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《品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响研究_钟鑫.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响研究_钟鑫.docx(74页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、西南财经大学 品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响研究 以成都大学生服装品牌消费为例 Research on Brand Value to Customer Loyal Influence Based on the Chengdu University Student Clothing Brand expense 学位申请人: _ 钟 _ 年 级: _ 2005级 _ 学 科 专 业 : 市场营销管理 _ 研 究 方 向 : _ 品牌研究 _ 指 导 教 师 : _ 谢庆红教授 _ 定 稿 时 间 : 2007年 11月 _ 西南财经大学 学位论文原创性及知识产权声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本

2、人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对 本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标 明。因本学位论文引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。 本学位论文成果归西南财经大学所有。 特此声明 学位申请人 : 年月 摘要 本论文研究的是品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响。研究目的是从品牌价值与 顾客忠诚的关系入手,建立品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响模型。并通过对成都 大学生服装品牌消费为例进行实证研究。 一、研究背景 (1) 品牌已经成为企业竞争的焦点 随着社会经济的高速发展,市场竞争越来越激烈,产品同质化愈演

3、愈烈, 单凭产品质量功能等方面的特性,很难对产品加以区别,竞争对手间不得拿 起品牌这个工具,通过品牌建设使公司产品个性化,吸引消费者。现在企业 之间的竞争,已经从产品竞争、价格竞争,发展到如今的品牌竞争。品牌开 始全方位影响社会经济生活。 (2) 消费者品牌意识的觉醒推动品牌的发展 品牌的生命在于市场,市场越大,品牌的生命力就越强,品牌是由生产 者和消费者在市场这个大熔炉中共同锻造的。我国消费者消费结构的升级和 品牌意识的提前觉醒,为品牌的发展提供了巨大的动力。 一一我国近年来城乡居民收入稳定增长,人均 P已达 1美元,城镇 居民消费的恩格尔系数下降至 37. 9%。然而基尼系数快速升高,已达

4、到 0.45, 表明人们生活消费水平明显提高,收入差距拉大,这为品牌提供了巨大的现 实和潜在市场; 一一随着商品极大涌流的到来,消费者在市场上购买商品有了充分自主 的选择余地,他们不仅关注商品的质 量、性能、价格、包装,而且更关注自 己购买和使用某种商品的心理感受和特殊体验。不同品牌所包含的科技与文 化不同,给人带来感受与体验不同,促进了消费者品牌偏好的形成。 (3) 消费品位的提高,推动企业追求顾客的忠诚 社会文化的进步,带来消费理念的巨大变化,消费个性化、时尚化、审 美化的趋势越来越明显。表现在商品选择上,既注重内在质量和性能,也注 重文化附加值和美学价值,注重商品带来的象征个人地位、财富

5、、性格和审 美追求的属性。消费品位的提高,推动企业追求顾客的忠诚。 (4) 消费者购买行为特点推动企业进行顾客忠诚的研究 Walgren, Ruble, Donthu (1995)认为如果品牌对于消费者而言没有任 何意义(价值),那么它对于投资者、生产商或零售商也就没有任何意义。随 着消费者消费观念的成熟,品牌对于消费者选择的重要性越来越明显;随着 生活节奏的加快,消费者越来越倾向于购买其熟悉的品牌,因为没有太多的 时间去仔细考虑一个新品牌是否值得信赖,是否适合自己,最便捷的方式莫 过于购买其曾经购买的品牌。另外有些消费者对某一些品牌有着情感上的高 度忠诚。 二、 研究方法 本论文主 要的研究

6、方法包括: (1) 文献阅读 通过对以往与本研究有关的文献进行阅读和研究,充分了解前人的研究 成果和研究中的不足,从而找到自己研究的切入点和相关的指标。 (2) 问卷调查 (3) 数理统计分析 主要用于对问卷调查的结果进行分析。获取了原始数据后,通过统计分 析对数据资料进行分析,可以研究变量之间的相互关系,并得出相应的结论。 本研究使用了社会科学常用的统计分析软件 SPSS 15,对研究变量之间的关系 进行了描述统计分析、信度与效度分析、因子分析、相关分析、回归分析。 三、 研究的内容 本文研究的内容共有六部分。第一部分是文章的导论部分,主要介绍了 本文研究的背景、目的和意义。是本文研究的起点

