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《论亨利·詹姆斯国际性题材小说的创作心理-周元晓.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《论亨利·詹姆斯国际性题材小说的创作心理-周元晓.docx(68页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 82131S 中图分类号 t 单 位 代 号 : n%3 密级: 学号 I 02721033 上洛大 硕士学位论文 SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY MASTERS THESIS A Study of Henry James, s International ThemeM Novels from a Perspective of Psychology 作者 周元晓 _ 学科专业 英语语 言文学 研究方向 英美小说美学 导师 朱振 武教授 完成日期 2005 年 5 月 中文摘要 奥地利著名心理学家及精神病专家阿尔弗笛德 “ 阿德勒认为,人类的全部文 化都是以自卑感为基础的如果一个人在生

2、理上存在缺陷或心理上遭受创伤,他 必然会通过其他手段來寻求某种优越感,以求得心理上的补偿。而自卑情结与缺 失体验往在相伴相随,它们共同构成了作家进行文学创作的 重要内在动因。 美国知识分子对欧洲文明似乎有一种天然的文化自卑情结。亨利 “ 詹姆斯就 是其中杰出的代表。特殊的成长环境既使亨利 “ 詹姆斯具有了解欧美文化差异的 背录,又使他最终成为欧类文化的 他者 ;而由肉体遭受伤害所导致的心理创 伤又使他成为婚姻的观察者:从某种意义上说,他是双重的旁观者。 亨利 *詹姆斯塑造的纯真无邪的 美国少女 形象是尚处于幼年时期的美国 文化的象征性标志。在他的 国际性题材 小说中,大多数美国人都被刻画成单

3、纯无知、天真烂漫,而欧洲人则老谋深算、成熟练达。通过对比,美国人获得了 道德上的优越感。但这种刻画与其说是道德层面上的事实,倒不如说它是一种文 化隐喻。本文通过对亨利 “ 詹姆斯部分 国际题材 小说进行分析,注意到作品 中身在欧洲的美国人特别是作为小说主人公的 美国少女 们处在文化冲突与融 合的漩涡中的艰难困境。她们的处境正是作家本人的真实处境。而欧美文化融合 的愿望,则反映了作家藉此超越文化自卑感的企图。 亨利 .詹姆斯对欧洲人并不是一味 妖魔化他在专使们中塑造的维 奥特夫人,就是作家心目中理想的欧洲人,尽管这多半出自主人公以及作家本人 的想象。作家对欧洲文明怀抱矛盾的态度。 他塑造的 美国

4、少女 形象 .实际上 正是他在欧美文化对抗与冲突中拔尬处境的诉求与表达,是作家本人文化自卑情 结与其自身强烈的民族意识相互冲突与对抗的产物, 欧美文化冲突 M 通常通过 爱情或婚姻的模式来展开,而婚姻则是作家笔下主人公追求欧美文化融合、弥补 自身文化缺陷的重要手段。另外,詹姆斯对婚姻的关照也可以看作是对他本人缺 失体验的补偿。而在现实生活中,自卑情结不仅决定了作家的艺术选择和追求, 也最终使他像笔下的某些男主人公那样彻底地逃脱进了象牙塔中。 关键词:亨利 .詹姆斯, 国际性题材 小说,自卑情结,创作心 理动机, 小说美学 Abstract According to renowned Austr

5、ian psychologist and psychiatrist Alfred Adler, the whole culture of mankind is based on the feeling of inferiority, When a person is physically disabled or has ever suffered psychological traumas, he will try ways and means to seek superiority or psychological compensation. Actually the inferiority

6、 complex always comes with the absence experience. Both of them are the important motivations to enforce the writers to engage in the literary creation. American intellectuals seem to have an innate and deep-rooted cultural inferiority complex. Henry James is such a typical representative among them

7、. His unique individual experience has provided him with many favorable advantages to know the cultural differences between Europe and America, but it has also raised him as a cultural “Other” and an outsider of secular marriage. In this sense, he is a dual spectator. The image of the international

