译林版英语八年级上册 Unit8教案.docx

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1、课堂教学设计课题Unit 8 Natural disasters welcome to the unitperiod 1集体备课 和个人修改 意见教 时1课 型新授主备人备课时间J2月16日教 学维 目 标基础知识T 解初步了解与本单元主题相关词汇掌 握1司 5匚:natural accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder 词组: start to rain half an hour later lose the game kill thousands of能力 训练 过程 方法听说通过漫画引出自然灾害的话题。 初步接触过去进

2、行时。读能阅读本课的单词和comic strip写了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。情感 态度 价值观学会几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。教 学 四 点 纲 要教学重点词汇:natural accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder司组: start to rain half an hour later lose the final kill thousands of教学 难点disaster mop earthquake typhoon mop all the water up crash into a tree s课标点, 中考

3、点了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。.教 学 五 点 设 想1、让学生分角色表演对话。表演结束后给予鼓励和表扬。2、以自然灾害为话题,两人一组练习对话。3、教师也可以组织一个比赛,让学生用四到五句描述自然灾害。4、读读关于自然灾害的谚语。5、学生两人一组模仿对话教学过程及内容教师活动学生活动集体备课和个人修改意 见Step 1 Revision1. Check out the homework and ask some Ss to speak out the answers quickly and the reasons if necessary.2. T: Sometimes bad weat

4、her can cause natural disasters and can you tell us some?dry and sunny T drought heavy rain/rainstorm T floodlightning T fireStep 2 Presentation1. Ask the Ss to talk about their activities at about 8 oclock last night and then help them sum up the rules:(1) We use the past continuous tense to talk a

5、bout things that were happening for some time in the past.(2) I/He/She/It was (not) + V-ing formYou/We/They were (not) + V-ing form(3) was not = wasnt were not = werent2. T: Here are some pictures about what Simon/Kitty/. did yesterday. Would you please have a look and make some sentences with the p

6、ast continuous tense?3. Ask several individuals to talk the pictures and see if they are right.Step 3 Part A1. Go through the examples on Page 99 together with the Ss.2. Part Al: The Class 1, Grade 8 students are doing a project on natural disasters. Lets have a look at Kitty and Simons conversation

7、 in Part Al on Page 99 and find out what kind of natural disaster they are working on.Show some pictures and asksomequestionsSpeak outWork out the rulesPractice making sentences3. Ask the Ss to put all the above sentences into questions forms:(1) Was I/he/she/it + V-ing form?Yes, I/he/she/it was.No,

8、 I/he/she/it wasnt.(2) Were you/they/we + V-ing form Yes, you/they/we were.No, you/they we werent.4. Part A2: It was snowing this morning. Do you know what Simon was doing early this morning? What happened to him?5. After checking the answers, ask the Ss to read the dialogue aloud.Step 4 ExercisesI

9、(do) my homework in the classroom when Mr Wu(tell) us to go home early. I (share) an umbrella with Millie while we (walk) to the bus stop. A strong wind (come) from behind and we(lose) our umbrella. When we (get) to the bus stop, we could see many people (wait) there.Step 5 PresentationT: What was M

10、r Wu doing when the snowstorm came? (Help Ss answer: He was reading the newspaper when the snowstorm came./When the snowstorm came, he was reading the newspaper.) Underline when to get more attention.1. Pair work: Make a dialogue:A: (to B)What were you doing when the teacher came into the classroom?

11、 B: . (then to C) What were you doing when the teacher came into the classroom?C:.(then to D.)Show more sentences to the Ss: Simon was having breakfast whenReadquickly andcompleteEncourage students to make more sentences and work out the rules.Do the exercisesPracticemakingthe snowstorm came.Sandy w

12、as waiting for a taxi on the side of the road when Millie saw her.4. Introduce: While Simon was having breakfast, the snowstorm came. OR The snowstorm came while Simon was having breakfast.Then ask the Ss to change the above sentences with 6while9.5. To sum up the rules:Step 6 Exercises1. When I got

13、 home last night, Mum (watch) TV.2. Whatyou(do) at 9:00 p.m. last night?3. 当教师进教室的时候,同学们正 在写作业。Step 7 HomeworkFinish the Ex. On the EB.sentencesWork in pairs板Unit 8grammardiscussterriblebreaksnowballsnowmanhitprojectguidebook书search the Internet plan a trip to Tangshandiscuss. with.on the side of th

14、e road,设计drive you to school break downas usuala terrible snowstorm教学随笔教学反思课堂教学设计课题Unit8 Narural disasters Integrated skills period 4集体备课和 个人修改意见教时1课型新授主备人备课时间2021A12/16教 学维 目 标基础 知识了解1. 1 To extract key information about a traffic accident from listening2. To develop intensive listening skills3. To

15、 complete an accident report using the information through listening掌握To talk about traffic accidents and natural disasters能力 训练 过程 方法听说How to make emergency calls & Brainstorm with students the context to tell the police the place ,the No. of the victims ,the conditions of the victims读.To identify

