The Duke《公爵(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、源自真实事件Will the defendant please stand?被告请起立。Kempton Bunton, you are charged that on the 21st of March, 1961, 肯普顿伯顿,你被指控在1961年3月21日,you stole from the National Gallery the portrait of the Duke of Wellington 你偷了来自国家美术馆的肖像画家弗朗西斯科戈雅创作的by the artist Francisco Goya to the value of 140,000.威灵顿公爵,其价值为140000

2、英镑。How do you plead? Guilty or not guilty?你认罪还是不认罪?Not guilty.无罪。And that you created a public nuisance by depriving members of the public 你剥夺了公众观看这幅画像的机会of the opportunity to view the portrait.从而造成了危害公众安宁。Do you plead guilty or not guilty?你认罪还是不认罪?Same again, love. Not guilty.同样的,无罪。Mr Cussen.卡森先生。

3、Thank you, my lord.谢谢法官大人。六个月前1961年纽卡斯尔公爵At this rate,youll be giving that Shakespeare按照这个速度,你能和莎士比亚a run for his money.一争高下了。Imagine if Jesus had been born a woman.想象一下,如果耶稣生下来是个女人。Well, whats it called?那该怎么说?The Adventures of Susan Christ.苏珊基♥督♥历险记Not my cup of tea, then.这可不对我的胃口。Oh,

4、 well, you never know.-What are you doing home? - Ah, keeping me head down.你怎么还在家呆着? 啊,我不想出门露面。Are you in trouble?你惹麻烦了 ?Not in Newcastle.不是在纽卡斯尔。Got a little job for youse.给你找了个零活儿。I wanna keep me nose clean.我想保持清白。-Ill source the car.- Nah.我负责去找车辆来源。不干。You just have to drive it and get rid of it.你

5、只负责把车开走,并离开它。-Nah! I said no! - Well, you did it before.不行,说不行就不行可你以前干过这事。Yeah, and I regret it.是的,我后悔了。Well, think about it那就再考虑一下,A business opportunity.这是一次挣钱的机会。Hows hostilities?家里仇视气氛怎么样了 ?Hes writing away,and Mams scrubbing the world clean. 他还在胡思乱写,妈妈还在外面做保洁女佣。Bloody Marian.可怜的玛丽安。Aye. Bloody

6、Marian.是啊。可怜的玛丽安。She normally sleeps through.她通常会睡到天亮。Itll be fine. Dont worry.She knows you. She likes you.别担忧,这就没事了。她认识你。她喜欢你。Oh, Dorothy, would you mind?哦,多萝茜帮我个忙?Sorry.对不起。Ah.好的。Ive always liked this dress.我一直喜欢这条裙子。Oh, its taffeta. I hate it.Its so uncomfortable.它是塔夫绸做的。我不喜欢它。穿着不舒服。Darling, its

7、 7:30 for 8:00,not 8:30 for 10:00!亲爰的,时间是7 : 30到8 : 00,不是8 : 30到10 : 00 了!Gordon Bennett. Thank you, Dorothy.他又来了。谢谢你,多萝茜。So, what is it tonight?今晚是什么活动?Golf club gala.高尔夫俱乐部庆典。-The only time they let the ladies in.- Donrt you play there?-这是唯一的一次让女士参加的活动。-你平时不在那里打球吗? Oh, God, no.哦,上帝,不。It would be t

8、he end of civilisation.那会是文明的终结。So, is your, um. Is your husband out?那么,呃你丈夫出狱了吗?I mean, back? I saw the paper.我想问,他回家了吗?我看了报纸。-Do you want me to stop coming? - No.你是不想让我来你家吗? 不是。No, no. It*s.不,不,这Its fine, Dorothy.没事的,多萝茜。Were very happy with you, really.我们和你相处的很好,真的。I dont want to cause your husba

9、nd any embarrassment.我不想让你的丈夫陷入窘地。Oh, no.No, we couldnt possibly have that.哦,不会的,我们不会那样的,My husband the councillor.我丈夫可是市议员。Its a real conundrum, though, isnt it?这真是个悖论,不是吗?I mean, if you can*t receive the BBC,我想说,既然你家电视还收不到BBC节目,why should you pay the tax?为什么还要缴电视使用税?Ell see you later.回头见。Any time

