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《2021-2022学年河北省石家庄市新华区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年河北省石家庄市新华区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、202L2022学年河北省石家庄市新华区八年级(上)期末英语试卷1. Are you doing your homework Monday morning ? ()A. onB. atC. inD. /2. Your lifestyle is the same.()A. to my brother B. to mineC. as mineD. as brother3. How many are there on the table? ()A. waterB. cup of waterC. bottles of waterD. glass of water4. Lanzhou is the on

2、ly capital city that the Yellow River,the second river in China,passesthrough.()A. longA. longB. longestC. longerD. length5. This bread is too small.Do you have? ()D. a big oneA. a bigger piece B. a bigger one C. a big bread6. They are trying _what is going on around the world. ()A. look forB. to lo

3、ok for7. -Where were you last Saturday?-I in the Capital Museum. (A. amB. will beA. look forB. to look for7. -Where were you last Saturday?-I in the Capital Museum. (A. amB. will beC. to find outD. find out)C. wasD. have been8. There a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minute

4、s.()A. is going to beB. is going to haveC. will haveD. will hold9. The actress is 50, but she looks much younger than she really Is.()A. alreadyB. yetC. stillD. alone10. If you help others, others help you.()A. wont; dont B. dont; wont C. dont; dont D. didnt; dontYesterday was Saturday.Mr.King (11)

5、his family to the Peoples Park in the (12).They got up early and had (13) quickly.After that they went to the park (14) car.lt was nine oclock when they got there.There were many (15) in the park.Lily (16) the hill in the middle of the park.Lucy flew a kite (17) some other children.Mr.King and his w

6、ife were tired after five days1 (18).They sat under a tree and had a (19).The King family had a (20) time there.11. A. told12. A. morningD. broughtD. nightC. calledC. eveningB. afternoonB. took.答案:B.细节理解题.根据第三段But it got a bit warmer later, you can say.你可以说,但 是天气之后会更暖和的.及最后一句 Talk like this, and the

7、 English will think, nHow friendly you are!n 这样说,英国人会想:”你是多么的友好!二可知,英国人希望天气变得更暖和,选B.54 .答案:D.推理判断题.根据第一段 In England, people dont usually talk much.在英国,人 们通常不说话.可知,选D.文章大意:这是一篇日常生活类阅读,主要介绍与英国人说话的习俗,通常英国人坐车时不说话, 他们只是看书,报纸或看着窗外.当你遇到英国人时,可以讨论天气,如果天气冷,你可以说以 后天气会变暖和的,这样英国人会觉得你很友好.阅读题型,要注重句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间逻辑

8、关系以及对篇章的整体理解.根据所给 问题选择正确选项完成试题.30 .【答案】【小题1】clean小题 2 kinds of food【小题 3 Rice and bread.【小题 4】Meat, fish, eggs and milk.【小题5】水果和蔬菜使我们健康。【解析】(1)细节理解题。The food must be clean and we should cook it properly.(食物必须 是干净的,我们应该正确烹饪。)可知,食物必须是干净的,我们应该正确烹饪。故答案为:cleano(2)细节理解题 o 根据 Second, it*s very important fo

9、r us too keep a balanced diet.Different kinds of food are necessary, such as rice, bread, meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables.(第二, 保持均衡 饮食对我们来说非常重要。不同种类的食物是必要的,如大米、面包、肉、鱼、蛋、牛奶、水果 和蔬菜。)可知,我们应该吃不同种类的食物。故答案为:kinds of foodo(3)细节理解题。根据Rice and bread give us energy.(米饭和面包给我们能量。)可知,根据短 文,米饭和面包能给我们

10、能量。故答案为:Rice and bread.(4)细节理解题。根据Meat, fish, eggs and milk help our bones grow.(肉、鱼、蛋和牛奶有助于 我们的骨骼生长。)可知,如果你想让你的骨头长出来,你应该吃肉、鱼、蛋和牛奶。故答案为: Meat, fish, eggs and milk.(5)英译汉题。Fruit“水果“;and“和“;vegetables“蔬菜”;make us healthy”使我们健康二 故答案 为:水果和蔬菜使我们健康。本文讲述了健康的饮食对我们很重要。为了健康,我们应该吃什么和怎么吃。首先,对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意;