16、specific information about natural disasters写To use words and sentences to describe traffic accidents and natural disasters情感 态度 价值 观Learn to how to make emergency calls & Brainstorm with students the context to tell the police the place ,the No. of the victims ,the conditions of the victims教学 四点 纲要

17、教学 重点1) condition, cover, caller, arrival, serious, victim2) weather conditions, cover the whole road, time of arrival, get worse, crash into, catch fire, send the victims to.教学难点1 . Learn the proper and easy ways to write something, Identify keywords.2 .To develop intensive listening skills课标 点1. L

18、earn the proper and easy ways to write something.2. To extract key information about a traffic accident中考 点1. Learn the proper and easy ways to write something.2. T To extract key information about a traffic accident from listening教学 五点 设想1.与学生就自然灾难话题进行交流。2老师呈现自然灾难的图片,让学生学习并描述3让学生描述自然灾难,并且说出原因。4把学生分

19、成四组,要求学生使用所学内容描述自然灾难,并说明 灾难和事故的原因.5 .学会描述自然灾难并知道在面临自然灾难和危险时如何应对.教学过程及内容教师活动学生活动集体备课和个人修改 意见Step 1 Pre-listening1. Tell students that bad weather can cause natural disasters sometimes and bring a lot of serious problems to us and today we will meet such a couple who suffered from bad weather.2. Show

20、a picture of Mr and Mrs Su. Ask some questions about it, e.g. Whafs the weather like? What has happened to them? Discuss the questions with students and present the new words: weather condition, cover, victim, caller, and hotline. Then explain the context of this section.3. Show a table and explain

21、this table is a police report. Ask students to look at it carefully and ask and answer questions about it with their partner. For example: When did the police get the call? Where did the accident take place?4. Tell them there is also an accident report from the 110 hotline. Ask them to open their bo

22、oks at page 102, complete part of the accident report form in Part Al with as much information as they can find in Part A2. Then check answers with the whole class.Step 2 While-listening.Play the tape and ask students to listen to the phone call between Mr Su and the officer of the 110 hotline. Then

23、 fill in the missing information in the accident report form in Part Al. Then check answers with the whole class.Step 3 Post-listening1. Tell students that Sandy read about Mr and Mrs Sus accident in the newspaper. She wants to tell herDiscuss and talkLook at the table and ask and answer in pairsLis

24、ten ande-friend Vivien about it. Ask them to help her complete her e-mail in Part A3 on Page 103. Then check answers together.2. Students read the e-mail together.Step 4 Speak upSay from Mr. Sus story, ask students to listen to a conversation between Sandy and Amy. They are talking about such a natu

25、ral disaster caused by bad weather. Then answer these questions:What happened to Viviens school last week?What caused that disaster?Was anybody hurt?1. Students read the conversation in pairs . Then invite some pairs to act it out in front of the class.Step 5 HomeworkFinish the Ex. On the EB1 Copy t

26、he new words and expressions and remember them.write downListen andanswerRead and actout板 书 设 计 教 学 反Unit8 Narural disasters Integrated skillsweather conditions time of arrival crash intosend the victims to.cover the whole road, get worse catch fire,cover caller arrival serious victim教学随笔课堂教学设计课题Uni

27、t 8 Natural disasters Study skills period 5集体备课和 个人修改意见教时1课型新授 主备人备课时间 2廿:12月16日教 学维 目 标基础 知识了解To develop an understanding of compound nounsTo guess the meanings of compounds and create new words.掌握granddaughter, grandson, weekday, headache, toothache, countryside, housework, pancake能力 训练 过程 方法听说能听懂

28、一些合成词读能够读懂含有合成词的相关的文章写能运用相关合成词来写一些简单的文章情感 态度 价值观To encourage the students to create more compound words教学 四点 纲要教学 重点To show the students how to create new words教学 难点To remember more words easily.课标点Remember words quickly by separating the compound words into two words.中考点compound words教学 五点 设想1复习对话设

29、计说明:通过师生间的问候,拉近彼此的距离,使学 生快速融入英语课堂。要求学生尽力想出更多的学过的合成词,从 而激发学生的背景知识,并为之后的知识输入做好铺垫。2教师板书同学们所说出的合成词,可以加强同学们对这些词的深 刻了解。3通过教材中的图片复习目标语言。另外,通过让学生自由讨论, 这样使英语对话更加完整,更加贴近实际,也为下一步骤的角色扮 演活动降低了难点,做了充分的铺垫,使学生感到有话可说。4通过合成词的学习,可以有效的提高学生对英语词汇记忆的兴趣。 另外,这也是老师对学生本节课所学知识的一种检测。5鼓励学生主动思维和大胆实践,开展自主学习能力。教学过程及内容教师活动学生活动集体备课和个

30、人修改意见Step 1 Presenting compoundsHello, class. Look at words homework9,教师提问学生回答football and bedroom here. They are formed by putting two smaller words together. Could you draw a line between the two parts of each word? Could you see the教师利用多 媒体出示图 片two individual words like home work that make up the

31、 compounds?Step 2 Finishing Part A教师板书这 些合成词鼓励学生 多说一些 合成词Now go on to complete the exercises in Part A on page 98 by combining the words to make compounds. Remember you will have to use hyphens in some cases.Step 3 Finishing Part B让学生看课 本P101,完成Its a good way to remember some compound words by separ

