人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit4 Adversity and Courage精品学案:Reading and Thinking—Language Points(步步高).docx

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1、Reading and ThinkingLanguage Points基础自测自主学习落实基础知识I .重点单词adversity n.困境;逆境1. bitter 4力.严寒的;激烈而不愉快的;味苦的expedition n.探险;远征;探险队2. aboard adv. &p.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)crush ”.毁坏;压坏;压碎n.拥挤的人群3. 直止血.漂浮;下沉;下降”,使下沉;使漂浮abandon3舍弃;抛弃;放弃4. miserable。力.痛苦的;令人难受的decent adj.相当不错的;正派的;得体的5. selfish 4力.自私的genuine。力.真正的;真诚的;

2、可信赖的6. crew/i.(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员;专业团队;一群人endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力f endure vt.忍耐;忍受7. qualified。力.符合资格;具备的知识(或技能、学历等)f qualify ”取得资格;使合格enthusiastic 力.热t青的;热心的f enthusiasm热情;热忱8. assign ”.分派;布置;分酉己f assignment分配的任务envy儿& ”.羡慕;妒忌f envious。力.妒忌的9. belongings n. Hp/.H 财物;动产f belong.属于perseverance n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠

3、的精神f persevere加.坚持;孜孜以求10. resolve vi. & .决定;决心;解决(问题或困难).决心;坚定的信念f resolution几.决 议;解决;坚定 掌握规律巧记单词endure ”.忍耐;忍受fendurance .忍耐力;耐久力例 如:insure- insurancequalify ”.取得资格;使合格f qual由ed.符合资格;具备的知识(或技能、学历等)例如:satisfyf satisfiedII .核心短语1. turn sb.down 拒绝某人set off 出发2. become stuck in 被困住throw away 扔掉3. to o

4、n s surprise让某人惊讶的是keep.up 保持4. after all毕竟;终究 m.经典句式sothat如此以至于But I was so enthusiastic about the ide。of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship.但是我对和他们一起去的想法那么热衷,以至于我偷偷上了他的船as引导时间状语从句Endurance became stuck in the ice as we approached Antarctica.“坚忍”号在我们靠近南极洲时被冰困住了。1. have been

5、doing sth.一直在做某事We have been struggling for days, but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse. 我们一直挣扎了好几天,但是大象岛上的情况变得更糟了。互动探究/探究重点互动撞击思维 N重点词汇El Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship EMliranc in 1914.珀西布莱克博罗于1914年加入了欧内斯特沙克尔顿爵士的“坚 忍”号

6、南极探险之旅。endurance /i.忍耐力;耐久力 beyond endurance 忍无可忍 X endure v .忍耐;忍受 endure doing sth.忍耐做某事 X endurable如/可以忍受的;耐用的(l)He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness. 他在生病期间表现出非凡的忍耐力。(2)This event tests both physical and mental endurance(endure).该比赛工程既是对体力也是对心理承受力的考验。(3)He can t endure being def

7、eated(defeat) by his partner. 他无法忍受被他的伙伴打败。(4)1 felt that life was no longer endurable(endure).我感到生活再也无法忍受。K高级表达I (5)He decided to help those children who were enduring the poor living conditions.He decided to help those children enduring the poor living conditions.(用三日谓语动词改写)However, when I applied

8、 to ioin the expedition, Shackleton turnLlIiejiQwn because he thought I was too young and wasn t但是,当我申请加入这次探险时,沙克尔顿 拒绝了我,因为他认为我太年轻,不够资格。turn (sb.) down拒绝(某人);把调低turn one s back on sb./sth.某人对某人/某事置之不理;背弃某人/某事turn to求助于;转向;翻至(某一页)turnup出现;把调高turn over翻过来;移交turn out结果是;生产,制造(1)A person lacking enduran

9、ce will be turned down by the company.一个缺乏忍耐力的人会被这个公司拒绝。(2)The baby is sleeping.Could you turn down the music ?宝宝在睡觉。你把音乐调低一些好吗?(3)She turned her back on her brother when he was in trouble, which really shocked us.她对处于困境的弟弟置之不理,确实让我们感到震惊。(4)It is already nine o clock, but he hasn t turned up yet.已经九

10、点钟了,但他还没有出现。(5)The boy is not really reading, just turning over the book.这个男孩没有在真正读书,只是在翻书。(6)Unexpectedly, the weather turned out pretty nice that day.出乎意料的是,那天天气特别好。quali行ed时.符合资格;具备的知识(或技能、学历等)Xbe qualified for sth,有资格获得某物 be qualified to do sth.有资格做某事 Xqualify vt. &式.(使)具备资格;(使)合格qualify sb.to d

11、o sth.使某人有资格做某事Xqualification 资格;资历;资格证书(7)You shouldn? t have turned down that man who was qualified for the job.你本不该拒绝那个有资格做这个工作的人。(8)In my opinion, the clever man is qualified(qualify) to accept the job.以我看,这个聪明的人有资格接受这个工作。(9)The test will qualify you to drive(drive) the new car.通过这项考试你就有资格驾驶这辆新车

12、了。(10)The young girl has the qualifications(qualify) to teach English.这个年轻女孩具有教授英语的资格。K高级表达力 (ll)He is looking for a person who is qualified to do the job.He is looking for a person qualified to do the job.(用形容词短语改写)He assigned me to be a steward, and I now serve meals for twenty-eight men, three ti

