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《2021-2022学年河北省石家庄市长安区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年河北省石家庄市长安区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、202L2022学年河北省石家庄市长安区八年级(上)期末英语试卷1. Dont ask me what to do all the time.You must learn to think for.()A. meB. myselfC. youA. meB. myselfC. youD. yourself2. Eating dumplings during the Spring Festival is in China. ()A. educational B. luckyC. impossible D. traditional3. Dont worry about it and its norm

2、al for anyone to make in his life.()A. promises B. resolutions C. mistakes D. faces4. 一John, lets prepare for our basketball match.-OK, well lose it we try our best.()A. untilB. unlessC. ifD. although5. Cindys parents were not at home.She had to her baby brother.()A. make upB. take upC. look forD. l

3、ook after6. Im busy now.I to you after school this afternoon.()A. talkB. talkedC. will talkD. talks7. -Its too difficult for me the work in such a short time.-Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.()A. finishB. finishingC. finishedD. to finish8. -1 think drinking milk is good our healt

4、h.-I agree you.()A. for, with B. to, onC. to, withD. for, on9. There is going to a football match tomorrow.()A. beB. hasC. haveD. watch10. -Judy, can you go to the supermarket with me tomorrow?-I want to buy some milk to drink.()A. Im sorry I cantB. Sure, Id love to.C. Yes, please.D. Fm afraid not.M

5、any parents buy everything their children want.If they go on doing so, the children won*t know that money (11) from hard work.When they grow up, they will waste money and they dont know how to (12) it.Some parents like having birthday parties (13) their children.If they go on doing so, the children

6、will think they (14) enjoy birthday parties every year.They may forget their parents1 birthdays and only故选:Ao明天将有一场足球赛。本题主要考查的是there be结构和be going to连用的相关知识。10.【答案】B【解析】A.抱歉,我不能,B.当然,我很乐意,C是的,请,D.我恐怕不,问句是提出一起去超 市的请求,根据I want to buy some milk to drink.可知想买一些牛奶,可知是肯定回答,B选项符合 题意。故选:Bo朱迪,明天你可以和我去超市吗?-当然

7、,我很乐意。我想买一些牛奶喝。分析选项的含义,结合语境作答。11-20.【答案】C、A、D、B、A、B、C、A、C、D【解析】(1)考查动词。A.keeps保持,继续B.leaves离开C.comes来D.goes去。根据语境HIf they go on doing so, the children wont know that money (1)from hard work/(如果他们继 续这样做,孩子们不知道这些钱辛勤工作。)可知,如果父母继续给孩子购买一切,孩子们 就会不知道钱来之不易,故选:Co(2)考查动词。A.save节约,拯救B.take拿取C.make制作D.cost花费。根据

8、语境When they grow up, they will waste money and they dont know how to (2) it.(当他们长大 后,他们会浪费钱,他们不知道如何(2)它。)可知,他们不知道钱来之不易,因此就浪费 不知如何节约,故选:Ao(3)考查介词。A.with和一起,用B.without没有C.to去,到D.for为了。根据语境Some parents like having birthday parties (3) their children.1(一些父母喜欢 孩子举办生日聚会。)可知,是为孩子举办生日聚会,故选:Do(4)考查情态动词。A.nee

9、d需要,必须B.should应该C.may可能,可以D.would将会。根据语 境If they go on doing so, the children will think they (4)enjoy birthday parties every year.*(如 果他们继续这样做,孩子们会认为他们(4)享受每年生日聚会。)可知,经常给孩子举办生 日聚会,会使他们认为应该享受,故选:Bo(5)考查代词。A.theirs他们的,名词性物主代词B.they他们,人称代词主格Cthem他们,人 称代词宾格D.themselves他们自己,反身代词。根据语境They may forget thei

