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《浙江省杭州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-02阅读单选.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省杭州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-02阅读单选.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省杭州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编02阅读单项选择一、阅读单项选择(2022 浙江杭州)A blog by Sascha Marr, aged 14My hobby is making shoes. I ve always liked designing things. I remember drawing clothes and shoes when I was eight, and I made my first skirt aged nine. At eleven, I started making shoes, and I now spend my fre

2、e time doing that.T became interested in making shoes when my cousin told me about an online shoe-making course that he was doing. I immediately wanted to do one too. Mum booked(为预约)me on a four-day course at the I Can Make Shoes school in London to see if I liked it, and then I did a ten-day course

3、 there in the summer holidays.I loved the courses. On the longer one, I made four pairs of shoes! I couldn t believe it. The teachers were excellent. That s what was best about the classes. They made us work really hard but they wanted all their students to have fun, too.I ve made about 15 parts of

4、shoes now. At the moment I m making a pair of training shoes using an old pair of jeans, but I ve used all kinds of different things before, from old leather (皮 革)handbags to old cotton dresses!Making shoes has changed my plans for the future. I know now that I want to be a designer, but not a shoe

5、designer. I ve decided I 11 do home design. I ve designed lots of shoes andalso some clothes,also some clothes,so I d like to try something new.1. What did Sascha begin to makeA. Skirts. B. Shoes.2. What does the underlined wordA. The courses. B. The teachers.3. What does Sascha plan to be inat the

6、age of 11?C. Jeans.“They” in ParagraphC. The classes.D. Dresses.3 refer to?D. The students.the future?A. A shoe designer. B. A handbag designer. C. A dress designer. D. A home designer.(2021 浙江杭州)What did people do to communicate in ancient times? Here are some veryinteresting answers to this questi

7、on.Alphorns (B可尔卑斯长号角)were once used to communicate in the mountains in Switzerland. They are very long and they are very heavy, too. So, alphorns are hard work to blow. Then why use them? Well, they make a loud sound which travels much further than the human voice. Herdsmen(牧 民)used them to call co

8、ws in the distance for milking. At sunset, alphorns were also used to send a message down to villagers that all was well. These days, they, re mostly used as musical instruments.第1页共20页Terry BPosted at 9:08 a. in. on 11th February 2018ReplyWhy don,t you give your old clothes to people in need? I eve

9、n give away the most expensive things I dont wear anymore. So I can help the environment while giving something useful to people in need.GinaBetty99ReplyA. It came from an old sweater.C. It was new and expensive.32. Why did Gina give a reply toA. To draw TerryB,s attention.C. To further explain her

10、idea.B. It was given by Gina,s mum.D. It was a gift from Gina,s sister.TerryB?B. To introduce a new method.D. To express her deep regret.Posted at 9:28 a. m. on 11th February 2018 earlyReplyGood point! Im talking about only the oldest clothing in your room the clothes that are too old to be worn by

11、others. The same idea goes for food waste at restaurants and supermarkets.Before upcycling food that can still be eaten, for example, using it to make soil, we should give it to those in need.Posted at 10:18 a. m. on 11th February2018r ve made shopping bags out of T-shirts and dog toys out of socks.

12、Upcycling clothing is a fun hobby, but the most important thing is that it makes me feel like r m living less wastefully.31. What is special about the hat?33. What did Betty99 upcycle to make dog toys?第10页共20页A. Paper boxes. B. Shopping bags. C. T-shirts. D. Socks.(2020 浙江杭州)Traffic lights are red,

13、yellow and green. They are very important signals (信号).Traffic lights are usually placed at busy street corners to help control traffic. Sometimes, they are on streets near schools and shops, too. Most young children are taught what each of the colored lights means, so everybody can stay safe.The fi

14、rst traffic signals were used for trains. The signals were put alongside railway tracks(期L道).The color red was used to mean stop” because it warned people of danger.A red light was also the easiest color to see from a distance. Train drivers could see the red “stop” light ahead and had enough time t

15、o slow down and stop their trains. A green light was used to mean “take care” and a white light meant “go” .However, there were many dangerous accidents on the train tracks. Some train drivers thought a star shining in the night sky was a white light that meant “go” . So the signals were swapped. Th

16、e “go” light was changed to green and the “take carev light was changed to white.During these times, people travelled by train or in carts pulled by horses. Years later, when cars were built, people began to drive them because they could travel much faster than horses. However, the road rules for dr

17、ivers were not very clear and many people were hurt crossing the roads. Yellow warning signs had to be placed beside the roads to remind drivers to take care and allow people to cross safely.Today, towns and cities all over the world have traffic lights. Red and green lights match the signals used o

18、n the railways. Yellow lights are easy to see, so they are used to warn drivers that they should slow down and prepare to stop.34. Why was the color red used to mean stop ?A. It reminded people of traffic rules.B. It helped trains run smoothly.C. It gave people a warning of danger.D. It was the firs

19、t color people thought of.35. What does the underlined word “swapped“ in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Designed. B. Exchanged. C. Suggested. D. Compared.36. In which order did the “take carev light develop?a. A white light b. A green light. c. A yellow light.A. a一 c 一b B. b 一 c 一a C. a一 b 一 c D. b 一 a一 c37. W

