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《浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03阅读单选.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-03阅读单选.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编03阅读单项选择一、阅读单项选择(2022 浙江温州)Good photographers are like reporters. They record people s lives with cameras. They are also like artists or writers. Their photos can make people think or feel something.types of phofograpbers famous phofograpbersFashion photographers main

2、ly take pictures of new products like clothes.Portrait photographers take photos of different people.Landscape photographers usually take pictures outdoors in nature.Event photographers take photos of big parties and ceremonies.Robert Doisneau was French. He was well-known for his black and white st

3、reet photos of Paris.Anne Geddes was born in Australia. Taking baby pictures has made her world-famous.Richard Avedon was from theUSA. He mainly took photos of fashion and famous people. His photos helped develop a new style for photography.1. The passage mainly introduces information about . A. art

4、ists B. writersC. reportersD. photographers2. Landscape photographers take photos of .A. big parties B. outdoor sights C. new clothes D. different people3. From the passage, we know that Anne Geddes .A. is from FranceB.is famous forbaby picturesC. takes street photosD.helps developa newstyle(2022 浙江

5、温州)Motasharefonbemarefatek! isoftenheard inArabs?dailytalks.This greeting in the language Arabicmeans“Nice to meetyou!”You mayfindArabicdifficultto understand, but the following facts can offer you some basics.第1页共15页to work.Tidal energy has it advantages. Using tidal energy to produce electricity i

6、s much cheaper than using the traditional energy, like coal or gas. For example, the Rance Tidal Power Station in France has been there for over 50 years, producing around 540, OOOTWh of electricity each year. The cost is only 1. 3 cents/TWh. Tidal energy can be used nearly 24 hours a day. As long a

7、s the sun, the earth and the moon exist, we can use it to produce electricity. But without sunshine, here is no solar energy. When there is no wind, electric generators will not work. In addition, with the development of modern technology, tidal energy can be stored and used to produce electricity c

8、ontinuously. However, we still have some problems to solve. It is difficult to build a dam in the sea, and the cost is very high. Moreover, its expensive to keep a tidal power station in its best condition.Scientists are working on them.30. A tidal power station is best builtA. at a river mouth with

9、 windB. at a river mouth with windC. along the coast with wavesC. in a bay with tide high enoughC. in a bay with tide high enoughD. in coastal areas with sunshine31. The underlined word turbine”31. The underlined word turbine”in Paragraph There is a machine toA. make the tide rise and fallB. make th

10、e tide rise and fallC. make an electric generator workC. let water go through the damC. let water go through the damD. keep the dam in good condition32. What advantage does32. What advantage doestidal energy have?A. We can use it to getC. We can use it nearlyuseful tide. B. It can improve the ocean

11、environment.all the time. D. It meets 16. 4% of the electricity needs.33. How can we make better use of tidal energy?A. By digging more bays and river mouths.B. By building cheaper tidal power stations.C. By closing traditional electric power.D. By using tidal energy to replace other energy.第10页共15页

12、参考答案:1. D2. B3. B【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍不同种类型的摄影师以及著名的摄影师。1. 主旨大意题。根据“Good photographers are like reporters?可知,本文主要介绍的与摄影师 有关,应选D。2. 细节理解题。 根据 uLandscape photographers usually take pictures outdoors in nature, 可知,风景摄影师通常在户外大自然中拍照,应选B。3. 细节理解题。根据“Anne Geddes was born in Australia. Taking baby pictures has mad

13、e her world-famous. ”可知,他以宝宝照而知名,应选B。4. A5. B6. C7. A【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了一些与阿拉伯语有关的事实,介绍了它的种类,它的书写方式,以及发音规律等等。4. 细节理解题。根据One of them is Modern Standard Arabic” 及 uColloquial Arabic is another variety”可知,一共提到了两种,应选A。5. 细节理解题。根据 “The curve () with one dot below is pronounced /b/ 可知,下面有一个 点的曲线发音为/b/,应选B。6.