7、。第二部分是文章的相关 理论部分,主要介绍了品牌与品牌价值的概念、顾客忠诚的相关理论,这部 分是本文研究的理论基础。第三部分是品牌价值与顾客忠诚的关系研究及影 响模型的建立。重点介绍了顾客价值与品牌忠诚的各个因子,以及两组因子 之间的假设关系。这部分是本文的主要研究内容之一。第四部分是基于顾客 价值的品牌忠诚管理及其提高途径。这部分是本文的主要研究内容之二。第 五部分是实证研究部分。以成都大学生服装品牌消费为例,对第三章的假设 模型进行验证。并提出了对假设模型的修改意见。第六部分是结论部分。提 出了本文的结论、研究的不足等内容。 四、本论文主要的研究结论 本文在前人研究的基础上,通过对国内外学

8、者对品牌价值与顾客忠诚相 关理论研究、实证分析和企业品牌经营实践的活动考察,建立了品牌价值对 品牌忠诚的影响模型,并提出了培育和提高品牌价值、增强顾客忠诚的途径。 并通过实证研究论证影响模型。在本项研究中得出以下结论: 1、 品牌价值是顾客忠诚的核心驱动力。品牌价值体现的 顾客的主观选择 是内在的,所以忠诚就必然与它如影随形。理论回顾后建立的品牌价值对顾 客忠诚的影响模型,通过大学生服装品牌消费实证验证这个观点。 2、 促进品牌忠诚的建立和提高,应加强消费者的品牌意识。加强消费者 品牌意识最关键的一点就是选择和设计独具特色的品牌显形要素(包括品牌 名称、标识、图标、广告语和包装等)。研究结论表

9、明,消费者高强度的品牌 意识有利于品牌忠诚的形成,企业要想建立和维护品牌忠诚,必须加强消费 者的品牌意识。在选择和设计品牌显性要素时,要遵循以下两个标准:第一, 品牌要素的组合要有内在的 可记忆性,能使消费者回忆起或辨认出该品牌; 第二,品牌要素的组合要有内在的含义,能告诉消费者该品牌的独特之处或 优越之处,品牌要素所传递的信息应该体现该品牌的个性,反映使用者的形 象或展现一种情感。消费者对一个品牌听得越多、看得越多、想得越多,该 品牌在消费者记忆中的印象就越深刻。任何能使消费者接触品牌名称、标识、 图标、文字、包装的事件,都能提高消费者对该品牌的熟悉程度和认知度。 3、 产品质量的不断提升有

10、利于品牌忠诚的建立和维护。企业要建立和维 护品牌忠诚,最基本的就是要不断提升其产品与服务的品质,这主 要应从以 下三方面采取行动:首先是要确保产品与服务的质量,这是一个品牌获得可 持续发展的首要前提;其次由于消费者的需求在不断的发生变化,消费者的 消费心态也越来越趋向理性化,企业要想自己的品牌继续获得消费者的认可 和忠诚,就必须在产品和服务方面做出创新与领先策略。企业除了积极进行 新产品的研究和开发外,尤其要注重服务质量,服务质量是影响消费者行为 意向的一个重要的决定性因素,它直接影响了消费者重复购买行为和推荐意 愿的产生。另外,企业应注重提供的产品和服务要能让消费者获得一种感知 价值,通过消

11、费体验让消费者感受到品牌所折射出的象征意义和个性,给消 费者在精神方面増加一种附加价值。 4、 根据马斯洛需求层次理论,我们发现在对大学生服装品牌消费的实证 中,品牌促销价值对品牌情感价值替代明显。充分反映大学生受消费层次和 消费水平的影响较显著。这提醒我们企业在针对大学生这个消费群体设计产 品时,要从大学生需求的实际出发,设计一些价格适中、有质量保证的服饰 广品。 5、 我国作为世界上最大的服装生产国与服装出口国,尽管在产销量 方面 的规模较大,但是还没有出现一个真正意义上的世界知名服装品牌。通过本 文研究,从消费者需求出发,通过品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响模型,验证并 找出目标消费群体,合理利

