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《2021-2022学年河北省石家庄市栾城区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年河北省石家庄市栾城区八年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、202L2022学年河北省石家庄市栾城区八年级(上)期末英语试1.TedBillJob1LA teacherCharacter (性格)Outgoing and athletic(2) and seriousHow to go to workByBy subwayWhat to do tomorrowHave a (4) trainingGo to the concert with his (5)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2. -Hi,Emma. Can you come to my party?-( )A. Yes,pleaseB. Youre welcomeC. Thats right

2、D. Sure,Id love to3. -Look at my new smart phone.-Wow,its so cool! When and where _ you it?()A. do.buyB. have,bought C. did,buyD. have,had4. Why do people in foreign countries use umbrellas in the sun?-Because they enjoy the sunshine.()A. sometimes B. hardlyC. usuallyD. often5. 一Mark won the basketb

3、all game again.一Yes.I think no one can do than him.()A. worseB. betterC. worstD. best6. Wail for a moment,! have to tell you.()A. something interestingB. interesting somethingC. anything interestingD. interesting anything7. Those people play a role in the winner.这个男孩编造了他上课迟到的原因。要抓出关键词结合句意选择合适的一项。10

4、.【答案】B【解析】根据题干,川知考查there be句型的一般将来there will be或者there is/arc going to be.由 题干中的a tennis game,可知是单数。故选:Bo明天有一场网球比赛。让我们去为我们的队加油吧。熟悉there be句型的用法,结合题意,给出答案。11 .【答案】D【解析】答案:Do考查否定句。句意”如果我不完成作业,我妈妈就不让我玩电脑游戏。”.if引 导的条件状语从句时态上遵循主将从现的形式,因此主句用一般将来时态,否定形式是wont,后 用动词原形let。答案是D。如果我不完成作业,我妈妈就不让我玩电脑游戏。考查否定句。通常是在

5、be动词,情态动词后加not。一般现在时态,主语不是第三人称单数用dont, 主语是第三人称单数用doesnto 一般过去时态用didnto还有其它用法需要牢记。1221.【答案】D、A、C、B、C、A、D、C、B、A【解析】(1)形容词辨析。A短的:B老的;C年轻的;D长的。根据上句We can use robots in many different places now (我们现在可,以在许多不同的地方使用机器人。)but转折,可知句意:但是 机器人的历史并不长。故选D。(2)形容词辨析。A更强的;B强D的;C强;D最强的。根据下句faster and clever than peopl

6、e. (比人更快更聪明。)可知句意:这些电影当中的机器人比人又壮又快又聪明。故选A。(3)动词辨析。A 制造;B 带走;C 使用;D 做。Robots can do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs (机器人可以做许多危险、困难或枯燥的工作。)可知是使用;句意:在真实生活当中 人们在工厂大部分时间使用机器人。故选C。(4)名词辨析。A动物;B.人;C机器;D老师。根据常识可知:机器人能为人们做许多危险的、 无聊的或者困难的工作。故选B。(5)名词辨析 o A 工作;B 学习;C 生活;D 道路。根据 For example, some blind

7、 people use dogs to help themselves.(例如,一些盲人用狗来帮助自己。)可知是口常生活;句意:一些人不能照 顾自己,但机器人能在日常生活中帮助他们。故选C.(6)动词辨析。A 走;B 站;C 坐;D 停下。根据 some blind people use dogs to help themselves (一 些盲人用狗来帮助自己。)句意:例如一些盲人使用狗来帮助他们四处走。故选A。(7)动词辨析。A展示;B告诉;C看;D帮助。根据上句例如一些盲人使用狗来帮助他们四处 走,可知句意:现在科学家正在制造一种机器人来帮助这些人。故选D。(8)名词辨析。A 学校,B

