人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit4 Adversity and Courage精品学案:Using Language.docx

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1、Using Language语境应用词汇扩充课时基础过关I.单词语境记忆根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1 .Birds couldnt have lived in the cave because it was cold and damp (潮湿的).2,There seemed to be no motive (动机)for the crime.3 .The police officers decided to conduct a thorough (彻底的)review of the case.4 .This candidate(彳侯选人)has the ability to commun

2、icate with foreigners in English.5.1 will spend on a classic piece of furniture (家具)because quality lasts.6.Smart phones take the place of similar sorts of recreation (消遣),such as listening to the radio and playing sports.7.1n traditional Chinese culture, the bat (蝙蝠)is a symbol of good fortune.1.1

3、cant stand people who are cruel (残忍的)to animals.9 .Fortunately (fortunate), theres much information on the Web about job opportunities.10 .Please send an application (apply) email at your earliest convenience to Ms.Read.11 . As an experienced (experience) teacher, it is very easy to deal with such a

4、 problem.12 .There are an extremely large number of ants worldwide.If put together they weigh roughly (rough) the same as all of mankind.II .短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语l.On a sunny day, the huge ship with one thousand passengers sailed away (远航).2 .The two friends havent seen each other for long (长久).3 .The

5、 man promised that he would pay back (归还)what he was offered when he was in trouble.1.1 really dont know how to deal with (处理)this problem without your help.5 .When burning, the chemical can give off (放出)heavy smoke.6 .Cheer up(振作起来)! Believe in yourself and you will get success.7 .Dave had arranged

6、 for (安排)someone to drive him home before we knew this.8 .The new airport complex consists of (由组成)a main terminal, a service building and a parking lot.Ill.句式语境仿写l.If it werent for sea animalswe would all starve.如果不是这些海洋生物,我们都会饿死了。K仿写要不是你的帮助,我不会取得这么大的进步。If it werent for your help, would not make su

7、ch progress.2.When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.当我们最终获救时,我们感到非常轻松,欣喜万分,以至于我们中有许多人无法 掩饰自己的眼泪。K仿写D天气如此热,谁也不想干活。It was such hot weather that nobody wanted to do anything.I记单词I .语境串记相关词.The tennis player batted a bat to death with his bat.

8、1 .The motorist said his motorcar ran into a big tree and something was wrong with the motor.2 .About one hundred applicants submitted application forms,applying for the vacant position.3 .Dont be too tough on her because she had a cough last night.Besides, the skin on her hands was rough after the

9、thorough cleaning.II .词缀助记派生词名词后缀:-ment, -ance, -ing, -tioncommit (vt.) -commitmentadvertise (.)-advertisementguide (.)f guidanceadvertise (.)-advertisingrecreate (.)recreationapply (vt.) -application句型公式l.If it werent for要不是2.such.that如此以至于果时要点突破一一语境理解 合作探究llll删l.cruel a力.残酷的;残忍的cruelty .残酷;虐待cruel

10、ly adv.残酷地;残忍地Life was cruel to Oliver when he was young.(教材 P40)奥利弗年轻时生活很残酷。K合作探究H体会cruel及其相关词的用法和意义Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is cruel to eat animals.有些人不吃肉,因为他们觉得吃动物很残忍。Britain had laws against cruelty to animals.英国有禁止虐待动物的法律。K自主发现Rbe cruel to对很残忍/残酷cruelty to

11、 animals对动物的虐待K巩固内化D单句语法填空I cant put up with people who are cruel to animals.The deliberate cruelty (cruel) of his words cut her like a knife.The tramp had been cruelly (cruel) treated before she adopted it.1 .unfortunately ad也不幸地;遗憾地 fortunately adu.幸运地 fortunate 切.幸运 的fortune 运气;大笔的钱Unfortunately,

12、 his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough.(教材 P40)遗憾的是,他的申请因为自己年龄太小不够资格而遭到拒绝。K合作探究U体会unfortunately及其相关词的用法和意义Jason was a college professor with a fortune of $2 million.詹森是一名大学教授,拥有两百万存款。Unfortunately, tonights concert has been cancelled because of weather con

13、ditions.is 憾的是,今晚的音乐会因为天气原因取消了。Like many other people around him, he went to seek his fortune in the south.像身边的许多人一样,他去南方寻求出路。If youre fortunate enough to become rich some day, please dont forget us.苟富贵,勿相忘。K自主发现Rseek/try ones fortune碰运气;找出路make a fortune发财be fortunate to do sth 有幸做某事K名师提醒fortune作名词

14、且意为“机会;运气”时,是不可数名词;作“大 笔的钱”时,是可数名词。K巩固内化X单句语法填空(DUnfortunately(fortune), that plan seems unlikely to work.I was late, but fortunately (fortune) the meeting hadnt started.It is said that he made a fortune after quitting his job.I was nearly drowned last night, but was fortunate to be saved (save).2 .

