2022初中教案北师大版初二(上)英语第7讲:unit 4 词汇篇(原卷版).docx

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1、Unit 4 词汇篇_1. 理解并灵活运用重点单词、词组2. 理解、掌握并灵活运用重点句型1. health n. 健康 healthy adj. 健康的 health n. in good/poor health 身体好/不好,例如: This old man is in good/poor health. 这个老人身体好/身体不好。 healthy adj. 相当于fit,look healthy 看上去健康的,例如: These children look healthy. 这些孩子们看上去很健康。 healthy 有益于健康的,例如: That book is not a health

2、y reading for a child. 对于一个孩子来说,这本书不是健康读物。2. cold n. 冷;感冒adj. 寒冷的 have/catch a cold 患感冒,这里have是“患/得病”,不能用进行时态。例如:She had a bad cold. 她感冒很严重。 类似短语:have a stomachache 胃痛/肚子痛 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 have a headache 头痛 have a backache 背痛3. advice n. 建议 advice 不可数名词。a piece of /some advice 一条建议/一些建议,例如: M

3、y mother gave me some advice on my study. 关于我的学习,妈妈给了我一些建议。 【知识拓展】 advise v. 建议 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 suggestion n. 建议,可数名词。suggest v. 建议 suggest doing sth. 建议做某事4. harmful adj. 有害的 be harmful to 对有害。例如: Fruit juice can be harmful to childrens teeth. 果汁可能会损坏儿童的牙齿。 harm n. 伤害,损害,do harm to 对有

4、害,例如: Smoking does harm to your health. 吸烟有害你的健康。5. hold v. 拿着;举办,举行,例如: The sports meeting will be held next week. 运动会将于下周举行。 hold on 坚持下去;(电话)别挂断,例如: He said he would hold on the truth with his blood and life. 他说他会为坚持真理而奉献自己的鲜血和生命。 Hold on, please. I will call my mum. 请稍等,我去叫妈妈过来(接电话)。6. waste n.废

5、物,浪费 v. 浪费 adj. 废弃的,无用的 waste为不可数名词,但可以与a连用用在词组“a waste of”意为“浪费”。例如: It is a waste of time to do that job. 做那个工作就是浪费时间。 waste 做不及物动词,意为“浪费”。例如: Dont waste such a golden opportunity. 不要浪费这样一个千载难逢的机会。 waste做形容词,意为“废弃的,无用的”。例如: Waste water from that factories should be treated before flowing into rive

6、rs. 工厂里的废水在流入河流之前应该经过处理。7. enough adj. 足够的 adv. 足够地,充分地 enough做形容词,修饰名词位置放于其前后均可,例如: We have enough time to do this job. 我们有足够的时间做这个工作。 enough 做副词,修饰形容词或副词时要后置,例如: He is old enough to go to school. 他足够大去上学了。8. whole adj. 全部的,整个的 whole 只可修饰单数可数名词,用于冠词或其他限定词后。例如: It took her a whole day to finish her

7、homework. 她花了整整一天才写完作业。 all可修饰可数名词和不可数名词,用于冠词或其他限定词前。例如: She spent all her money travelling. 她花光了所有的钱去旅行。9. stop v. 停止 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来正在做的事去做另一件事。例如: The two girls stopped talking when they saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了说话。 He watched TV for one. At 8 he stopped to do his homework.

8、他看了一个小时电视,八点钟的时候他停下来(看电视)去做作业。10. keep v. 保持 keep为及物动词,后可接形容词、介词短语、现在分词充当宾语补足语。 keep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事,例如: He kept me waiting for one hour. 他让我等了一个小时。 常用短语: keep doing sth. 继续做某事,强调同一动作的持续性。 keep on doing sth. 继续做某事,强调动作的反复性。11. however与but 辨析 两者都可表示语义上的转折,但用法上有区别: 首先,but 是连词,however是副词。but表示非

9、常明显的对比,转折的意味比however强; 其次,but 位于它所引出的分句之后,并且之后不用逗号,而however位置比较灵活,可以位于分句之中的任何位置,且通常用逗号隔开。12. every day与everyday辨析 every day为副词短语,意为“每天”,表示频率;everyday为形容词,意为“每天的,日常的”,后接被修饰的名词。例如: Some parents collect their children from school every day. 有些家长每天去学校接孩子。 Lets begin with everyday English. 让我们从日常英语开始学起。1

10、3. through, across与cross辨析 through介词,“通过,穿过”,表示动作在某一物体内部空间进行,例如:go through the forest穿过森林;across介词,“横过,穿过”,表示动作在物体表面进行,从一端到另一端,例如:go across the bridge 过桥;cross 动词,“穿过,越过”,相当于go across。14. too much, too many, much too too much的中心词为much,修饰不可数名词,意为“太多”; too many 的中心词为many,修饰可数名词复数,意为“太多”; much too中心词为t

11、oo,修饰形容词或副词,意为“太”。 注意:too much还可作名词性短语,用作宾语;也可作副词性短语,在句中做状语,修饰动词,例如:You have given me too much. 你给我的太多了。 15. the same as 和一样 用于两个事物的比较,例如: This coffee is the same as we had at Mrs. Dawsons. 这个咖啡和我们在Dawson夫人家喝的一样。【反义短语】be different from 和不同 16. Whats the matter? 怎么了? What s the matter with sb. 某人怎么了?