8、工厂,C 医院,D 公司。根据 Atone hospital, a robot takes meals from (he kitchen (o sick peoples rooms.(在一家医院,机器人从厨房把饭菜送到病人的房间。)可知是 医院;故句意:在美国的一些医院里,人们也使用机器人。故选C。(9)动词辨析。A 发现,B 丢失,C 来,D 去。because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.(因为它的电脑系统里有医院的地图。)loseonesway迷路,句意:它从来不迷路。故选B。(10)考查副词。A从不;B总是;C

9、有时;D通常。根据第一段We can use robots in many different places now, but robots dont have a long history (我彳门现在可 以在 许多不同的地方使用机器人,但机器人没有历史。)可知句意:在未来,机器人永远不会代替人 类工作。故选A。本文主要讲述了机器人的故事。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除 法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。2223.【答案】A、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据 Some old people keep pets because the

10、y dont live with their children. (有些老人养宠物是因为他们不和孩子住在一起。)可知,是因为他们不和自己的儿女住在一起。故选A。(2)标题归纳题。根据第一段Now a lol of people keep animals as pels (宠物).(现在很多人都养 动物当宠物。)以及第二段 Molly lives in No.25 Garden Street.He is a doctor,but he helps dogs.Pcoplc usually call him The Dog Doctor. (Molly 住在花园街 25 号。他是一名医生, 但他帮助

11、狗。人们通常叫他狗狗医生。)可知,本文主要讲述了很多人喜欢养宠物以及受欢迎的 狗狗医生一一Molly。所以本文的标题为“宠物和狗狗医生”。故选C。本文介绍了很多人喜欢养宠物的原因以及受欢迎的狗狗医生一一Mollyo答阅读题时,先弄清楚短文的主旨大意和文章的脉络,然后在文章中找到对应的信息,再和选项 作对比,得出正确答案。2426.【答案】A、D、C【解析】细节理解题.(1) A.根据 Welcome to our school talent show. It starts at 4: 00 pm next Monday at the gym.欢迎来 到我们学校的才艺表演秀,该才艺秀将于下周一下

12、午4点在体育馆开始.可知,才艺秀在下周一 举行,故选A.(2) D.根据 Im having a birthday party at 6: 00 p.m next Friday at my house.我下星期五下午 6 点 在家里开生日派对.可知,这个生日聚会是在杰克的家里举行,故选D.(3)C.根据Well play games, sing songs and so on.我们会做游戏、唱歌等.可知,在圣诞晚会上, 戴维德可以玩游戏和唱歌,故选C.本文章主要讲述了星期一那天戴维德收到了三份请柬,并分别说明了这三份请柬的主要内容.首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,

13、然后明确词意,结合排除 法逐一选出答案.最后再通读全文,核对答案.2731.【答案】B、C、B、A、D【解析】(1) B.细节理解题.根据第二段和最后一段lam heavier than you saw me last year,and Im even the heaviest in my class now.Im the shortest of all the boy students in my class.我比你去年看到的 我还重,现在我甚至是班上最重的。我是我们班所有男生中最矮的。可知杰克矮和重.故选B.(3) C.细节理解题.根据第二段 I won the first prize a

14、t the swimming race last week.我在上星期的 游泳比赛中得了第一名,可知,杰克上周获得了游泳一等奖,故选C.(4) B.细节理解题.根据第三段 Summer is the best season to swim. Its also my favorite season. 夏天是游泳的最佳季节。这也是我最喜欢的季节,可知,Jack最喜欢夏天,故选B.(5) A.词义猜测题.根据第二段 So Mom wants me to go on a diet. Vegetables are good for my health,bin meat isnt所以妈妈想让我节食。蔬菜对

15、我的健康有好处,但肉就不好了,可知,goon a diet指节食的意思,故选A.(6) D.推理判断题.根据第三段 For example, I jump rope for thirty minutes every day and go swimming every weekend.例如,我每天跳绳三卜分钟,每个周末去游泳。可知,从文章中,我们 不能推断出Jack每天游泳30分钟,故选D.文章主要是是一封Jack写给他姨妈Emma的书信。做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断 也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确的答案.32 .【答案

