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《阅读理解-浙江省2022年各市中考英语真题分题型分层汇编(共36题).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《阅读理解-浙江省2022年各市中考英语真题分题型分层汇编(共36题).docx(114页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、02阅读理解-浙江省2022年各市中考英语真题分题型分层汇编一.人物故事类阅读(共8小题)1. (2022丽水)If you fancy a fun and free activity at the weekend, then a Parkrun event is great for you, your family and friends. More than 2. 5 million people in about 750 places around the world have run, jogged, walked or used a wheelchair to complete a

2、Parkrun since it started 18 years ago.Some people treat it like a race but most enjoy just being outside, getting exercise and having a nice time with others. Parkruns and Junior Parkruns are set up in safe open places such as beaches, fields forests and parks.Parkruns happen on a Saturday and there

3、 are often special Parkruns on Christmas and New Year* s Day. A Parkrun covers a distance of 5 km and runners must register (注册)once online before going for a run. Registering gives you a barcode (special printed numbers readable by a computer), which means your time is recorded when you do a Parkru

4、n. Parkrun is fun for all ages, but if you are under 11, you must run with an adult.Junior Parkruns happen on Sundays over a distance of 2 km and you need a registration and a barcode for those, too. You must be aged between 4 and 14 and you dont have to run with an adult.Although adults can run and

5、 support you, they are asked not to run across the finish line. After completing IL 21, 50 and then 100 Junior Parkruns, you can get a different coloured wristband to mark your achievement.A teen runner Ralph says, Junior Parkrun at the park in my neighborhood is a weeklyhighlight. I love all sports

6、, but I find doing Parkrun every week builds up my fitness and energy. Run, jog or walk - - Parkrun is a free, fun and friendly activity.It* s great meeting up with my friends and running the 2 km every week together.With the help of an adult, head to tinyurl. com/ TWJ - parkrun for information and

7、to find a Parkrun that takes place near you.(1) According to the passage, most people take part in Parkruns to .A. win prizes in the raceB. make friends and help othersC. stay with their familiesD. have fun and take exercise outside(2) Compared to Parkruns, Junior Parkruns .A. welcome more people of

8、 al1 agesB. cover a much shorter distanceC. are held in safer and opener placesD. need a registration for more barcodes(3) In Paragraph 5, Ralph mainly talks about .A. why he likes ParkrunsB. where he does ParkrunsC. who he runs Parkruns withD. when he takes part in Parkruns(4) The writer writes the

9、 passage to .A. share the long history of ParkrunsB. encourage teenagers to do ParkrunsC. invite people to compete in ParkrunsD. ask adults to become Parkrun volunteers2. (2022丽水)When she was 14 years old, Remya Jose, s life was turned upside down by a family crisis (危机).Remya, who lived in a small

10、village in India, learned that her mother was ill and her father would have to spend his time caring for her. As a result, she and her twin sister had to do most of the housework - - including washing clothes. To make things even more difficult, the Jose family couldn* t afford an electric washing m

11、achine. Instead, the two girls would have to do the washing al 1 by hand in the local river, and then carefully carry everything back to their home - a task that took several hours.Being a good student interested in engineering, Remya wanted to make a washing machine which could be used without elec

12、tricity. She started studying electric washers to learn how they worked. Remya then designed (设计)a machine that used bicycle pedals (踏板)and chain. To find those items, she and her father went to a local auto shop. Workers there not only gave her the parts, they helped her make the machine!Heres how

13、the machine works: Remya used a cylinder (圆筒) to hold the clothes and put it in a cube (立方体).Next, she connected the bicycle pedals and the chain to the cylinder. As Remya pushed the pedals with her legs, the cylinder cleaned the clothes just like a regular washing machine.Remyas invention worked!Sh

14、e had created her own human - powered washing machine - - and now a task that used to take several hours took only 30 minutes. Remya, s washing machine was chosen from among 25, 000 entries as India1 s best innovation!She was given India,s National Award and honored by the nation,s former president.