14、词义猜想题。根据For example, k-t-b” is a common root in Arabic. Some words from that root are kitaab ( “book ) and maktaba ( library ). “ 可矢口, “k-t-b” 是个常见的词根,“书 和“图书馆”都是跟它有关,由此可推断它跟写作读书有关,应选C。7. 主旨大意题。 根据 You may find Arabic difficult to understand, but the following facts can offer you some basics.及文章内容可知

15、,作者写这篇文章的目的是为了向读者介绍阿拉伯语,故 选Ao8. A9. B10. D11. C第11页共15页【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了太阳能公路的原理以及其作用。8. 细节理解题。根据 “they have the panels to receive sunlight and change it into the energy to supply power to homes, factories and street lighting” 可知,它们用太阳能板接收阳光,并将 其转化为能源,为家庭、工厂和街道照明提供电力,应选A。9. 推理判断题。 根据 It holds all kind

16、s of power lines connecting all the solar parts in the panel”可知,中间层容纳了连接面板中所有太阳能部件的各种电源线,应选B。10. 推理判断题。 根据 “Even so, the production could increase with design improvementsn 可知,随着设计的改进,世界首个太阳能公路工程可能会变得更好,应选D。11. 最正确标题题。I艮据 “Scientists are looking for ways that we can effectively use the light and hea

17、t from the sun. One idea that has caught their imagination is solar roads. They are expected to produce clean and renewable energy. v可知,本文主要介绍了一种可以产生干净的,可再生的能源 太阳能公路,应选C。12. A13. D14. C【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了如何成为一名初级护林员。12. 细节理解题。根据Every year, tens of thousands of kids aged 3 to 13 become Junior Rangers in

18、different national parks across America”可知,是孩子们可以成为护林员,应选A。13. 细节理解题。根据 umake a promise to be a national park protector,可知,要承诺保护国 家公园,应选D。14. 2田节理解题。根据 “Buy your Junior Ranger Handbook in the nearest Visitor Center ”Complete the pages in the handbookn “Pick up rubbish” “Attend a Guided Programn “Ret

19、urn your completed handbook and a bag of rubbish to the Visitor Centern “Make your official Junior Ranger Promise at a ceremony可知,在得到初级护林员徽章之前要完成六个步骤,应选C。15. D16. B17. D18. B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍秘鲁的首都利马。第12页共15页15. 细节理解题。根据“Lima, the capital of Peru, is located in the central coastal part of the co

20、untry, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. ”可知,秘鲁首都利马位于该国中部沿海,俯瞰太平洋。 结合地图,应选D。16. 细节理解题。根据“why over 90% of Peruvians speak Spanish”可知,超过90%的秘鲁人说西 班牙语,应选B。17. 词义猜想题。 分析 “Though it seldom rains in summer, it sometimes drizzles on early winter mornings. ”可知,虽然这里夏天很少下雨,但在初冬的早晨有时会下毛毛雨。此处drizzle的意思是“小 雨,毛毛雨,应选

21、D。18. 2田节理解题。 根据 uThere are many museums, where you can learn: how the ancient American Indians founded the Inca Empire可知,利马有很多博物馆,你可以在那里学习古代美洲印第安人是 如何建立印加帝国的,应选B。19. C20. C21. D22. B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍疫苗及其作用。19. 细节理解题。 根据 “However, some viruses, for example, the coronavirus, are sneaky. They are

22、 difficult to recognize and find. These viruses can cause deadly diseases, like COVID-19. ” 可知,COVID-19可以导致致命的疾病,应选C。20. 段落大意题。分析第二段内容可知,本段主要告诉我们疫苗可以使我们预防病毒,应选C。21. 细节理解题。根据The live-attenuated vaccine is considered the most effective” 可知, 减毒活疫苗被认为是最有效的,应选D。22. 推理判断题。根据They only stimulate and activat

23、e our immune system to work, telling it something harmful is coming in. ”可知,疫苗只是刺激和激活我们的免疫系统,告诉它有害的东西 来了。所以二者是促进关系,选项B 免疫系统使用疫苗会更有效”与之相符,应选B。23. D24. C25. A【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍牛津的巴士观光。包括时间表、价格以及可以看到的景点。23. 细节理解题。根据Timetable下的内容可知,从9:35开始的第一班巴士始发于Gloucester GreenBus Stationo 应选 D。第13页共15页24. 细节理解题。根据Tour P

