In Search of Darkness: Part Ⅱ《寻找黑暗 第二章(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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1、恐怖像是一条蛇;它一直在蜕皮一直在改变-达里奥阿基多琳妮奎格蕾活死人归来演员你有没有好奇过不同的死法Do you ever wonder about the different ways of dying?活死人归来(1985)你懂得很暴♥力♥you know, violently.瑞恩图雷克月光光心慌慌:杀戮制片人怀旧在你成长的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色Nostalgia plays such a heavy part in, you know, what you grow up with. 13号♥星期五8 :杰森入侵曼哈顿(1989)我真的很喜欢

2、关于恐怖的一切The thing about horror that I really really love,猛鬼街5 :梦之儿童(1989)月光光心慌慌2(1981)养鬼吃人2(1988)这是一种反主流文化it was just kind of counterculture,鬼娃回魂(1988)“去你♥妈♥的♥的态度而你父母很讨厌这种态度“Fuck you attitude, and it was something that your parents hated.穿梭猛鬼城(1986)捉鬼小灵精(1987)睡衣晚会大屠♥杀&hear

3、ts;2(1987)80年代的性毒品和摇滚乐对吧没错Sex, drugs and rock and roll in the 80s. Right? Well,罗伯特拉斯勒穿梭猛鬼城演员事情远不止如此it became a lot more than that.灵魂大搜索(1980)我们是80年代的摇滚明星We were rock stars in the 80s.史蒂文约翰逊美国狼人在伦敦特效化妆师是我们在早期看到的水下场景is the underwater sequence当你和她一起屏住呼吸的时候that we see early on,where it feels impossibly

4、long,你会觉得时间长得不可思议youre kind of holding your breath with her.那真是美丽又宁静And yet its so beautiful and so tranquil.把它和电影里的其他东西放在一起真是太有趣了And its such a fun juxtaposition against everything else in that movie. 而在地狱中你并不能真正地看到整个过程And with Inferno, you donrt really get a full on viewing of the way. 我们只能看到她的掠影和

5、手还有一个大锅She gets sort of these glimpses of her and her hands and the cauldron.阿基多并不是仅仅展示他的手牌Argento, as opposed to just sort of showing his cards,他会和观众们一起玩而且有些犹豫不决he still plays with viewers and kind of still holds back.地狱里有虐待动物的镜头Theres definitely moments of animal cruelty in我认为这必然让很多人感到不舒服Inferno t

6、hat I think makes it uncomfortable for a lot of folks.最终地狱以女巫的揭晓作为结束Ultimately, ulnferno wraps up with the reveal of the witch然后整个建筑最终化为灰烬and then basically the building ends up in flames这局部很像阴风阵阵的结局which is very similar to how Suspiria ends,阴风阵阵(1977)但地狱的结尾把它带到了另一个境界but then Inferno kind of takes i

7、t to another level with sort of死神化身出现了death incarnate tmaking an appearance.地狱(1980)地狱就像是阿基多在秀肌肉Inferno is Argento like really flexing his muscles,小菲尔诺贝尔Fangoria 主编他也曾经成功过几次like hes got a couple hits under his belt,他有一些钱Where have you been all day? - Riding.斯汀和詹妮弗要做的工作是展示事情是如何分崩离析的The job that Sting

8、 and Jennifer had to do was to show how他们不应该有任何化学反响things fall apart. They werent supposed to have any chemistry.银幕外他们确实有化学反响我的意思是,Offscreen they actually did have chemistry. I mean, 我们都挺喜欢对方的在屏幕上他们不得不错过were all kind of liked each other. On screen they had to miss.我用灰烬造了你我可以让你再次化为灰烬I made you out of

9、 ashes. I can always reduce you to ashes again.你爱怎么做就怎么做You can do what you like!我认为人们忽略了这一点这是一个充满希望的信息I think people miss the point of that, yeah. Its a hopeful message of how we can, 你知道我们都可以从最糟糕的开始变得更好you know, we can all get better from our - from even the most miserable beginnings. 我们都能找到真爱那不是真