12、用资源,找出一条品牌强企、品牌强国的路子。 关 键 词 : 品 牌 价 值 顾 客 忠 诚 驱 动 力 服 装 品 牌 Abstract This paper is the impact of brand value on customer loyalty. The research Purpose is to establish a model of the brand values effect on brand loyalty from the relationship between them, it is validated by the example of the brand c

13、lothing consumption among university students in Chengdu. I. Background of this study (1) Brand has become the focus of competition among enterprises Along with the rapid socio-economic development, market competition has become fiercer, the homogenization of products has grain, it is different to d

14、istinguish between the products simply from the characteristics of products such as quality and function, so the competition rivals have to pick up brand as a tool to attract consumers by personalization of company products through brand building. Until now, the competition among enterprises has evo

15、lved into social and economic life all around. (2) Brand development prompted by the awakening of consumers5 brand consciousness The life of brand lies in market and the larger the market is ,the stronger the life of brand becomes .Brand is built up by both the producers and consumers in the market,

16、 this big melting pot. The upgrading of consumers consumption structure and early auakening of their brand consciousness have provided a strong dive to brand development in our country . - In recent years, the incomes of urban and rural residents in our country have grown, steadily and per capital G

17、DP has reached 1000, the engel coefficient has dropped to 37.9 percentage. But the gini coefficient has risen rapidly to 0.45, which shows the obvious growing of peoples consumeption level and the widening of income grows this offers a large reality and potential market to brand. - with the coming o

18、f large product flows ,the consumers have a full and free room for choosing when shopping in the market, they focus not only on the products quality, performance, price and package, but also more on the psychological feelings and special experiences of both buying and using of certain product. Diffe

19、rent brands contain different technologies and culture, and also bring different feelings and experiences to people, which helps the forming of consumers brand preference. (3) the increased consumption taste drives enterprises5 pursuit of customer loyalty concept and the trend pf personalization, fa

20、shion and aesthetic have become more and more obvious. It is shown in the product choosing, paying attention to cultural adder-value. And awsthetic value, as well as the attributes brought by products like personal status, wealth, character and aesthetic pursuit. The consumption taste increase promo

21、tes the enterprises pursuit of customer loyalty. (4) To promote consumer purchase behavior characteristics of the corporate customer loyalty study Walgren, Ruble, Donthu (1995) that if the brand for consumers without any sense (value), then it For investors, manufacturers or retailers will not have

22、any meaning. Along with the concept of mature consumer, brand choice for consumers of the importance increasingly obvious; Along with the acceleration of the pace of life, more and more consumers tend to purchase their familiar brand, because not much time to carefully consider a the new brand is tr

23、usted, the suitability of their own, the most convenient way is the purchase had to buy their brand. Others consumers have a certain brand of highly emotional loyalty. 2. Research methods The research methods of this thesis include: (1) Literature reading By reading and researching the relative prev

24、ious literature, I fully understand the accomplishment and shortages of the research of the predecessors and then find my own research entry points and related indicators. (2) Survey (3) Analysis of Mathematical Statistics Mainly for the findings of the survey were analyzed. Access to the raw data,

25、statistical analysis of data through data analysis, it can study the relationship between variables, and draw the corresponding conclusions. This study used the social sciences commonly used statistical analysis software SPSS 15, to study the relationship between variables describing the statistical

26、 analysis, reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis. 3. The content of the study This paper studies the content of a total of six parts. The article is the first part of the introduction, this paper introduces the research background, purpose and

27、significance. This paper is a starting point. The article is the second part of the theory of the main brand and introduced the concept of brand value, customer loyalty-related theory, and that is part of the theoretical foundation for this paper. The third part is customer value and brand loyalty a

28、ffected the relationship between research and model-building. Focus on customer value and brand loyalty of various factors, as well as between the two groups of the assumptions relations. This part of this paper is the main element of the study. The fourth part is based on the customer value managem

29、ent and enhance brand loyalty means. This paper is part of the main research. The fifth part is some empirical research. Students apparel brand in Chengdu consumption as an example, on the assumption that Chapter III model validation. And made on the assumption that model revisions. Part VI is the c

30、oncluding part. The conclusions put forward in this paper, of the lack of content. 4. The main conclusion of the study papers In this paper, on the basis of previous studies by domestic and foreign scholars on the brand value and customer loyalty relevant theoretical research, empirical analysis and