32、ating them into two parts. Now help Lily to divide the words into two parts on page 98 in Part B.Step 4 Playing a gameI will divide the class into two teams. I will练习两人小组 回忆记忆 更多词汇give each team an equal number of divided words and ask you to reassemble them to make compound words. The first team to

33、 assemble all their words conectly is the winner.教学生如何 去记忆单词Breakfast, anyone, railway, birthplace, siinshine, playgrouid, keyboard,afternoon, airportmooncake, homework, football, baskeball, eyesight,nothing, bedroom, schoolbagwildlife, weekend, sometimesStep 5 Doing additional exercises找出句中合成词并猜猜其含

34、义1. I dream about going to the moon by spaceship some day.2. When the people on the ship see a lighthouse, they know where to go.3. Evergreen trees have leaves all the time and stay green all year.4. If a near-sighted man lose his glasses, it is dangerous for him to drive.5. In summer, I like stayin

35、g in the open air and looking for the fireflies at night.Step 6 Homeworka. Read and learn these compound words by heart.b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.展示优秀作 品教师总结板 书 设 计Unit8 Natural disasters Study skillsgranddaughtergrandsonweekdayheadache,toothachecoun

36、trysidehouseworkpancake教 学 反 思教学随笔课堂教学设计课题Unit8 Natural disastersTaskperiod 6集体备课和个人修改意教时1课型新授主备人备课时间2021 年 12 月 16 EJ见教 学维基础 知识四会 内容share.with.tell us to go home earlyhear the wind blowingkeep falling around uscome from behindfall over,weather reportthe noise of traffic,clear the snow能力 训练听To learn

37、 to organize ideas for writing an article for the school newsletter过程 方法说To organize ideas for writing an article on a natural disastero目标读写To learn to organize ideas for writing an article on a natural disasterTo write an article about natural disasters情感 态度 价值 观To develop an understanding of the s

38、tructure of the letter: introduction, main body and conclusion教学 重点1 To help the students to prepare notes on their articles.2 To get the students to focus on how to write about the article about a natural disaster.教学 四点 纲要教学难点1 To make sure that the students can understand how to write for the scho

39、ol newsletter.2 To help the students to develop an understanding of the structure: introduction, main body and conclusion课标 点To make sure the students can talk about a natural disaster.中考 点To help the students to develop an understanding of the structure: introduction, main body and conclusion教学 五点

40、设想1复习对话设计说明:通过师生间的问候,拉近彼此的距离,使学生快速 融入英语课堂。2通过组织学生探究,讨论这个活动,可以把生活中的交际场合搬进课堂, 使课堂变为一种具体的社会父往环境,使教学过程成为教师与学生之间 的一个交际过程。这大大地增强了学生的兴趣。3听力环节让学生在听力交流中获得独特的体验,在亲身体验中生成新知 识,新经验,在体验中感悟语言。4小组探究合作可以激发学生的参与性,扩大参与面。5四人小组谈论自然灾难,使语言学习过程成为学生积极的情感体验, 主动思维和大胆实践,形成自主学习能力的过程。教学过程及内容教师活动学生活动集体备课和个人修改意见Step 1 Lead-inWarm-

41、up activities1 Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Allow Ss enough time to make sense of the comic strip: heavy rain-Hobo is wet and cold.一His house is wet. Try to elicit from Ss what might happened to Hobos house.2 Ask some open questions about each picture.* Whafs the weather like?* What

42、 happened to Hobo?* What do you think happened o Hobos house?* How does he fell at Eddies home?* Why doesnt he want to go home alone?* Will Eddie help him?Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.3 Elicit from Ss other bad weather conditions.Presentation1 Prepare Part A by providing

43、more vocabulary to help Ss understand headlines in English.2 Ask students to consider whether the disasters are natural and tick the appropriate boxes. Ss can do it individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Check the correct answers with the whole class and elicit a definition for

44、a natural disaster.4 Read the words in Part B and ask more able students to describe each教师提问教师利用多 媒体出示(1)布置自 学任务(2) 指导自学的 方法(3)明 确自学的要 求(4) 了解 他们自学中 的困难,教师巡视检 查引导学生去 思考、动脑放听力布置任务,小 组讨论自主学习 充分准备 阅读、思 考,对前面 的知识进 行迁移仔细听老 师的导入, 并且能发 现问题小组认真 讨论学习 自然灾难 的内容教学过程及内容教师活动学生活动集体备课和个人修改意见Step 1 Lead-in1. Explai

45、n the context. Sandy wants to write an article about a natural disaster教师提问学生结合所for the school newsletter. She wants to学知识进行write about the snowstorm that hit Beijing this week. Lets help her, OK?2. Show some pictures about the教师利用多媒回答snowstorm. Talk about them with the体出不whole class and encourage s

46、tudents to make some sentences according to these pictures and key words provided beside each picture.e.g. A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5th January.People shared umbrellas with others.Sandy and Millie lost their umbrella in the wind.People could only walk slowly in the引导学生探 索、交流学生描述自 然灾难snow.People were working hard


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