专题41 首字母填空-三年(2020-2022)中考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用).docx

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1、专题41短文填空一首字母填空【2022年】(一)(2022广东广州中考真题)阅读短文,根据上下文和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。注意使用正确形式,每空限填一词。答卷时,要求 写出完整单词。Dunbuang is a historic city in Gansu. In ancient times, Dunhuang was an important c 46 of trade. As the Silk Road developed, Dunhuang became Chinas western gateway to the world. Here, different cultures met a

2、nd influenced each other. People from f 47 countries did business and communicated with the local people.If you v 48 Dunhuang, you will be able to see the Mogao Caves (莫高窟).If you walk i 49,you will discover some of the wonderful artworks. There are over 45,000 square metres of beautiful paintings o

3、n the cave walls, as well as thousands of statues.Over the years, China has made great efforts to protect the Mogao Caves. Today, you can also find high-quality photos of the artworks on the Internet. People all over the world now have a c 50 to see Dunhuangs treasures online.答案46. (c)entre#(c)enter

4、(foreign47. (v)isit(i)nside48. (c)hance【解析】【导语】句意:这些运河提供了丰富的历史和文化景点,同时它们继续被用于运输、灌溉和防洪。根据These canals offer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions.they continue to be used for transport, irrigation and flood control.”可知,前后句的动作是同时发生的,运河提供了丰富的历史和文化景点的同时,运河也被用于运输、 灌溉和防洪。用连词while表示“与同时”。故填(w)hile。

5、57. 句意:长25.7米,高8米的古汴河段被许多人认为是“博物馆的瑰宝”。句子缺谓语动词,根据“by”可知是 被动结构,根据首字母提示可知句子用“be considered as”表达“被看作是故填(c)onsidered。58. 句意:到目前为止,博物馆包含了一万种展品,包括二十组大型的展品,使得它成为最好的收藏品,展示 了大运河的宏大和人们怎样改变大自然。根据“people changed nature”可知后面是宾语从句,根据首字母提示, 可知句子表达“怎样人们改变大自然。用疑问词how”引导从句。故填(h)ow。59. 句意:穿过展览馆,进入老式的街道,游客可以看到街道两边的餐馆和商

6、店,好像走在明清时期运河上的 水村里。根据Passing”及“the exhibition hal可知,句子表达从展览馆内部穿过,用短语“pass through。故 填(t)hrough。60. 句意:扬州大运河博物馆以中国的大运河为主题,和所有其他的博物馆是不同的。根据“Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum”及“which are themed on the Grand Canal”可知,此处是指其它博物馆,且需用复数形式 “museums。故填(m)useums。(五)(2022天津中考真题)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一

7、词。In the small villages of Kenya (肯尼亚),Africa, most kids want to read books. But no roads go to their homes,only miles and miles of sand. Cars and trucks are not useful, s 46 library books arrive on the backs of camels. Camels can handle (应4寸)the sand and the books. Two camels, a camel driver, and a

8、 librarian (图书管理员) w 47, to the villages together. One camel carries about 180 kilos of books, and the other carries a tent. At each village, the librarian sets up the tent and shows the b 48 to the kids inside. Two weeks later, the camels c 49 back with new books.Some people in the mountains of nor

9、thern Thailand (泰国)get books in a d 50 way. Their 151 are carried by elephants. These animals can handle the difficult journey. Because they are large,they can carry many books in metal cases (金属箱).The metal protects the books from the heavy rains that f52in the area.Indonesia (印度尼西亚)has its own dif

10、ficulties. The country has over 17,000 islands. Most peoplet53by boat and they also carry their books by boat. A library boat holds(容纳)about 500 books in boxes.Boxes of books are left in villages and are traded (交换)for new books a few weeks 154For people who live far and cant get to a library, a lib

11、rary that comes to them brings more than books. It brings a whole w 55 of information.【答案】46. (s)o(w)alk47. (b)ooks(c)ome48. (d)ifferent(l)ibraries49. (f)all(t)ravel50. (l)ater(w)orld【解析】【导语】本文主耍介绍了一些贫穷国家的一些特殊的运送图书的方式。46. 句意:汽车和卡车没有用处,所以图书馆的书是骑在骆驼背上的。根据“Cars and trucks are not usefullibrary books ar

