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《专题19短文填空考点1首字母填空-2022年中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题19短文填空考点1首字母填空-2022年中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 专题 36短文填空考点 1首字母填空(一)(2022广东广州中考真题)阅读短文,根据上下文和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。注意使用正确形式,每空限填一词。答卷时,要求写出完整单词。Dunbuang is a historic city in Gansu. In ancient times, Dunhuang was an important c _46_ of trade. Asthe Silk Road developed, Dunhuang became Chinas western gateway to the world. Here, different cultures met and

2、influenced each other. People from f _47_ countries did business and communicated with the local people.If you v _48_ Dunhuang, you will be able to see the Mogao Caves(莫高窟). If you walk i _49_ ,you will discover some of the wonderful artworks. There are over 45,000 square metres of beautiful paintin

3、gs onthe cave walls, as well as thousands of statues.Over the years, China has made great efforts to protect the Mogao Caves. Today, you can also findhigh-quality photos of the artworks on the Internet. People all over the world now have a c _50_ to seeDunhuangs treasures online.【答案】46(c)entre#(c)en

4、ter47(f)oreign48(v)isit49(i)nside50(c)hance【解析】【导语】本文讲述敦煌在古代是贸易中心,讲述在敦煌可以看到莫高窟和很多艺术作品,讲述现在人们可以在网上看到敦煌的财宝。46句意:在古代,敦煌是一个重要的贸易中心。根据“an”可知用单数名词作表语。根据“As the Silk Roaddeveloped, Dunhuang became Chinas western gateway to the world”及首字母提示,可知,句子讲述敦煌古代是贸易中心,用名词“center”或“centre”。故填(c)entre/(c)enter。 47句意:外国的

5、人和当地的人经商和交流。名词“countries”前用形容词修饰,根据“different cultures”及首字母提示,可知句子表达外国的人,用形容词“foreign”。故填(f)oreign。48句意:如果你参观敦煌,你能看到莫高窟。这是“if”引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的原则,主句是一般将来时,从句是一般现在时表示将来。根据“you will be able to see the Mogao Caves”及首字母提示,可知句子表达参观敦煌,主语是“you”,动词用“visit”。故填(v)isit。49句意:如果你走进去,你会发现一些完美的艺术作品。动词“walk”用副词修饰,根

6、据“discover some of thewonderful artworks”及首字母提示,可知句子表达走进去,用“walk inside”。故填(i)nside。50句意:全世界的人现在有机会在网上看到敦煌的财宝。动词“have”后缺宾语,根据“a”可知是单数名词。根据“to see Dunhuangs treasures online”及首字母提示,可知句子表达有机会,用“have a chance to do”。故填(c)hance。(二)(2022湖北武汉中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。Erie Green has always wonder

7、ed about things that live in the ocean. When he was y_46_ , he loved toswim. He liked to watch all kinds of underwater animals and plants through his mask (潜水面罩). When he grewup, he wanted to l_47_ for new things in the ocean.Today, Mr. Green is a marine ecologist (海洋生态学家). He studies how underwater

8、 animals and plantsconnect with each other and need each other to stay a_48_.Mr. Green studies coral reefs (珊瑚) in the Pacific Ocean. A coral reef is like a big underwater t_49_.Thousands of animals and plants live there. They compete for food and space there. As a result, the beautiful coralreefs g

9、et i_50_ easily.Mr. Green also studies how peoples actions can change coral reefs. Sometimes people pollute the water oroverfish, so the w_51_ that all the living things are joined together has been changed. If coral reefs get hurt,many animals have to find new homes. Some animals n_52_ drop low, an

10、d some animals just disappear. Mr.Green wants to p_53_ this from happening. Mr. Green believes that all living things in a coral reef should be k_54_ safe. “Underwater ecosystemsare like airplanes,” Mr. Green says. “They need all of their parts to work correctly.” “To take better care of marinehomes

11、, we first must k_55_ them. Only through that, can we understand the great influence humans have onthese places.” Mr. Green says.【答案】46(y)oung47(l)ook48(a)live49(t)own50(i)njured51(w)ay52(n)umbers53(p)revent54(k)ept55(k)now【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了海洋生态学家格林先生意识到珊瑚礁所面临的问题以及它们的重要性,呼吁人们要先了解它们并保护它们。46句意:当他年轻的时候,他喜