10、r parents* birthdays and only remember(5) (他们可能会忘记父母的生 日,只记得(5) o )可知,他们只会记着自己的生日,用名词性物主代词代替他们的生日, 故选:Ao(6)考查动词。A.do动词原形B.to do动词不定式C.did过去式D.doing现在分词或动名词。根 据句子结构和语境,可知修饰only one thing作定语,因此用to do不定式,父母认为孩子们唯一 要做的事情就是学习,故选:Bo(7)考查连词。A.but但是,表示转折B.also副词,也C.and和,表示并列或递进D.so因此,所 以。根据语境,可知study hard”(

11、努力学习)和be good at their lessons”(擅长他们的功课)是并 列或递进关系,故选:Co(8)考查名词。A.chores家务B.homework家庭作业C.shopping购物D.reading阅读。根据语境 children will think their parents should do”(孩子们就会认为他们的父母应该做 )结合前文, 可知是做家务,故选:Ao(9)考查连词。A.after在之后B.before在之前C.until直至为止,一般用来引导时间状 语从句或描述时间点的词汇D.tiU直到为止,后跟描述时间点的词或短语入根据语境 nwont like cl

12、eaning the floor or the desk (9) they find a job.(不喜欢扫地或擦桌子(9) 他们找到一份工作)可知,在家父母做家务,直到工作时才喜欢扫地擦桌子,因此用until引导时 间状语从句 they find a job”,故选:Co(10)考查形容词。A.bored无聊的B.nervous紧张的C.sad悲伤的D.healthy不健康的。根据语境 nParents should teach their children to do chores because it can make them (10)(父母应该教他 们的孩子做家务,因为它可以使他们(

13、10) o )可知,父母不让孩子做家务,这会使得孩子 们不健康,没有自理能力,故选:Do本文谈论了父母给孩子购买一切他们想要的东西、给孩子举办生日聚会和不让他们做家务等带来 的后果是什么。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除 法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。2125,【答案】B、D、C、A、B【解析】细节理解题。(1) they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood (在童年时代,他们想出一 些有趣的游戏玩耍),可知古代的孩子们玩一些有趣的游戏。故选B。(2)根

14、据 During the Qing Dynasty,kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China (在清朝, 踢石子是中 国 北方地区一种普及的游戏),可知清朝中国北方普及的游戏是踢石子。故选D。(3) 根据 There are two ways to play: covering a childs eyes while other kids run around to tease (戏 弄)him or, more commonly, others hide and one child

15、 must try to find them.(有两中方式: 蒙上 个孩子的眼睛,其他孩子到处跑戏弄他,或者更普遍的是其他孩子藏起来,一个孩子必须努力找 到他们。)可知捉迷藏是指一个孩子努力找到其他孩子在哪里。故选C。(4)根据 the bird-shaped kite with long wings is a special kind of the Beijing kite.(有翅膀的鸟形风 筝是一种特别的北京风筝),可知北京风筝是鸟的形状。故选A。(5)根据 The closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was goin

16、g to see a shadow play (在 古代,最接近看电影的是看皮影戏),可知看电影就像看皮影戏。故选B。本文介绍了古代孩子们的娱乐方式。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细核对,选 择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。2630.【答案】B、C、D、C、D【解析】(1)细节理解题。My mom doesnt let me listen to music while I am studying.(我妈 妈不让我在学习时听音乐。)可知学习时停止听音乐。故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据 So a friendly talk may help

17、you come to an agreement (友好的交谈可以帮 助你们达成共识。)可知和他的母亲进行了一次友好的交谈。故选C。(3)细节理解题。根据 My English isnt bad, but I want to keep improving (我的英语还不错,但 是我还想提高。)可知,简想通过看科幻片来提高英语,故选D。(4)细节理解题。根据 Why not try English cartoons or television shows for teenagers (为什么不试 试英文卡通片或者青少年电视节目)和I also suggest speaking English w