11、其次,细读题材,各个击破;再次,细细阅 读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。31 .【答案】【小题1 careful【小题2】fathers 【小题3】from 【小题4 him【小题5】The【小题6 with【小题7 ngry【小题8】said【小题9 most【小题10】myself【解析】(1)考查形容词。句意:我不够小心,把水弄到我爸爸在电脑旁边的新手表上了。was 为系动词,后跟形容词。故答案为careful。(2)考查名词所有格。句意:我不够小心,把水弄到我爸爸在电脑旁边的新手表上了。名词前用 所有格表示所属。故答案为fathers。(3)

12、考查介词。句意:这是他朋友送给他的生日礼物。from”来自”符合题意。故答案为from。(4)考查人称代词。句意:当我父亲回来时,我不敢告诉他真相。动词后人称代词用宾格。故答 案为himo(5)考查定冠词。句意:第二天,我把我的问题告诉了我最好的朋友约翰。the next day第二天, 用于一般过去时。故答案为The。(6)考查介词。句意:第二天,我把我的问题告诉了我最好的朋友约翰。sharewith和分享, 固定搭配。故答案为with。(7)考查形容词。句意:我照约翰说的做了,我父亲一点也不生我的气。结合首字母,angry”生 气的”符合题意,was后跟形容词。故答案为angry。(8)考

13、查动词。句意:相反,他只是微笑着说那天晚上他都知道了。一般过去时中谓语动词用过 去式。故答案为said。(9)考查形容词最高级。句意:这是对我最有用的一课。the修饰形容词最高级,useful前加most。故答案为mosto(10)考查反身代词。句意:我从中学到了很多一一以后我永远不会把问题留给自己。用反身代 词表示自己。故答案为myself。本文主要讲了作者不小心弄坏了爸爸的手表,起初有点担心,最后又承认错误的故事。通读全文,理解文章大意,紧密结合上下文判断句意,根据句意判断空格处词义,根据相关知识 点写出词语的正确形式,完成后再次阅读查看语意是否正确。32 .【答案】 How many h

14、ours does he sleep every night【解析】由题干“连词成句”,及句末的符号.判断出句子是特殊疑问句.它的结构是:疑问词组+ 助动词+主语+谓语+状语?疑问词组是How many hours ,助动词是does ,谓语是sleep ,状语是 every night , 因止匕可连接成句子为:How many hours does he sleep every night ?故答案为: How many hours does he sleep every night ?他每天晚上睡多少个小时?本题是连词成句,做此类题时,注意句子的结构、时态及句末的标点符号,从而连接成正确

15、的句 子.33 .【答案】Whafs your favorite program【解析】答案:Whats your favorite program?结合标点符号和所给的单词,这里是what作为疑问 词的特殊疑问句,what后加一般疑问句语序,这里加上is, your为形容词性物主代词,修饰名词, favorite 最喜欢的,后加名词 program,故答案是 Whats your favorite program?你最喜欢的节目是什么?考查连词成句,首先看标点符号,粗略地看看词,把固定搭配放在一起,根据句子意思再细致地 连.检查词数,单词拼写是否有误,主要是抓住核心短语,主语,谓语等.34

16、.答案I took quite a few photos【解析】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为陈述句,且为一般过去时态J是主语;谓语动词是took, quite a few photos 作 took 的宾语。故答案为:I took quite a few photoSo我拍了很多照片。做连词成句这种类型的题,首先确定句子类型,如:陈述句、疑问句或感叹句等,然后根据所给 单词,明确主语、谓语等句子成分,在确定句意的前提下结合语法知识组合句子。35 .【答案】He plays the piano at least twice a week【解析】由题干”连词成句;及句末的符号.判断出句子是一般现

17、在时的陈述句.它的结构是: 主语+谓语+宾语+状语.主语是He,谓语是plays,宾语是the piano,状语是at least和a week.因 此可连接成句子为:He plays the piano at least twice a week.故答案为 He plays the piano at least twice a week.他每周至少弹两次钢琴.题是连词成句,做此类题时,注意句子的结构、时态及句末的标点符号,从而连接成正确的句子.36 .答案She bought a watch for her father yesterday.【解析】由题干“连词成句”,及句末的符号.判断出句

18、子是一般过去时的陈述句.它的结构是: 主语+谓语+宾语+状语.主语是She ,谓语是bought,宾语是a watch,状语是for father和 yesterday. 因止匕可连接成句子为:She bought a watch for her father yesterday.故答案为:She bought a watch for her father yesterday.她昨天给她爸爸买了块手表.本题是连词成句,做此类题时,注意句子的结构、时态及句末的标点符号,从而连接成正确的句 子.37,【答案】【小题 1】My best friend is Kate.Let me introduce

19、 her habits.【高分句型一 She studies hard at school and gets good grades in all subjects.She often reads books at home and sometimes studies online.(在学校学习努力,经常在家看书,)She is in good health.She exercises three or four times a week and walks to school every day.(身体健康,每周锻炼三四次,每天步行上学)She has good eating habits.

