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《综合海水养殖池塘主要营养要素及重金属污染物的食物网传递过程的初步研究-冯建祥.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《综合海水养殖池塘主要营养要素及重金属污染物的食物网传递过程的初步研究-冯建祥.docx(82页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、谨以此论文献给:敬爱的导师,永远关心和支夺寺我 的家人,实验室的兄弟姐妹们以及所有给予我帮助的同 窗好友们! 综合海水养殖池塘主要营养要素及重金属污 染物的食物网传递过程的初步研究 学位论文完成日期: 咖,、 指导教臟字 : 答辩委员会成员签字: . L 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究 成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已 经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含未获得 _ (注:如没有 其他需要特别声明的,本栏可空) 或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料与 我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均己在论文中作了明确的说明并

2、表示谢 意 学位论文作者签名 : 签 字 曰 期 年 SPOM 的 S 13C 值周年变化与水体叶绿素 a 周年变化表现出 显著正相关;浮游动物 5 3C 值和 51SN 分别为 -18.11.22 和 9.560.63;底栖无脊椎 动物 5 3C 和 5 15N 变化范围分别为 : -20.340.12-15.33 土 0.11 和 10.7 知 0.24-14.54 土 0. 18, S 13C 无明显富集现象 , S 1SN 则表现为明显的富集现象;鱼类 513C 值平均 为-17.810.8, 8 1SN 变化范围大于 5 13C, 为 12.590.08-16.880.35, S 1

3、5N 富集 因子为 3.8% ,利用 6ISN 计算主要消费者营养级,所有生物的营养层次长度为 3 级, 滤食性贝类营养级均小于 2,棘皮动物营养级为 2,腹足类、头足类和甲壳动物营养 层次在2.2-2.7 之间,而鱼类营养级较高,在 2.2-3.3 之间。 2. 海蜇养殖对池塘水体、底泥和沉降物营养盐影响的研究 2 9 年 5 月 -2009 年 9 月对荣成静海湾海蜇 (灿 op/feww 挪 w/er/mm Kishinouye) 大型养殖池塘内海蜇养殖期间和养殖前后水体、底泥和沉降营养盐水平变化进行了 研究结果表明, 7 月份海蜇养殖期间,由于海蜇对浮游动物的大量摄食,浮游植 物被摄食

4、压力减小,导致养殖海区(实验点 ) Chi a 含量和 POM 含量显著高于邻近 非养殖海区( 对照点 )。由于海蜇的避光性而产生的上下浮动的行为特征造成的对水 体的扰动作用,与海蜇的生物沉积作用共同导致实验点与对照点之间底泥和沉降各 项营养盐指标均存在显著性差异,其中实验点底泥和沉降物的氨氮 ( NH4-N)和沉 降速率 (sedimentation rale, SR)显著高于对照点 ;实验点底泥和沉降物 Chi a 和 TOM 含量显著低于对照点。 3. 海蜇养殖对池塘大型底栖动物群落结构影响的研究 2009 年 5 月 -2009 年 9 月,对荣成靖海湾大型养殖池塘海蜇(及 Kishi

5、nouye)养殖期间与养殖期前后大型底栖动物群落结构变化进行了研 究。多变量聚类分析结果表明,海蜇养殖对养殖池塘的大型底栖动物群落结构产生 显著影响,并且 7 月份实验点大型底栖动物的生物多样性指数 (H) 和均匀度指数 (J) 随海蜇放养显著增大,并显著高于对照点。大型底栖动物群落多样性指数与沉降速 率 ( SR)和底泥 TOM含量分别表现出显著正相关和负相关,而与底泥其他营养盐 指标无显著相关性。 4. 利用稳定性同位素方法对海蜇养殖对池塘水体和底泥有机物影响的初步研究 2009 年 5 月 -2009 年 9 月 , 对 荣 成 靖 海 湾 大 型 养 殖 池 塘 海 蜇 ( 办 esc

6、w/ew/Mw Kishinouye)养殖期间与养殖期前后水体颗粒有机物 POM 和底泥有机物 稳定性同位素值 ( S13C 和 615N)变化进行了研究。结果显示, 7 月份海蜇养殖期 间,海蜇养殖区(实验点) P MS13C 值显著高于非养殖区 ( 对照点 ),底泥 S13C 值和 8 15N均为实验点显著低于对照点。底泥 5 13C 值和底泥叶绿素 a 含量及 POM S 13C 值和水体叶绿素 a 含量均表现出显著的线性正相关关系 ;P M S 1SN 值与水体 硝氮含量 ( N03-N)显著负相关。 5. 复合养殖池塘主要物种体内重金属 Hg、 Cu、 Pb、 Zn 的生物放大作用研