18、ith your friends for fun (我 还建议你用英语跟朋友聊天)可知,穆雷建议简看卡通片或者用英语与朋友聊天,(看英文卡 通片)(和朋友练习说英语)。故选C。(5)文章来源题。根据 Q: Dear Murray, A: Dear Kevin, Dear Murray, Dear Jane,及其文章内 容和形式,可知文章来自日记。故选D。这篇短文是两封朋友间的信件。一封是穆雷和凯文的,凯文的妈妈不同意凯文边听音乐边唱歌, 穆雷给了他建议。另一封是穆雷和简的,简想学英语,穆雷给了她几条建议。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确 定最

19、佳答案。3135.【答案】A、B、D、C、B【解析】(1)细节判断题。根据文章第二段开始Earth Hour started in Sydney, Australia,in March 2007.”(地球一小时”活动在2007年3月澳大利亚的悉尼开始。)可知,我们可以了解 到有关地球一小时活动开始的地点和时间,故选:Ao(2)细节判断题。根据文章第二段中During Earth Hour people turn off their lights,televisions and computers to save the earth.(地球一小时活动期间人们关掉灯、电视和电脑来拯救 地球。)可知

20、,A.Stay inside.待在外面;B.Turn off the TV.关上电视;C.Repair their lights.修理灯; D.Turn on computer.打开电脑。其中B选项是地球一小时的活动,故选:B。(3)段落大意题。根据文章第三段首句A lot of energy is saved around the world during Earth Hour, but people should think more than one hour of energy saving.(世界各地大量的能量在”地球一小时” 被节约,但人们应该想到超过一个小时的节能。)以及下文列举

21、的节能活动,可知第三段主要关 于人们如何能够节约能源,故选:Do(4)词义理解题o 根据语境When you stop and think about it,there are so many simple things people can do every day to the earth.(当你停下来思考一T ,有 很多简单的事情人们可以每天做地球。)可知,前文介绍了地球一小时活动节约了大量能量, 因此人们可以做很多简单的事情就可以拯救地球,save节约,拯救,是同义词,故选:Co(5)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Being part of Earth Hour connects pe

22、ople around the world for something good.I am going to be part of Earth Hour again next year.I hope you will be too.(参与地球一小时”把世界各地的人们与好的东西 连接起来。我要明年再次成为“地球一小时”的一部分。我希望你也会。)可知,作者最后呼吁人 们参与地球一小时活动,来共同拯救地球,故选:Bo本文主要谈论了地球一小时活动的由来和影响。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细核对,选 择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。36【答案】【

23、小题 1】the weather and traffic.【小题 2 Eight hours【小题 3 About three dollars【小题 4 Price is a problem (, too)【小题5】现在汽车制造商正在寻找其他方法来降低汽车的价格。【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文中 How far that car travels depends on the weather and traffic.(那 辆车能走多远取决于天气和交通状况。)可知跑多远取决于天气和交通。故回答the weather and traffic o(2)细节理解题。根据 It can take eig

24、ht hours to charge a car for only 100 miles of driving.(行驶 100 英里的汽车充电需要8个小时。)可知行驶100英里需要充电8个小时。故回答Eight hours。(3)细节理解题。根据 And it will cost about three dollars for each charge.(每充一次电大约要花 3 美元。)可知每次充电3美元。故回答About three dollars。(4)主旨归纳题。阅读第四段可知,本段主要说的是电动汽车的价格问题,所以本段第一句是中 心句。故回答 Price is a problem (, t

25、oo)。(5) 句子翻译题o Now car-makers are looking for other ways to make the car cheaper.car makersn7A 车制造商;look for”寻找”;other ways to make the car cheaper其它使车变便宜的方式”。故翻译为 现在,汽车制造商们正在寻找其他使电动车更便宜的方式。文章讲了电动汽车的发展,以及针对它存在的问题人们做出的改进。阅读短文,理解大意,带着问题去文章中找到相对应的细节内容,回答问题,然后再次阅读核对 答案。37【答案】【小题l】a【小题2】On小题 3 photos【小题4