20、She ate a lot of vegetables and fruits.He also drinks milk every day.(食习,惯彳艮好, 每天吃很多蔬菜和水果,每天还喝奶)She never eats junk food because it is bad for her health.【高分 句型二】【小题2】略【小题3】略【解析】【高分句型一】Let me introduce her habits.让我介绍一下她的习惯。祈使句。【高分句型二】She never eats junk food because it is bad for her health.她从不吃垃圾食

21、品,因为这对她的健康有害。 原因状语从句。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。13. A. meal14. A. on15. A. people16. A. saw17. A. behind18. A. time19. A. rest20. A. hardB.supperB. byB. carsB. climbedB. afterB. homeB. lookB. goodC. lunchC. withC. busesC. leftC. withC. workC. runC. longD. breakfast

22、D. inD. kitesD. foundD. beforeD. gameD. swimD. shortThere is an old English saying.lt tells us that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.Then we shall be healthy.We shall also be rich and clever.This is true.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young

23、age should have ten hours* sleep everyday.Children who do not have enough sleep can*t do their work well and they may not be healthy.The body also needs exercise.Walking, running, jumping and playing games are all exercise.Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood to move around i

24、nside the body.lt is very important.Our blood moves to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exercise helps us to think better.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,21. If we want to be healthy,A. eat moreC. play more22. Children of young age should haveA. tenB. nine并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。we mustB. sleep moreD. go to

25、 bed early and get up early hours1 sleep every day.C. elevenD. twelvethey will not.B. be clever and healthyD.A and BC. exerciseD. playingB. No, it doesnt.D. Yes, it doesnt.M23. If children dont have enough sleep,A. work wellC. eat well24. The body also needs.A. SportsB. running25. Does exercise help

26、 us to think better?A. Yes, it does.C. No, it does.In England, people dont usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers, but they don*t talk much.When you meet English people, they often talk about one

27、 thing, the weather. So When you meet somebody in England, you can say, Nice weather for the time of year!nHBut it was a little cold yesterday, somebody may answer. nBut it got a bit warmer later, you can say.Talk like this, and the English will think, How friendly you are!126. English people often

28、on a bus.A. talk much B. talk about C. eat something D. read papers27. When you meet English people, talk like this: A. How do you do!B. How are you!C. Nice weather!D. Nice to meet you!28. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think .A. you are friendlyB. you are rightC. y

29、ou are EnglishD. you talk too much 54English people always hope the weather will get . A. betterB. warmer C. colder D. hotter29. Which is right? A. English people like to talk on a bus.B. English people didnt enjoy the best weather.C. English people are the most friendly.D. English people dont talk

30、much.30. Healthy eating is important for us.What and how should we eat to be healthy?First, we must have enough food, never too much or too little.The food must be clean and we should cook it properly.Second, its very important for us too keep a balanced diet.Different kinds of food are necessary, s

31、uch as rice, bread, meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables.Rice and bread give us energy.Meat, fish, eggs and milk help our bones grow.Third, we should eat regularly.Its said that half of the students don*t have a regular breakfast or dont eat anything at all in the morning.lt is bad for their

32、 health.In short, we should not only eat enough food and healthy food but also eat regularly.(1)-(2)题完成句子,(3)题简略回答,(4)题找出并写下全文的主题句,(5)题将文 中划线句子译成汉语。(1) The food must be and we should cook it properly.(2) We should eat different.(3) According to the passage, what can give us energy? (4) What should y

33、ou have if you want your bones to grow? Last Friday evening, my father was out.After I finished my homework, I started to play computer games.I was not (care) enough and got some water on my (father) new watch near the computer.lt was a birthday gift (3) his friend.But it didnt work after that.When