15、The story of this young woman,s creative invention spread around the world.“Remya Jose made a difference, “ said Jeanine Thomas of The Borden Project, “Her invention saves time and money for the world,s poor. Her story shows that with creativity, one individual can improve the lives of many.”(1) Wha

16、t was Remya and her twin sister* s main problem? A. Their parents were too busy.B. They couldn,t get good education.C. Their home was far from the river.D. They spent much time washing clothes.(2) Which of the following best shows how Remya solved the problem? getting bicycle pedals and chainsmaking

17、 a human - powered washertesting her machine by washing clothes studying how washing machines worked A.(DB.C.D.(3) The underlined word innovation in Paragraph 5 most probably means .A. prizeB.inventionC. ideaD.process(4) According to Remyas story, we can learn that .A. with help, an inventor can win

18、 great honorB. with kindness, one can save the lives of manyC. with courage, a poor girl can change the worldD. with creativity, one can make a great difference3. (2022杭州)A blog by Sascha Marr, aged 14My hobby is making shoes. F ve always liked designing things. I remember drawing clothes and shoes

19、when I was eight, and I made my first skirt aged nine. At eleven, I started making shoes, and I now spend my free time doing that.I became interested in making shoes when my cousin told me about an online shoe - making course that he was doing. I immediately wanted to do one too. Mum booked (为预约)me

20、on a four - day course at the I Can Make Shoes school inLondon to see if I liked it, and then I did a ten - day course there in the summer holidays.I loved the courses. On the longer one, I made four pairs of shoes! I couldn,t believe it. The teachers were excellent. That* s what was best about the

21、classes. They made us work really hard but they wanted all their students to have fun, too.Ive made about 15 pairs of shoes now. At the moment Im making a pair of training shoes using an old pair of jeans, but Ive used all kinds of different things before, from old leather (皮革)handbags to old cotton

22、 dresses!Making shoes has changed my plans for the future. I know now that I want to be a designer, but not a shoe designer. Ive decided I 11 do home design. Ive designed lots of shoes and also some clothes, so Id like to try something new.(1) What did Sascha begin to make at the age of 11? A. Skirt

23、s.B. Shoes.C. Jeans.D. Dresses.(2) What does the underlined word They in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. The courses.B. The teachers.C.The classes.D. The students.(3) What does Sascha plan to be in the future? A. A shoe designer.B. A handbag designer.C. A dress designer.D.A home designer.4. (2022浙江)My Olym

24、pic volunteering journey started last September. I was excited as I was myself a sports fan and my home country has not hosted a competition like this. It was a great chance for me to both watch and serve the Olympics.After getting trained through the Internet and spending two weeks in quarantine (隔

25、离), I began to volunteer inside the Wukesong Sports Center. The Center hosted ice hockey games for both men,s and women * s teams. My job was to guide the audience (观众)to their seats and answer their questions. I was wild with joy to be present and watch my first - ever Olympic games live, on the ic

26、e. All the games were interesting, and I watched them whenever my volunteering duties would allow.In our free time, we had pleasant conversations. It was the best chance for us foreign students to learn more about the Chinese New Year celebrations, and this year, to celebrate it together with our Ch

27、inese friends. It was really a big festival. We had special Chinese dishes like dumplings, fish and spring rolls. I also tried to write Chinese characters.I decided to make the most of the chance and introduce my African and Rwandan customs to other volunteers.I showed to them the real Africa that t

28、hey had never seen on TV before. From geography to social life, I made them understand more about Africa by giving examples of my hometown. It was a great platform (平台)for us young people to share both our cultures and futures.As an international volunteer for Beijing 2022, I was given a special exp

29、erience to help others and more importantly, to learn about the spirit of the Winter Olympic Games. I 11 never forget it.(1) Which was one of the reasons why the writer volunteered in Beijing 2022? A. He was a fan of sports.B. He was free in winter.C. He wanted to learn Chinese.D. He liked travellin

30、g around.(2) What did the writer* s duties as a volunteer include? A. Guiding the teams to their places.B. Cleaning the Center after the games.C. Giving out food and water to the players.D. Answering questions from the audience.(3) What does the underlined word It refer to in Paragraph 4? A.The Chin

31、ese Spring Festival.B. The Beijing Winter Olympics.C. The Wukesong Sports Centre.D. The Foreign Students* Organization.(4) Why does the writer write the passage? A. To share his Olympic volunteering experiences.B. To express the strong love for his home country.C. To show the spirit of the Winter Ol

32、ympic Games.D. To spread African cultures to the rest of the world.5. (2022浙江)When Leon Martin asked for his parents* advice on how to become a UX designer (设计师),they both went silent. In fact, I had no idea what he was talking about, “ said Anne, his mother. I didn,t know whether he was talking abo