10、this week.这周什么时候都行。It doesn*t take five minutes to look like this.用不了五分钟就能到。-Lets just get going.- Wheres my bag?我们还是赶紧走吧。我的包呢?-On the ottoman.- -Have you got keys?就在软椅上。-你带车钥匙了吗?-We dont need keys.- Im not driving.我们不需要拿车钥匙。我不开车。Susan, Im not going down.苏珊,我是不会被打倒的。如何写一部剧本Youd like this one, love.你

11、会喜欢这段的,亲爰的。-Get yourself in there.- Would you take it easy?进屋去。你能放轻松点吗?-Return of the prodigal son.- Oh!一败家子儿回家了。哦!Dont give him any money.不要给他钱。I havent got any.我没钱了。Where have you two been?你们俩人去哪里了 ?-The Green Tree.- Traitors.-去绿树酒吧了。-这群叛徒。-Are you still barred from there? - A pint in there isn*t

12、a pint.你还是被禁止去那里吗? 它们卖♥♥的酒缺乏份量。Oh, you could start a fight in a ploughed field, you.哦,你能在自家农田里挑起一场战争吗?你。He accused me of nicking their toilet rolls.他指责我偷了他们的厕纸。-You were.-1 was, aye, but he had no evidence.你会的。即使我是这样的,他也没证据。-Habeas corpus.- Youre an idiot.人身保护♥法♥。你是个白&hea

13、rts;痴♥。-Leave him alone, Mam.- Fish pie, Kenny? You look thin.别理他,妈妈。一吃鱼肉派吗?肯尼?你看起来瘦多了。What are you fussing around him for?你们老围着他干什么?For a change from fussing around you.这样就不用围着你了。Babycham for the lady. Dad, yours.女士用的梨子味汽酒。老爹,这是你的。-Thank you.- A bottle of brown.谢谢你。一瓶棕色的。Now, be sure and use

14、 the coasters.Youre not in Leeds now.现在,一定要用杯垫。你现在不在利兹。Yeah, civilisation here.是啊,这里要讲究一些。-Put the news on, Dolly.- We havenrt got a licence.-翻开电视看看新闻,多莉。-我们没有使用许可证。Whose side are you on?你站在那里一边?My side.rm not turning that goggle-box on.我自己的一边。我才不会翻开那个破电视的。A toast. To the Buntons.为了伯顿一家,干一杯。-Happy f

15、amilies.- Happy families.-祝家庭快乐。-家庭快乐。Fans flock like swallows in the spring热情观众们像春燕啄新泥般地to the Nation at Gallery.来到的国家美术馆Not that sodding painting again.还不是为了那该死的画。National treasure? Its the poor bloody foot soldiers国家宝藏?应该祝贺的是,那些可怜地光着脚丫的士兵,that won his battles for him we should be celebrating.正是他们

16、为威灵顿打赢那场战役。Kick down用脚踹开-Every door! - Quiet.-每一扇门! .安静。-Thats what doors are there for - Quiet! Quiet!-那些门碍事的门。安静!安静!I hope youre proud of yourself.我希望你为自己感到骄傲。They donrt swallow what the establishment tells them. Tm proud of that. 他们不会轻易听信,那些保守派教导他们的正统理念。我为此感到骄傲。-Am I making a bed up for you?- Aye

17、, couple of nights, Mam.我要为你们铺床吗? 就睡几个晚上,老妈。Shell miss you, your dolly bird.你的洋娃娃会想你的。Who we talking about?我们说的是谁?-Her thafs married? Pammy? - She*s separated, Mam.-难道她结婚了 ?帕米? 她独居了,老妈。If shes not divorced,shes still a married woman.如果她还没离婚,她就是已婚妇女。She was only married two months.她结婚仅仅两个月。Dont you g

18、o down that roadjackie Bunton.别跟他学,杰克伯顿。Im the devil in cam ate, me.我就是一突出的坏典范。We don*t know anything about your life in Leeds.我们对你在利兹的生活一无所知。-Plenty of cash, never in work.- Im in construction.钱够花,但从不工作。我是建筑工。Its seasonal.这是季节性的临时工。Youre always welcome here.Back rooms yours.这里永远欢迎你。有你的房♥间。I