10、的故事And we can all find true love. Thats not really the不是玛丽雪莱的故事但没关系story. Its not Mary Shelleys story, but thats okay.猛鬼街2 :弗莱迪的复仇(1985)-预告片猛鬼街大获成功他们都不敢相信Nightmare 1 was a huge, huge off the charts hit, they couldnft believe 罗伯特英格兰德猛鬼街2演员猛鬼街(1984)猛鬼街2拥有该系列中一些最经典的时刻it. Nightmare 2 it has some of the

11、most classic moments of the franchise.猛鬼街2 :弗莱迪的复仇(1985)罗伯特拉斯勒猛鬼街2演员猛鬼街2是关于人际关系观点和刻板印象的Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is about relationships, perspectives, and stereotypes 一旦弗莱迪克鲁格用他的爪子抓住它们它们就会被打碎that all get smashed once Freddy Krueger gets his claws in them.我们所做的是利用马克巴顿What we did is utilize the truth

12、between Mark Patton,杰西沃尔什我罗伯特拉斯勒罗恩格雷迪Jesse Walsh, and I, Robert Rusler, Ron Grady,我们利用了自己的真理我们把它放在and we utilized our own truths. And we put it in the电影的情节里我对性没有任何判断circumstances of the film. I didnt have a judgment about sexuality.这就是我喜欢格雷迪和杰西的原因And thats what I loved about Grady and Jesse,这并不是别有用心

13、他们之间有一种性张力there was no ulterior motive there. There was a sexual tension between them.我不明白你为什么要在这个人身上浪费时间他是个毫无希望的人I dont know why youre wasting your time with this guy, hes a basket case.闭嘴格雷迪Shut up, Grady.但这取决于谁在看But it depends who*s looking.回头见伙计See you around, buddy.我们一直认为弗雷迪是在利用We were playing

14、with this idea that Freddy was exploiting the马克扮演的杰西的潜意识他可能正在翻开壁橱的门subconscious of Marks character Jessie and was maybe opening the closet door.我们有很多关于弗雷迪的线索And we had beaucoup hints of Freddy,操纵男孩的性♥欲♥由原始剧本舞台表演manipulating the boys sexuality, prompted both演员阵容和布景by the original screen

15、play, the staging,整个序列促成the casting, and by sets, whole sequences.没人说我们在拍同性恋恐怖电影但我们确实是No one said we*re making a gay horror film, but we were不是严格地固定它但肯定是在探索它toying with that. Not nailing it down rigidly, but certainly exploring it.我喜欢弗雷迪在其中发生的事情分♥裂♥And I loved what was going on with Fr

16、eddie being in the middle of it. Divisive, 算计比猛鬼街其他任何一部电影都要黑暗calculating, darker than any of the other Nightmare on Elm Street movies.那个场景出现了克鲁格从杰西的身体里出来That scene comes up, Krueger comes out of Jesses body,我在喊我爸爸and Im yelling for my dad.当我和我爸爸一起看电影的时候我爸爸哭了When I saw the movie with my dad at the sc

17、reening, my dad was crying,你知道的我回头看了看观众他们也都被感动了you know. And I looked back in the audience, and people were affected.他们确实违反了一条规那么他们把弗雷迪从梦中带走了They did break a one rule, they took Freddy out of the dream.他的父亲被活活烧死了他甚至都没去泳池派对His dad is burned alive. He doesnt even show up at the pool party. Yet, 然而泳池派对

18、上有一些很棒的东西你们现在都是我的孩子了theres some great stuff at the pool party, Youre all my children now. 你们现在都是我的孩子了Youre all my children now.你知道的自便吧混♥蛋♥You know, Help yourself fucker1.自便吧 混♥蛋♥Help yourself, fucker!我喜欢有钱女孩派对的点子And I love the idea that its the rich girls弗雷迪毁了所有富家子弟party