15、application .申请;应用apply以涂;敷;应用近.申请;请求;使用applicant.申请人Unfortunately, his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough.(教材 P40)遗憾的是,他的申请因为自己年龄太小不够资格而遭到拒绝。K合作探究U 体会application及其相关词的用法和意义I am filling in an application form for a new job.我正在填写一份新工作的申请表格。Anyone wishing to

16、apply for a grant should write to the Treasurer.凡希望申请补助的人,要写信给财政主管。Over the next months, he applied himself to improving the technique.接下来的几个月,他一门心思改进技术。He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the ambulance arrived. 他按住伤口,使血流得慢些,一直等到救护车到来。K自主发现application form申请表apply 12适用于ap

17、ply (to.) for.(向)申请apply oneself to.集中精力于K一言串记HThe applicant applied himself to applying for a post for teaching applied chemistry, saying that he would apply what he had learned to his teaching.这位申请者专心于申请一份教应用化学的工作,并且说他会把他学到的应用到他 的教学中去。K巩固内化X(1)补全句子We should know not only the theory but also how to

18、 apply it to practice. 我们不仅应知道理论,还应知道怎样把理论应用于实践。The old man applied himself to his invention when young.这位老人年轻时致力于创造。She applied to the school for q job as an English teacher.她向这所学校申请英语教师的职位。(2)一句多译专心学习,你会通过考试的。 If you apply yourself Co you 匚 study, you will pass your exam.Apply yourself to your stu

19、dy and you will pass your exam.Applying yourself to your study, you will pass your exam.4.1oyal a切忠诚的;忠实的loyally 公.忠诚地;忠实地 loyalty .忠诚;忠实Loyal, kind, and calm(教材P43)忠诚、善良和镇静K合作探究体会loyal及其相关词的用法和意义They are always loyal to the people.他们始终对人民忠心耿耿。Can I count on your loyalty ?我能指望你对我忠诚吗?For fifty years

20、she had served the university loyally.她忠心耿耿地为这所大学服务了 50年。K自主发现be loyal to.忠诚于a loyal friend/ieader 忠实的朋 友/读者K巩固内化R单句语法填空AH the life Simon loyally supported his local soccer team.The officials swore their loyalty to the king.There were too many other demands on his loyalty (loyal) now.5 mitment .承诺;保

21、证;奉献commit以犯(错误、罪行);使承当义务 committed。打尽心尽力的;坚定的And he paid us back by his commitment to save us from a slow but painful death.(教 材 P45)他以承诺回报我们,把我们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救出来。K合作探究D体会commitment及其相关词的用法和意义He committed a serious error.他犯了个严重的错误。He will commit you to spending the rest of his days.他会承诺与你共度余生。The Pres

22、ident is committed to reforming health care.总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。More importantly, we make a commitment to grow together as good friends.更重要的是,我们许诺作为好朋友要共同成长。K自主发现Umake a commitment to sb对某人做出承诺make a commitment to do 承诺做commit oneself to 承诺; 专心致志于be committed to (doing) sth 承诺/保证(做)某事;专心致志于K巩固内化1单句语法填空The

23、 lady made a commitment (commit) that shed look after the child forever.From then on, I committed myself to losing (lose) weight and getting into shape.They are all committed (commit) members of the team.A violent crime was committed(commit) every five minutes in this area last year.6 .give off放出(热

24、光 气味或气体)This gave off oily, black smoke, but it stayed burning even in strong winds.(教材 P44) 这会放出黑色的油烟,即使在强风中它也会燃烧。K短语记牢X记牢以下短语give away赠送;泄露give out分发;耗尽give up 放弃;停止He gave away all his money to charities.他把他所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构。(2)What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given out?当世

25、界上所有的石油都用光了,我们用什么作能源呢?(3)1 gave up hope of finding my ring again.我放弃了再次找到戒指的希望。If plastic and rubber are burnt, they911 give off poisonous gases.如果塑料和橡胶被燃烧,它们会放出有毒的气体。K名师提醒U give out意为“耗尽”时,不用于被动语态。K巩固内化X补全句子The teacher gave out the papers before class.老师在课前分发了试卷。It is difficult to give up smoking.戒

26、烟可不容易。That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there.那个周末,我们去了附近的一个社区并把它们捐赠给那里的人们。It is because the sun_ gives off light and heat that the earth sustains life.正 是因为太阳发出光和热,地球上的生命才得以维持。7.1f it werent for sea animals9 we would all starve.(教材P44)如果不是这些海洋生 物,我们都会饿死

27、了。K句式解读U 句中Ifit weren for sea animals是非真实条件,即虚拟条件句,表达一种与事实相反的假设。K用法总结用于非真实条件句时,主从句的谓语动词形式见下表:时间从句主句与现在事实相反If+主语+did主语+would/could/might/should+do与过去事实相反If + 主语+had done主语+would/could/might/should+ have done与将来事实相反If+主语+did(动词过去式)If + 主语+were to do If + 主语 + should+do主语+would/could/might/should + doI

28、f I had time, I would certainly join you in the tennis match.假设我有时间,肯定和你一起打这场网球比赛。If he had taken my advice, he might not have made mistakes.要是他听进了我的劝告,就不会犯错误了。K名师提醒当从句中有were, had,或should时,if经常省略,而将were, had或should提 至句首。Were I a bird, I would fly to you. = If I were a bird, I would fly to you.如果我是一只

29、鸟,我就会飞到你身边。K巩固内化补全句子I would have passed the exam if had listened t。him.如果我听了他的,我就会通过考试了。如果明天下雨,我就不去那里了。(一句多译)f【f it rained tomorrow, I would not go there.f If it should jrain tomorrow, I would not go there.-Should M rain tomorrow, I would not go there.f If M were tQ rain tomorrow, I would not go there.Were it to rain tomorrow, I would not go there.


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