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《大学英语-翻译课件-笔译常用词汇_文化.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语-翻译课件-笔译常用词汇_文化.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、All Saints Day 万圣节American plan约能源 (旅馆的)美国式收费式a soft job 轻松的工作a widows mite 礼轻情义重beefcake 男性健美照be free to practice ones religion 宗教信仰自由“bifocal” vision “双重”视野break with old customs 抛弃传统busboy (饭店的)洗碗擦桌子的杂工Catch-22 无法摆脱的困难;难以逾越的障碍civic values 大众价值观clash with civilizations 文明的碰撞consumerist creed 消费至上主

2、义corporate culture 企业文化country fair 乡村博览会cross-cultural bridge 跨文化桥梁cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流cultural borrowing 文化借用cultural complex 文化情结cultural development 文化建设cultural devolution 文化退化cultural differences 文化差异cultural hegemony 文化霸权cultural heritage 文化遗产cultural identity 文化认同cultural impac

3、t 文化影响cultural insights 文化视角cultural lag 文化落后cultural life 文化生活cultural manifestation 文化诉求cultural misreading 文化误读cultural pluralism; multiculturalism 文化多元化cultural shock 文化冲击cultural traditions 文化传统culture area 文化区culture of tolerance 宽容的文化culture-oriented travel 文化旅游culture trait 文化特质dialogue amon

4、g civilizations 文明间的对话dinner etiquette 餐桌礼仪dominant culture 主导文化ethnic origin 种族起源flower children 配花嬉皮士Flower Generation 花季的一代generation X (90年代的)未知的一代gold-collars 金领阶层hard drug 硬毒品;易成瘾的烈性毒品(如海洛因、可卡因、吗啡等)heterogenous culture 异质文化high culture 优等文化;高级文化human civilization 人类文明humane historical sites 人文

5、历史遗址hyper-individualism 超级个人主义intercultural dialogue 跨文化对话isomorphic cultural community 同质文化群体Kings English 纯正英语language restriction 语言限制主义Lazy Susan (指一种盛食品的)自动转盘(方便顾客选用的食品)low culture 低等文化;低级文化low tea 晚餐前茶点mainstream culture 主流文化Mary Jane 大麻(烟叶)“me” generation (70年代的)“为我”的一代midriff 露脐装national ide

6、ntity and values 民族特性和价值观national sentiments 民族感情new-collars (指二战后的第一代婴儿潮中出生的人)Nobel laureate 诺贝尔获得者off license 售酒执照orphan book 孤本pot culture 大麻文化(指以吸用大麻为中心的生活方式)prejudice and misunderstanding 偏见和误解promote sociability 促进社会交往sample local culture 领略当地文化service station 加油站,服务站silent generation (指50年代成年

7、的人)沉默的一代soft drug 软毒品;不宜成瘾的毒品spiritual enhancement 精神升华the beaten generation 垮掉的一代The Clash of Civilization 文明冲突the gilded age 镀金时代the lost generation 迷茫的一代the Millennials 千禧一代tolerance and mutual respect 互相宽容和尊重value of knowledge 知识的价值value proposition 价值主张Vietnam War generation 越战的一代(60年代成年的人)除夕 C

8、hinese New Years Eve八卦 Eight Trigram风水 fengshui/geomancy华表 cloud pillar; ornamental column还愿 redeem a wish兼爱 discriminate love礼制 ethical codes农历 Chinese lunar calendar气节 moral integrity谥号 temple title姻缘 prefixed fate of marriage五经 Five Classics中和 harmony国策 Discourses of the States史记 Records of the H

9、istorian离骚 Sorrow after Departure左传 The Spring and Autumn Annals八股文 eight-legged; official stereotyped writing本命年 ones animal year道德观 moral outlook端午节 Dragon Boat Festival翰林院 Imperial Academy和为贵 harmony is most precious礼之本 essence of the rites年夜饭 family reunion dinner仁之本 the foundation of harmony文化界

10、 cultural circles孝与敬 filial piety and reverence压岁钱 red envelope/money given to children as a lunar New Year gift中山装 Chinese tunic suit/Mao suit重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival道德经 Tao Te Ching/Classic of the Way of Virtue弟子规 Disciples Regulation百家姓 Pamphlet of Chinese Surnames/Book of (Chinas) Family Na

11、mes战国策 Strategies of the Warring States道德修养 moral self-cultivation道法自然 Tao models itself after nature博大精深 broad and profound出土文物 unearthed relics传统美德 traditional virtues传统文化 traditional culture风土人情 local conditions and customs刚柔并济 combination of softness and hardness和谐文化 harmonious culture厚德载物 great

12、 virtue promotes growth皇城根儿 the foot of the imperial city精神文明 spiritual civilization; advanced culture and ethics敬老慈幼 respect the old and love the young孔孟之道 Confucius-Mencius doctrines孔子学院 Confucius Institute礼乐文化 rites and music culture礼仪之邦 a land of ceremony and decorum礼义廉耻 Courtesy, Justice, Integ

13、rity and Sense of Shame龙的传人 the generation of dragon民本思想 populist ideas民间文化 folk culture民俗庙会 temple fair of folk custom民族文化 national culture民族自豪 national pride墨家学派 the Mohist school内外兼修 whole care隋唐佛学 The Buddhist philosophy during Sui and Tang dynasties天干地支 Heavenly Stems and Earthy Branches天人合一 un

14、ity of man and nature天下为公 the world or country for all文化宝藏 cultural treasures文化产业 cultural industry农耕文化 farming culture善养浩气 skillful in nourishing virtual force慎言敏行 diligent in duties and careful in speech十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac思维方式 the way of thinking文化创新 cultural innovation文化事业 cultural undertakings文化

15、视点 cultural perspective文化需求 cultural needs文化摇篮 cradle of culture文化遗迹 cultural relics文化重建 cultural reconstruction文化自觉 cultural awareness无为而治 letting nature take its own course/govern by noninterference乡土文化 native culture炎黄子孙 a Chinese descendant/the Chinese nation以德行仁 practice humanity with virtue源远流

16、长 have a long history中国意识 Chineseness中国元素 Chinas elements中庸之道 doctrine of the mean二十四节气 24 solar terms民间工艺品 fold arts and crafts文化多样性 cultural diversification文化软实力 cultural soft power传统文化知识 traditional cultural know-how对外文化贸易 international cultural trade思想道德建设 raise ideological and ethical standards

17、四库全书 Complete Works of Chinese Classics文化产业基地 cultural industrial base文化传播渠道 channels of cultural transmission文化创意产业 cultural creative industry文化体制改革 reform of cultural administrative system; cultural restructuring骨干文化企业 leading/key cultural enterprises文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources新兴文化业态

18、emerging cultural formats改造落后的文化 transform the backward culture世界文化遗产地 world cultural heritage site弘扬民族优秀文化 advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation文化下乡长效机制 long-term mechanism for developing culture in rural areas重大文化产业项目 major cultural industrial projects国家一类文物保护单位 cultural reli

19、cs (units) under first-grade state protection吸收外国文化有益成果 absorb the achievements of foreign cultures修身、齐家、治国、平天下 self-cultivation, a well-managed family, and the ability to administer the state and to bring peace to the nation中国华文明博大精深,源远流长。The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, and it has a long history.


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