16、】【小题l】F【小题2】T【小题 3 lucky money【小题 4 The coming of Chinese New Year.【小题5】春节是一年中最重要的节日。【解析】(1)细节判断题。根据第二段 Cleaning the house means saying goodbye to the old”.(打 扫房子意味着告别”旧,)可知打扫房子意味着好运的说法错误。故填F。(2)细节判断题。根据第三段The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together.Everyone in th

17、e family must goto this feasl .(新年盛宴是一个特殊的晚餐,所有的家庭成员都聚在一起。家里的每个人都 必须去参加这个宴会。)可知新年盛宴是一个特殊的晚餐,所有的家庭成员都聚在一起的说法正 确。故填T。(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段This is the money given to children by their parents and grandparents as a New Yeargift.The money is believed to bring good luck to (he children, so it is named lucky mon

18、ey.(这是父母 和祖父母送给孩子的新年礼物。这些钱被认为会给孩子们带来好运,因此被命名为“压岁钱“。可 知父母和祖父母给他们的孩了压岁钱,会带来好运。故填lucky money。(4)细节理解题。根据第四段 The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.(第一 声钟声意味着中国新年的到来。)可知第一声钟声意味着中国新年的到来。故填The coming of Chinese New Year。(5)英译汉题。Chinese New Year 中国新年;most important 重要的;festival 节口。the

19、year一年 中。故填中国新年是一年中最重要的节日。本文主要介绍了中国新年的一些风俗。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确同意,结合排除 法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文,核对答案。33 .【答案】【小题l】my【小题2】works【小题3】a【小题4 oo【小题5】best【小题6】in【小题7 arc【小题8 places【小题9】of【小题10 taller【解析】(1)考查代词。句意:哈尔滨是我的家乡。根据hometown可知,此处要填I的形容词 性物主代词my (我的)。故填my。(2)考查动词。句意:现在我在上海学习,因为我的父亲在这里工作。描述客观

20、事实用一般现在 时,主语my father是第三人称单数,主谓一致。故填works。(3)考查冠词。句意:上海是中国的一个大城市。根据is可知,此处是单数名词,big是辅音音 素开头的单词,表示一个用a。故填a。(4)考查副词。句意:上海的天气既不太热也不太冷。根据Its wann all the year round.(一年四 季都很温暖。)可知,不会太冷。故填1。(5)考查副词。句意:但是我最喜欢春天。like.best最喜欢,是固定句型。故填best。(6)考杳介词。句意:这里冬天从不下雪。in winter在冬天,固定搭配。故填in。(7)考查动词。句意:街上的车和人太多了。描述客观事

21、实用一般现在时;主语many cars (很 多车)是复数,所以be动词要用are。故填are。(8)考查名词。句意:有很多很棒的地方可以参观。many+复数名词,表示”许多.”可知,此处 填place的复数形式。故填places。(9)考查介词。句意:每年都有许多游客来这里。lots of许多,是固定搭配。故填。f。(10)考查形容词。句意:它比许多其它的都高。根据than可知,此处用tall的比较级形式。故 填 tallero本文主要介绍了上海。题FI考查学生对语法知识的掌握及对语篇的理解能力。做题时,要根据题干中的相关提示来确定 空缺处单词的词意及词性,然后考虑是否要对单词进行变形,从而

22、得出正确答案。34 .【答案】She decided to go shopping【解析】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为词陈述句,且为一般过去时态。She是主语;谓语动 词是 decided , decided (o do 决定做什么。go shopping 购物。故答案为:She decided to go shopping.她决定去购物。做连词成句这种类型的题,首先确定句子类型,如:陈述句、疑问句或感叹句等,然后根据所给 单词,明确主语、谓语等句子成分,在确定句意的前提下结合语法知识组合句子。35 .【答案】You are friendly as your sister【解析】根据所给的词