12、用来询问对方情况或询问病人病情。句中的matter意为“问题,事情”,前面必须加定冠词the。 同义句:Whats the trouble? Whats wrong with sb.? 17. Take it once a day in the morning. 每天早上吃一次。 once 副词,“一次”。在英语中表达两次用“twice”;三次及以上次数用“数词+times”。例如: She exercise three times a week. 她每周锻炼三次。 【知识拓展】对once, twice这类表示频率的副词常用how often提问。其他关于how的短语: how long 多久

13、how much 多少钱how many 多少how soon 多久之后how far 多远 1. -_do you visit your grandparents? -Once a month. A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often 2. -I have_today, so I cant go to school. -Im _to hear that. A. cold; sorry B. cool; happy C. a cold; sorry D. a cool; sorry 3. As we all know, its not

14、polite to keep others _for a long time. A. wait B. waited C. to wait D. waiting 4. The meat is_expensive and eating_ meat is bad for your health.A. too much; too much B. much too; much too C. too much; much too D. much too; too much 5. My good friends always gives me_ when I am in a bad mood. A. som

15、e advices B. some advice C. an advice D. many advice6. Drinking too much does_to your health. A. harm B. harmful C. good D. well 7. Look left and right before you_the road. A. across B. cross C. through D. though 8. -What do you think of “Eat-up(光盘行动)”? -I think its really necessary. It is reported

16、that the food that Chinese people_every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. A. eat B. have C. make D. waste9. The child is crying. Please do something to make him_. A. stop to cry B. to stop to cry C. stop crying D. to stop crying10. -What do you think of the film Rush Hour? -_, bu

17、t someone thinks its_. A. Good enough; bored B. Enough good; boring C. Good enough; boring D. Enough good; bored基础演练一、短语互译1. 许多_ 2. 洗淋浴_ 3. 一周三次_4. 照顾_ 5. 健康习惯_ 6. 垃圾食品_7. 擅长_ 8. 做调查_ 9. 几个坏习惯_10. brush your teeth_11. take lots of photos_12. have a toothache_二、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词或词组1. Fresh air and exerci

18、se are good for the _ (健康).2. My_(发烧) is gone, but I still have a cough.3. Heres some medicine for you. Take it o_ a day in the morning.4. Tom had a h_ and a runny nose yesterday. He had to stay at home.5. He coughed, and his_(体温)was a little up.6. Sometimes, the_(病人) cried for the pain.7. I cant fi

19、nd my pen. I w_ who took it away.8. The young should c_the old on the bus.9.Even d_activities like walking and climbing stairs can keep our bones healthy and s_.10. I walk to school every day, but I should do m_.巩固提高一、根据中文提示完成句子(每空一词)1. 多喝水,多休息。 Get_ _ rest and drink_ _ _water.2. 洗手对你是有好处的,因为那可以帮助你保

20、持健康。 Its good to _ _ _because it helps you _ _.3. 大声的音乐是不好的,因为它对你的耳朵有害。 Loud music isnt good because it _ _ _ your ears.4. 我们今天在学校做了个调查。 We _ _ _at school today.5. 我需要少吃垃圾食品,多做运动。 I need to eat_ junk food and_ _.二、句型转换,每空一词1. I write to my friends once a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you write to your friend

21、s?2. Im good at English. (同义句转换)I _ _ _ English.3. Although she is fat, she is not strong at all. (同义句转换)She is fat, _she is not strong at all.4. Her new pen is the same as mine. (同义句转换)Her new pen is _ _mine.5. With time went on, the whole forest was almost destroyed. (同义句转换)With time went on, _ _

22、forest was almost destroyed.一、单项选择1. -Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green? -Yes, Im afraid we_. Thats the traffic rule. A. can B. may C. have to D. need2. -_ do you go to the cinema? -I usually go to the movies_ a month. A. How often; twice B. How many times; twice C. When; two times D.