12、rive on the backs of camels”以及首字母可知前后两句是因果关系,前因后果,用so引导。故填0。47. 句意:两只骆驼、一个骆驼司机和一个图书管理员一起步行到村庄。根据Two camels, a camel driver, and a librarian”以及首字母并结合上文可知汽车和卡车没有用,所以他们是步行,walk”步行:句子使用一般现在 时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(w)alk。48. 句意:在每个村庄,图书管理员都会搭起帐篷,向里面的孩子们展示书籍。根据“the librarian sets up the tent and shows the.to the

13、 kids inside”以及首字母可知图书管理员给孩子展示书籍,表泛指用名词复数books“书。 故填(b)ooks。49. 句意:两周后,骆驼带着新书回来了。根据“back with new books”以及首字母可知是带着新书回来,come back“回来”,句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(c)ome。50. 句意:泰国北部山区的一些人以不同的方式获取书籍。根据“Some people in the mountains of northern Thailand(泰国)get books in以及首字母并结合下文可知泰国人获取书籍的方式也不同,修饰名词用形容词 diffe

14、rent不同的。故填(d)ifferent。51. 句意:他们的“图书馆”由大象携带。根据are carried by elephants”以及首字母可知此处指图书馆,library“图书馆”,根据are可知主语用名词复数。故填ibraries。52. 句意:金属保护书籍免受该地区的大雨影响。根据The metal protects the books from the heavy rains”以及首字 母可知是下雨,fall”落下。句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填all。53. 句意:大多数人乘船旅行,他们也乘船携带书籍。根据“by boat and they also ca

15、rry their books by boat.”以及首 字母可知是乘船旅行,travel旅行二 句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填ravel。54. 句意:成箱的书留在村子里,几周后被换成新书。根据“Boxes of books are left in villages and are traded(交换) for new books a few weeks”以及首字母可知是几周后换新书,later“之后”。故填ater。55. 句意:它带来了很多信息。根据It brings a wholeof information”以及首字母可知是很多信息,a world of彳艮 多”。

16、故填(w)orld。2021年】A(2021 ,江苏盐城市中考真题)Ways to reduce food wasteFood waste is a big problem around the world. While some people t 1 away unwanted food, lots of peoplein other parts of the world face food shortages.In order to reduce food waste, many c 2 in the world like German and France have food banks

17、. People and groceiy stores can give extra food to them and they can give the food to t 3 in need. Shanghai Oasis opened Chinas first food bank in 2015. In five years, it saved seven million tons of food and h 4760,000people.Many fruits and v 5 go to waste because they look ugly. For example, about

18、25 to 30 percent of carrots dont make it to the store because of their 1 6 . So try to buy ugly food next time, since it is j 7 as good as “normal food.Many Chinese restaurants are telling people to o 8 dishes by using the N-lfdrmula.N s 9for thenumber of people in your group. So if youre in a group

19、 of s 10 people, you should order five dishes.To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. Everyone can do something to make a difference.【答案】(t)hrow1. (c)ountries(t)hose2. (h)elped.(v)egetables3. (l)ooks(j)ust4. (o)rder(s)tands5. (s)ix【分析】本文主要介绍了为了减少食物浪费的方法:许多国家都用食物银行来储存多余的食物;建议购买外观 不好看的蔬

20、菜和水果;中国饭店采用“N-1”公式点餐。1. 句意:当一些人扔掉不想要的食物时,世界上其他地方的很多人面临食物短缺。根据“unwanted food, lots of people in other parts of the world face food shortages.”可知,此处指扔掉“,用固定短语 throw away 表示, 此处是陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为you,动词用原形。故填hrow。2. 句意:为了减少食物浪费,世界上像德国和法国一样的许多国家都有食物银行。根据like German and France ”及首字母可知,此处指“国家”,用country表示,可数名词

