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1、八年级上册Unit8课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 1一、词组翻译。1.把-拖洗干净 2.跟我回家 .杀死成千上万的人 4.输掉决赛 5,撞上一棵树 6.把-冲走 ,引发大火 8 .从树上跌下9 .使他的腿受伤 10.自然灾害 二、词汇运用。1. This unit is about(nature) disasters.2. Who m up the floor in your home ?3. Its said that over ten people died in the car(事故).4. My grandpa(fall) down when crossing the roa

2、d. Luckily, a boy helped him.5. L starts big fire in classroom building.6. The(地震)happened last week and killed thousands of people.三、翻译句子。1 . 一辆汽车撞到墙上,但没有人受伤。2 .地板上全湿了,谁来把它拖干净?3 .我的朋友昨天从自行车上跌下弄伤他的手臂。4 .这次事故死了数以千计的人。四、完形填空。May 20th, 1992Dear Ann,ril be away fbr the next few weeks. I will leave here

3、_l_month on the 5th and will be _2_ here towards the end of the month on the 29th. Tm going to _3_ fbr a short holiday. On the _4_ ril stop for one night in Rome, but unluckily, I will not have time to _5_ in Paris. Tm going to see my brother John. John _6_ in London with a big company, he and his f

4、amily _7_ going to _8_ me at London airport. I havent seen them fbr nearly one year. My brother and his family invited me to stay in their London house. If there is _9_ time, we might drive up to Scotland to see a friend of _10_. She is studying there at a university. I hope we will also have time t

5、o _11_ the birthplace of Shakespeare (莎士 比亚). I will _12_ you a postcard as soon as I _13_ there.YoursWith all my love and best wishes.()1.A. this()2.A. return()3.A. China()4.A. road()5.A. work()6.A. teaches()7.A. is()9.A. enough()10.A. me()11.A. visit()12.A. write()13.A. leaveB. lastB. awayB.JapanB

6、. wayB. studyB. playsB. areB. passB. littleB. mineB. callB. bringB.rushC. nextC. backC. AmericaC. morningC. stayC. worksC. wasC. meetC. noC. himC. goC.sendC. fly参考答案D. thatD. goingD. EnglandD. afternoonD. liveD. comesD. wereD. takeD. lessD. hisD. comeD. askD. arrive一、1. mop up一、1. mop up2,go home wi

7、th me3. kill thousands of people4. lose final 5. crash into a tree 6. wash away 7. catch/start big tree8. fall from a tree 9. hurt his legs 9. natural disaster二、1. natural 2. mops 3. accident 4. fell 5. lightning 6. earthquake三、1. A car crashed into the wall, but nobody was hurt.9. The floor is all

8、wet. Who will mop it up?10. My friend fell from a bike and hurt his arms yesterday.11. The accident killed thousands of people./Thousands of people died in the accident.四、CCDBC CBCAB ACD八年级上册Unit8课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 2一、词组翻译。1 .使-平静 2.一阵轻微的震动.快速跳动 4.恐惧地5 .四处逃散 6.片刻的恐惧.自 言自 语 8.通过慢慢拉 自 己二、词汇运用。1. We f

9、elt a slight(shake) before the earthquake happened.2. The lift broke down and we were(trap).3. The man rushed into the house and saved those womens(life).4. He(read) English when I walked past his house yesterday.5. He thought and thought. Finally, a good idea came into his(头脑).5.1 always feel(紧张的).

10、When I speak to strangers.7. Dont speak so(大声),because the baby is sleeping.8. The old womans husband died for many years, but she is still(live).三、翻译句子。丁、没有人知道。下一步做什么及怎样做。2 .我的脑海闪过片刻的恐惧。3 .他告诉他自己要冷静。4 .我开始在黑暗当中慢慢地移动自己。四、任务型阅读。A lot of earthquakes happen in the world every year. Why do earthquakes h

11、appen? Scientists tell us the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates (板块).The plates move very slowly. Sometimes they stop and dont move for a long time. When some of the earths plates move suddenly, an earthquake happens.Many earthquakes happen under the sea. Sometimes they ha