23、和标点,可知本题为陈述句,且为一般现在时态。You主语,are系动词。 friendly 表语,as your sister 状语。故答案为:You are friendly as your sister你和你姐姐一样友好。主要考查的是对句子意思的理解和对连同成句的掌握。36 .【答案】Teachers always encourage us to answer questions【解析】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为陈述句,且为一般现在时态。Teachers主语,always encourage 谓语,us 宾语。to answer questions 宾语补足语。故答案为:Teachers

24、 always encourage us to answer questions o老师总是鼓励我们回答问题。主要考查的是对句子意思的理解和对连词成句的掌握。37 .【答案】Everyone gave best wishes to him【解析】根据单词及标点提示可知,句子是陈述句。主语Everyone“每个人。谓语gave给二give sth to sb给某人某物固定搭配。sth用best wishes最好的祝愿代替。sb用him他代替。故答案为:Everyone gave best wishes to him.每个人都向他致以最良好的祝愿。此题知识点是考查连词成句。首先要判断句式,然后选择

25、相应的主语、谓语、宾语等结构。再考 虑一些固定搭配等,注意不要少词。38 .答案What was Maria doing at this time yesterday【解析】根据单词及标点提示可知,句子是特殊疑问句,疑问词What什么”开头,后跟一般疑问 句,was提前。主语Maria玛丽亚。was doing正在做现在进行时态。al ihis lime yesterday昨天 这个时候”作状语。故答案为:What was Maria doing at this time yesterday?昨天这个时候玛丽亚在干什么?考查连词成句,首先看标点符号,粗略地看看词,把固定搭配放在一起。根据句子意

26、思再细致地 连。检查词数,单词拼写是否有误,主要是抓住核心短语,主语,谓语等。39 .【答案】【小题1】My Plan for the Coming School Term The new school term is coming.Here are my plans.FirstlyI think a good beginning is half done.I will study hard to get good grades at school.I will never waste my time again.You know Franklin said, Never leave (hat

27、 until (omorrow, which you can do today.高 分句型一I will do it as these words of Franklin.Secondly,I will help my mother with (he housework at home.Because I need (o learn how to take care of myself.T hirdly I will do more exercise (o keep healthy.I will have a wonderful school term.In a word, time is i

28、mportant,we should cherish time.So action is the only thing that I can do!【高分句型二【小题2】略【小题3】略【解析】【高分句型一】Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today.(谚语)【高分句型二】So action is the only thing that I can do! (that 引导的定语从句)能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。A. decideB.

29、 decidedC. decidingD. to decide8. What the future be like?In a word, our life will get better and better.()A. wasB. willC. isD. did9. The boy a reason for his being late fbr class.()A. made upB. stood upC. dressed up D. put up10. There_a tennis game tomorrow. Lets go and cheer our team on.()A. is go

30、ing to haveB. is going to beC. will haveD. will be have11. If I dont finish my homework, my mother me play computer games. ()A. letsB. will letC. doesnt let D. wont leiWe can use robots in many different places now, but robots dont have a (12)history.We usually see robots in the films.The robots in

31、these films arc (13), faster and clever than pcoplc.In real life, people (14) robots in factories most of the time.Robots can do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs for (15).Some people cant look after themselves but robots can help (hem in everyday。6).For example, some blind people use dogs to

32、 help themselves (17)around.These dogs are guide dogs.And now scientists are making a robot to (I8)these people.In the future, robot dogs may take the place of these guide dogs.And these robot dogs can help blind people to do many other useful things.People also use robots in some American。9).At one

33、 hospital, a robot takes meals from the kitchen(o sick peoples rooms.lt never (20)its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system (系统).In the future, robots will work in(21) take the place of human (人类).12. A. shortB. oldC.youngD. long13. A. strongerB. strongC. be strongD. strong

34、est14. A. makeB. takeC. useD. do15. A. animalsB. peopleC. machinesD. teachers16. A. workB. studyC. lifeD. way17. A. walkB. standC. sitD. stop18. A. showB. tellC. seeD. help19. A. schoolsB. factoriesC. hospitalsD. companies20. A. findsB. losesC. comesD. goes21. A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. usually