34、my father came back, I was afraid to tell (4) ( he) the truth.I was really upset and didnt know what I should do. (5) next day, I shared my problem (6) my best friend John.He advised me to tell my father everything.! did as John said, and my father was not (7) a with me at all.Instead,he just smiled

35、 and (7) ( say) he knew all that night.It is the ( much) useful lesson for me.I learned much from it - I would never keep problems to (I) in the future.! will always tell the truth.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)31. he, how, every, many, does, hours, sleep, night?32. is, what, favorite, your, progra

36、m?33. photos, quite, we, few, a, took 34. a, plays, he, piano, at, twice, least, week, the.35. father, she, a, her, bought, watch, yesterday, for.36. 假如你最好的朋友叫Kate,她的各方面都很好,请从以下几个方面介绍一下她的生活习惯。 提示:(1)在学校学习努力,经常在家看书,有时上网。(2)身体健康,每周锻炼三四次,每天步行上学。(3)饮食习惯很好,每天吃很多蔬菜和水果,每天还喝奶。要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;(2)文中不得

37、出现真实的人名、校名 和地名;(3)词数80左右,短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数。(1)答案和解析.【答案】A【解析1 on后接具体到某一天的时间或具体某一天的早晨、下午和晚上;at后接钟点或中午、夜 间;in后加没有具体到某一天的时间(世纪、年、季节、月)或者早晨、下午和晚上。Monday morning” 星期一早上”,指的是具体的某一天的早上,因此用介词。n。故选:Ao星期一早上你在做作业吗?注意时间介词用法,结合语境,选择正确答案。1 .【答案】C【解析】分析句子可知,前面的the same只有和所给选项中的as连用,构成固定搭配:the same as. (和一样),其后形式要一致,

38、前面是yourlifestyle,后面应该是名词,只有名词性物主代词 mine (我的)符合题意,排除D。故选:Co你的生活方式和我的一样。首先弄明白所缺失部分的汉语含义,然后根据具体语境确定正确答案来作答。2 .【答案】C【解析】water zK,不可数名词;cup of water 单数;bottles of water 复数;glass of water 单数。How many“多少”,修饰可数名词复数。只有C选项正确。故选:Co桌子上有多少瓶水?掌握How many修饰可数名词复数的知识点,分析选项,选择正确答案。3 .【答案】B【解析】答案:B.形容词的最高级表示在三个及三个以上的多

39、个中进行比较,我们都知道黄河 是中国第二长河,表示在某个范围内是第儿时,一般是在该形容词或副词的最高级前加序数词, 所以此处应该用long的最高级形式longest.故选B.翻译:兰州是中国的第二长河黄河经过的唯一省会城市.本题考查的是形容词的最高级表示在三个及三个以上的多个中进行比较,确定其比较范围是解答 此类问题的关键.要表示在某个范围内是第几时,一般是在该形容词或副词的最高级前加序数词.【答案】A【解析】A一块更大的;B一个更大的;C表述错误;D一个大的;分析题干可知,bread (面包) 是不可数名词,常用表达为:a piece of bread (一片面包),更大的一片面包应用a b

40、igger piece, 与A项为相符。故选:Ao这块面包太小了。你有更大的一块吗?要在理解各个选项意思的基础上,根据具体语境,仔细分析,完成试题。4 .【答案】C【解析】答案:C.本题考查非谓语动词的用法.根据语境推测句意是”他们在尽力弄清楚世界上正发生着什么.”由 设空处前面的try判断此题考查句式”try t。do sth.尽力做某事”;所以选C.他们在尽力弄清楚世界上正发生着什么.本题考查非谓语动词的用法,抓住句中的关键词并联系相关的语法知识可得出正确的答案.平时 注意对此类短语或句式用法的总结与归纳.5 .【答案】C【解析】答案:C联系前后语境,根据be动词were和时间状语last

41、 Saturday,可知此句用的是一 般过去时态,问的是上周六的事情,是已经发生的事情,所以答语也应该用一般过去时来回答上 周六在哪里.由于答语中没有实义动词,所以用be动词即可;主语为I,是单数,所以be动词用 过去式形式为was.故选C.-你上周六在哪里?-我在首都博物馆.此题考查一般过去时的用法.做题的关键是联系语境并紧抓住表示时间的状语,判断出所需用的 时态;在此基础上运用相关的语法知识作答即可.要注意助动词要根据主语的变化而变化.6 .【答案】A【解析】根据句子结构,结合in ten miuntes可知句子使用了 there be结构的一般将来时态,其结 构是there is/are

