译林版英语八年级上册Unit8 教案.docx

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1、英语(八年级上册)Unit 8 Natural DisastersComic strip & Welcome to the unit1. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. name some common natural disasters fluently;2. talk about some common natural disasters and their results or effects.IL Teaching contentsN

2、ew words and phrases: disaster, mop, up, earthquake, thousands of, accident, coach, crash, flood, wash away, village, lightning, storm, thunder, catch fire;1. New structures: I was sleeping when it started to rain.IIL Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyTalk about natural disasters a

3、nd the bad effects in simple English.IV Teaching proceduresComic stripStep J Lead-inFree talk about the weatherT: A nice day, isnt it?S: Yes, its sunny and its neither cold nor hot.T: But it says the rain is around the corner.S: Oh, really? I hope it wont rain hard.T: I hope not. Or I will feel sad

4、because I am going to the Slender West Lake. Look, here comes Hobo. He looks sad. Whats happening?【设计意图:让学生Free talk天气,复习第七单元所学的有关天气的词汇,激发学生的学习 兴趣使学生很快进入角色,并引出话题为后面的学习做铺垫。1Step 2 PresentationRevise three key words-brick, glass, bombT: And we have already heard about his story. And I think you know t

5、hese three pictures very well.1. Describe the earthquakeT: I have three tasks for you to complete behind each picture. You can group yourselves into three groups and choose one to do.(1) Group Brick: say something about the earthquake according to the key words and phrases. After that think about th

6、is question: Why are people afraid?. happened at . At first, there was . like . Soon . the earth . and people .Outside . glass and bricks . Then the walls . Finally, .(2) Group Bomb: Make up a dialogue between you and Timmy.Ask about what he saw and heard during the earthquake. Try to ask as many qu

7、estions as you can. And after that think about this question: What do earthquakes bring us? You can use the following questions for the dialogue and you can think up more.Where were you when the earthquake started?Did you shout for help?Could you see anybody around you?(3) Group Glass: Describe Timm

8、ys feelingsFind out how Timmy felt during the earthquake and describe the changes of his feelings.If you were Timmy, do you know how to show your feelings while telling others the story?You can use the following words to help you in describing the changes of feelings.First , then .? nextafterwards f

9、inally .【设计意图:通过分组,让学生分别完成以下三个任务:通过叙述任务帮助学生回顾地震发 生的过程,并讨论人们为什么害怕;通过设计对话的任务复习Timmy在震中的所见所闻, 由此讨论地震的危害;让学生寻找反映Timmy的情感变化的词句并描述出来;指导学生有 感情地朗读课文。】Step 3 Language points(1) Explain the word and its usageT: Earthquakes are terrible and often cause problems. So we are afraid of them and that means we feel

10、fear. When people are feeling fear, they may look like this. And most of us will scream in fear during an earthquake and we know a moment of fear went through Timmys mind. Everyone may have/feel fear, but nobody wants to live in fear.(每个人都 会感到恐惧,但是没有人希望生活在恐惧中。)D。you agree?(2) Fill in the blanksMilli

11、e and Amy thought there was a ghost in the park, so they ran away quickly. Butwhen they knew it was just a little cat, they were not any more.2.shake(1) Explain the word and its usageT: If we have too much fear, our bodies may move quickly from side to side or up and down. Theres a word beginning wi

12、th s”, can you find it in the text? Yes, thafs “shake. The earth started to shake. Look, he is shaking with fear. Why? Is he shaking with fear, too? No, he is shaking with cold. And hes caught a cold. The doctor gives him some medicine. Before taking medicine, he should read the instruction first. L

13、ook. This means you should shake the bottle well before taking. After he gets better, he may shake hands with the doctor to show his thanks. The doctor may shake his head because he thinks it is his duty to help the patients.(2) Make sentencesT: Here are another two sentences with “shake”.At first,

14、I felt a slight shake. Finally, the noise and shaking ended.In fact, an earthquake is a sudden and wild shaking/shake of the earth.These two words here, “shake and shaking,are both nouns.3. calmExplain the word and its usageT: Now we know when people are in fear, they may shake with fear, they dont

15、know what to do and they may scream in fear or run in all directions. They just want to find a way out. But do you think it is right to run in all directions during an earthquake? I think we should try to calm down. Making ourselves less afraid or excited will help us find a way out. Doyou think its

16、 important for us to keep calm in danger? Sometimes you can have some milk to calm yourself down, especially when you cant sleep.4. ifExplain the word and its usageT: Timmy tried his best to calm down, but he still felt afraid. You know why? Because he didnt know if anyone else was near him. Was the