19、wouldnt be surprised to hear shes in the family way.如果她家出什么事,我也不会惊讶。-Oh, fuck it Ive had enough. Ill not have language in this house.-操。我受够了。-我不许你在这个家里说脏话。-See you later, Dad. Its been lovely.- No. I said youre welcome.再见,老爹。这里很温馨。一不。我说你受欢迎的。Im welcome.- Always welcome.-我受欢迎。-永远欢迎你。Yeah, I heard you

20、, all right?Im never welcome in this house.我听到了,好吗?我在这个家里从来不受欢迎。I just dont want any swearing.我只是不想听到脏话。You wonder why I take months away.你想知道我为什么要离开几个月ril go and be United Nations.我要去当联♥合♥国♥调停了。All I ask is for you just not to swear.我只希望你不要骂人。The portrait of the first Duke of W

21、ellington第一幅惠灵顿公爵的画像创下了set a record price for a Goya.戈雅作品的拍卖♥♥纪录。It was knocked down to an American它在90秒内就被一个美国人after 90 seconds for 140,000.以14万英镑价格买♥♥走。.If you dont want money?如果你不想要钱?What do you want If you dont want gold?连黄金都不想要,你到底想要什么?I might have the body of a weak

22、 and feeble woman.我虽有一个虚弱的女人的身体Elizabeth I.那是伊丽莎白一世。But Tve got the testicles of Henry VIII.但我还攥着亨利八世的睾丸。You are three and tenpence short on yesterday, Bunton.你比昨天又少交了三英镑十便士份钱,伯顿Aye, an old fella. Skint.是的,碰上一个老穷光蛋。Whys he taking taxis, then?那他为什么要打车呢?He*s a war veteran. Canrt walk.他是一名老兵。不能走路。I am

23、running a taxi firm, not a charity.我开的是出租车公♥司♥,不是慈善机构。-Take it out me wages.- Fve had complaints.从我的工资里扣吧。-有人向我投诉你。One, you talk too much,and, two, its utter bollocks. 第一,你话太多了,第二,你简直是在胡说八道。Youre sacked, with immediate effect.你被解雇了,马上走人。-1 havent been paid.- Sue me, then.-但我还没拿到工资呢。那你就

24、去起诉我吧。But fuck off first.你现在赶紧走人。Oh, hello. Yes.哦,你好。是的。Fil just take the address, please.Thank you.请告诉我地址。谢谢!Thank you very much. Be there in a tick.非常感谢你的惠顾,我们马上就到。There is nothing more powerful没有比让一个社会知道它than when a community discovers what it cares about.所关心的事情更有力的东西了。And when a man accepts our

25、essential interdependence,当一个男人接受了我们本质上的相互依赖,in that moment he, or she,在那一刻,他(或她)becomes a woman.就变成了一个女人。Or a man.或一个男人。As the case may be.那要看具体情况而定。How many have you got?你们得到了几个签名?The petitions only one part of the campaign.请♥愿♥只是运动的一局部。-Three? - Well, weve just set up.-才三个? 我们只是刚开头。

26、Kempton Bunton? Thats not even a real name.肯普顿伯顿?那甚至不是一个真实的姓名。Rome wasnt built in a day, Jackie.罗马不是一天建成的,杰克。But, then again, I wasnt on that particular job.但话又说回来,我又不是专门干这个的。Oh, hello. Didnt know you were political; Jackie Bunton.哦,你好。没想到你还搞政♥治♥,杰克伯顿。Yeah, its me dad. His latest campa

27、ign.是的,是我爸爸。他最近在搞一场运动。Me nan would love a telly.我奶奶会喜欢电视的。Why don*t you sign my petition, then, love?那你为什么不在我的请&hearts愿♥书上签名呢?亲爱的?Uh. I dont know about that.呃我对此还不大了解。The hat suits ya.这顶帽子很适合你。Id like to sign, Mr Bunton.我很想签名,伯顿先生。Unless you have any objections.除非你有反对者。Au contraire, Mrs Gowli