42、 going to be+名词;there will be+名词。因此本题正确答案是A。故选:Ao十分钟后,我们班和三班之间将有一场篮球赛。本题主要考查there be结构的一般将来时的用法。7 .【答案】A【解析】already已经,用于肯定句;yet还,用于否定句或疑问句的句末;still还,仍然,用于肯 定句或疑问句的句中;alone单独地,用于句末。根据题干和语境,可知在be动词的后面,句子 是肯定句,意为”那位女演员已经50岁了,但是她看起来比她的实际年龄年轻得多。”因此用副词 already o 故选:Ao那位女演员已经50岁了,但是她看起来比她的实际年龄年轻得多。辨析副词的含义和

43、位置,结合语境,给出答案。8 .【答案】B【解析】分析句式,题干是if引导的条件状语从句,其主从句常遵循主将从现原则,即主句用 一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态表将来;再结合语境,第一空是从句谓语,应用一般现在时 态,即dont符合语境;第二空是主句谓语,应用一般将来时态,即wont符合语境。故选:Bo如果你不帮助别人,其他人也不会帮助你的。此题考查if引导条件状语从句的用法。解答时,要掌握其“主将从现“原则,再根据语境分析主从 句谓语的时态,最后结合选项正确作答。11-20.【答案】B、A、D、B、A、B、C、C、A、B【解析】(1)动词辨析。A.告诉,B.带,C.叫做,D.带来,结合句意,

44、金先生他家人去人民 公园,可知他带家人去公园。故选B。(2)名词辨析。A.早上,B.下午,C.晚上,D.深夜,根据They got up early (他们早早起床。)可 知他们早上去了人民公园。故选A。(3)名词辨析。A.饭,B.晚饭,C.午饭,D.早饭,根据They got up early (他们早早起床。)可知 他们吃早饭。故选D。(4)介词辨析。A.在上面,B.通过,C.和,D.在里面,by car乘坐汽车,介词短语。故选B。(5)名词辨析。A.人们,B.汽车,C.公交车,D.风筝,结合句意,公园里有很多,可知公园 里有很多人。故选A。(6)动词辨析。A.看见,B.爬,C离开,D.找

45、到,结合句意,莉莉公园中间的小山,可知是 爬山。故选B。(7)介词辨析。A.在后面,B.之后,C.和,D.之前,结合句意,露西一些其他孩子放风 筝,可知用with表示伴随。故选C。(8)名词辨析。A.时间,B.家,C.工作,D.游戏,根据after Gve days,可知是五天的工作后很累。 故选C。(9)名词辨析。A.休息,B.看,C.奔跑,D.游泳,根据Mr.King and his wife were tired (金先生和 他的妻子很累。)可知他们在树下休息。故选A。(10)形容词辨析。A.难的,B.好的,C.长的,D.短的,have a goot time玩得开心,动词短语。 故选B

46、。本文主要讲了周六金一家人去公园里放松的经历。通读全文,理解文章大意,掌握选项的含义,紧密结合上下文和句意判断空格处词义,选择正确 的选项,完成后再次阅读查看语意是否正确。2125,【答案】D、A、D、C A解析】(1) D.细节理解题。根据 It tells us that we must go to bed early anc get up early in the morning.Then we shall be healthy.它告诉我们晚上必须早睡早起。那我们就健康了。可知如果我们 想要健康,我们必须保持健康。故选D。(2) A.细节理解题。根据 Children of young

47、age should have ten hours1 sleep every night.可矢口幼儿每 晚应睡10小时。小孩子应该每天睡10个小时。故选A。(3)D.细节总结题。根据 Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work well and they may not be healthy.睡眠不足的孩子不能很好地学习,他们可能也不健康。可知如果孩子们没有足够的 睡眠,他们就不会很好地学习;保持聪明和健康。故选D。(4) C.细节理解题。根据The body also needs exercise.可知身体也需要锻炼。故选C。(5) A.细节判断题。根据Exercise helps us to think better.可知锻炼让我们更好的思考。应是肯定 回答。故选A。文章主要是从睡眠吃饭到运动讲述了如何保持身体健康。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除 法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文,核对答案。2629.【答案】D、C、A、B【解析】51.答案:D.细节理解题.根据第一行You can go on a bus, or in a tra


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