17、re anyone near him? Maybe there was someone else near him, or maybe not. We are not sure about this. But, if there was somebody else near him, he might not be so afraid. Right? Sometimes when we are alone in the dark, we may feel afraid, just like Timmy. But I think we should be brave. We should kno

18、w this: if we are not brave enough, nobody can help us.5. was/were + doing(1) Explain the usage of past continuous tense.T: I think Timmy knows this very well. You can see this in Para.4. He did lots of things. And as he was trying to find his way out, something good happened. What was it?(2) Make m

19、ore sentences and work out the ruleT: Can you find some more sentences with the -ing” form and words like when and “while”? Can you work out the rule?(3) Translate the following sentences.T: Please translate the following sentences into English.【设计意图:通过创设语境,讲解并操练重点语言点。可能的情况下让学生提出他们不懂的, 并尝试让学生自己来解释。】

20、Step 4 Practice1. Rewrite the following passsageT: After the earthquake Timmy wrote something. Lefs try to change the underlined parts.When something bad happens, most people will shout loudly because they are very afraid. They think there may be no others around them. So they may move their bodies

21、from side to side. Some people may go here and there quickly and wildly. But I think it is good not to be too afraid or nervous.T: What did Timmy do after he was trapped?3. Fill in the blanksT: Actually Timmy did a lot of things to help himself. Lefs try to find them out.【设计意图:通过让学生寻找反映Timmy在地震中、尤其是

22、受困后的所作所为的句子,巩 固课文内容,并为讨论其获救的原因做铺垫。】Step 5 Extension1. Think and discussT: Timmy was safe at last. Is it only because he was lucky?T: Timmy has learned a lot from the earthquake. He wants to tell others what to do during an earthquake. If you were Timmy, what ideas do you want to give us?2. Think and

23、 judgeIs it safe to run fast during an earthquake?Is it a good idea to jump out of the window if the building starts to shake?Which part of the house is the best place to hide in?Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm?Is it safe to hide under a big tree during a rainstorm wit

24、h thunder and lightning?3. Oral workSuppose you survived the earthquake. Please tell us about your story. The following questions may help you:What happened?When did it happen?Where were you and what were you doing at that time?What did you see/hear/do?How did you feel?How were you safe?【设计意图:通过讨论注意

25、事项,进一步强化学生应对灾难的知识。通过选择场景使学生了 解“不同的地点,自救的方式可能不同”,增强学生的自我保护意识。让学生想象一次自己 在自然灾害中的经历,鼓励学生使用本课所学的语言点进行口头讲述,达到学以致用的目 的。】V. Homework1. Learn the new words and phrases by heart;Try your best to retell the story about Timmy;2. Write 4 Dos and 4 Donts during an earthquake in the exercise book;Suppose you survi

26、ved the earthquake and write down your story.英语(八年级上册)Unit 8 Natural disastersGrammarL Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use the past continuous tense to talk about things that were happening at a particular time in the past;use conjunctions

27、 of time “when, while, as“ to talk about things.IL Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: break down, because of;1. New structures: I was sleeping when the earthquake started.Outside, people were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.Hours later, as I was tryi

28、ng to find my way out, I suddenly heard some noise above me.IIL Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyIntroduce the structure of the past continuous tense;1. Tell the differences between when, while, as”.IV. Teaching proceduresA Past continuous tenseStep 1 Lead-inShow some pictures of

29、the Taiwan Earthquake, and ask three questions:What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?What were people doing while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down?What did Timmy suddenly hear as he was trying to find his way out?1. Watch a video and then answer a questionWhat were people doin

30、g when the earthquake happened?【设计意图:有目的、有意识地导入,既复习了阅读部分的内容,同时引导学生思考过去进 行时态。】Step 2 Presentation1. Ask the students to read the sentences on the screen to discover the ruleT: Today we will be learning about the past continuous tense. Please work in pairs. Read these sentences and try to find out the

31、 rule.2. Circle the verbs in the past continuous tenseWork out the rule(1) Explain the structure of the past continuous tense.(2) Explain the usage of the past continuous tense.【设计意图:采用归纳教学法,让学生自己发现语法规则更符合学生现有的学习能力,也便 于学生记忆与运用。】Step 3 Practice1. Make sentencesAsk the students to watch the pictures a

32、nd make sentences.The boys were playing football at 4 p.m. yesterday.The woman was shopping at this time yesterday.The girl was reading the whole night yesterday.2. Change sentencesGet the students to put the three sentences into negative, general questions and make responses.3. Complete Part A on P

33、age 97【设计意图:针对前面的讲解进行练习。】Step 4 ExtensionGet the students to complete some questions on the entrance examinations.1. Compare the past continuous tense with the present continuous tense and the simple past tense.【设计意图:通过选取中考题中与过去进行时相关的部分,帮助学生弄清楚过去进行时与现 在进行时和一般过去时的区别。】B Using when, while and asStep 1

34、PresentationExplain the usage of when, while, as”T: They all mean during the time that“ and can be used to introduce a long action that started before a short action.1. Explain the differences between “when”, “while, and “as”If the longer action is in the main clause, we often use when to join them.