12、ppen near mountains. In fact, earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth.During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even break open. Houses fall. People are killed or hurt. Sometimes whole villages or cities are destroyed.Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthqu

13、akes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show earthquake belts1*. In the areas in these belts, its possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we can make houses strong enough to stand against earthquakes.In the future, scientists will be able to predict (预言)exactly when a

14、nd where an earthquake will happen. They can tell us what to do and how to keep ourselves safe as well.根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 参考答案一、1. calm down 2. a slight shake 3. beat fast 4. in fear 5. run in all directions6. a moment of fear 7. say to oneself 8. pull oneself slowly throu

15、gh、1. shaking 2. trapped 3. lives 4. was reading 5. mind6. nervous 7. loudly 8. alive三、1. Nobody knows what to do next and how to do it.2.A moment of fear went through my mind.3.He told himself to calm down/to keep calm.4.1 started to pull myself slowly through the dark.四、1. many 2. slowly 3. sudden

16、ly 4.under5. anywhere6. rise 7. fall 8. whole 9. strong 10. exactly八年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 3一、词组翻译。1.像打雷的巨大噪声 2.惊恐地尖叫着 3.足够的空间 4.尽力向外跑5 .玻璃和砖头碎片 6.倒下来.寻找出路 8.陷入困境9 .听到人们兴奋的喊叫 10 看到明亮的日光二、词汇运用。1. Im afraid of walking alone in thewas frightened, but I told myself to (冷静)down.3. Keep (寂静的).Miss Yang

17、 is speaking.4. The plane is flying in the (方向)of Shanghai.5. Would you mind (wash) the dishes?-Of course not.6. When I found my poor dog under the ground, I tried(find) my way out.7. Liu Xing heard a (loudly) and strange noise.8. The (exciting) people all stood up and cheered for Lin Dan.三、翻译句子。当大楼

18、起火时,楼里的人向四面八方逃窜。2 .几个小时后,我尽力寻找出路,但没有成功。3 .当我平静下来的时候,我发现我被困在黑暗中。4 .当地震发生时,人们惊恐地尖叫着。四、短文填词。Typhoons in the northern part of the world have girfs names. Sometimes they have very (l)b names. Rose is a pretty name but there is (2)n pretty about Typhoon Rose. Itwas once the worst typhoon to have hit Hong

19、Kong for ten years.It (3)b to rain on the morning of Monday, August 16lh J971. At ten oclock thatmorning, Typhoon Rose was still 130 miles away but already the wind was blowing peoples umbrellas away. The wind became stronger and stronger. The typhoon shelter(避仅l港)were soon (4)f of boats. Ships that

20、 were too big to go inside the shelter put down (5)manchors(专菌).Some very big ships went out to sea. It is (6)s for a big ship to be at sea in atyphoon because it cannot be blown onto rocks. Kai Tak Airport closed. No (7)p were ableto take off or land. At 9:00 that evening, all the(8)l went out.No o

21、ne slept well that night. It is (9)d to sleep in such bad weather.In Typhoon Rose ,more than one hundred people died. 229 people were hurt and 66 of these had to go to hospital. 1,500(10)1 their homes. The people of Hong Kong will not forgetTyphoon Rose quickly.1. b 2. n 3. b 4. f 5. m6. s 7.p 8.1 9

22、. d 10.1参考答案一、1. a loud noise like thunder 2. scream in fear 3. enough space4. try ones best to run out 5, pieces of glass and bricks 6. come down7. find ones way out 8. be in trapped 9. hear shouts from excited people10. see the bright daylight二、1 .darkness 2.calm 3.silent 4.direction 5.washing 6.t

23、o find 7.loud 8.excited 三、1. The people in the building were running in all directions when it caught fire.2. Hours later, I tried to find my way out, but failed.3. When I calmed down, I found myself trapped in a dark place/in the dark.4. People were screaming in fear when the earthquake started.四、1