13、mes a day.他安排我做了一名服务员,现在我给28个人做饭,一天三次。assign几分派;布置;分配 Xassign”.分配,分派,指派(任务)assignto把分配给X assignment加 分配的工作、任务(Occasionally, I would read a novel that was assigned9 but I didn, t enjoy this type of reading. (2019天津) 偶尔,我会读一本指定的小说,但是我并不喜欢这种阅读类型。(2)The teacher assigned a different task _to each of the

14、children.老师给每个儿童布置的作业都不相同。(3)You need to complete three assignments(assign) each week.你需要每周完成三个任务。R高级表达1(4)He was not satisfied with the car which was assigned to him.He was not satisfied with the car assigned lo him.(用非谓语动词改写)Before we abandPIied the ship, Shackleton calmly called us together and t

15、old us to rescue our most essential supplies在我们弃船之前,沙克尔顿冷静地把我们聚到一起,告诉我们 抢救我们最重要的物资abandon诃.舍弃;抛弃;放弃放任;放纵 abandon oneself to沉湎于; 纵情于abandon doing sth.放弃估攵某事X with abandon放纵地;放任地Xabandoned/.无约束的;无度的;放纵的be abandoned to (doing)沉湎于 (l)Rescuers abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors. 营救人员对找到更多生还

16、者不抱任何希望。(2)Those who abandon themselves(they) to despair can t succeed. 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。(3)By no means shall we abandon searching(search) for the missing people. 我们绝不会放弃寻找失踪者。(4)The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with abandon. 那些女孩子跳上跳下,尽情地挥舞着手臂。(5)He is abandoned to reading(read) all ki

17、nds of books in his spare time. 闲暇之余,他沉湎于阅读各种书籍。We were not allowed to take most of our personal Jfeelongings, and Shackleton himself threw away all his gold.我们不被允许带大局部个人物品,沙克尔顿自己扔掉了他所有的金子。belongings n.贝才物;动产belonging n.归属belong况.属于belong to属于;是的成员注意:belong to不用于进行时和被动语态。(l)Look after your personal

18、belongings while waiting for the bus.等车时照看好你的个人财物。(2)When he joined the club, he felt a sense of belonging(belong).他加入俱乐部时,感觉到了一种归属感。(3)Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are his and hers.这些邮票中有些是我的,其余的是他和她的。K高级表达力(4)r d like to have a look at the toys which belong to you.I, d like to h

19、ave a look at the toys belonging to you.(用非谓语动词改写)Hussey often plays it to k第R our spirits ur.赫西经常演奏它来使我们精神高涨。keep up保持,继续;不使(斗志)低落 keep up with跟上,保持同步keep away from防止接近;远离keep off 避开(l)Keep it up and you will succeed in time.保持下去,最终你会成功的。(2)He desired to keep up with his classmates, but he was too

20、weak. 他渴望追上他的同学们,但是他太弱了。(3)r m trying to keep off fatty foods.我尽量不吃高脂肪食物。(4)When the machine is in operation, keep away from it. 当机器在运转时,请远离它。Their genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolyfi fill me with hope.他们对别人真诚的关心、他们的毅力、他们的决心让我充满希望。resolve近.&几决定;决心;解决(问题或困难).决心;坚定的信念Xre

21、solve to do sth.决定做某事resolve on决 定/决心Xresolution n.决定;解决(l)Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences.双方见面为的是尽力解决分歧。(2)She resolved not to tell(not tell) him the truth.她决定不告诉他真相。(3)They resolved on that day to celebrate her success.他们决定那天来庆祝她的成功。(4)The government is pressing for an

22、early resolution (resolve) of the crisis.政府正在施加压力,为的是早日解决这个危机。经典句式Endurance became stuck in the ice as we anuroached Antarctica.“坚忍”号在我们靠近南 极洲时被冰困住了。本句中的as用作连词,引导时间状语从句。Xas用作连词,还可以引导原因状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句。注意:as引导让步状语从句时,句子用局部倒装结构。K一词多义X写出以下句子中as的汉语意思(l)They sang songs as they were doing farm work.当时候(

23、2)As he wasn t ready in time, we went without him.因为(3)Clever as she is, she works very hard.虽然(4)We d better leave things as they are until the police arrive.像; 按照达标检测当堂检测基础达标演练 N1 .单句语法填空I will try to finish the work assigned(assign) to me ahead of time.1. Finally they arrived at the abandoned(aba

24、ndon) house, tired and hungry.2. They made a resolution(resolve) to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas period.3. The training will get him qualified(qualify) for the hard job.4. His proposal was turned down by his boss, which made him disappointed.5. He took the umbrella belonging(belon

25、g) to Mary by mistake just now.6. The exciting story will keep the tired soldiers up in a hard situation.7. It was his perseverance(persevere) that helped him succeed at last.8. The old man has been working(work) in the field for more than two hours.9. I really admired his endurance(endure) when he

26、looked after little children, n .完成句子The farmer was so enthusiastic that we found it hard to turn him down.那位农场主非常热情,我们发现拒绝他很难。10. As a matter of fact, the girl has been envying her elder sister these years.事实上,这些年这个女孩一直妒忌她的姐姐。11. The bag, which belonged to the gi】l, was taken by that boy.那个女孩的包被那个男孩拿走了。12. Those people were looking for the ship which sank to the bottom of the river.那些人正在寻找沉入河底的那艘船。13. Young as the girl is, she is good at dealing with such a person.这个女孩虽然年轻,她很擅长应对那样的人。


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