoordannce wwith PRC law and accoountiing rrequiiremeents.公司的所所有利润归归公司所有有,但是股股东有权按按照中国法法律和会计计要求进行行分配。Chapter.IV第四章PURPOOSE, SCOPPE ANND SCCALE OF BBUSINNESS经营宗旨、范范围与规模模Article.9第 9 条The ppurpoose oof thhe Coompanny iss to beneefit the Sharrehollder econnomiccallyy, annd too pro

19、omotee thee ecoonomyy devveloppmentt of the cityy of Beijjing.公司的宗旨旨是【公司和全全体股东获获得良好的的经济效益益,为推动动北京经济的的发展起到到积极的作作用。】Article.10第 10 条The sscopee of busiinesss of the Comppany is ass folllowss: 公司的经营营范围如下下:。Chapter.V第五章Totall Invvestmment and Regiisterred CCapittal投资总额和和注册资本本Article.11第 11 条The ttotall

20、amoount of iinvesstmennt foor thhe Coompanny shhall be UUS$【】. 公司的投资资总额为【万美元(US$)】。Article.12第 12 条The rregisstereed caapitaal off thee Commpanyy shaall bbe USS$【】, alll off whiich sshalll be conttribuuted by tthe SShareeholdder.公司的注册册资本为【】万美元(UUS$【】),全部部由股东认认缴。Article.13第 13 条13.1 One hhundrred ppe

21、rceent (100%) off thee reggisteered capiital of tthe CCompaany sshalll be conttribuuted by tthe SShareeholdder iin exxchannge oof USS$. 公司的全全部注册资资本由股东东以美元现汇形式缴纳。13.2 The ppaymeent sscheddule for the Comppanys reggisteered capiital is aas foollowwing:Thee firrst iinstaallmeent oof thhe reegistteredd

22、cappitall, thhat iis noot leess tthan 15% of tthe rregisstereed caapitaal wiill bbe coontriibuteed wiithinn thrree (3) mmonthhs affter the issuuancee of the Comppanys buusineess llicennse; the remaaininng capiital willl be fullly coontriibuteed wiithinn twoo (2) yeaars aafterr thee isssuancce off th

23、ee Commpanyys bbusinness liceense.公司注册册资本的注注资时间表表如下:【首期注注册资本,即即不低于115%的注注册资本在在公司营业业执照颁发发后三(33)个月内内缴付,其其余各期在在公司营业业执照颁发发后两(22)年内缴缴清。】Article.14第 14 条14.1 A PRCC reggisteered accoountaant ffirm shalll bee enggagedd by the Comppany to vveriffy thhe coontriibutiion oof thhe reegistteredd cappitall by the

24、 Sharrehollder, andd to issuue a capiital veriificaationn repport certtifyiing ssuch conttribuutionn. Uppon tthe iissuaance of ssuch capiital veriificaationn repport, thee Commpanyy shaall iissuee a ccapittal ccontrributtion certtificcate to tthe SShareeholdder ccertiifyinng thhe ammountt of capiita

25、l thatt hass beeen coontriibuteed. SSuch capiital veriificaationn repport and capiital conttribuutionn cerrtifiicatee shaall bbe keept ttogetther withh thee boooks oof thhe Coompanny.公司应委委任一家在中国国注册的会会计师事务务所对股东东认缴的注注册资本进进行核验并并出具验资资报告。验验资报告出出具后,公公司应向股股东出具出出资证明书书,证实其出出资金额。验验资报告和和出资证明明书应与公公司账簿一一起保存。14.1

26、 Partiiculaars oof thhe caapitaal veerifiicatiion rreporrt shhall alsoo be fileed wiith tthe oorigiinal examminattion and apprrovall autthoriity aand tthe ccompeetentt locaal brranchh of the Statte Addminiistraationn forr Inddustrry annd Coommerrce ffor rrecorrd.上述验资资报告应报报原审批机机关与地方方工商行政政管理局登登记备案。Art