28、ng. Au contraire.反对者,高令夫人。当然有反对者。Thank you.谢谢你。Now, where do I put my paw print?那我该在那里落笔呢?Just there, please.请签在这里。给养老金领&hearts ;W(♥者免费电视看。If Jackie goes to the bad Jm holding you responsible. 如果对杰克有什么不利,我要你负责。Thatll be the straw, I promise you.哪怕只有一丁点不利,我决饶不了你。You can do your petitions and w

29、rite your plays in prison. 你可以在监狱里写你的请♥愿♥书和剧本。 Theyll do your cooking and your washing for you and all. 监狱会给你管饭和洗衣服。-But fve had it.- Ive had it up to here.-但我受够了。我在这里也受够了。Peace offering.消消气。-Good dunkers, them ginger nuts.- What do you want?-古德敦克尔,他们的姜汁坚果饼挺好吃。-你想说什么? A pact.你的同意。Two d

30、ays in London. Give me two days.给我两天时间让我去伦敦。Then Ill be back for good.Get a job. Keep me head down. 然后我就永远在家,找个活干,保持低调行事。I didnt come down in the last shower, you know. 你也知道,上次的喧闹,让我差点都丢尽了面子。Promise. Two days.保证,就两天。To change anything, you have to go to Parliament. 要想改变现状,你得去议会。Youre wasting your li

31、fe.你在浪费生命。How do you eat an elephant?你怎么能吃下一头大象?-Who eats elephants? - One bite at a time.谁要吃下一头大象? 要一 口一口地吃。Stop this.别干了。Please, Kempton. Please, love, please. 求你了,肯普顿。亲爱的,别干了。Im begging you. Stop all your agitation.我求你了。别再进行煽动了。Two days, thats all.两天,就这么多。If I hit a brick wall down there,that wil

32、l be the end of it. 如果我在那里碰到了阻碍,我就结束这一切。Two days, thats all I need. 两天,这就是我所需要的。Then I swear to Godjtll be the last of it.那我对天发誓,这将是最后一次了。The plays, the politics, the lot.我会放弃戏剧,政♥治♥, 一切东西。Two days.就两天。One last chance.给我最后一次机会。Do you have an appointment?你有预约吗?-Hell want to see me.- Im

33、sorry?他会见我的。-我很抱歉?Ive sent him my trilogy of plays, 我给他寄去了我的戏剧三部曲, each one tackling a different aspect of social injustice. 每一部都涉及社会不公的不同方面。-Hes not here.- Not here?他不在这里。不在这里?Hes gone to Granada.他去格拉纳达了。-Granada Television? - No, Granada in Spain.-是格拉纳达电视台吗?-不,是西班牙的格拉纳达。I could wait.我可以等他。Right.好吧

34、。There you go, sir.先生,这边请。每日快报I need to speak to the boss, love.Its urgent.我要和老板谈谈,亲爱的。它的紧迫。Hes over there.他在那里。- Sir, I have a story.- Is that right?- 先生,我有个故事。一对吗?- Its a campaign.-1 dont do campaigns.- 这事关一场运动-我不从事运动。- Its about social injustice.-1 dont do social injustice.- 它事关社会不公。我也不关心社会不公。- C

35、an I buy you.-1 dont do lunch.- 我能占用你.-我都没空吃午饭。Another time.另找个时间。Friends, members,朋友们,成员们,citizens of this great mother of Parliament.伟大议会母亲的公民们Members, representatives, reps.议员们,下院议员们,代表们Friends, reps.朋友们,代表们I come here, not.我来这里,不是Friends,朋友们,fellow citizens,同胞们,elected representatives of this no

36、ble house,在这高贵殿堂中,被选出的代表们,lend me your ears.请听我言。-Lets just move along.-1 come not to make a protest,-把他弄走。-我不是来抗♥议♥的, but to demand of this government.所以,你从来就不知道怎么回事。Recorded delivery?还是挂号♥邮寄给你?Aye. Good idea.是的,这主意不错。That will be two shillings, Mr Bunton.你要付两先令,伯顿先生。Come on, M