20、hat is the passage mainly about?A. The advantages of traffic lights.B. The history of traffic lights.C. The importance of traffic lights.D. The meanings of traffic lights.(2020 J折江杭州)A lot of animals travel from one place to another. We call this migration.第11页共20页In Africa, large animals, like elep

21、hants and zebras, migrate to find food and water. They usually follow the same ways every year.A lot of birds migrate to find food and better weather, too. They are usually birds that eat insects. They spend the summer in northern Europe, because there are lots of insects there. In the winter there

22、aren,t any insects, so the birds fly south to southern Europe and Africa.Some insects migrate, too. In North America, millions of monarch butterflies fly south to spend the winter in Mexico, California and Florida, where its warmer. They travel 50-65 km each day and they travel about 1,125 km.Some f

23、ish migrate to breed(繁殖) Salmon (鞋鱼)can swim over 20, 000 km in their life. They are born in rivers in Ireland, Scotland and other places in northern Europe. The young fish swim down the river to the sea and into the Atlantic Ocean. They live in the ocean until they are adults. Then they return to t

24、he river where they were born. They lay their eggs in the river and then they usually die. Salmon do this, because their eggs are safer in the river. Other fish can,t eat them.Arctic terns (d匕极燕鸥)travel the furthest when they migrate. They spend the summer in the Arctic, but when winter comes they f

25、ly to the Antarctic, because its summer there. The next year they fly back to the Arctic again. In one year these small birds travel 36, 000km from one end of the earth to the other and back again. Nobody knows how they do it.38. According to the passage, monarch butterflies in North America migrate

26、 to.A. find insects B. look for water C. find better weather D. produce young39. Adult salmon swim back to the river because .A. they won,t be eaten by other big fishB. they want to lay eggs in a safer placeC. they are getting ready to die thereD. they want to go where they grew up40. Which of the f

27、ollowing is true about animals migration?A. Elephants in Africa usually travel the same way each year.B. Most birds fly to southern Europe and Africa in summer.C. Some insects travel 1, 125 km each day.D. Salmon swim 20, 000 km each year.41. The example of Arctic terns in the last paragraph is used

28、mainly to show .A. the distance of migrationB. the purpose of migrationC. the direction of migrationD. the time of migration(2020 浙江杭州)How would you feel if someone decided to take away your park? Well that,swhats happening in my community. There,s a park that some people want to turn into a golf第12

29、页共20页course(高尔夫球场). Let me tell you why 1 think its a bad idea.First, a park is meant to be for the whole community. Not everyone likes golf, so not everyone will get to use the park. This isn,t fair. A community park should have open spaces for everyone to use.Second, to make way for the golf cours

30、e, lots of playground equipment (设施)will have to be moved or knocked down, which is a waste of time and money. Its also a waste of perfectly good equipment. The swings, for example, will probably just end up as litter.Third, what about giving young people something to do? Not all kids are crazy abou

31、t golf. At the moment, the park has a skating place and a playground. These attract lots of kids from the community. If you turn the park into a golf course, these kids wont have anywhere to go and they won,t have anything to do.This means that they will stay at home and turn on a video game rather

32、than get some exercise. It also means that they might be out on the street causing trouble. Wouldn,t it be better to give them something to do at the park?Finally, golf is expensive. Building a golf course and maintaining (维护)it costs a lot of money. Who is going to pay to maintain the golf course?

33、What about those people who can,t afford to join a golf club? That means that the golf course will only be available to people with lots of money.Turning our park into a golf course is a bad idea. I suggest we have a community meeting before plans go any further.42. Some people want to change the pa

34、rk into .A. a golf club B. a golf course C. a park D. a skating place43. According to Paragraph 4, having nowhere to go will make some childrenA. go to get some exerciseB. fall in love with golfC. play video games at homeD. go to the street and make friends44. Which of the following shows the struct

35、ure of the passage?(P二Paragraph)45. What is the writer,s purpose in writing this passage?A. To help carry out further plans.B. To make the park more beautiful.C. To encourage children to go skating.第13页共20页D. To stop the golf course from being built.第14页共20页参考答案:1. B2. B3. D【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了 Sascha的爱好

36、以及对未来的计划。1. 细节理解题。 根据 “At eleven, I started making shoes, and I now spend my free time doing that.”可知,十一岁时,作者开始做鞋;应选B。2. 词句猜想题。根据 “The teachers were excellent. That, s what was best about the classes. n 可知,课程最棒的地方是老师们都很优秀,因此“They”代指“The teachers;应选B。3. 细节理解题。根据 “I know now that I want to be a design

37、er, but not a shoe designer. I ve decided I 11 do home design. 可知,Sascha将来想成为一名家居设计者;应选D。4. D5. C6. D7. A【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了古人是如何交流的。4. 细节理解题。根据 “These days, they re mostly used as musical instruments. v 可知,如 今,它们大多被用作乐器;应选1)。5. 细节理解题。根据 “Whistling can be heard within five kilometers, which means it can