27、icle.15第 15 条Any cchangge inn thee reggisteered capiital of tthe CCompaany sshalll be apprrovedd by the Sharrehollder, andd musst bee subbmittted tto thhe orriginnal eexamiinatiion aand aapprooval authhoritty foor appprovval. Afteer obbtainning suchh appprovaals, thhe Coompanny shhall comppletee reg

28、gistrratioon foormallitiees wiith tthe ccompeetentt locaal brranchh of the Statte Addminiistraationn forr Inddustrry annd Coommerrce ffor tthe rregisster of ccapittal cchangges aand oobtaiin ann upddatedd bussinesss liicensse.对公司注册册资本的变变更须经股股东批准,并并报原审批批机关批准准。获得批批准后,公公司应在当当地工商行行政管理局局办理注册册资本变更更的登记手手续,

29、并取取得经变更更的营业执执照。Chapter.VI第六章BOARDD OF DIREECTORRS 董事会Article.16第 16 条The CCompaany sshalll esttabliish iits bboardd of direcctorss on the datee of issuuancee of the Comppanys buusineess llicennse. Suchh boardd of direcctorss shaall ccome intoo opeeratiion frrom tthe ddate of iits eestabblishhmentt.公

30、司应在公公司营业执执照签发之之日成立董董事会。董董事会自成成立之日起起开展活动动。Article.17第 17 条The boardd of direcctorss shaall bbe coompossed oof threee (3) membbers, alll of whomm shaall bbe apppoinnted by tthe SShareeholdder.【董事会由由三(3)名董事组组成,全部部由股东委委派。】Article.18第 18 条18.1 Each direcctor shalll bee apppointted ffor aa terrm off three

31、e (3) yearrs, buut a Direectorr mayy serrve cconseecutiive ttermss if he/sshe iis reeappoointeed byy thee Shaarehoolderr. TThe SShareeholdder sshalll proocuree thee reccord of tthe aappoiintmeent oof diirecttors withh thee oriiginaal exxaminnatioon annd appprovval aauthoorityy by the Comppany.董事任期期为

32、【三(3)年年】,期满经经股东重新新委任的,可可以连任。股股东应责成成公司将董董事的委任任或者更换换报原登记记机关备案案。18.2 The SShareeholdder mmay rremovve anny direcctor at aany ttime by ggivinng ann immmediaate wwrittten nnoticce too thee Commpanyy. Thhe Shharehholdeer shhall causse suuch rremovval tto bee repporteed too thee oriiginaal exxaminnatioon a

33、nnd appprovval aauthoorityy forr reccord.股东可在在向公司发发出即时书书面通知的的情况下,随随时撤换董董事。股东东应将董事事的撤换报报原审批机机关备案。18.3 In thhe evvent of aany vvacanncy oof thhe occcupaationn of the boarrd off direcctorss duee to the retiiremeent, remooval, ressignaationn, illlnesss, ddisabbilitty orr deaath oof a direcctor, thee Sha

34、arehoolderr shaall aappoiint aa succcesssor tto seerve out the remaaindeer off succh direcctors teerm. Thee Shaarehoolderr shaall ccausee thee Commpanyy to repoort ssuch appoointmment to tthe oorigiinal examminattion and apprrovall autthoriity ffor rrecorrd.董事如因因退休、撤撤换、辞职职、疾病、无无行为能力力或死亡而而出现空缺缺,股东应应委

35、任继任任人在该董董事剩余任任期内担任任董事。股股东应责成成公司将该该委任报原原审批机关关备案。Article.19第 19 条19.1 The SShareeholdder sshalll apppointt onee of the direcctorss as the Chaiirmann of the boardd of direcctorss.股东应委委派一名董董事担任董董事长。19.2 The CChairrman of tthe bboardd of direcctorss is the legaal reepressentaativee of the Comppany. Thee

36、acttion by tthe CChairrman shalll bindd thee Commpanyy onlly whhen iit iss takken bby thhe Chhairmman wwithiin thhe sccope of aauthoorityy of the Chaiirmann graantedd by the boardd of direcctorss.董事长是是公司的法法定代表人人,董事长长只有在董董事会授予予的职权范范围内采取取的行动才才对公司产产生约束力力。19.3 Wheneever the Chaiirmann of the Boarrd off