31、 corporate brand management practice inspection activities, the establishment of a brand value of the impact on brand loyalty model and proposed a nurturing and improving brand value, and enhance customer loyalty means. Empirical research and feasibility studies and through impact models. In this st

32、udy come to the following conclusions: 1. Brand value is the core of loyal customers driving force. The brand value of customer choice is inherently subjective, and therefore loyal to it as easily inevitable. Recalling the establishment of brand value after the model of the impact of customer loyalt

33、y through college students apparel brand consumer empirical verification that view. 2. And promote brand loyalty to the establishment and improvement should strengthen consumer brand awareness. Strengthening consumer brand awareness is the most crucial point in the selection and design of a unique b

34、rand profiling elements (including the brand name, logo, icon, advertising language and packaging, etc.). The conclusion of the study showed that consumer awareness of the brand high-intensity brand loyalty to the formation of enterprises in order to establish and maintain brand loyalty, the need to

35、 strengthen consumer brand awareness. In selecting the dominant brand and design elements, it is necessary to abide by the following two criteria: First, the elements of the brand portfolio may be inherent memory, recalled or consumers can identify the brand; second, elements of the brand the combin

36、ation must have intrinsic meaning, to be able to tell consumers the brand is unique in or strength of the brand elements disseminate information should reflect the brands personality, reflect the image of the user or show a sentiment. Consumers on a brand hear more, see more they think the more the

37、brand in the consumers memory of the more profound impression. Consumers can contact any brand names, logos, icons, text, packaging events, can raise consumer familiarity with the brand and awareness. 3. The continuous upgrading of product quality brand loyalty to the establishment and maintenance.

38、Enterprises should establish and maintain brand loyalty, the most fundamental thing is to continue to upgrade the quality of products and services, mainly from the following three areas for action: The first is to ensure that the quality of products and services, which is a sustainable development o

39、f the brand most important prerequisite for secondly because of consumer demand in the constantly changing consumer consumption mentality increasingly rational, enterprises in order to continue to receive their own brand recognition and consumer loyalty, it is essential products and services do a le

40、ading innovation and strategy. Enterprises not only active new product research and development, we should pay particular attention quality of service, quality of service is the intention to influence consumer behavior as an important determining factor, it has a direct impact on consumers repeat pu

41、rchase behavior and recommended the formation of the will. In addition, enterprises should pay attention to providing products and services to allow consumers access to a perceived value through consumer experience so that consumers feel brand reflected by the symbolic meaning and character to consu

42、mers in the spirit of a value-added increase . 4.in accordance with Maslows theory of demand levels, we found that college students apparel brand in the consumers Positive, the brand value brand price value alternative obvious emotion. Students fully reflected by the level of consumer spending level

43、s and the impact of more notable. This reminds us of enterprises in the consumer groups against university students design products, the demand for university students from the actual conditions, design affordable, quality assurance of apparel products. 5. China, as the worlds largest producer of ap

44、parel and clothing exporting countries, despite the production and sales of large-scale, but has not yet appeared a real sense of the world-renowned fashion brand. Through this paper, starting from a consumer demand through the brand value of the impact on customer loyalty model, the certification a

45、nd identify target consumer groups, rational utilization of resources, find a brand-rate, brand power production. Key words: brand value customer loyalty driven clothing brand 目录 W . 1 ABSTRACT . 1 1.导论 . 1 1.1研究的背景 . 1 1.2研究的目的和意义 . 2 1.3国内外研究现状 . 3 1.3.1国外研究现状 . 3 1.3.2国内研究现状 . 4 1.4研究思路与方法 . 5 1.4.1研究方法 . 5 1.4.2研究思路 . 6 1.5相关概念的界定 . 7 2 相关理论 . 8 2.1品片卑与品片卑价值 . 8 2.1.1品片卑的涵乂 . 8 2.2顾客忠诚 . 14 2.2.1顾客忠诚的定义 . 14 2.2.2顾客忠诚的形成过程 . 17 2.2.3顾客忠诚的衡量 . 18 3. 品牌价值与品牌忠诚关系论证及假设模型建立 . 19 3.1顾客价值是品牌忠诚的核心驱动因素 . 19 3.2品牌价值评价指标析取 .


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