24、. beautiful2. nothing3. began4. full5. more6. safer7. planes8. lights9. difficult10. lost八年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 4一、词组翻译。场可怕的暴风雪 2 .步行去公交站台3 .马路的一边4 .等候出租车5 .出故障6.堆雪人二、词汇运用(用所给动词正确时态填空)。1.1(read) at 9:00 last night. What you(do) at that time?2. While Lily(wait) in line last evening, Mr. Smith(sta

25、nd) beside herMy mother(cook) when I(arrive) home yesterday.3. The boys (clean) the window while the girls (mop) the floor the whole morning yesterday.4. When we(hear) the bell for break, we(run) out of the classroom quickly.5. When the baby(see) her mother, she(stop) crying.6. The meeting(begin) at

26、 3:50 p.m. yesterday.7. When the teacher(come) in, the students(chat) with each other. 三、单项选择。()1.There was a big noise thunder outside the door.A. is like B. is likes C. like D. likes()2. An old woman in a tall building after the earthquake stopped.A. trapped B. had trapped C. was trapped D. traps(

27、)3. He shouted when he heard the news.A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excitedly; exciting D. exciting; excitedly()4. As a policeman, one should be able to stay when danger comes.A. nervous B. excited C. happy D. calm ()5.If you, I will.A. dont come; mop up itB. wont come; mop up itC. do

28、nt come; mop it upD. wont come; mop it up四、完型填空。Homesick is a compound (复合的)word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each j_ means on its own, of course. But do you know the meaning 2 they are used together? The definition (定义)of homesick is SICK FOR HOME. It means you miss your home. Now think

29、for a minute 3 SEASICK. If you change the word HOME in the definition to the word SEA, would the definition 4 SEASICK? Does seasick mean SICK FOR SEA? It means something quite . Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA. When you are 6 , the only place you want to be is at home. When you are sea

30、sick, 7 you want to be is at sea. Have you ever 8 a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesnt mean that something is wrong with a persons heart. People are heartsick when they are 9 deep inside as if (好像)their hearts are broken. And we also have other compound words, such as handshake and 10 . Perhap

31、s you may write definitions for them. It must be helpful to know something like this in your English study.()1. A. wordB. phraseC. sentenceD. passage()2. A. howB. whyC. whenD. where()3. A. forB. fromC. aboutD. like()4. A. get()5. A. right()6. A. homesick()7. A. the first place()8. A. thought over()9

32、. A. hurt()10. A. hobby()4. A. get()5. A. right()6. A. homesick()7. A. the first place()8. A. thought over()9. A. hurt()10. A. hobbyB. fitB. wrongB. heartsickB. the last placeB. thought outB.hitB. heightC.readC. sameC. seasickC. the only placeC. heard fromC. lovedC. heavenD. haveD. differentD. carsi

33、ckD. the safe placeD. heard ofD. movedD. handbag参考答案、1. a terrible snowstorm 2.walk to the bus stop 3. on the side of the road4. wait for a taxi5.break down 6.build/make a snowman二、1. was reading; were doing 2. was waiting; was standing 3. was cooking; arrived4. were cleaning; were mopping 5. heard;

34、 ran 6. saw; stopped 7. began8. came; were chatting三、CCCDC四、ACCBD ABDAD八年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 5一、词组翻译。1 .远离危险 2.撞上3.尽快出去 4.交通事故 5.打 110 6.着火7.回到大楼里 8.遵循交通规则 二、词汇运用。1. The snow(cover) the road after snowstorms.2. If you arent careful with the fire, it can be(danger).3. After being saved from the

35、deep hole, the little girl still felt(nerve).4. Youd better keep the fire(bum) in the evening.5. Lets meet at the (铁路)station.6.If our building is on fire, we should try to get out as soon as (可能的).三、翻译句子丁、在做饭之前,你应该将手放在冷水里大概10分钟。2 .我们应该做什么来保护自己。3 .遵守交通规则,远离交通事故。4 .昨天这个时候,他在设法尽快跑出去。四、阅读理解Maybe you kn

36、ow floods, droughts, earthquakes, sandstorms and so on. But have you ever heard of typhoons(台风)? Typhoons are some of the worst storms, usually around the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Most happen in July, August and September.How does a typhoon happen? When lots of sea water gets hot in th