19、and Freddy ruins it for all the rich kids.他们只需要拍一张♥杰♥西或者杰西和金All they have to do is just get a pickup shot of Jesse or Jesse and Kim asleep在泳池房♥睡午觉的照片那么弗雷迪搞的那场派对就闹翻了in the pool house taking a nap, and then that whole party crash by Freddy works. 爸爸现在帮不了你了Daddy cant help you now!我

20、记得在弗雷迪和杰西一起的时候我问过马克I mean, I remember asking Mark in a sequence with Freddie and Jesse, 如果我能像亲吻他一样抚摸他if I could touch him like I was gonna kiss him,我能把刀子插♥进♥你嘴里吗或者我可以圈出你的Can I put a blade in your mouth? Or Could I just circle your嘴吗我能摸摸你的眼睛吗那真是一个可怕而奇怪的场景mouth? Can I caress your eyes?H

21、Thats a real scary, strange moment.我说也许你认为应该是性的还是死亡之吻I said, Maybe do you think it should be sexual or maybe the kiss of death?所以我想可能会有一个很棒的同性吻戏So I thought there might be a great male on male kiss在那里那可能是情♥色♥的然后是死亡之吻there. That could be erotic and then - and then death kiss.有很多人看了这部电影它

22、让他们感到不舒服There is a lot of people that watch that movie, and it made them uncomfortable.有很多人看了这部电影他们被赋予了力量There were a lot of people that watched that movie and an empowered them.有很多人看了这部电影There were a lot of people that watched that movie,他们取笑评判大多数吹毛求疵的人and they made fun of orjudged or poked, most o

23、f the people that judge and poke, 你在隐瞒什么你明白我的意思吗?What are you hiding, you know what I mean?人们从一开始就在讨论这个问题现在还在增加People were talking about this from the get go and there was an increased and因为这个同性恋群体的粉丝基础很快得到了增强an enhanced fan base within the gay community, because of this, immediately.很多年轻的男同性恋都深受那部电

24、影的影响说实话A lot of young gay men were heavily heavily influenced by that movie, to be truthful and 他们老实地面对自己从内心真正开展成为他们想成为的人honest with themselves and - and really flourish into who they wanted to be from the inside.我觉得这太棒了就弗雷迪的广度而言就角色之间I think thats fantastic. As far as Freddie goes, and as far as the

25、 depth of truth真理深度而言没有什么能超越猛鬼街2我为那部电影感到骄傲between characters, nobody else touches “Nightmare 2. Im very proud of that movie.人们问嘿拍最gay的恐怖片是什么感觉And when people go, Hey, whats it like to be in the gayest我说简直太他妈棒了horror movie ever made? I go, it was fucking awesome.没关系一切都结束了Its okay, its all over.隔山有眼2(

26、1985) 预告片当我还是韦斯克雷文的超级粉丝时While I was a big West Craven fan,罗伯特拉斯勒穿梭猛鬼城演员隔山有眼(1977)我也是隔山有眼的超级粉丝那部电影太诡异了伙计I was also a huge fan of uThe Hills Have Eyes. That movie was freaky, man.罗伯特拉斯勒穿梭猛鬼城演员我一会儿再来找你小女孩ril come here for you later, girlie.这是另一个你联想到可能会发生的情况Another example of a situation that you could

27、relate to as this can really happen对我来说就像是我走错了方向然后我就会陷入地狱to me, was sort of like I take the wrong turn, and I wind up in you know, hell.隔山有眼2(1985)隔山有眼很奇怪因为它紧跟着Hills Have Eyes 11 is a weird one because it comes on the heels of小菲尔诺贝尔Fangoria 主编克雷文的猛鬼街之后可能是他职业生涯中最成功的作品Craven having maybe the biggest h

28、it of his career with Nightmare on Elm Street1. 突然间他又回到了最底层And suddenly hes kind of going back to the bottom of the为8年前的一部电影拍摄了续集barrel and delivering a sequel to a movie some eight years earlier.有很多闪回如果你想在电影中看到狗的倒叙Theres a lot of flashbacks. If you ever want to see a dog have a flashback in a movie

