人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit5 Poems课时作业5:Using Language.docx

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1、Using LanguageK基础练DI .单词拼写.We were not able to meet the deadline (最后期限)because of manufacturing delays.1 .He held out a small bag tied with string (细绳).2 .He took every opportunity to defuse racial (种族的)tensions.3 .She was overcome with grief (悲伤)when her husband died.5 .Few contests (比赛)in the rece

2、nt history of boxing have been so thrilling.6 .The problem is not as complicated (复杂的)as he imagined.7 .He gave his counter a polish (擦亮)with a soft duster.8 .He wants to use the water to irrigate barren (贫瘠的)desert land.n.单句语法填空l.He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes last night.2.O

3、ver time, however, we have the opportunity to learn to accept ourselves.3 .Her beautiful face and hair were reflected (reflect) in the mirror.4 .There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.5 .The survey found a wide variation (vary)in the prices charged for canteen food.6 .She los

4、t control of her car on the ice yesterday.in.选词填空hold onto, make a list of, make a living, keep up with, in addition to, be familiar withl.Our aim is to allow student teachers to be familiar with the classroom.2.Make a list of all the places you have traveled.3.1n addition to his salary ? he has a b

5、onus of 25 yuan per month.4.He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff.5.1f we can do that, we can keep up with the times.6.This little poor girl is making a living by selling newspaper.IV ,补全/翻译句子.He failed in his attempt to take controL of th company.(control) 他的掌控这家公司的企图失败了。1

6、.Addicted to surfing the Internet, many kids have lost interest in study.(过去 分词作状语)由于上网成瘾,许多孩子失去了学习的兴趣。2 .He still kept up with us after he went to university.(keep up with) 他上大学后仍然和我们保持联系。3 .请跟我讲讲你是怎么娱乐自己的? (entertain)Can yog tell yne something about how you entertain yourself?4 .我经常反思生活的美丽和复杂。(ref

7、lect)I often eflect on the beauty and complexity of life.5 .毕业后他经常和朋友们通信。(correspond)He often coriesponds with his friends afte】 giaduation.K提能练UI .七选五Making a budget can be quite a satisfying process.After drawing one up, youll probably feel proud that youve controlled your finances.However, drawin

8、g up your budget isnt the most important task when it comes to managing your money successfully. 1 .If youre one of the many people in Britain with more than one bank account, using several alongside one another could help you stay in control of your spending.2.That can help you avoid overspending i

9、n a single area.3 , keep an eye on your accounts each month.Whether you receive your regular bank statements and bills through the post or online, make sure you check them.They can tell you where you might be overdoing it, and should inspire you to cut back immediately if necessary.Besides, youre li

10、kely to pick up any problems as they arise. Making a note of all your spending for a few weeks is another way to check that your money really is going where youd like it to.4, but if you tend to spend using cash rather than a credit card, you wont be able to track where your money is going simply fr

11、om looking at your bank statements and bills.As your personal circumstances change, your budget will need to be changed, too. 5 .While it may seem like a chance to loosen up your purse strings slightly, failing to take account of an income rise in your budget could mean you dont truly make the most

12、of it.A.If you want your budget to stay balancedB.It may seem tiresome to write everything downC.If 11 take a few months to get used to budgetingD.Divide up your income each month into separate accountsE.Once youve linked all your accounts, you can create a budgetF.Getting a promotion or pay rise sh

13、ould mean you remake your budgetG.The key to effective budgeting is sticking to the spending plan youve madeK语篇解读U本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了如何制定有效预算,从而成功理财。有效预算的关键是要坚持你制订的支出计划。1 .G K联系上文题。根据前一句 However, drawing up your budget isn9t the most important task when it comes to managing your money successfully. “制定预算

14、并不 是成功理财最重要的任务”,因此G项:The key to effective budgeting is sticking to the spending plan you9ve made ”有效预算的关键是要坚持你制订的支出计划” 符合语境。应选G。.D K 根据前句.using several alongside one another could help you stay in control of your spending.”同时使用几个账户可以帮你控制支出“,以及后一句That can help you avoid overspending in a single area.

15、 “那可以帮助你防止在单一领域超 支“, 可知 D 项: Divide up your income each month into separate accounts.“把你 每个月的收入分到几个独立的账户中“符合语境。应选D。2 .A K根据后一句:keep an eye on your accounts each month. “每个月者R要关注 你所有的账户”可知,A项:If you want your budget to stay balanced ”如果你想 要你的预算保持平衡”符合语境。应选A。1.B K 根据前句 Making a note of all your spendi

16、ng for a few weeks is another way to check that your money really is going where youd like it to. “ 坚持几个星期, 把 你的支出都记录下来以便检查钱都花到哪里去了,可知B项:It may seem tiresome to write everything down.“把一切都写下来似乎很麻烦”符合语境。应选 Bo25.F K根据前面说至I的 As your personal circumstances change, your budget will need to be changed, to

17、o. “随着你个人情况的改变,你的预算也需要修改“,可知 F 项: Getting a promotion or pay rise should mean you remake your budget ”获得晋 升或加薪意味着你应该重新制定预算”符合语境。应选F。II.完形填空I would say that I have been relatively stable for the past 6 months mentally.lt is considering that I should have started a new job and 2 a breakup.There have b