24、rices下的内容可知,24小时家庭票是40. 00。应选C。25. 细节理解题。根据 See 下的内容 uMagdalen College一Its bell tower and gardens are famous sights in Oxford. v可知,莫德林学院的钟楼和花园是牛津的著名景点。应选A。26. B27. D28. D29. C【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了俄罗斯的一种传统乐器Balalaika,讲述了它的特点以及开展历程等。26 .细节理解题。根据 It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and str

25、ings.它有一 个长长的脖子,一个木制的三角形的身体和弦。结合选项,可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。27 .细节理解题。根据 The music played with it can be cheerful, it can also be energetic,可知,巴拉莱卡琴演奏的音乐通常是欢快而充满活力的,故答案选D。28 .段意归纳题。通读第三段可知,本段讲述的是Andreev改进了 Balalaika,他创造了一整套不同 大小的Balalaika,都有三根弦。他还创立了世界上第一支巴拉莱卡管弦乐队。结合选项,可知D选项 uAndreev对Balalaika的贡献”,最能概况本段,故答案

26、选D。29 .标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了俄罗斯的一种传统乐器Balalaika,结合选项,可 知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。30 . C31 . B32 . C33 . B【解析】【分析】本文主要向我们介绍了潮汐能,它的优势以及目前存在的问题。30 .细节理解题。根据第二段中 “The bays and the river mouths where the tide is high (the tidal range is more than 10 metres) are usually perfect sites to build tidal power stations. ”

27、可矢口, 涨潮时(潮差超过10米)的海湾和河口通常是建造潮汐发电站的理想地点。应选C。31 .推理判断题。分析第三段中“In the dam are many turbines and on each turbine there is an electric generator. When the tide rises, water comes through the dam, the turbines turn and the electric generators work, producing electricity. When the tide fall, water goes out

28、 through the dam, the turbines turn again. v可知,水坝里有许多涡轮机,每个涡轮机上都有一个发电机。涨潮时, 水通过大坝,涡轮转动,发电机工作,产生电力。退潮时,水流通过大坝流出,涡轮再次转动。所以turbine 是让发电机工作的机器。应选B。第14页共15页32 .推理判断题。A:我们可以用它来获取有用的潮汐。B:它可以改善海洋环境。C:我们几乎可以 随时使用它。D:满足16. 4%的电力需求。根据第四段中Using tidal energy to produce electricity is much cheaper than using the

29、traditional energy, like coal or gas. 和 “In addition, with the development of modern technology, tidal energy can be stored and used to produce electricity continuously. 可知,潮汐发电的优势一是利用潮汐能发电比使用煤炭或天然气等传统能源要廉价得多; 二是随着现代技术的开展,潮汐能可以被储存起来,并用于持续发电。结合选项,应选C。33 .细节理解题。A:挖掘更多的海湾和河口。B:通过建造更廉价的潮汐发电站。C:通过关闭传统 电力

30、。D:利用潮汐能来替代其他能源。根据第二段中“To make use of tidal energy, we need to build tidal power stations. ”可知,为了利用潮汐能,我们需要修建潮汐能电站。结合选项,应选B。第15页共15页Arabic is s language of over twenty countries across the Middle East and North Africa, It s also one of the six official languages of the UN. Now about 400 million peop

31、le worldwide speakArabic.Arabic has different varieties. One of them is Modern Standard Arabic. It is taught at schools in all Arabic-speaking countries and used formally over media. Colloquial Arabic is another variety which people in the Arab world usually use in their everyday life.Arabic is writ

32、ten from right to left in a beautiful and flowing script. Written Arabic is formed from eighteen different curves with dots () above or below. The curve (JT) with one dot below is pronounced /b/, two on top is /1/, and three on top is /th/, while the curve 3 with two dots below is pronounced /y/.A m

33、ain feature of Arable is the throe letter root system. Almost every Arabic word is based on a root of three letters. If you take a root and add other letters to it, you can create many words related to the meaning of that root. For example, uk-t-bn is a common root in Arabic. Some words from that ro

34、ot are kitaab ( “book ) and maktaba ( library” ).There are more facts about Arabic for you to explore. You 11 find that learning about it helps open up door to a different culture and provides a new way of thinking about the world.4. How many varieties of Arabic are mentioned in the passage?D. Five.