38、 be used across much greater distances than shouting. 可知,它可以在比叫喊更远的距离上使用;故 选Co6. 细节理解题。 根据 “This is called visual communication, and it includes the use of flags and even smoke. Long ago, soldiers along the Great Wall of China used smoke as a warning. ” 可知,通过观察烟雾信号来得知危险警告;应选D。7. 篇章结构题。根据全文内容可知,第一段引出

39、下文;第二段介绍通过阿尔卑斯号角来交流;第三 段介绍一种叫e/ 的口哨语;第四段介绍通过观看来传递信息;因此篇章结构是选项A;应选A。8. C9. A10. B11. A第15页共20页【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了要成为一名宇航员我们需要知道什么。8 .细节理解题。根据Life in a spaceship is hard so you must have a healthy body and mind. 可知,在宇宙飞船里的生活是艰苦的,所以你必须有一个健康的身体和思想;应选C。9 .细节理解题。根据They practise space walking and living in zer

40、o gravity. ” 可知,必 须练习太空行走和零重力生活;应选A。10 .细节理解题。根据“Life in zero gravity causes changes to our bodies. Bones and muscles beco thin and weak so you must do a lot of exercise in space to stay fit and to help the heart move blood around your body. ”可知,零重力环境下的生活使我们的身体发生变化,必须通过练习来保 持健康和心脏运行正常;应选B。11 .主旨大意题。

41、根据全文内容可知,主要讲述了要成为一名宇航员我们需要知道什么;应选A。12 . D13 . C14 . A15 . B【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了运用创造性思维解决问题。12. 主旨大意题。根据There are many different ways to solve a problem. One way is to be creative.可知,本文主要讲述了运用创造性思维解决问题;应选D。13. 推理判断题。根据“One example of creative thinking is the solution to a parking problem in a town center.

42、可知,此段主要是为了支持本文的主题,如何运用创造性思维解决问题;应选C。14. 词句猜想题。根据 “So, next time you have a problem in your community, think about it creatively, from different perspectives, and see what ideas you have. “ 可知, 当你在彳尔的社区 遇到问题时,从不同的角度创造性地思考它,因此“perspectives”意为“Ways”;应选A。15. 细节理解题。根据For example, the white hat helps peop

43、le consider the facts. 可知, 白帽帮助人们考虑事实;应选B。16. B17. C18. D【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者和家人去了一个小岛度暑假。在岛上救了一只海龟的事情,并在海边立了一个不要往 海里扔垃圾的标志牌子。第16页共20页16. 细节理解题。 根据 uThere were so many fun and interesting things to do on the island, but my favorite was fishing. ”可知,作者最喜欢钓鱼。应选B。17. 细节理解题。根据“Dad said as he cut the plastic

44、off. ”可知,是爸爸割掉了塑料。应选C。18. 细节理解题。根据 “We should make a sign about not throwing rubbish into the sea, and put it in the sand on the beach,可知,他们立牌子的目的是想阻止海洋污染。应选D。19. B20. C21. D22. C【解析】 【分析】文章讲述了 Sara的和Nuria Gil最喜欢的T恤衫,包括为什么买,以及对她们的意义是什么。19 .细节理解题。根据 “One day we were travelling around the center of Lo

45、ndon. We almost got lost, but we found our way 一 thanks to the picture on this T-shirt! 可知,T 恤衫帮助作者知 道了他们在哪里,应选B。20 .细节理解题。根据I love music and I love Adele. I haven? t seen many of my favorite artists live, but I bought this when I went to Adele s concert two years ago. It was a great concert and thi

46、s is a great souvenir. And white T- shirts go with anything, not just jeans!”可知,另一件T恤是在阿黛尔的演唱会上买的。所以对她很重要,应选C。21 .细节理解题。根据 “One of the reasons that I like it is because I love the bright colors of the characters. And it has sentimental (情感)value.”可知,Nuria 认为她的 T 恤对她来说非常 有情感价值。应选D。22 .推理判断题。根据文章的理解可知

47、,主要是介绍Sara的和Nuria Gil两个人最喜欢的T恤衫的 故事,应选C。23. C24. B25. A26. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍了几种类型的舞蹈。23. 细节理解题。根据 “She moves her arms and hands slowly but her feet move in fast difficult steps.可知,她的胳膊和手移动缓慢,但她的脚在进行快速并且很难做的步伐。应选C。24. 词义猜想题。 分析 “They are very energeticsome are more like gymnastics than dancing!

48、 ”可知,它们非常有活力可知,它们非常有活力有些更像体操而不是舞蹈!此处gymnastics的意思是“体操”,体操属于运动,第17页共20页应选Bo25. 推理判断题。 根据 Limbo dancing is first from West Africa but today it is an important part of celebrations in the Caribbean. Young people have to dance under a pole (杆).“ 可矢口, “林波舞”要在着火的杆子下跳舞,结合图片,应选A。26. 最正确标题题。本文主要向我们介绍了几种类型的舞蹈,选项D “来自世界各地的舞蹈”符合主题, 应选Do27. C28. A29. A30. B【解析】【分析】本文介绍了孩子什么时候开始学习语言,


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