37、Dirrectoors iis unnablee to perfform his/her ddutiees foor anny reeasonn, hee/shee shaall aauthoorizee onee of the direcctorss to perfform his/her dutiies iin liien oof hiim/heer. The actiions by tthe ddirecctor so aauthoorizeed shhall bindd thee Commpanyy onlly whhen the aactioons aare ttakenn witt

38、hin the scoppe off autthoriity ddeleggatedd to he /she by tthe CChairrman in aaccorrdancce wiith hhis/hher oown aauthoorityy.董事长因因任何原因因无法履行行职责的,应应委托一名名董事代替替其履行职职责。董事事在董事长长权限内授予予其的权限限范围内作作出的行为为对公司有有约束力。Article.20第 20 条Direcctorss of the Comppany shalll noot haave aany ppersoonal liabbilitty foor acct

39、ionns taaken on bbehallf off thee Commpanyy unlless thosse acctionns weere ttakenn outtsidee thee scoope oof thhe appprovval oor auuthorrizattion made byy thee boardd of direcctorss. To tthe eextennt peermittted by PPRC llaws, thhe Coompanny shhall indeemniffy eacch meemberr of the boarrd off dirrec

40、toors aand ttheirr resspecttive proxxies or aagentts annd eaach mmembeer off sennior manaagemeent oof thhe Coompanny, aagainnst aany aand aall llossees, ddamagges, liabbilitties and expeensess, inncludding attoorneyys feee annd exxpensses, whicch anny suuch direectorr, orr theeir pproxyy or agennt m

41、aay inncur or bbecomme liiablee forr in the courrse oof thhe prroperr disscharrge oof hiis duutiess.除非其行为为超出董事事会批准或或授权的范范围,否则则公司董事事对其代表表公司做出出的行为无无需承担个个人责任。在在中国法律律允许的范范围内,公公司应补偿偿董事及其其代表或代代理人在履履行其职责责的过程中中可能承担担的责任,包包括律师费费。Article.21第 21 条The bboardd of direcctorss shaall bbe reesponnsiblle too thee Sha

42、arehoolderr andd itss funnctioons aand ppowerrs shhall incllude, witthoutt limmitattion, thee folllowiing:董事会对股股东负责,其其职权包括括,但不限限于以下内内容:(i) Impleementting resoolutiions adoppted by tthe SShareeholdder;执行股股东的决议议;(ii) Prepaaringg thee opeeratiionall plaans aand iinvesstmennt pllans;制订公公司的经营营计划和投投资方案;(i

43、ii) Prepaaringg thee Commpanyys aannuaal buudgett plaans;制订公公司预算方方案(iv) Prepaaringg thee Commpanyys pprofiit diistriibutiion pplanss andd losss reecoveery pplanss;制订年年度利润分分配和亏损损弥补方案案;(v) Prepaaringg thee Commpanyys pplanss on the incrreasee or reduuctioon off reggisteered capiital, as welll as the i

44、ssuuancee of corpporatte boonds;制订公公司增加或或减少注册册资本以及及发行公司司债券的方方案;(vi) Consiideriing oon annd prresenntingg forr thee appprovaal off thee Shaarehoolderrs anny prropossals resppectiing tthe CCompaanyss plaans oon meergerr, diivisiion, disssoluttion, or channge iin thhe naaturee of the Comppanys coorporr

45、ate formm, diissollutioon, eetc;审议公公司合并、分分立、解散散或者变更更公司形式式的方案并并提交股东东批准;(vii) Makinng deecisiions on eestabblishhmentt of the Comppanys innternnal mmanaggemennt sttructture;决定公公司的重要要规章制度度;(viii) Makinng deecisiions on hhirinng orr dissmisssing the Comppanys geeneraal maanageer annd hiis/heer reemuneeratiion, and, acccordiing tto thhe reecommmendaationns off thee gennerall mannager, deccidinng onn hirring or


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