人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit5 Poems精品学案:Using Language.docx

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1、Using Language语境应用词汇扩充课时基础过关I.单词语境记忆根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1 .Actually when she left the company, it was the end of an era (时代).2 .During my book-cleaning, I found one that had fallen behind the shelf (架子).3 .A11 of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy (同情)rose up in my heart.1.1 f your mind goes blank (空白的

2、),try not to panic.1.2 h, you511 miss the deadline (截止日期).Time is running out.6 .My tutor has offered lots of advice on my paper and polished (润色)every page of my draft.7 .Please dont be serious because they are so young and innocent (天真无牙B 的).8 .They gave poor farmers access to fertilizer and highl

3、y productive seeds (seed).9 .People regard the novel as a challenge to the racial (race) beliefs.10 .A local civilian (civil) acted as his guide and he completed his task smoothly.n.短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语l.At dusk the soldier left the village in secret (秘密土也).2.1 dont know why he kept silent at the mee

4、ting from beginning to end (从头至U 尾).3.Every one is looking forward to (盼望)the end of winter and the coming of spring.4.1 believe there is no doubt that you can keep up with (赶上)them if you try your best.5.One may get some idea of what I used to look like (看起来像)by walking around the town.6.The statue

5、 stands in the heart of (在中心)the city, next to the PeoplesSquare.in.句式语境仿写1 .These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read. 这些押韵的词很好听,使这首诗读起来很悦耳。方写u独特的节奏使这首歌听起来很悦耳。The special rhythm makes he song pleasing to listen to.2.1 can imagine what it looks like with lots of snow.我能想象田地覆盖

6、白雪的样子。K仿写我能想象你微笑的样子。I can imagine what it looks like when you smile.I 记单词I .语境串记相关词.Innocence is childrens nature.Pm deeply touched by these innocent kids in the kindergarten.1 .Civilians suffered a lot during the civil war.A number of civil facilities were destroyed.II .词缀助记派生词名词后缀:-sion, -ian civi

7、lf civiliancomprehendf comprehensionni.词族联记一类词i .各种“比赛”contest (Dmatchgame competitiontournament championship2.“完全”说法知多少utter complete total entire absolute whole句型公式Lmake+宾语+形容词作宾语补足语。2 .宾语从句。语境理解合作探究课时要点突破Lcore”.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿The purpose of literary criticism is to get to the core of the text and d

8、iscover what message the author is attempting to convey.(教材 P52)文学批评的目的是到达文本的核心,发现作者试图传达的信息。K合作探究U体会core的用法和意义What is the core of the argument?争论的核心是什么?She was shaken to the core by the news.这消息使她大为震惊。Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.对环境的关注是我们政策的核心。K自主发现Uto the core极度地;十足;直

9、至核心at the core of 处于中心;成为的核心K巩固内化U补全句子To him the family is the core of society.对他来说,家庭是社会的核心。The apple is rotten to the core.这个苹果坏透了。Central processing unit is at the core of the computer.中央处理器是电脑的核心。2 .blankM/.空白的;没表情的.空白;空格Blank verse is probably one of the most common and influential forms of Eng

10、lish poetry.(教材 P52)无韵体诗可能是最常见、最有影响的英文诗歌形式之一。K合作探究1体会blank的用法和意义Fill in the blanks with proper words.在空白处填上适当的单词。Please pass me a blank sheet of paper.请递给我一张空白纸。She gave him a blank look.她漠然地看了 他一眼。Jim was watching a late night film at home when the television went blank.吉姆正在家中看一部深夜电影,电视机突然一片空白。K自主发

11、现?g。blank(头脑)突然一片空白look blank显出迷茫的神情K巩固内化X补全句子Jane sat at the desk, staring at the blank screen.简坐着书桌旁,凝视着空白的屏幕。Somehow he had a blank expression on his face.不知怎么的,他脸上毫无表情。(3)All of a sudden, my mind went blank totally.我的脑子突然一片空白。3 .polishM修改;润色;抛光.上光剂;抛光;擦亮polished”切磨光的;擦亮 的;娴熟的What does Nora mean

12、by saying that she needs time to polish her writing?(教材 P54) 诺拉说她需要些时间来润饰她的习作是什么意思?K合作探究U体会polish及其相关词的用法和意义Can I use your shoe polish?我能用一下你的鞋油吗?The opera lacks the polish of his later work.这部歌剧不及他晚期作品娴熟。Each morning he would shave and polish up his shoes.他每天早晨都刮脸、擦鞋。Guests are coming.She has to po

13、lish off the plates on the table.客人就要到了。她得收拾一下餐桌上的盘子。K自主发现)1polish sth up擦光;润饰polish进很快做完;(尤指)很快吃完K巩固内化U补全句子John is a polished worker, for which the boss speaks highly of him.约翰是一名技术娴熟的工人,为此老板对他评价很高。Id appreciate it if you could go over my application letter and my resume and help me polish. (up) th

14、em.如果你能把我的申请书和个人简历检查一下并帮我润色一下,我将感激不尽。sympathy %同情心sympathetic的.有同情心的;赞同的(教材P53)K合作探究U体会sympathy及其相关词的用法和意义He wishes youd show him a little more sympathy.他是多么希望你能再体谅他一点。I have no sympathy for Jane; Its all her own fault.我不同情简,那都是她的过错。Why dont you feel at all sympathetic towards Kate?你为什么对凯特一点同情心也没有?K