37、r Singh.快点,辛格先生。We know youre in there.我们知道你在里面。I know he*s in.我知道他在家。-Harry? Come on.- Al right.哈里?过来。-好吧。Well come back.我们先撤。-1 know hes in.- All right.我知道他在家里,-好啦。Hes cooking.他在做饭。Right, cup of tea and then well go and do.好吧,先去喝杯茶,然后我们再去Evening Chronicle.这里是纪事晚报。-How can I help you?- Is Barry Spe

38、nce there, pet?-我能帮你做什么?-巴里斯宾塞在吗?小妹?-Just putting you through.- Thank you.马上给你接通。.谢谢。Dorothy?多萝茜?Im in here.我在这儿。Dorothy, would you be a sweetie and just clean the heads for me?多萝茜,你能帮我个忙,把这些球杆清洗一下?Oh, yes. Yes, of course.哦,当然可以。Uh, will I finish the fireplace first?呃,等我先把壁炉擦完,行吗?Its entirely up to

39、you, but Im playing this afternoon. Busy, busy.你看着办,反正今天下午我要打球。抓紧,抓紧Q是对政♥府♥有个要求Its all right.这下好了。排队去见公爵国家美术馆Bugger.混♥蛋♥。The portrait was missing when the first shift of attendants今早7点第一批值班人员来这里报到的时候reported for duty here at 7:00 this morning.画像就不见了。When the gallery close

40、d fast night,the Goya was still in its usual place. 当画廊在斋戒之夜闭馆时,戈雅的作品仍在原来的地方。The National Gallery is appealing to anybody who was here yesterday 国家美术馆呼吁所有昨天来过这里的人,and who saw anything or anybody they think was suspicious 如果看到任何他们认为可疑的东西或人,to get in touch with the police.请与警方联♥系♥。Will i

41、t be out of the country already,Commissioner?已经运到国外了吗,警监?Well, looking at the degree of planning and expertise involved, 从计划的周密程度和专业知识来看,were convinced that the Goya has been stolen to order我们确信戈雅的画作是被一个by a well-funded, highly professional international criminal gang.资金雄厚,高度专业的国际犯罪团伙所窃取的。Any suspec

42、ts so far?目前有任何嫌疑人吗?Its not very good, is it?这个不太好吧?是吗?What about the police?警♥察♥那边怎么办?No ones looking for the Duke of Wellington in BenwelL没人在本维尔找威灵顿公爵。Christ!上帝!Dont touch it!别碰它!Jesus Christ.耶稣基 ♥督 ♥。Christ is the man we need right now.基♥督♥是我们现在需要的人。-How

43、come? - Carpenter.为什么? 我们需要木匠。Someone who knows how to put a false back on that wardrobe.一个知道如何给衣柜装上夹层的人。-1 can do that.- Get on with it, then.我可以的。那就干吧。-Next up: communication.- Cut letters out the paper.下一步:沟通。在报纸上剪出字母。No, do that,不,这么做,and youd be telling them what paper you read, what glue youve

44、 got in the house, 你会告诉他们你读了什么报纸,家里有什么胶水whether you use right-or left-handed scissors.甚至能查出,你用的是不是左撇子专用剪刀。Thats three coordinates,and theyve got you.那就给了他们三个坐标,你就暴露了。Thats why this letter cannot be posted from Newcastle.这就是为什么这封信不能从纽卡斯尔寄出的原因。Query not that I have the Goya.“不要疑问我对戈雅有什么偏好。The act is a

45、n attempt to pick the pockets of those who love art more than charity. 这次行动是试图从那些热爱艺术,甚于热爱慈善的人的口袋里掏钱。Bit of Rabin Hood. Like that.就有点像罗宾汉。-Mam.- Christ.-妈妈。上帝。-How was Aunt Betty? - Why are you wearing rubber gloves?-贝蒂阿姨怎么样了 ? 你为什么呆着橡胶手套?Varnish. Been on the boat.给小船抛光上漆。-Hello, pet.- Oh, youre back.-你好,小狗。哦,你回来了。Didnt bring down the government, then?没给政♥府♥添麻烦吧?Ah, well, I exercised my democratic right.我只不过行使了的民&hearts注♥权利。Now its up to them.What matters is Im back.现在就看他们的了。重要的是我回来了。So, youll be going to the labour exchange.那你就要去劳务介绍


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