12、欢游泳。was后接形容词作表语,根据“When he grew up”及首字母可知,年轻的时候喜欢游泳,young“年轻的”符合,故填(y)oung。47句意:当他长大后,他想在海洋中寻找新的东西。根据“he wanted to for new things in the ocean”及首字母可知,此处指在海洋中寻找新东西,look for“寻找”,want to do sth“想要做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填(l)ook。48句意:他研究水下的动物和植物是如何相互联系、相互需要以维持生存的。根据“underwater animals and plantsconnect with each

13、 other and need each other to stay”及首字母可知,水下的动植物相互维持生存,alive“活着的”,形容词作表语,故填(a)live。49 句意:珊瑚礁就像一个巨大的水下小镇。根据“A coral reef is like a big underwater”及首字母可知,把珊瑚礁比喻成一个巨大的小镇,town“城镇”,a修饰名词的单数形式,故填(t)own。50句意:因此,美丽的珊瑚礁很容易受伤。根据“They compete for food and space there”可知,因为食物和生存的空间相互竞争,导致珊瑚礁受伤,get injured“受伤”,故

14、填(i)njured。51句意:有时人们污染水或过度捕捞,所以所有生物的连接方式已经改变。根据“the that all the living things arejoined together has been changed”及首字母可知,连接方式改变了,way“方式”。根据 has可知,此空应填单数名词,故填(w)ay。52句意:有些动物的数量下降了,有些动物就消失了。根据“Some animals drop low, some animals justdisappear”可知,有些数量少了,有些消失了,number“数量”,句子是一般现在时,drop是动词原形,故此空应填名词复数形式,

15、故填(n)umbers。53句意:格林先生想阻止这种事情发生。根据“Mr. Green wants to this from happening”及首字母可知,想阻止这一切发生,preventfrom doing sth“阻止某事发生”,want to do sth“想要做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填(p)revent。54句意:格林先生认为珊瑚礁里的所有生物都应该保护好。根据“They need all of their parts to work correctly”可知,珊瑚礁里的每一部分都需要正常工作,所以它们应该被保护起来,keep“保持”,be与过去分词构成被动语态结构,故填(k

16、)ept。55句意:要更好地照顾海洋家园,我们首先必须了解它们。根据“we first mustthem”及“can we understand thegreat influence humans have on these places”可知,只有先了解珊瑚礁,才能理解人类对这些地方的巨大影响,know“了解”,情态动词 must后接动词原形,故填(k)now。(三)(2022江苏连云港中考真题) 根据短文意思和首字母提示,写出一个完整正确的单词。Erhu is one of the most important Chinese instruments. It has a history o

17、f o_51_ 1,000 years. It is saidthat Erhu did not get its name u_52_ the late Qing Dynasty. It has been improved gradually since it appeared.It is also c_53_ the Chinese violin because its tone is as soft and bright as the violins. There are manyw_54_ pieces of music played by Erhu, such as The Moon

18、Reflected on the Er-quan Spring. You can go ande_55_ the charm of them. I hope youll love them.【答案】51(o)ver52(u)ntil53(c)alled54(w)onderful#(w)orld-famous55(e)njoy#(e)xperience【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了二胡的发展历史。51句意:它有一千多年的历史。根据“ It has a history of 1,000 years”可知,此处指 1000多年的历史,over“超过”,故填(o)ver。52句意:据说二胡直到清末才得

19、名。根据“It is said that Erhu did not get its name the late Qing Dynasty.”可知,此处用 notuntil表示“直到才”,故填(u)ntil。53句意:它也被称为中国小提琴,因为它的音调和小提琴一样柔和明亮。根据“It is also c the Chinese violin”及首字母可知,二胡也被称为中国小提琴,call“称呼”,主语 it与动词 call之间是被动关系,此处用被动语态 be done的结构,空格前已有 is,故此空填过去分词,故填(c)alled。54 句意:用二胡演奏了许多美妙/著名的乐曲。根据“pieces

20、 of music”及首字母可知,此处指美妙的或者是著名的乐曲,wonderful“美妙的”,world-famous“著名的”,故填(w)onderful/(w)orld-famous。55句意:你可以去欣赏/体验它们的魅力。此空与 go构成并列关系,故此空也应填入一个动词原形,根据“thecharm of them”及首字母可知,欣赏它们的魅力,enjoy“欣赏”,experience“体验”,故填(e)njoy/(e)xperience。(四)(2022江苏扬州中考真题)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,完整地写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)The G