35、When there are two long actions, we often use “while”.“As” can also be used to join two short actions that happen at the same time.【设计意图:使学生理解三个连词的共同点和各自的不同点。】Step 2 Practice1. Fill in the blanksGet the students to fill in the blanks with “when”,“while or “as”.2. Complete Part B on Page 98【设计意图:帮助学生

36、学会正确使用“when”,“while”和“as。】Step 3 ActivityDo a surveyGet the students to complete the survey with their own information.1. Look and answerGet the students to watch the pictures and answer the questions.2. Look and sayGet the students to watch the picture and make dialogues in pairs.【设计意图:创设活动,鼓励学生参与,

37、激发学生兴趣,使学生能够根据实际情况做出真实 的回答。】V. Homework1. Review grammar learned in this class;Preview Integrated skills.英语(八年级上册)Unit 8 Natural DisastersIntegrated skillsL Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know what phone number to dial for help;get the us

38、eful information while listening and develop listening skills;2. talk about first aid in simple English;know how to protect themselves.II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: as . as possible, towel, railway, protect oneself from, stay low to the ground, follow traffic rules, burn;1. New structu

39、res: Try to get out as soon as possible.Hide under a strong desk or table to protect yourself.Cover the burn with a clean towel.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyUse the important words and phrases correctly and fluently;1. Talk about first aid in simple English and know what

40、to do first to deal with some accidents.IV. Teaching proceduresA Away from dangerStep 1 Lead-inWatch a short video about fire.T: This year I saw a fire. This is the first time in my life I saw fire with my own eyes. And I kept it in my QQ zone. Please have a look. Can you guess my feeling at that ti

41、me?T: Yes, I was nervous and frightened. My heart was beating fast and my hands were shaking. Did I just stand aside and watch it burning? Of course not. I made some phone calls. At first I called 120 for help. They told me they would go there quickly and they advised me to call 119. You know the di

42、fference between 120 and 119?T: Yes, if a building is on fire, we should dial 119 for help. If someone is hurt, we should dial 120 for help. But at that time I was too nervous and I had mixed feelings about what phone to call first. So you see when something unusual happens, the most important thing

43、 for us to do is to keep calm and then try to find a way out.【设计意图:通过和学生讨论自己的亲身经历,让学生对我国一些特殊的电话号码有认识, 同时引导学生认识到保持冷静、伸出援手的重要性。】Step 2 Presentation1. Help students to know some more important phone numbersT: Look. My friend asked me if I dialed 911 by mistake. What is 911 for? It is a number in the US

44、A. If something bad happens, for example, you see someone fall into the river and you can dial 911 for help. But here, I think my friend is just playing a joke on me. There is only one emergency phone number in America to call for all emergencies, 911. But in China, we have 120 for hospital and 119

45、for fire.T: Do you know what are 120 and 122 used for? Now I think its easy fbr you to match thephone numbers with the right pictures.2. Pair workT: Can you say something or make a dialogue about each picture? Here is an example for you.A: Look, the building is on fire!B: Dont worry about that. Lets

46、 dial 119 for help.3. Think and discuss(1) Watch some pictures and discussT: When we are in danger or we see someone in danger, we should choose the coirect phone number to dial for help. If we take the right actions quickly, accidents may not cause too much damage. I think you know what to do durin

47、g an earthquake. What about the following situations? Suppose we happen to be in a building on fire or in a flood. After dialing for help, should we just stay there and wait for help?(2) Watch a short video and discussT: Do you think its safe to walk on railways? What may cause traffic accidents?4.

48、Listen and complete the notesT: We are going to have a talk called Avvayfrom danger. It9s necessary for us to take some notes. Lets read the form and see if we know some before listening.T: Here are some tips for listening.5. Listen again and fill in the blanks in A3Group workT: You must have learnt a lot from the talk. You see, not all the classes attended the talk. So its your job to tell some other classes about ways of keeping safe from danger. Make dialogues about the talk and try to show


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