23、How often; twice times3. Id like to go with you, _, Im really busy. A. and B. but C. though D. however4. Mary likes sports very much and she plays sports_. A. everyday B. an every day C. every day D. every days5.The light goes_the window and makes the room bright. A. across B. through C. over D. in6

24、. - Why are so tired these days? -I have_homework to do. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too7. _trees are going to be planted around the park near our school. A. A lot B. Plenty of C. Lot of D. Much8.- _? -I have a sore back. A. Whats wrong with you B. Whats the matter with you C. Whats

25、the trouble with you D. A, B, and C9. The food safety is a serious_ in our country. We should try to solve it. A. subject B. program C. problem D. opinion10. Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. _, some would like to go to the moon some day. A. After all B. In fact C. For example D. At first 二、完形填空Co

26、ffee has been a part of peoples lives for 1 years, and it is still a favorite drink in the world. Here is a story of coffee and 2 it was discovered.The story 3 us coffee was discovered in Africa long 4 . One day a farmer 5 his goats, and he saw them 6 berries(种子) from a plant. The goats became 7 aft

27、er they ate the berries. The man often felt tired, 8 he decided to try the berries, too. 9 , he didnt feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus discovered. The coffee was taken from Africa to 10 countries in Europe and America. After that the farmers started to grow the plants there, especially i

28、n South America. 1. A. thousand of B. thousand C. thousands ofD. a thousand of2. A. how B. why C. what D. who3. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells4. A. time ago B. times ago C. time before D. time later5. A. watch B. watches C. was watching D. is watching6. A. eat B. eats C. ate D. has eaten7. A. v

29、ery tired B. very active C. badly ill D. fall asleep8. A. but B. or C. because D. so9. A. For his great surprise B. With great surprise C. To his great surprise D. On his great surprise10. A. another B. other C. others D. the other_一、单项选择1. We stopped _ and_because we were tired and thirsty. A. work

30、ing; to drinkB. to work; drinking C. to work; to drink D. working; drinking 2. - Whats wrong with you? -I have a _.The doctor asked me not to eat anything today because I ate too much yesterday . A. toothache B. headache C. sore back D. stomachache 3. We_learn from our mistakes so that we wont repea

31、t them. A. should B. may C. could D. can4. -I felt very_when I was having classes in the morning. - Did you stay up late last night?A. relaxed B. sleepy C. nervous D. sick 5. -Noise is _to humans health. -Yes, we shouldnt talk loudly in public. A. harmful B. harm C. harmless D. harmfully6.-_haveyoub

32、eenwriting? -Ivebeenwritingfor3hours.A. Howsoon B. Howmany C. Howmuch D. Howlong7.Whentheboyheardthe_words,hebecame_andlefttheroom.A. annoying;annoying B. annoying;annoyedC. annoyed;annoyed D. annoyed;annoying8.When_theaccident_?A. was;happened B. had;happened C. did;happen D. was;happening9.Tonyis_

33、andalwaystalkstoothers_.A. polite;polite B. politely;polite C. politely;politely D. polite;politely10.Ifit_,wellgotothezoo.A. rainy B. doesntrain C. doesntrains D. isntrain (附:6-10,北京四中八年级上期中英语测试题)二、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空11.You know even _(little) about it than I do.12. I _ (usual) go to school by bike.13.

34、I take a shower _(two) a day in summer.14. I need_(go) home now. Its too late.15. My mum and dad are good_(cook).三、根据汉语提示完成英语句子16. 你要确保吃大量的水果和蔬菜。You _ _ to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.17. 他起得早所以赶上了早班车。He got up early _ he caught the early bus.18. 拥有健康的身体很重要。Its important_ _ a healthy body.19. 血

35、液在我们体内运输营养。Blood _nutrients _our bodies.20. 睡觉之前不要吃东西以便你能睡得更好。Dont eat before you_ _ _ _ you can_ _.四、完形填空One cold winter morning, an old woman had to see her 21 . when he came, she 22 him that her right leg hurt. And that sometimes she could not 23 . She asked him what was 24 as she had 25 had such

36、 feelings before.The doctor looked her over carefully, then he said, “You are in good 26 for a woman of your age. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age catching up with you. We get all kinds of illness(疾病) 27 we get older. The trouble will almost certainly 28 in spring.”“

37、I dont think so, doctor!” she said. “My left leg is 29 and it is 30 age as my right.”21.A. doctor B. teacher C. daughter D. son 22.A. asked B. said C. told D. speak 23.A. see B. sit C. go D. walk24.A. trouble B. wrong C. matter D. problem 25.A. before B. never C. ago D. ever 26.A. time B. lucky C. healthy D. health27.A. when B. during C. before D. until28.A. start B. begin C. end D. come 29.A. good B. nice C. kind D. beautiful30.A. the same B. as C. so D. the different 五、阅读理解AIf you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teen


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