26、】ate【小题51 because【解析】(1)考查不定冠词。句意:去年我度过了一个愉快的暑假。根据空前Last year I spent (去年我度过了)及空后great summer holiday (愉快的暑假)可知,空处表示“一个“。a/an一个, 不定冠词,表示泛指。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词。great以 辅音音素开头,使用不定冠词a。故填a。(2)考查介词。句意:第一天,我们参观了赤柱公园。根据空后。ur first day (我们的第一天) 可知,此处表示具体某一天。用在具体某一天的前面使用介词。n。故填On。(3)考查名词复数。句意:我拍了很多

27、张照片。根据空前lots of (许多)修饰可数名词复数或者 不可数名词。photo照片,可数名词。可知空处使用复数形式photos。故填photos。(4)考查动词过去式。句意:他们举行了烧烤,我们在他们家吃。根据空前had为动词过去式, 可知空处所在的句子为一般过去时,谓语动词使用过去式。eat吃,动词。过去式形式为ate。故 填 ate。(5)考查连词。句意:我们没有机会在海里游泳,因为水太冷了。根据上文we didn!t get the chance to swim in the ocean (我们没有机会在海里游泳)可知,空处句意为:因为 水太凉了。because因为,介词。故填be

28、cause。这篇文章作者讲述了去年在温哥华度暑假的经历。根据上下文语境确定空处单词意思,结合时态、固定句式词法等确定答案。38 .【答案】Can you come to my party tonight【解析】you你,是人称代词,作主语;come to来,是谓语动词;can是情态动词,放在句首构 成一般疑问句;my party我的聚会,作宾语;tonight今晚,是时间状语。根据句意和句末问号可 知,是一般疑问句。句意为:今晚你能来我的聚会吗?是一般现在时。故答案为:Can you come to my party tonight?今晚你能来我的聚会吗?连词成句,要根据预猜句意,分析句子成分

29、;要运用正确的时态和语序,有时还要添加助动词。39 .【答案How much yogurt do you need【解析】根据单词及标点提示可知,句子是特殊疑问句,How much”多少”,修饰不可数名词yogurt11 酸奶”开头,后跟一般疑问句,助动词do提前。主语you你二谓语动词用原形need“需要”。故答案为: How much yogurt do you needo你需要多少酸奶?首先看标点符号,粗略地看看词,把固定搭配放在一起。根据句子意思再细致地连。检查词数, 单词拼写是否有误,主要是抓住核心短语,主语,谓语等。40 .【答案】Sandy looks forward to vi

30、siting her grandmother【解析】考查连词成句。根据所给单词,主语是Sandy,谓语是looks forward to,宾语是visiting her grandmother,按照主谓宾的结构连接起来。故答案为:Sandy looks forward to visiting her grandmotheroSandy想要去看望她的奶奶。结合句子成分,根据要求,掌握句子结构,正确写出答案。41 .【答案】I will send you a message【解析】考查连词成句。根据所给词语,主语是I,谓语是wWsend,宾语是you a message,按 照主谓宾的结构连接起来

31、。故答案为:T will send you a messageo我会给你发个信息。结合句子成分,根据要求,掌握句子结构,正确写出答案。42 .【答案】I want to be an engineer when I grow up【解析】根据单词及标点提示可知,句子是when”当时候”引导的时间状语从句。主句主语I” 我”。一般现在时态,谓语动词用原形want。want to be”想要成为“。不定冠词an一名”修饰单数名 词engineer”工程师”。从句主句I我。一般现在时态,grow up”长大,动词短语。故答案为:I want to be an engineer when I grow

32、up。我长大后想成为一名工程师。此题知识点是考查连词成句。首先要判断句式,然后选择相应的主语、谓语、宾语等结构。再考 虑一些固定搭配等,注意不要少词。43 .【答案】My life in 20 yearsIm always working hard for a bright future.I imagine I will have a better life than now.(引出话题)In 20 years, I will have a better family.I will take good care of my parents because I have grown up.高分句

33、型And I will have two children and they are cute and lovely.Ofcourse, I will have a big house.My family will live in my house.(居住环境)I will have a well-paid job.I must work hard and I am ready to take on new challenges.! will have a group of workmates and they are easy to work with.(工作)When I am free