21、rand Canal(大运河)is a man-made waterway that runs north and south in eastern China. Dating back2,500 years and stretching 1,794 kilometers, it is among the worlds oldest and l_51_ canals. Yangzhou ChinaGrand Canal Museum is located on the bank of the ancient Grand Canal in Yangzhou, one of the eight c

22、_52_in Jiangsu province sitting along the Grand Canal.The museum o_53_ its doors to the public on June 16,2021. It covers an area of some 80,000 squaremeters. It has two structures: a four-story building in the s_54_ of a giant ship waiting to set sail, and a100-meter-tall Tang-Dynasty-style tower.T

23、he museum has 11 themed exhibitions(展览). They are telling the h_55_ of the Sui-Tang Grand Canalbuilt during the Sui and Tang Dynasties(581-907), the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the East Zhejiang Canal.These canals offer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions w_56_ they continue to be use

24、d for transport,irrigation(灌溉)and flood control. The 25.7-meter-long, 8-meter-high ancient Bian River section is c_57_ bymany as the “treasure of the museum”.So far, the museum has over 10,000 exhibits(展品), including 20 groups of large ones, making it the bestcollection to show the grandness of the

25、canal and h_58_ people changed nature.Passing t_59_ the exhibition hall and into the antiquated(老式的)streets, visitors can see restaurants andshops along the street, as if walking in the water village on the canal during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is different from

26、 all the other m_60_ which are themed on theGrand Canal in China. Why not come and visit it yourself?【答案】51(l)ongest52(c)ities53(o)pened54(s)hape55(h)istory56(w)hile57(c)onsidered58(h)ow59(t)hrough60(m)useums【解析】【导语】本文讲述扬州中国运河博物馆的修建,结构和它的独特之处。51句意:2500年之前建造,延伸 1794千米的大运河跻身世界最古老和最长的运河。根据“oldest and”可

27、知,用形容词最高级形成并列。根据首字母提示,可知表达最长的,用最高级“longest”。故填(l)ongest。52句意:扬州中国运河博物馆位于扬州古代大运河的岸边,扬州是江苏省沿着大运河的八大城市之一。句子用“one of复数名词”的结构,表达“最之一”。根据“Yangzhou”,“in Jiangsu province”及首字母提示,可知表达城市,用复数名词“cities”。故填(c)ities。53句意:博物馆在 2021年 6月 16日向大众开放。句子缺谓语动词,根据“June 16,2021”可知是一般过去时,动词用过去式。根据“its doors to the public”及首字

28、母提示,可知,句子表达打开大门,用过去式“opened”。故填(o)pened。54句意:它有两部分结构,像一艘等着航行的大船的四层的建筑,和一座 100米高的唐代的塔。根据“of a giantship waiting to set sail”及首字母提示,可知,句子表达建筑的形状,用“in the shape of”。故填(s)hape。55 句意:它们讲述了隋朝和唐朝建造的隋唐大运河,北京到杭州的大运河和东部浙江运河的历史。定冠词“the”后用名词。根据“These canals offer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions”可知

29、,句子表达讲述了运河的历史北京,根据首字母提示可知用名词“history”。故填(h)istory。56句意:这些运河提供了丰富的历史和文化景点,同时它们继续被用于运输、灌溉和防洪。根据“These canalsoffer a wealth of historic and cultural attractions.they continue to be used for transport, irrigation and floodcontrol.”可知,前后句的动作是同时发生的,运河提供了丰富的历史和文化景点的同时,运河也被用于运输、灌溉和防洪。用连词 while表示“与同时”。故填(w)h

30、ile。57句意:长 25.7米,高 8米的古汴河段被许多人认为是“博物馆的瑰宝”。句子缺谓语动词,根据“by”可知是被动结构,根据首字母提示可知句子用“be considered as”表达“被看作是”。故填(c)onsidered。58句意:到目前为止,博物馆包含了一万种展品,包括二十组大型的展品,使得它成为最好的收藏品,展示了大运河的宏大和人们怎样改变大自然。根据“people changed nature”可知后面是宾语从句,根据首字母提示,可知句子表达“怎样人们改变大自然”,用疑问词“how”引导从句。故填(h)ow。59句意:穿过展览馆,进入老式的街道,游客可以看到街道两边的餐馆和