29、, 我能说出一个就在隔山有眼2里I can name one and its in Hills Have Eyes 11.第一部中Then the first film,这个文明柔软的this civilized soft郊区家庭发现自己身处荒野suburban family finds itself in the wilderness,我猜你会说这是一种野生变种人facing off against the sort of feral mutants I guess you would say.在第二部中变种人的战斗变得And in the second one, its kind of t

30、he the mutants bringing the fight to 多少一点文明因为他们自己有一个人敢于尝试跨越civilization a little bit because one of their own has dared to try to cross over.隔山有眼2(1985)我喜欢迈克尔贝里曼你知道和他在摩登保姆中合作I love Michael Berryman, you know, working with him in Weird Science, 摩登保姆(1985)他本人和他在荧幕上的he was such the antithesis of what h

31、e形象完全相反comes off as on screen, you know,因为他总是扮演那种非常恐怖的超级虐待狂because hes always playing these really freaky creepy like super sadistic, 很可怕的角色但他本人非常和蔼可亲是个受过良好教育的好人like scary roles. And in person hes a super pleasant, super educated sweet man. 摩登保姆(1985)我们能保密吗我可不想失去教书的工作Can we keep this between us? Id

32、hate to lose my teaching job.让我产生共鸣的是隔山有眼2相比于What resonates with me about Hills Have Eyes 11 compared隔山有眼更清楚地表达了什么是恐惧to Hills Have Eyes 1 was more the clarity on what the fear was.隔山有眼2(1985)我要你们待在一起保持警惕这个地方可能看起来很荒凉I want you to stay together and stay alert. This place might look deserted,但在我们来到这里之前

33、它一直被用来做一些事情but its been used for something right up to the time we got here.他们要对人物和处境进行详细的描述你知道的They got to expound upon the characters, the situation. Whats at stake, you know; 我的生活我能从这里逃出去的几率有多大你知道的很低甚至是零my life. And what are the odds of me making out of here, you know, slim and none. 我觉得韦斯克雷文很擅长捕

34、捉I think Wes Craven was very good about capturing a真正带你进入沙漠世界的视角perspective really taking you to that world in the desert.就像活死人黎明那样的电影Thats one of those movies like Dawn of the Dead, 你们出来的时候会非常淘气地打对方where you come out hitting each other being super mischievous.不知道为什么有些恐怖电影就是这样影响我的For some reason, th

35、ats how some of those horror movies affect me.我看到他以后真想找麻烦I want to get into trouble after I see him.想念我想念我呐Miss me, miss me, na非常有趣80年代的恐怖喜剧恐怖电影本质上是荒谬的Horror movies are essentially absurd, 乔丹特破胆三次导演喜剧已经在里面了and the comedy just itrs already in there.魔偶奇谭(1989)如果你找不到And if you don*t find it, someone其他人

36、会找到它因为有些else is going to find it because some of - the sometimes有时正在发生的一些事情都是荒谬的some of the things that are happening are just preposterous.活死人归来(1985)80年代的许多电影比方活死人归来和异形大灾难都不害怕接受Many of the pictures in the 80s like Return of the Living Dead and The Stuff are not afraid to embrace the fact异形大灾难(1988

37、)它们很傻的事实我的意思是事实上我几乎会认为愚蠢是一种恐怖喜剧的代名词that theyre silly. I mean in fact, I would almost think that silly is kind of the - the byword for horror comedies.从两傻大战科学怪人开始这是所有人的最爱因为Beginning with Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein1, which is everybodys favorite because of the fact that两傻大战科学怪人(1948)恐怖电影的东西

38、是直接播放的它只是完美地融合在一起看起来很棒the horror movie stuff is played straight. It just all meshes together so perfectly, and it looks terrific.你知道这几乎是阿伯特和科斯特洛最好的电影And its, you know, practically the best movie that Abbott and Costello而且它也是后来的环球恐怖片中最好的一部ever made. And its also the best of the later, universal horro