18、een difficult times and I have dried 3 off my phone screen over the past months and I was even feeling suicidal(自杀的)in the early days of the4 .Honestly it isnt the end of the 5 .Yes, its only the end of a long relationship. I have my 6 to thank for keeping me well.He is the light of my life and neve

19、r 7 me.He loves me generously and 8 ,Like a good 9 member, he takes care of me and I take care of him.It is good to have a living one in your life, someone that needs me and that I need.That is really important.Once I had a long 10 with him.He looked at me lovingly and seemed to really 1 what I said

20、.I am 12 to him.He never 13 to seek me out and get some snuggling (依偎).1 am often 14 from a computer screen, a TV screen and a phone.I am looking15 at him and it is saving me.K语篇解读过去的一段时间我遭受了不少挫折和打击,在我处于生活低谷的时候,我养的猫给我带来了希望和快乐。1. A .interestingB.importantC.astonishingD.obviousK答 案H C K下文的“shouldhave

21、started”表惊奇;意外,所以只有C项能表 达这种情感,即“一想到自己竟然能开始一份新工作,熬过这次感情挫折,真令人感到惊奇“2.A.suffered fromB.gone throughC.thought aboutD.made upK参见上题K解析兀go through “经受;经历3. A.tearsB.dustC.soupD.sweatK dry tears “擦干眼泪”,与前面的difficult times对应。UB.yearC.promotionD.breakupKbreakup本意是“崩溃”,在这里表示“(与朋友关系破裂的)挫折”,文章首段有提示。HB.painC.succ

22、essD. futureK答案I A K句意:“这不是世界的末日,只是一段关系的结束而已。”了B.motherC. fatherD.teacher(答案H A K由最后一段的snuggling可知,全文都在讲作者的猫陪伴主人渡过难关的故事。B.bitesC.disappointsD.cheatsK答 案I C K它是我生活的希望,从不会让我“失望”。B.automaticallyC. mentallyD.honestlyK答 案H D K与空前的generously构成并列,它一直毫不吝啬地、忠诚地爱着我,就像家庭(family)成员一样,我们互相照顾着。B.clubC.classD.fami

23、lyK答案HD K参见上题K解析UB .journeyC.stayD.conversationK答 案D K下文的what I said给出了提示,这里应是“进行对话”二11. A.expectB. understandC.encourageD.honorK我与“它”说话,它就像能听懂我讲的话一样,亲切地看着我。12. A.gratefulB.hopefulC. regretfulD.respectfulK一直以来,我对“它心存感激。HC.pretendsB.intendsD.troublesK答 案HA K猫从来都不会找不到我,然后依偎在我怀里,fail to do sth “未能做成某事。

24、H14.A.taken inB.taken awayC.brought upD.brought backK我常常被猫从电脑、电视或者手机上“拉走”,即因为猫,作者放弃了上网、看电视或者玩手机。HB.nervouslyC.curiouslyC.curiouslyD.faithfullyK我“聚精会神地”看着它,它正在拯救我。HIII .读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短 文。On a cold windy day, a poor boy tried to pay his way through school by selling goods door

25、 to door.Wandering on the street, he was not a successful seller.What,s worse, he found that he only had one dime(一角硬币)left.His empty stomach reminded him constantly that fbr days he hadnt eaten anything.He had no choice but to beg for a meal at the next house.Hesitantly he knocked at the door, thin

26、king about what to say when it opened.However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. u What can I do for you? ” asked the young woman.The boy paused for a while“Would you please give me some.a drink of water? ” the boy dared not to look directly into her eyes.She looked at the

27、 bony boy and thought he might need something to give him energy so she brought him a glass of milk.His head rising and small hands taking the cup, he drank it up slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you? ” You dont owe me anything, “ she replied with a warm smile on her face/My mother has tau

28、ght me never to accept pay for a kindness. Deeply moved, he said sincerely, “Then I shall thank you from the bottom of my heart,As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but it also increased his faith in God and the whole human race.As a matter of fact, he was about to

29、give up and quit before that point.Years later the young woman became critically ill.However, the local doctors were unable to give the effective medical treatment.Finally they sent her to a hospital in the big city, where specialists could be called in to cure her rare disease.Among those famous sp

30、ecialists, Dr.Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation.When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room.注意:续写词数应为150左右。Dressed in his doctors gown, he went in to see her.The bill was se

31、nt to her room.K参考范文HDiessed in his doctors gown, he went in to see her. He saw her lie on the bed and recognized her at once.Her lovely face looked pale.He went back to the consultation room and determined to do his best to save her life.From that day on, he gave special attention to her case.Lucki

32、ly, after a long struggle, the battle was won.Dr.Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval.He looked at it and then wrote something on the side.The bill was sent to her loom. Hesitantly she took it.She was afraid to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off.Finally she opened it, on the side of which a note caught her attention.She read these words, “Paid in full with a glass of milk. signed Dr. Howard Kelly.Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently, “ Thank you, God. ”


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