21、,many后跟可数名词复数,故填(c)ountries。3. 句意:人们和杂货店可以给他们额外的食物,他们可以把食物给那些需要的人。根据“in need”可知, 此处指那些需要的人,结合首字母可知,用代词those指代。故填(t)hose。4. 句意:在五年内,它节省了 700 万吨粮食,帮助了76 万人。saved seven million tons of food and . 760,000 people.”结合短文和首字母可知,食物银行是为了帮助那些食物短缺的人,help符合语境。由saved 可知,此处用动词的过去式。故填(h)elped。5. 句意:许多水果和蔬菜被浪费,因为它们看

22、起来很丑。根据下文“25 to 30 percent of carrots”和首字母v 可知,此处指“vegetable蔬菜”,根据many fruits可知,此处用复数表示种类。故填(v)egetables。6. 句意:例如,大约25%到30%的胡萝卜因为长得不好看而无法进入商店。根据because they look ugly” 可知,此处指“因为外形丑而无法进入商店,look“外观”符合语境,由their可知,此处用复数。故填ooks。7. 句意:所以下次尽量买难看的食物,因为它和“正常”食物一样好。根据语境和首字母提示可知,此处指 和“正常”食物一样好,just as good as表

23、示“和同样好”。故填(j)ust。8. 句意:许多中餐馆告诉人们用“N-1”公式点菜。根据“restaurants are telling people todishes ”可知,此处指 点餐,order符合语境,不定式符号t。后跟动词原形,故填(o)rder。9. 句意:代表你们的人数。stand for代君,符合语境,主语“N”表示第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。 故填(s)tands。10. 句意:所以如果你们六个人,你应该点五道菜。根据“N-1”和“you should order five dishes”可知,此处指六个人,six“六”。故填(s)ix。(2021 湖北武汉市中考真题)

24、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出Susan is the daughter of the famous environmental scientist Clark. But the woman has become an environmentalist on her o 11In 1992, the first UN Earth Summit(峰会)was held in Rio de Janeiro. Thousands of people from around the world h 12 for it to talk about the Earths to

25、morrow. Twelve-year-old Susan and three of her friends formed a group. They raised money to travel to Rio to a 13 the summit.At the summit, Susan said that the state of the environment w 14 her a lot. You dont know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer (臭氧层).You dont know how to bring back forests

26、 that once g 15 where there is now desert. If you dont know how to fix the Earth, please stop b 16 it!” The six-minute speech silenced all the people and made them fall into deep thinking.After that speech, Susan began to lead “two lives. On the t 17 days, she was a schoolchild. But during her vacat

27、ions, she s 18 internationally about the environment.Now, nearly 30 years has passed since Susan made her Rio speech. Although many of the worlds environmental problems have only become w 19 , Susan does agree that some things are different now. More and more people give voice like Susan because the

28、y have realized the importance of the environment.“Thirty years ago, I was fighting for my tomorrow. Now, I am fighting for the f 20 of my sons,“ says Susan, now a mother of two, who has kept calling peoples attention to climate change.【答案】(o)wn11. (h)eaded(a)ttend12. (w)orried(g)rew13. (b)reaking(t

29、)ypical14. (s)poke(w)orse15. (f)uture【分析】本文主要讲述了苏珊如何凭借自己的力量成为一名环保主义者的事迹。11 .句意:但这位女士凭借自己的力量成为了一名环保主义者。由前句和句中转折连词“But”可知,此句是 说这位女士依靠自己成了一名环保主义者。on ones own单独,为固定短语,故填(o)wn。12 .句意:来自世界各地的成千上万的人前往大会,讨论地球的明天。句中“i俨指代联合国地球峰会,由句 中“to talk about the Earths tomorrow”可知,此句是说很多人前往大会。head做动词时,意为“使向进行”,head for前

30、往,由句意知用一般过去时,故填(h)eaded。13 .句意:他们筹钱到里约热内卢去参加峰会。由句中“to”和the summit”可知,这里是说参加峰会。attend 参加,出席,动词,句中用动词不定式作目的状语,此处用原形,故填(a)ttend。14 .句意:在峰会上,苏珊说环境状况让她很担忧。下文说的是苏珊担忧的事情,所以此句是说环境状况 让她担忧。worry使担忧,此句表达的是过去的事,用一般过去时,故填(w)orried。15 .句意:你不知道如何恢复曾经生长在沙漠里的森林。由句中“forest that once和where there is now desert” 可知,此句是说