15、自主发现Uhave sympathy for.对表示同情be/feel sympathetic to/towards. 支持;赞同;同情K巩固内化U单句语法填空Despite a horrible attack, Tao Yong has a profound sympathy for patients.His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic (sympathy) and considerate.5 .correspond近与通信;符合 correspondence n.一致;相似;通信

16、(教材P53)K合作探究U体会correspond及其相关词的用法和意义Your account of the accident does not correspond with/to hers.你对事故的描述与她说的不相符。I have been corresponding with him since we graduated from college. 自从大学毕业后,我和他一直保持着通信联系。I have ever been in correspondence with Jane for many years.我曾经很多年都与简有通信联系。K自主发现Hcorrespond with s

17、b和某人通信correspond to/with sth 与某物相一致(3)in correspondence with 与一致; 与有通信联系K巩固内化单句语法填空The goods dont correspond with/to the list of those I ordered.He often corresponds with his friends after graduation.What she has just said isnt in correspondence (correspond) with the views of the majority.6 plicated

18、 力复杂的;难懂的 complicate 使复杂化While in the beginning such songs and stories had a very simple format, over time they became more complicated and more polished.(教材 P58)虽然这样的歌曲和故事一开始都有一个非常简单的格式,但是过一段时间,它们 就变得更复杂,更精致了。K合作探究U 体会complicated的用法和意义Its the end of a long and complicated supply chain.这就是一条长且复杂的供应链

19、的最后一环。The way simply complicates the situation.这个方法只会使情况复杂。With time going by, things got even more complicated.随着时间的推移,情况变得更加复杂了。K自主发现Rcomplicate sth使复杂化get complicated 变得复杂K巩固内化1单句语法填空The event will only make the task complicated (complicate).She didnt fully understand the complicated (complicate)

20、math problem.(3)The issue is complicated (complicate) by the fact that a vital document is missing.7 .prejudice 偏见;成见亦使怀有(或形成)偏见prejudiced.有偏见的;偏 心的The poem is about the dream of a world free of inequality and racial prejudice.(教材P58)这是一首关于理想世界的诗,没有不平等和种族偏见。K合作探究体会prejudice的用法和意义Mr.Hunter tried to p

21、rejudice me against her.亨特先生力图使我对她有偏见。They are prejudiced against older applicants.他们对年长的申请者抱有成见。There is little prejudice against workers from Africa.对来自非洲国家的劳工来说并无偏见。K自主发现?have prejudice against.对有偏见be prejudiced against. 对有偏见prejudice sb against 使某人对有偏见K巩固内化1补全句子She tried to preiudice me against

22、Mrs.Hilton.她试图让我对希尔顿夫人有偏见。We shouldnt be prejudiced against older applicants.我们不应当对年长的申请者有偏见。Why do you have prejudice against western movies?你为什么对西方电影持有偏见?8.1ook forward to 期待;盼望He wants us to keep dreaming, because life is much better when we dream and have something to look forward to.(教材 P57)他想要

23、我们继续做梦,因为当我们有梦想和期待时,生活会好得多。K短语记牢U记牢以下短语look up to敬仰;仰视look down upon/on 瞧不起look back on/at 回顾,回首,回想What job makes people look up to you?做什么工作人们要敬仰你?We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Winter Olympic Games to be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.我们都很兴奋,期待着在北京和张家口举办的冬奥会。(3)When I look

24、 back on it, I realize I may have made a mistake. 当我回想时,我发现或许我犯了一个错误。We look down upon him for his poor manners.我们因他举止粗鲁而看不起他。K名师提醒X含介词to的常用动词短语还有:lead to 导致contribute to 促成;是成因之一get down to 开始认真做adapt to 适应object to 反对be used to 习惯于K巩固内化单句语法填空Then came the moment we had been looking forward to.The

25、day that he had been looking forward to came (come) at last.Im looking forward to receiving (receive) your earliest reply.I look down upon those who always rely on others.(5)When I look back on those years, I miss some of the people I used to work with.9.1 can see a field and I can imagine what it l

26、ooks like with lots of snow.(教材 P57) 我看到了一块田地,我能想象田地覆盖白雪的样子。k句式解读U本句由and连接的两个并列句组成,后一个分句中含有一个what 引导的宾语从句。K用法总结1连接代词what在宾语从句中可作主语、宾语或表语,可表示疑问,也可表示陈述。Several passengers seemed to appreciate what I did.有几个乘客好像很欣赏我的做法。Sadly, Helen hardly knew what she should do next.伤心的是,海伦几乎不知道下一步她应当怎么办。Until you ope

27、n all the boxes, you cannot know what it is inside.不翻开所有的盲盒,你是不会知道里面都有些什么的。I dont believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.我不相信你的话,不过你假设能拿出证据,或许能够说服我。K名师提醒R连接代词which通常与名词连用,作定语,只能表示疑问,往往暗指某范围的事物。Do you know which bike belongs to Mary?你知道哪一辆自行车是玛丽的吗?K巩固内化U补全句子Paul is very particular about what he eats and what he wears.保罗对吃穿非常讲究。The old picture reminded me of what L liked most when I was six. 这张照片让我想起六岁时我最喜爱什么。With science and technology developing rapidly , who can predict what inventions, there will be?随着科技的飞速开展,谁能预测会有什么样的创造?


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