34、, I will meet my friends.We will often talk about the past school life and miss our good teachers.We will often go abroad for vacations.! will have a great time during the vacation.Every day, after work , I willusually take some exercise with my friends because sports can keep us healthy and fit.(业余

35、活动)I think my life in 20 years will be exciting and wonderful.高分句型二】And I amworking hard to make it come true.(努力实现)【解析】【高分句型一】I will take good care of my parents because I have grown up.我会好好照顾我的父母,因为我已经长大了。句子在because引导一个原因状语从句。【高分句型二】I think my life in 20 years will be exciting and wonderful.我想我 20

36、 年后的生活会很精彩。句子中think后面跟的是一个宾语从句。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。remember(15).Many parents dont let their children do chores.They think children have only one thing (16),They should study hard (17)be good at their lessons.If parents go on doing so, children will think the

37、ir parents should do (18) and won*t like cleaning the floor or the desk (19) they find a job.Parents should teach their childrento do chores because it can make them(20).11. A. keeps12. A. save13. A. w汕14. A. need15. A. theirs16. A. do17. A. but18. A. chores19. A. after20. A. boredB. leavesB. takeB.

38、 withoutB. shouldB. theyB. to doB. alsoB. homeworkB. beforeB. nervousC. comesC. makeC. toC. mayC. themC. didC. andC. shoppingC. untilC. sadLD. goesD. costD. forD. wouldD. themselvesD. doingD. soD. readingD. tillD. healthyDuring ancient times,children didn*t have much to enjoy themselves.So they came

39、 up with interestinggames to play in their childhood.Kicking stone ballsDuring the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm.Playing hide-and-seekHide-and-seek is a traditional game for children, popular

40、 around the nation.There are two ways to play: covering a childs eyes while other kids run around to tease (戏弄)him or, more commonly, others hide and one child must try to find them.Flying kitesKites have quite a long history.The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper.The three most famo

41、us kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite.Each has its own feature.For example, the bird-shaped kite with long wings is a special kind of the Beijing kite.Watching shadow playsThe closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play.The artists cont

42、rol puppets (木偶)behind the screen and tell stories to the music.21. What did children do to enjoy themselves during ancient times? A. They just stayed at home.B. They played some interesting games.C. They read books.D. They talked with friends.22. What was the popular game in the northern part of Ch

43、ina during the Qing Dynasty? A. Watching shadow plays.B. Flying kites.C. Playing hide-and-seek.D. Kicking a stone ball.23. What does hide-and-seek mean? A. some children kick the stone ball around.B. a child opens his eyes to see others running.C. a child tries to find where other kids are.D. the ar

44、tists control puppets behind the screen.24. What does the Beijing kite look like? A. A bird.B. A robot.C. A plane.D. A snake.25. According to the passage, what is like watching shadow plays? B. Watching a film.D. Watching a video.A. Watching TV.C. Watching a game show.MQ: Dear Murray,My mom doesn*t

45、let me listen to music while I am studying.Listening to music helps me relax.lt can also help me do my homework quickly and welLWhat should I do?-KevinA: Dear Kevin,Why wont your mother let you listen to music while you are studying? Try to ask her.Why do you study better when listening to music? Yo

46、u can explain it to her.lt seems to me that you both want the same thing-to study to the best of your ability.So a friendly talk may help you come to an agreement.-MurrayDear Murray,My English isn*t bad, but I want to keep improving.Recently, I watched an English science一fiction film.But I didnt kno

47、w what they were talking about if I didn*t use subtitles (字幕).So what should I do ? How can I improve my English?-JaneDear Jane,Watching television and movies is a good way to help learn a language.But maybe a science-fiction film is too difficult for you if you are still leaming.Why not try English

48、 cartoons or television shows for teenagers? They may be easier for you.I also advise to speak English with your friends for fun.Although you arent speaking perfectly, it is good practice.And practice makes perfect.一Murray26. What does Kevins mom want him to do? A. Work harder on his music courses.B. Stop listening to music while studying.


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