39、r pictures.在黑白电影中喜剧更有趣在黑白色彩里In black and white, the comedy was funnier, in black and white, 汤姆萨维尼鬼作秀特效化妆师恐怖场景更可怕the horror was scarier.这几乎像是荒谬的恐怖这根本不可能Its almost like horror of the absurd. Like this is not even in the realm of probable. 杰弗里库姆斯活跳尸演员所以有一种巨大的共同的喜悦这是一种可爱的东西And so theres a great sort of

40、communal delight, theres something endearing about that. 活跳尸(1985)活跳尸是一部非常有趣的电影也很可怕在电影制♥作&hearts渚的 “Re-Animator is is a very funny movie. Its also pretty gruesome. Its in the mind 脑海中你们不可能都像三池崇史那样冷酷无情of the filmmaker, you cant all be Takashi Miike, and have it be unrelentingly grim.切肤之爱(2000)

41、切肤之爱(2000)总有一些时刻曲线会上下波动而不是一直波动Theres got to be some moments where the graph goes up and down instead ofjust all the way在我的电影中我总是带着一种荒谬的感觉去接近恐怖的方面across. In my movies, Fve always approached the horror aspects along with a sense of the absurd.小精灵(1984)小精灵(1984)我处理恐惧的机制是是是笑尤其是在电影里My mechanism of dealin

42、g with fear is - is - is laughter, especially in the movies,渡边戈登穿梭猛鬼城演员死神之吻(1983年美国上映)因为你会意识到你不在电影里you know, because then you realize that youre not in the movie.渡边戈登穿梭猛鬼城演员鬼玩人2(1987)他们称其为喜剧救济一小块空间让你冷静一秒钟They call it comic relief; a little space to stand still for a second and凯莉马罗尼杀手追魂演员在你踢人之前在你再次被追

43、逐之前先喘口气catch your breath before you kick - before you get chased around again,坏品位(1989年美国上映)或者不管它是什么你必须要有它否那么它就太无情了or whatever it is, you have to have that otherwise, its just relentless,黑暗之夜(1982)它会在无意中变得有趣这是你真的不想要的and it becomes unintentionally funny, which you really dont want.吸血鬼之吻(1988)我想不出比这更可

44、怕的工作了I couldnt think of a more horrible job if I wanted to.德州电锯杀人狂中有很多喜剧元素The Texas Chainsaw Massacre has many comic elements in it,乔鲍勃布里格斯乔鲍勃布里格斯的最后时刻主持人德州电锯杀人狂(1974)但人们直到很久以后才认为它是喜剧but people don*t think of it as a comedy until much later. And然后他们就得创造像大木偶戏这样的词语来描述德州电锯杀人狂的剧情then they have to invent

45、 fancy terms like Grand Guignol to describe whats going on in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.破胆三次(1981)破胆三次是一部真正强大的恐怖电影但它也非常有趣“The Howling is a really powerful horror movie, but its funny as hell, 米克加里斯魔精2导演和美国狼人在伦敦一样他们都认真对待恐怖and An American Werewolf in London, Both of them take their horror seriously.美国狼人

46、在伦敦(1981)破胆三次(1981)同时也把喜剧看得很认真拍摄它们的电影制♥作♥人And they take the comedy seriously. And both of them are made by filmmakers都既拍过喜剧也拍过恐怖片whove embraced both and have made comedies and have made horror movies.他们有这样的欢乐要享受一个好的恐怖电影让你感觉They have such glee and relish a good horror movie makes you fe

47、el破胆三次(1981)真的很兴奋感觉你们会玩得很开心当然这是一部好喜剧really excited and like youre having a good time, and certainly a good comedy.你驾驭着笑声的浪潮如果你能像You ride that wave of laughter and when you can melt约翰兰迪斯和乔丹特那样把它们融合好them together like John Landis and Joe Dante can do.美国狼人在伦敦(1981)不好意思Excuse me.当它起作用的时候真的很棒这也是我所希望的When it works its really great, and thatrs what I was hoping for doing魔精2的目标那就是喜剧会很有趣而恐怖会很恐怖Critters 2 wa


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