33、ut designing clothes, computer programs or a fancy brand of bike.”Even when her 18 - year - old son explained that it was something about behind the scenes online design, his mother was still a bit lost. I felt like I had totally failed as a parent, “she said. My job as a parent is to open doors so

34、my children can achieve their potential (潜力),but how can I do that when I dont even understand what their dreams are?Research has found that more than 2/3 of parents in England are now facing the problem that, when their children express interest in new education and job choices, they may know nothi

35、ng about them. More than 75% of parents feel it is almost impossible to offer their chiIdren good advice in such a fast - changing job market.Michelle Rea did a survey of over 2f 000 parents of secondary school students in England. She found that many parents were afraid their children wou1d just st

36、op talking about their career (职业)plans at home, simply because their mum and dad could hardly fol low them. We all know that parents* opinions and suggestions play an important role in shaping and influencing their children,s career dreams, “ she said. But we usually depend much on our own experien

37、ces.And things have changed so much since most of us were at school.”Bryony Mathew, writer of the Awesome Career Books, said the world was changing so rapidly that parents should not try to decide on certain careers for their children.(1) What should a successful parent be able to do according to An

38、ne? A. Become a great UX designer.B. Do an excellent job online.C. Develop their children,s potential.D. Realize their children,s dreams.(2) Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 3? A. Anne is not alone.B. Anne has bad luck.C.This is very strange.D.This is ver

39、y interesting.(3) What did Michelle Rea* s survey mainly show? A. Most of the parents in England were facing trouble in accepting new jobs.B. Parents feared that their children would refuse to share their career dreams.C. A lot of parents found it difficult to help their children with their educatio

40、n.DChildrens career future depended a lot on their parents* working experiences.(4) What could be the best title for the passage? A. How can children make career choices?B.How can parents become career advisers?C. Should children take their parents, career advice?D. Should parents choose a career fo

41、r their children?6. (2022宁波)Katies father was at the airport waiting to meet her. She was going to spend a week with him, and usually she really enjoyed their visits. But this time was different: her dad was getting married, and Katie wasn,t at all sure if she liked the idea.On the way from the airp

42、ort to her dads house, Katie almost kept silent. Finally, her dad asked, “Do you want to talk about it, Katie?”For a moment, Katie sat silently. Then she said, Tm sorry, Dad. I just don* t think I want you to get married.”“I thought you liked Celia, “ Katies dad said.“I do 1 ike Cel ia, “ Katie answ

43、ered, Its not that at all. I just dont know if I want her for a stepmother - - that* s totally different.“It really is different, “ her dad agreed, “Bui I hope you 11 get to like having Celia as a stepmother. She likes you a lot, you know, and Ill bet Megan will, too.”“Whos Megan? ” Katie asked. She

44、 hadnt heard that name before.“Shes Celia* s daughter, “ her dad replied, “She is your age, actually, so maybe you 11 even have something in common.”After dropping Katies luggage (行李)off at her dad* s house, Katie and her dad went to meet Celia and Megan at a restaurant. They were going to have dinn

45、er together. When they got to 第7页共112页the restaurant, Celia and Megan were already there. Celia introduced Megan to Katie. At first, Katie didnt know what to say to Megan!But then, Megan said, “Mom, don* t forget I have swimming practice tomorrow.“You like to swim? ” Katie asked hopefully.“I love it

46、 - - F m on our school swimming team, “ Megan answered excitedly, “Do you swim? rt“I love to swim, too. Katie said with a smile. Maybe having Celia as a stepmother wasnt going to be so bad after all.(1) How did Katie feel about her dads getting married at the beginning of the story? A. Unhappy.B. Ex

47、cited.C. Shocked.D. Agreeable.(2) How did Katies dad know that Katie had something on her mind? A. Katie shouted at her dad.B. Katie wouldnt get in the car with her dad.C. Katie didn* t say very much.D. Katie told her dad she was angry with him.(3) The underlined word She refers to .A. KatieB. Megan

48、C.Katies motherD. Megan* s mother(4) Which sentence in the passage lets the reader know that Katie would end up being happy?A. Im sorry, Dad.”B. ”I have swimming practice tomorrow.”C. ”I do like Celia.”D.” a stepmother wasnt going to be so bad after all.”7. (2022绍兴)During work hours, among the sounds of machines, the kitchen of Bach, s Bakery (面包房) is especially tidy and quiet, not because of any rules against talking during work hours, but because all of the workers have a hearing


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