7、究 本实验对荣成靖海湾大面积复合养殖池塘内主要水生生物物种体内 Hg、 Cu、 Pb、 Zn 重金属富集能力进行了研究。结果表明,四种重金属在生物体内含量排列顺 序为 ZnCuPbHg;软体动物贝类和头足类重金属富集能力最强,甲壳类和棘皮 动物次之,鱼类的富集能力最弱。四种重金属在各类水生生物体内含量顺序分别为 Hg 棘皮动物 贝类 Cu 贝类 头足类甲壳类 棘皮动物 鱼类; Pb 头足类 贝类棘皮动物 鱼类 甲壳类; Zn 头足类 贝类 甲壳类 棘皮动物 鱼类。牡蛎对各种重金属均具有较强的富集能力,是 种广谱重金属污 染物指示生物;而脉红螺对Pb,头足类乌贼对 Cu 和 Zn 也有较好的指示

8、作用。所 有生物样品重金属含量均低于 “海洋生物污染评价标准 , 未受到重金属的严重污染。 关键词:综合海水养殖池塘;食物网结构;稳定性同位素;海蜇养殖;营养盐; 大型底栖动物群落;重金属 Study on the trophic structure and the biomagnification of the heavy metal in the polyculture pond Abstract l.Study on the food web of the polyculture pond using stable isotope analysis The food web in the

9、 polyculture pond in Rongcheng Jinghai Bay were investigated between October 2008 and July 2009. Among primary producers, the values of stable carbon isotope 8 ,3C and nitrogen isotope 6 1SN both were ranked as follows: macro algaeSTOMSSOMSPOM. The 6 13C values of SPOM was significantly positive wit

10、h the aquatic Chi a during the year. The mean values of 8 13C and 8 15N of zooplankton were -18.11.22 and 9.560.63, respectively. The 6 ,3C values of invertebrates ranged from -20.340.12 to -15.330.1 , as for the 5 1SN values, the range was 10.790.24-14.54 土 0.18. The meanS 13C value of fish was-17.

11、810.8, and the 8 15N values,which ranged from 12.590.08 to 16.880.35, were more variable than that of 6 13C. Apparent overlap in 8 ,3C values and stepwise enrichment in 6 15N values were observed throughout the food web. The ,5N enrichment factor was 3.8% in the polyculture pond and the 515N values

12、indicated that the pond consisted of 3 trophic levels. 2.Study on the effect of jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum Kishlnouye) farming activity on the aquatic, seston and sediment nutrients To study the effects of jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye) farming activities on the sediment nutrients,

13、 an experimental station within the farming pond and a reference station adjacent to the fanning zone were set in JingHai Bay mariculture zone and samples were collected from both stations between May 2009 and September 2009. In July 2009, when the jellyfish were extensively cultured, the Chi a and

14、POM at the experimental station was significantly higher than that at reference station due to the prey of zooplankton by jellyfish. Perturbed by swimming activity and biodeposition of jellyfish, the NH4-N and N03-N of sediment and sedimentation rate at the experimental station were significantly hi

15、gher than those at the reference station; The Chi a and TOM of sediment and seston at the experimental station were significantly lower than those at the reference station. 3.Study on the effect of jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye) farming activity OD the structure of macrobenthic community

16、 To study the effects of jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye) farming activities on the structure of macrobenthic community, an experimental station within the fanning pond and a reference station adjacent to the fanning zone were set in JingHai Bay mariculture zone and samples were collected

17、 from both stations between May 2009 and September 2009. The macrobenthos (0.5mm) presented in the sediment were sampled, identified and enumerated. Shannon-Wieners diversity index (/ and Pielous evenness index (J) increased significantly with the cultivation of jellyfish at experimental station in

18、July 2009 and the two indexes were significantly higher than those at reference station. Analysis of similarity for abundance of macrobenthos revealed that the similarity of macrobenthic community between experimental station and reference station was 90% in May 2009 and was approximately 50% in Jul

19、y and September 2009. The similarity of abundance of macrobenthos for both of the experimental station and reference station between July 2009 and September 2009 were approximately 70%. The W values of Abundance-biomass-comparison plots of each sampling month were 0.01, 0.308 and -0.128 for experime

20、ntal station and 0.015, 0.03 and 0.109 for reference station. The results of ABC plots were consistent with the variation of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. Analysis of correlations showed that the Shannon-Wieners diversity index (H1) was remarkably positively correlated with Pielous evenness in

21、dex (J). Both the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (/ and Pielou evenness index (J) had negative correlations with the TOM and positive correlations with SR. The TOM of sediment was negatively correlated with sedimentation rate. 4.Study on the effect of jellyfish (Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye) farm

22、ing activity on the particulate and sediment organic matter by the stable isotope analysis To study the effects of jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye) farming activities on the pond ecosystem, an experimental station within the farming pond and a reference station adjacent to the farming zone

23、 were set in JingHai Bay mariculture zone and samples were collected from both stations between May 2009 and September 2009 to compare the spatio-temporal changes in the stable isotope carbon and nitrogen isotope of particulate organic matter (POM) and sediment organic matter (SOM). During the three


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