37、e summer sun, it evaporates into the air. This makes the air hotter.When the air gets warm enough, it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then, cooler air around it rushes in. it fills the space that is left. After the air gets warmer, it starts to move quickly, making wind. The wind goes in circ

38、les, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves. And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second, a typhoon begins.A typhoon has two parts. One is called the eyel In the eye, the wind does not move so fast. The other part is the wall of clouds a

39、round the eye. This is where the strongest winds and hardest rains are.Typhoons are very dangerous. In 2004, Typhoon Yunnan killed 164 people in Zhejiang, and 24 people were missing. In May 2006, Typhoon Pearl hit Guangdong and Fujian, and thousands of houses were damaged.What to do when a typhoon h

40、itsStay inside. Close all the windows and stay away from them. Try to bring all of your things inside. Strong winds could even blow away your bikes! Listen to the radio or TV for important information. If youre told to go to a safer place, do so right away.()1. Typhoons often happen.A. in the hot se

41、ason B. in the cold season C. only in China D. under the sea ()2. When a typhoon comes , we cannot.A. close all the windows B. listen to typhoon newsC. stay outside with our bikes D. stay inside the strong house()3. This passage is mainly about.A. the knowledge of typhoonB. the eye of a typhoonC. th

42、e most dangerous typhoon Yunnan D. the names of typhoon参考答案2. crash into 3. get out as soon as possible6.on fire 7. go back into the building、1 .stay/keep away from danger4. traffic accident 5. call 1108.follow traffic rules、1. covered 2. dangerous 3.nervous 4.buming 5.rail way 6.possible1 .You shou

43、ld keep your hand in cold water for 10 minutes before cooking./you cook2 .What should we do to protect ourselves?3 .Follow traffic rules and stay away from traffic accidents.4 .At this time yesterday, he was trying to get out as soon as possible. 四、ACA八年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 8 Period 6一 词幺日翻连1 .苏到员在吹 2.在风

44、中 3.和我合用一把伞 4.清除雪5.在公共汽车站台等 6.车辆的噪音 7由于大雪8 一直下9:一阵强风10到达公共汽车站一二、词汇运用1. It will be a day tomorrow , I am afraid, (rain)Bad weather today. And it will be even tomorrow, (bad)2. The earth is covered with thick.It heavily last night and the weatherwas It9s still now. (snow)f you have time, you may help

45、me(clearly) the snow in front of the house.5. - Why did they run in the street ? -1 have no idea.(wild)Birds cant find food here and there, (easy)6. The snow kept(fall) for a whole day.7. What a strong wind it was(blow)!三、翻译句子一道暴风雪来临时,我们正在教室写作业。2 .我想和米莉合用一把雨伞。3 .在风当中,我差点摔倒。4 .因为下雪,我用了两个小时才到学校。四、书面表达

46、请根据下面提示,landslide (山崩)”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。提示:1.上周一早上,在连续下了两天大雨之后发生了山崩;.我和妈妈在家,爸爸下午回来,雨很大,他叫我和妈妈赶快带伞离开;2 .就在那时,房子开始摇晃,我们非常害怕,迅速跑开了;.第二天上午回家时,我们发现房子没有了,到处是碎玻璃和砖块,我们感到很伤心。参考答案一、1. hear the wind blowing 2. in the wind 3. share an umbrella with me4.clear the snow 5. wait at the bus stop 6. the noise of traff

47、ic 7.because of the heavy snow 8. keep falling 9.a strong wind 10. arrive at the bus stop二、1. rainy 2. worse 3. snow; snowed ; snowing; snowy 4. clear 5. wildly 6. easily7. falling 8. blowing三、1.1 was doing my homework in the classroom when the snowstorm came.2.1 shared an umbrella with Millie.3.1 nearly fell over in the wind.4.Because of the snow, I spent two hours getting to the school. 四、A landslideLast Monday morning, after two days heavy rain, a landslide happened.I was at home with my mother and then my father came back in the afternoon. It was rainin


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