35、MMany people like animals.Now a lot of people keep animals as pets (宠物).Usually people like to keep dogs, cats, fish and other animals.Many young people keep animals because they think these animals arc interesting.Some old people keep pets because they dont live with their children.Molly lives in N

36、o.25 Garden Street.He is a doctor, but he helps dogs.Pcoplc usually call him The Dog Doctor.When their dogs get sick, they call him on the telephone.He goes (o the peoples houses and helps them.He gives the dogs the right medicine.Wherever (无论)he goes, he is always welcome.22. Why do old people keep

37、 pets? A. Because they dont live with their sons and daughters.B. Because they dont have children.C. Because they (hink animals are interesting.D. Because they like animals.23. What is the best title? A. Pets.B. A new pet store.C. Pets and a dog doctor.D. An interesting animal.NThis Monday, David go

38、t three invitations. Lets read and see.Hi David,Can you play (he piano? Are you good at dancing? Welcome to our school talent show. It starts at 4: 0() p.m next Monday at the gym. You can bring your friends if you like. Looking forward to your reply.SarahHi David,Im having a birthday parly at 6: 00

39、p.m next Friday at my house. Would you like to come? Itll be fun. Lots of people from my schoolare coming.Could you bring some fruit? Hope you can come. JackaHi David,Christmas is coming. Would you like to come to our Christmas partythis Sunday at the School Hall? The party will last from 9: 00 a.m

40、to11 : 00 a.m. Well play games, sing songs and so on. I think well have a good time. Will you write me back as soon as possible?Mary24. When is the school talent show? A. Next Monday. B. Next Friday. C. This Sunday. D. This Monday.25. Where will the birthday party be held? A. At the School Hall.B. A

41、t Davids house.C. At the gym.D. At Jacks house.26. At the Christmas party, David can.A. dance and play the pianoB. watch shows with friendsC. play games and sing songsD. make fruit saladoDear Aunt Emma.I was so happy to get your letter yesterday.I am heavier than you saw me last yeanand Im even the

42、heaviest in my class now. So Mom wants me to go on a diet. Vegetables are good for my health.but meat isnt. Now I eat more vegetables but less meat and do more exercise than before. For example, I jump rope for thirty minutes every day and go swimming every weekend. By the way,I am the best swimmer

43、in my class. I won the first prize at the swimming race last week.Dad often takes me to the beach in summer. Summer is the best season to swim. Its also my favorite season. Summer is coming. It is getting hotter and hotter. Would you like to go swimming with us when you come back to Dalian this summ

44、er? It will be fun.Of course,to me,getting taller is important,too.I am only 150 cm (all now.Im (he shortest of all the boy students in my class. Rope-jumping will help me to become taller than I am now. Hope to see you soon. LoveJack27. Jack is.A. tall and thinB.short and heavyC. (all and heavyD.me

45、dium build and height28. Jack won the first prize at last week.A. the talent showB.the rope - jumpingC. (he swimming raceD.(he beach volleyballgame29. Jack likes best.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter30. The underlined phrasego on a dietmeans.A.饮食控制B.加强营养C.调节胃口D.补充能量31. From the passage,we cant i

46、nfer (推断).A. Jack lives in Dalian with his familyB. Aunt Emma wrote a letter to Jack beforeC. Jack wants io lose his weight and get tallerD. Jack goes swimming for thirty minutes every day.Chinese people celebrate (庆祝)the festival in different ways.But their wishes are almost the same: They all wish

47、 (heir families and friends good health and good luck for (he coming year.Here are some Chinese New year activities.*House cleaningCleaning ones house before New Years Eve is a veiy old tradition (传统).Cleaning the house means saying goodbye to the old.This is also a kind of good wish for luck and fo

48、rtune (财运).*New Year Feast (年夜饭)The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together.Everyone in the family must go to (his feast. A her the feast, families sit together and doshousui.This means staying up late or all night on New Years Eve to wait for the New Year to come. Wa


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