31、商店,好像走在明清时期运河上的水村里。根据“Passing”及“the exhibition hall”可知,句子表达从展览馆内部穿过,用短语“pass through”。故填(t)hrough。60句意:扬州大运河博物馆以中国的大运河为主题,和所有其他的博物馆是不同的。根据“Yangzhou China GrandCanal Museum”及“which are themed on the Grand Canal”可知,此处是指其它博物馆,且需用复数形式“museums”。故填(m)useums。(五)(2022天津中考真题)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一

32、词。In the small villages of Kenya (肯尼亚), Africa, most kids want to read books. But no roads go to their homes,only miles and miles of sand. Cars and trucks are not useful, s_46_ library books arrive on the backs ofcamels. Camels can handle (应付) the sand and the books. Two camels, a camel driver, and

33、a librarian (图书管理员) w_47_ to the villages together. One camel carries about 180 kilos of books, and the other carries a tent. Ateach village, the librarian sets up the tent and shows the b_48_ to the kids inside. Two weeks later, thecamels c_49_ back with new books.Some people in the mountains of no

34、rthern Thailand (泰国) get books in a d_50_ way. Their“l_51_” are carried by elephants. These animals can handle the difficult journey. Because they are large,they can carry many books in metal cases (金属箱). The metal protects the books from the heavy rains thatf_52_ in the area.Indonesia (印度尼西亚) has i

35、ts own difficulties. The country has over 17,000 islands. Most peoplet_53_ by boat and they also carry their books by boat. A library boat holds(容纳) about 500 books in boxes.Boxes of books are left in villages and are traded (交换) for new books a few weeks l_54_.For people who live far and cant get t

36、o a library, a library that comes to them brings more than books. Itbrings a whole w_55_ of information.【答案】46(s)o47(w)alk48(b)ooks49(c)ome50(d)ifferent51(l)ibraries52(f)all53(t)ravel54(l)ater55(w)orld【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了一些贫穷国家的一些特殊的运送图书的方式。46句意:汽车和卡车没有用处,所以图书馆的书是骑在骆驼背上的。根据“Cars and trucks are not useful

37、.librarybooks arrive on the backs of camels”以及首字母可知前后两句是因果关系,前因后果,用 so引导。故填(s)o。47句意:两只骆驼、一个骆驼司机和一个图书管理员一起步行到村庄。根据“Two camels, a camel driver, and a librarian”以及首字母并结合上文可知汽车和卡车没有用,所以他们是步行,walk“步行”,句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(w)alk。48句意:在每个村庄,图书管理员都会搭起帐篷,向里面的孩子们展示书籍。根据“the librarian sets up the tentand

38、shows the.to the kids inside”以及首字母可知图书管理员给孩子展示书籍,表泛指用名词复数 books“书”。故填(b)ooks。49句意:两周后,骆驼带着新书回来了。根据“back with new books”以及首字母可知是带着新书回来,comeback“回来”,句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(c)ome。50句意:泰国北部山区的一些人以不同的方式获取书籍。根据“Some people in the mountains of northernThailand(泰国) get books in”以及首字母并结合下文可知泰国人获取书籍的方式也不同,修

39、饰名词用形容词different“不同的”。故填(d)ifferent。51句意:他们的“图书馆”由大象携带。根据“are carried by elephants”以及首字母可知此处指图书馆,library“图书馆”,根据 are可知主语用名词复数。故填(l)ibraries。52句意:金属保护书籍免受该地区的大雨影响。根据“The metal protects the books from the heavy rains”以及首字母可知是下雨,fall“落下”,句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(f)all。53句意:大多数人乘船旅行,他们也乘船携带书籍。根据“by boat

40、 and they also carry their books by boat.”以及首字母可知是乘船旅行,travel“旅行”,句子使用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(t)ravel。54句意:成箱的书留在村子里,几周后被换成新书。根据“Boxes of books are left in villages and are traded(交换)for new books a few weeks”以及首字母可知是几周后换新书,later“之后”。故填(l)ater。55句意:它带来了很多信息。根据“It brings a whole.of information”以及首字母可知是很多信息,a world of“很多”。故填(w)orld。


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