31、曾经长在沙漠里的森林。grow生长,动词,由句意知用一般过去时,故填(g)rew。16 .句意:如果你不知道如何修复地球,请停止破坏它!由前半句If you don*t know how to fix the Earth”可 知,此句是说停止破坏它。break破坏,动词,stop doing sth.停止做某事,故填(b)reaking。17 .句意:在平常的日子里,她还是个小学生。由后句“But during her vacations”可知,此句是说在平常的日 子里。typical代表性的,典型的,形容词,故填(t)ypical。18 .句意:但在休假期间,她在国际上谈论了环境问题。阅读短

32、文可知,苏珊过两种生活,在平常的日子 里是学生,在假期时,她就环境问题发表国际性讲话。speak讲话,动词,由句意知用一般过去时,故填(s)poke。19 .句意:尽管世界上的许多环境问题只会变得更糟,但苏珊确实同意有些事情现在已经不同了。although 引导的是让步状语从句,结合所给首字母w”可知,此句是说许多环境问题变得更糟了。worse更糟糕的, 为形容词的比拟级,故填(w)orse。20 .句意:现在,我正在为我儿子的未来而奋斗,”苏珊说,她现在是两个孩子的母亲,她一直在呼吁人们 关注气候变化。由句中“fighting for”和“of my sons”可知,此句是说为了孩子们的未来

33、而奋斗。future未来, 名词,the future of的未来,故填uture。C(2021 .天津中考真题)Electric cars may seem like a recent invention, but theyve been around fbr years. In the early 1900s, there were more electric cars on the road than there were petrol (汽油)cars. At that time, petrol was e 21 compared with other fuels (燃料).W 22

34、petrol prices dropped and new technologies were developed, electric cars went out of fashion (过时). Instead, petrol cars became more p 23 because they could travel longer distances (B巨离) without stopping.During the 20th century, petrol cars got bigger, heavier, and faster. They needed more fuel, and

35、it c 24 more air pollution. For years, car makers didnt worry about pollution. They didnt worry about the amount of petrol cars used, e 25 . But when people began to realise that there was not enough oil on the earth, they asked car makers to produce more efficient (高效能的)and less polluting cars.One

36、m 26 of solving the problem was a “hybrid” car (混合动力车),one that ran partly on petrol and partly on electricity. Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s when petrol prices went up and the prices of hybrid cars went d 27 .An all-electric car uses no petrol. The problem, however, is that car batteries

37、(电7也)need to be recharged (再 充电).That makes electric cars not so useful for long j 28Many people are not p 29 with it. The government and car makers are w 30 together to develop safe, cheap, and useful electric cars. When people have these cars in the future, a petrol station may be a thing of the p

38、ast.【答案】(e)xpensive16. (W)hen(p)opular17. (c)aused(e)ither18. (m)ethod(d)own19. (j)ourneys(p)leased20. (w)orking【分析】文章讲了电动汽车的开展史。21 .句意:在那个时候,汽油和其他燃料相比是昂贵的。根据“petrol prices dropped”可知之前是很昂贵的。 故填(e)xpensive。22 .句意:当汽油价格下降和新技术的开展,电动汽车不再流行。此处表示当某事发生的时候,另一件事 发生了,用when引导时间状语从句。故填(W)hen。23 .句意:相反,汽油汽车变得更受

39、欢迎,因为它们可以不停车行驶更长的距离。根据“because they could travel longer distances without stopping”可知此处讲到汽油汽车的优势,应是变的受欢迎了,popular受欢迎的,形本文讲述敦煌在古代是贸易中心,讲述在敦煌可以看到莫高窟和很多艺术作品,讲述现在人们可以在网上 看到敦煌的财宝。46. 句意:在古代,敦煌是一个重要的贸易中心。根据,屋可知用单数名词作表语。根据“As the Silk Road developed, Dunhuang became Chinas western gateway to the world”及首字母