8、American girlM created by Henry James is right the symbol of American culture in the making. In his international theme! novels, most of Americans are naive, ignorant and innocent while the Europeans or Europeanized Americans are snobbish and sophisticated- By comparison, Americans have accordingly

9、acquired a sense of moral superiority. But this sort of portrayal is more a cultural metaphor than a truth in moral sense. Through analysis of part of the international themeM novels by Henry James, we have observed the embarrassing situation with which Americans in Europe have been confronted, espe

10、cially the dilemma that those heroines as international American girls in Jamess novels have been encountering in the Inter-cultural conflict and fusion. Their plight is right the reflection of the authors factual predicament. And the authors desire for the inter-cultural fusion reveals his attempt

11、to overcome his cultural inferiority complex. But Henry James doesnt demonize the Europeans always. Madame de Vionnet in The Ambassadors is the very typical representative of the ideal Europeans in his eyes although she may be only the author and his heros imagination. Henry James holds an ambivalen

12、t attitude towards the Eiu- pean civilization. His portrayal of the international American girl*5 is virtually an outpour and expression of his dilemma in the interculmra】 conflict and fhsiem and the very product of his cultural inferiority complex in combating with his strong American consciousness

13、 of identity. Remarkably and significantly, the intercultural conflict in his international theme,J novels is repeatedly presented by means of marriage or romance among the peoples from the two continents. For the American heroes or heroines in Henry Jamess novels, marriage is an important way to re

14、ach their goals to materialize their cultural dreams and make up for their cultural barrenness. On the other hand, his excessive description of the international conflict and fusion in the form of marriage can be taken as a kind of compensation for his absence experience, However, the inferiority co

15、mplex has not only determined the novelists choice of arts and the overall features of his creation but also has finally raised him a thorough escapist like some of his heroes in the real life retreating to the Ivory Tower. Key Words: Henry James, “International Theme Novels, Inferiority Complex, Ps

16、ychological Motivation for Literary Creation and Aesthetics of Novels* 原 创 性 声 明 本人声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作。 除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方 外,论文中不包含其他人已发表 或撰写过的研究成果。参与同一工作的同志对本研究所做的任何 贡献均己在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 签名: _ 日期 : 本论文使用授权说明 本人完全了解上海大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学 校有权保留论文及送交论文复印件,允许论文被査阅和借阅;学校可 以公布论文的全部或部分内容。 (保密的论文在解密后

17、应遵守此规定) Acknowledgements Looking back the past three years, I feel very excited, contented and confident, though simultaneously iKevitably somewhat melancholy. First of all, like to extend my heart-felt gratitude to Professor Zhu Zhenwu, my graduate teacher. Without his generous help, without his me

18、ticulous concern about my life and study and without his constructive suggestions for this graduation dissertation, I wou!dn5t have finished it in time, so I will treasure it forever. Every time wheo I think of his hopeful and ardent eyes and his incisive instructions, I cant help myself feeling a t

19、inge of warmth swelling in my heart of hearts. It is due to his assistance that I can overcome the difficulties one after another and boost up my confideace in challenging the unpredictable future. And regretfully, these unforgettable days will be destined to become the history. Yet I believe that n

20、one of us wilt leave these sweet memories gone with the wind* Here I also would like to take this opportunity to thank all the other professors, teaching staffs and executives in the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai University, of whom they are Professor Feng Qit Prof. Xie Zhijun, Prof, Gu Zh

21、engyang, Prof. Huang Lushan, Prof, Xiao Fushou, Associate Professor Zhu Jie, Doctor Li Rucheog and Shang Xiaojin etc. Their unselfish guidance in my study will be always cherished and appreciated. Lastly, I would like to extend my profound gratitude to all my family members and all my friends. Tbeir

22、 staunch support and encouragement are so indispensable that I find it diHicuU to carry on without them especially when I meet with difficulties and frustrations. I am so lucky because I have so many amiable teachers, relatives and friends around me, who are ready to lend me their hands any time. Al