35、A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.5. According to the passage, which of the following is pronounced /b/ in Arabic?6. What does the underlined root “k-tb“ in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?A. Cooking. B. Singing.C. Writing.D. Swimming.7. Why does the author write this passage?A. To introduce the language Arabi

36、c.8. To tell stories from Arab countries.9. To encourage people to visit Arab countries.10. To advise people to protect the language Arabic.(2022 浙江温州)Scientists are looking for ways that we can effectively use the light and第2页共15页heat from the sun. One idea that has caught their imagination is sola

37、r roads. They are expected to produce clean and renewable energy.With solar panels on the surfaces, solar roads cost more than traditional roads. However, besides the functions of traditional roods, they have the panels to receive sunlight and change it into the energy to supply power to homes, fact

38、ories and street lighting. There are four layersin a solar panel:CappingTop layer,Middle layer se layerBase layer: It is made of insulation material and forms a good grip with the road below this layer.Middle layer: This is the most important layer. It holds all kinds of power lines connecting all t

39、he solar parts in the panel, like LED lights and the heating system.Top layer: This layer is super-strong glass. It allows the panel to hold the weight of the heaviest vehicles.Capping: This is the topmost layer used to offer extra protection to the solar parts in the panel. The layer must be rough

40、enough to provide the traction for the safety of vehicles.With the smart design, solar roads can successfully charge the vehicles on them. And the roads have inbuilt LED lights to replace the traditional rood signs and lines, which are usually painted and harmful to humans. What? s more, the heating

41、 systems in the solar roads can take care of the snow and ice on the roads for drivers.Test solar roads have been built in several countries (France, China, USA, etc.) since 2014. The first word solar road project, Metrics of Watt Way in France, was set up by a French company called Construction Col

42、as. It was an example of low effectiveness. In the first year, it had been expected to produce around 767 kWh of energy a day, but it only produced 409 kWh. Even so, the production could increase with design improvements. Of course, more time is needed before this technology is put into use.Sol ar r

43、oads may not. he wi del y used in the near future, hut they are indeed great, for an environment-friendly and energy-saving world.8. Solar roads .A. offer power to homesB. get energy from factoriesC. keep the sunlight awayD. cost less than traditional roods第3页共15页9. Which of the following about the

44、layers of a solar panel is TRUE according to the passage?A. The base layer is the most important layer.B. There are many power lines in the middle layer.C. The top layer lies on the top of the solar panel.D. The capping should be smooth enough for drivers.10. The first world solar road projectA. was

45、 set up in China in 2014C. was started by a US companyB. showed high effectiveness as expectedD. could get better with design improvements11. What11. Whatis the best title forthe passage?A. Solar Roads: A Widely Used InventionB. Solar Roads: A Safety Guard for DriversC. Solar Roads: A New Idea for C

46、lean EnergyD. Solar Roads: A Way to Produce LED Lights(2021 浙江温州)(2021 浙江温州)Every year, tens of thousands of kids aged 3 to 13 become Junior Rangers in different national parks across America. At Yosemite alone more than 20, 000 kids take part in the Yosemite Junior Ranger Program. If you want to be

47、 a Junior Ranger, you need to learn about the natural and cultural history, and make a promise to be a national park protector.Here Is How YOU Can Become a Junior Ranger!Earn yourself an official Junior Ranger Badge! You could become a Yosemite s Junior Ranger today by completing the following steps

48、:Buy your Junior Ranger Handbook in the nearest Visitor Center. Complete the pages in the handbook. Pick up rubbish.Attend a Guided Program.Return your completed handbook and a bag of rubbish to the Visitor Center.Make your official Junior Ranger Promise at a ceremony.第4页共15页 Get your official Junior Ranger Badge.After you become a Junior Ranger, you are encouraged to share


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