40、提示,可知,句子讲述敦煌古代是 贸易中心,用名词“center”或“centre。故填(c)entre/(c)enter。47. 句意:外国的人和当地的人经商和交流。名词countries”前用形容词修饰,根据“different cultures”及首字母 提示,可知句子表达外国的人,用形容词“foreign”。故填oreign。48. 句意:如果你参观敦煌,你能看到莫高窟。这是、仔引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的原那么,主句是一 般将来时,从句是一般现在时表示将来。根据you will be able to see the Mogao Caves”及首字母提示,可知 句子表达参观敦煌,主

41、语是“you”,动词用“visit。故填(v)isit。49. 句意:如果你走进去,你会发现一些完美的艺术作品。动词“walk”用副词修饰,根据“discover some of the wonderful artworks”及首字母提示,可知句子表达走进去,用“walk inside”。故填nside。50. 句意:全世界的人现在有机会在网上看到敦煌的财宝。动词“have”后缺宾语,根据“a”可知是单数名词。根 据to see Dunhuangs treasures online”及首字母提示,可知句子表达有机会,用have a chance to do”。故填 (c)hanceo(-)(2

42、022.湖北武汉.中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。容词作表语。故填(p)opular。24 .句意:他们需要更多的燃料,而这导致了更多的空气污染。根据“1110代215011a诂屋及首字母可知此 处表示引起更多污染,cause引起,再由“needed”可知用一般过去时。故填(c)aused。25 .句意:他们也不担忧汽油汽车的使用量。“didnt worry about”与前面重复,由此推出是也不担忧,either 也,用于否认句末尾。故填(e)ither。26 .句意:解决这个问题的一种方法是“混合”汽车,一种局部依靠汽油,局部依靠电力的汽车。根据“s

43、olving the problem”可知讲解决问题的方法,结合首字母m可知用method表示“方法”,One后接其单数形式。故填 (m)ethod。27 .句意:混合动力汽车在2000年代开始流行,当时汽油价格上涨,混合动力汽车的价格下降。根据“Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s”可知混合汽车的价格应是下降了,go down下降。故填(d)own。28 .句意:这使得电动汽车在长途旅行中不那么有用。problem, however, is that car batteries need to be recharged.”可知电动汽车需要在充电,不适

44、合长途旅行,journey旅行,long前没有不定冠词或其他限定 词,用复数形式journeys。故填oumeys。29 .句意:很多人都不满意。根据That makes electric cars not so useful for long journeys.”可知人们是对电动 汽车不能用于长途旅行这一现象不满意。be pleased with对感到满意。故填(p)leased。30 .句意:政府和汽车制造商正在合作开发平安、廉价、有用的电动汽车。根据“to develop safe, cheap, and useful electric cars.”可知政府和汽车制造厂是一起工作,wor

45、k工作,are后接现在分词构成现在进行时。故 填(w)orking。D(2021 ,江苏扬州市中考真题)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,完整 地写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2,000 years ago. Chinese gardens are a special form of tChinese culture and art.At the entrance to a Chinese garden, there is usua

46、lly a huge stone or wall to screen (挡住)your view. This is to give you a pressed-in feeling, in order to later produce unexpected joy w 32 you turn around the hall to see the amazing rock formations (假山)and a big lake. The best e 33 is the Summer Palace.Rock formations play an i 34 role in the design

47、 of a Chinese-style garden. Without them, a garden could not be considered a Chinese-style garden. They are as important to a Chinese-style garden as sculptures are to a European-style garden. Ge Garden in Yangzhou is famous for i 35 Four Seasons Rockeries (彳段山花园).G 36 in the south are mostly small

48、in size. Chinese garden designers have used the method of borrowing scenery with a mirror (镜子)“to create a sense of s 37 . A mirror is hung opposite a window to take in the outside scenery. A fine example of this is Pian Shi Shan Fang, a rockery in He Garden, Yangzhou. A big mirror is built into the wall of its west corridor. The whole garden will be s 38 in the mirror wherever the visitors are. A pool or a lake in a garden a 39 serves this purpose. A pool runs from south to north through the garden of Pian Shi Shan Fang


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