23、though soon I will reach the expected destination if everything goes smoothly, yet I know quite wall that it means to me only just another starting-point. Looking out of the window I see the trees green and the flowers in the full bloom. Some unknown birds are merrily twittering outside, A dim fragr

24、ance is permeating every corner of this beautiful campus so that I feel intoxicated* All the signs indicate that spring really has come! At the thought of that I will say goodbye to the familiar surroundings that have kept ray company for three years, I suddenly have a strong impulse to embrace them

25、. How I wish that time would no longer go on! However what I can do is to lock all the beautiful memories in the depth of my brain. And maybe, the beltway for me to express my gratitude to those deserving it is to work harder to achieve more success. So much vigorous and promising is the rosy May* Y

26、et with every step I have so much to say. Introduction This dissertation aims to explore the motivations of Henry James behind his “international theme1 novels. Every writer has his own unique life experience and thus there are different motivations to stimulate him to write. If it is safe for us to

27、 say that inferiority complex is one of the most important motives for William Faulkner to write his Yoknapatawpha series,1 we can also draw such a tentative conclusion then that to a great extent, inferiority complex is the main stimulus too for Henry James to write his “international theme” novels

28、. Apart from this, the absence and loneliness experience also drive Henry James to write. In order to better understand a novelist, a poet or an artist and his works, we can*t ignore his life experience, family background, his character and psyche, the circumstances under which he lives and the cult

29、ure he attaches himself to because his works, in some sense, are the very products of the above-mentioned factors, :/mockingbird.creighton,edu/english/jsocicty.hcm. Cleanth Brooks & R, P. Warren: Understanding Fiction Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Prcsst 2004, p293. cultural inferi

30、ority complex to which they themselves were calling attention.5 This kind of cultural inferiority complex certainly comes from these literary nationalists, cultural absence experience and the depth of the Americans* collective unconsciousness. And indeed, almost all the early literary nationalists o

31、f the United States seemed to think too highly of Europe and such “collective consciousness” that have precipitated among the American intellectuals must have deeply affected Henry James too. But as a literary nationalist with a strong sense of responsibility, he became aware of that 4tOne of the re

32、sponsibilities of being an American is fighting against a superstitious vaVoation of Europe.”6 As an American expatriate to Europe, Henry James is always making his every effort in attempt to establish a new world in which he re-shuffles the cards respectively labeled as American culture and Europea

33、n civilization. Henry James is not the inventor of international theme, but he is the man who has made his greatest achievements among his contemporaries in dealing with such themes. Just as some scholar put, he is t(the first American writer who significantly developed the international dimensions

34、of American literature/7 Up till now his novels and literary theories have been much discussed at home and abroad and thus have won great fame for him, but few scholars probe into the causes or the motivations that drive him to engage in the literary creation. Of course, it is impossible to launch a

35、n overall discussion of the motivations of his literary creation. Nor is it possible or necessary to analyze all his works because as a prolific writer* Henry James has written more than 20 novels, a dozen plays, several books of travel literature, over 100 tales, novellas and stories, 250 book revi

36、ews, some 30 critical essays and about the same number of portraits, besides the notebooks and literally thousands of letters. Methodologically, this dissertation, with its body consisting of three chapters, will adopt some theories concerning individual psychology proposed by the renowned Austrian

37、psychiatrist and psychologist, Alfred Adler and of the absence and loneliness experience in combination of some other theories about social and literary psychology to explore tentatively the interactive relationship between his psyche and his literary creation in hope to fill In the blank in the fie

38、ld of studying Henry James. William L. Hedges: “Toward a National Literature“ in Emory ElUott, ed., Columbia Literary History of the United States: New YoA: Columbia University Press, 1988, pl9L Christof Wegclin: The Image of Europe in Henry Jamest Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1958, p3, Toming: A History of American Uteraturey Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2002, pi 56.


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